How fast can you type??

How many words can you type in a minute. My best is 101, not that impressive. I am pretty sure that some geek from here can beat that.
Thats fucking fast, mine was 66 :P
102, but fucked up a bit in the end so could get a bit more
Nice, do you use 10 fingers?
80, but i never use ąśćł etc. and in that test i had to :C
54 in my bed ..
first try

Words per minute (WPM) 104
Keystrokes 544
Correct words 96
Wrong words 3
You are better than 97.81% of all users (position 891 of 40642 - last 24 hours)
I've done this couple of times but getting keep low scores. I think if you play this too much your performance will drop:P 10 fingers?
ye 10 fingers

true first time is best, then it goes lower, if you keep going for 10 minutes you go up again and will be amazed
I should learn that 10finger system. Think it is pretty late now because I am so used to use only 7 fingers.
you'll learn it in a week, and be typing like a machine in a month
I use 4, just how she likes it!

Woorden per minuut (WPM) 112
Aanslagen 586
Correcte woorden 95
Onjuiste woorden 2
You are better than 91.26% of all users (position 45 of 515 - last 24 hours)
Words per minute (WPM) 108
Keystrokes 561
Correct words 102
Wrong words 3

You are better than 98.36% of all users (position 668 of 40676 - last 24 hours)

Fuck ' , we have ´ this one
you can always switch languages!
idd, but y/z and punctuation will be different.
Yes, but I was nat talking about keyboard settings, I was talking about the game. You can switch to slovak, czech, german or whatever language you like. In my case i was about 10 WPS faster in czech than in english.
First try:
Words per minute (WPM): 100
Keystrokes: 559
Correct words: 89
Wrong words: 7

At second try: 107
Words per minute (WPM) 208
Keystrokes 1088
Correct words 192
Wrong words 6
You are better than 100% of all users (position 1 of 40642 - last 24 hours)
t'es un champion champion
you forgot to edit the amount of players, bro
Dunno why it displayed this :sss I guess it's refreshed every min or something
Words per minute (WPM) 4
Keystrokes 137
Correct words 11
Wrong words 18
You are better than 0% of all users (position 40750 of 40750 - last 24 hours)
Nice to meet you.
jmétais trompé de destinataire :s
stop it now
First try: Words per minute (WPM) 114
Keystrokes 568
Correct words 106
Wrong words 0
You are better than 98.89% of all users (position 450 of 40690 - last 24 hours)

could do better tho.
If its in english it is so izi, words are so short, if you compare to french for example, or spanish, and no accents
That is true. That is why link directs you to english so everyone could have a fair chance.
take 2:

Words per minute (WPM) 117
Keystrokes 595
Correct words 114
Wrong words 2
You are better than 99.15% of all users (position 346 of 40775 - last 24 hours)
Words per minute (WPM) 0
Keystrokes 577
Correct words 0
Wrong words 218
You are better than 0% of all users (position 40831 of 40831 - last 24 hours)
image: 1_wpm_score_DC
Visit the Typing Test and try!

second try: 113 right
image: 1_wpm_score_CM

*E* writing with 2 fingers !

i dont know how to write with 10 fingers :*D
Two and 90wpm? You must look like a retard with that pace poking the keyboard :D
haha i dont even wanna know how it looks like , but iam pretty fast with 2 fingers cant imagine it would go much faster :*D
around 90.
120wpm - typing with 6 fingers
Why would you do that?
6 finger typing wtf? :D
Dunno, I never learned typing with 10 fingers :D I use everything except the pinky for typing on left, and on the right I don't really use my middle finger so maybe it's more like 8 fingers if I'm trying to type full sentences (like I am doing now)!
lmao that's so strange :D
Had 118? last October when I still typed on QWERTY, nowadays I use Dvorak and am at 111. Almost there.
1st time 90 WPM and 90 words correct

2nd time:

Words per minute (WPM) 107
Keystrokes 537
Correct words 107
Wrong words 0
You are better than 98.22% of all users (position 728 of 40967 - last 24 hours)
Words per minute (WPM) 106
Keystrokes 530
Correct words 106
Wrong words 0
You are better than 98.06% of all users (position 796 of 40999 - last 24 hours)

Words per minute (WPM) 120
Keystrokes 599
Correct words 118
Wrong words 0
You are better than 99.32% of all users (position 281 of 41024 - last 24 hours)

Words per minute (WPM) 123
Keystrokes 615
Correct words 115
Wrong words 0
You are better than 99.46% of all users (position 221 of 41009 - last 24 hours)

Tryhard much
Words per minute (WPM) 89
Keystrokes 460
Correct words 88
Wrong words 2
You are better than 94.03% of all users (position 2451 of 41048 - last 24 hours)

can get to ~110 words in german though :-( damn apostrophs n shit :s :s :s
we had a class on our school, blind typing, as a freshman i broke the school record : )
105 words per minute, 1 mistake making me better than 97.9% of all users.

It wasn't the typing holding me back more the awkward words / sentence structure! Obviously quicker when using words in a form we're used to.
58 hooray!
The Waki test.

image: forheadhahah
cant get over 95, damn some of you are fast
55 and was actually surprised i could type without watching keyboard :P
image: 1_wpm_score_CI
Visit the Typing Test and try!

omg I suck at this haha :D
I suck...
94 I dont have that upper comma button to write "dont" correctly
230 with more than 75 per cent wrong :x
image: 1_wpm_score_CE

It's cool, im faster in typing dutch words i think (:
I loose my nerves at this game....
3 times tried, 3 times 99 D: pff :p *edit* 0 wrong words tho!
Words per minute (WPM) 102
Keystrokes 543
Correct words 100
Wrong words 3
You are better than 97.96% of all users (position 1205 of 59017 - last 24 hours)
Words per minute (WPM) 0
Keystrokes 1196
Correct words 0
Wrong words 386
You are better than 0% of all users (position 60086 of 60086 - last 24 hours)
Words per minute (WPM) 0
Keystrokes 1335
Correct words 0
Wrong words 401
You are better than 0% of all users (position 60372 of 60372 - last 24 hours)

the faphand is strong
in polish: Words per minute (WPM) 98
Keystrokes 502
Correct words 99
Wrong words 1
You are better than 95.44%

in english:
Words per minute (WPM) 77
Keystrokes 393
Correct words 77
Wrong words 1
You are better than 91.62%
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