Sinnu/Yench Paypal?

I have just got an email from paypal telling me that the money I have sent them to sponsor them for the lan was never accepted and because of that I got my money back...

Guten Tag, !
Am 28. Mai 2012 haben Sie eine Zahlung an Vaiko **** über 6.50 CHF vorgenommen.
Das Geld wurde zurück auf Ihr Konto überwiesen.
Die Zahlung wurde aus folgenden Gründen zurücküberwiesen:
Vaiko ***** hat festgelegt, dass Zahlungen dieser Art manuell akzeptiert oder abgelehnt werden müssen. (He discovered that this type of transactions have to be accepted manually)
Wenden Sie sich an Vaiko **** ([email protected]), um eine alternative Zahlungsmethode zu vereinbaren.

I am the only one?

I have lost 7 cents because of you, thank you very much Yench and Sinnu...
wasnt it Nights account?
Well, Night has nothing to do with this money, that we didnt get. 200 of the money donated, 120 was ON PAYPAL. Which Nait gave to us. Other 50 + 30, the guys said they would give on the spot. Only 15 from this 80, we got, and that was Herbal, who gave it/promised to give.
So stop making these stupid posts about Night taking the money and shit.
The community should honour Night for doing this generous thing, not flame him. He was the guy who proposed the idea and gathered the money, together with artstar and owzo.
Think you mis interpretated what I was saying. I thought night put his PayPal on the post and was going to give you the cash. Implying night might not of accepted the funds. I have not seen a single post regarding night taking the money nor do I care. I was simply giving this guy info I was aware of.
::D everyone mad cuz of my post. I just did it, cuz some of these dweebs don't understand what night even did for us.
Well if anything Night is out of pocket himself for not accepting this donation right?
we could create a newspost and ask the community to give u back your 7 cents
Omg noone got this sentence, I wrote it for the lols....
QuoteI have lost 7 cents because of you, thank you very much Yench and Sinnu...

I´ll create a support donations for you

image: pp,375x360
Omg noone got this sentence, I wrote it for the lols....
One does not simply understand sarcasm.
I am handsome, intelligent, skilled,.... You pretend too much from me :D
we havent got that half of 200 either :D
Night covering his poker-losses x)
Really? Night fucking scamming people.
Well, Night has nothing to do with this money, that we didnt get. 200 of the money donated, 120 was ON PAYPAL. Which Nait gave to us. Other 50 + 30, the guys said they would give on the spot. Only 15 from this 80, we got, and that was Herbal, who gave it/promised to give.
So stop making these stupid posts about Night taking the money and shit.
The community should honour Night for doing this generous thing, not flame him. He was the guy who proposed the idea and gathered the money, together with artstar and owzo.
It was more like sarcasm mate:D
In Germans we trust. :-D
inb4 aalborg
giving 7 cents? Wow so generous...
how much did you give?
I would rather give nothing which I did than giving 7 cents, really... Giving 7 cents is disrespectful and disdainful. Shame
Are u serious or trollin :D
Neither, I just didn't understand the whole thing :x
I gave 6,50. 7 cents were paypal cost, I got my 6,50 back because night didnt accept the money, but the 7 cents were lost ;)
Btw this sentence was just for fun, I donated 6,50, so I dont care about 7 cents...
Umm, Sadly dno anything about this. + we haven't received some of the money yet.

Therefore I'd like to apologise before FranceAn7ho` , cuz I still owe him some money for the drive to the airport. When we get the money, it will be yours !
Don't worry mate, I can still wait a bit ;)
When I have my payday, ill try to pay you asap ! Remind me ! ;)
Probably Night didnt accepted your payment. Thats why you lost it.

On the other hand...why did Yench and Sinnu didn't receive the money we donated...
Well, Night has nothing to do with this money, that we didnt get. 200 of the money donated, 120 was ON PAYPAL. Which Nait gave to us. Other 50 + 30, the guys said they would give on the spot. Only 15 from this 80, we got, and that was Herbal, who gave it/promised to give.
So stop making these stupid posts about Night taking the money and shit.
The community should honour Night for doing this generous thing, not flame him. He was the guy who proposed the idea and gathered the money, together with artstar and owzo.
Why the hell do you type in bold, does it give you more attention.

I've donated to you ungratefull person.....I've never accused night from anything did I? Read my post then fuckin tell me not to accuse people or what so ever.

So im the ungrateful one? Oh ok. I replied almost to everyone. Didn't say that you accused... get the facts straight. Can't believe, that you're so offended by this, even if you didn't accuse. Wow.
You reply something to me which has nothing to do with me at all. So why would u even bother to post something like that towards me.

I didn't accused Night in any sentence I've been writing nor did I said that he stole or didn't pay out anything.

I was asking a simple question and giving my guess on what could have happened with his money
it's not really being ungrateful, I know you didn't accuse Night or anything but Sinnu's just trying to let everyone who reads this journal know what the entire situation was so people don't look at it badly. ;)

otherwise people would've actually believe Night stole some of the money (which was just not given by some who promised). I have no idea why some payments weren't accepted via paypal, though. in any case nobody can be accused of scamming when they didn't accept donations ^^
Thing is he replied towards me and I had no clue why as I didn't accused anyone or what so ever. I was just asking what happend.

And damn, to bad that they didn't received the money.
whohohho very nice Night!! stealingk moneys like a bOSS!! :_DDD

inb4 umad??NightNoStealMoneys:SSS
prize pool not big enough???
have to take community moniez???
dead game
This must have been Night's secret masterplan all along, he's been pursuing these past 9 years, slowly but surely building up a trustworthy alibi for him in a gaming oriented board only to then deny a person's donation for him to lose 7 cents worth of money that'll most likely not only make the person in question starve for an entire month but might even just force him to live the rest off his life on the street.

You evil son of a bitch Vaiko.
the devil is inside oh him. always knew that gonna happpen one day..
Omg noone got this sentence, I wrote it for the lols....
"(He discovered that this type of transactions have to be accepted manually)"

All Night had to do was hit 'accept' or something for that specific payment or wat? Never had something like this on paypal, the 'loss on refund' is common though, and 7 cents is nothing compared to what you normally lose on it :D
I dont know what that means, I did a lot of transactions with paypal, but I have never had to accept money manually...

And btw the 7 cents sentence was for the lols, I dont care about the 7 cents...
Ye same here, never had to accept an incoming payment either, doesn't even make sense xD Couldn't it have been the currency?
Dont know, but then other people should have had the same problem, I saw someone paying in GBP
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