Are you awake

Im sat here smoking like a fire and drinking like a fish and feeling pretty drunk. Any of you morons still awake?
ye =(

going to bed anyway =))

Amatuer :p

Night Night
yes WAITING FOR LOST LOL !!1oneoneone

Joking wouldnt mind seeing it but i think im about 2 seasons behind so wouldnt have a scooby doo (clue) whats going on
<3 Whats happening with the loveparade me and bulldog need updates
hi2u ;) i dunno. since it wont happen in berlin, im not up2date :/
Shame its not their in berlin it wont feel like the same. But im sure regardless of where it is it will be another good party and il be there dancing too some wicked tunes hehe :p
tell me, when u come to germany.
Next time i come too germany is either for another world cup or another love parade. I cant see myself coming again unless one of them is happening tbh :( i <3 Spain too much
i have to agree... :)
You never know the next one could be in England and you can come see me :D
pls i just cant sleep.... :(
im going to sleep!
gute nacht
good night jesus..
hateparade > loveparade
better clubs, better dj's, less technoz0id idiots blowing whistles.
well, as the tresor is closed by now, maybe i'm wrong :>
ye ive been trying to make a ps2 disc for 3 hours now... my dvd recorder has turned me into a martyr =(
ye ye ye...doin some report for skewl....
i'm bored
Im awake, laying in my bed with my Ubuntu laptop over me, while typing on crossfire.
And Im not going to school tomorrow since Im sick..

So im bored :<
I'm just about too go too bed, but now that I noticed your nice journal, I thought I ought too reply too it! Goodnight too you.
i love you too
Was a joke but i'll not argue
whos awake :o
Well as i cant really see much of what im typing and i got no beers left its time too say "goodnight".

Took me 3 or 4 mins too type this and correcting my typo think i might of had 1 too many drinks hehe
you no lifer, drinkin' alone on xfire and bragging your drunk rofl! oh how everyone envy's you!
Yup absolutley spot on :)
4:03 here
03.04 here xD
2:05:31 here :\
i finished the school now i have to much time :(
3:11 :P

F0ck yeah!
I cant sleep
dont you have to go to school or something?
I'm up, and I'm bored, need to watch / do something :(
Going to bed. Finaly ;)
bubub i have work at 6 :<
was playing public but it's too boring i go ZzzZzZzZzZ now :/(

goodnight little boy :d
nice not replying in 20 seconds !
i guess you're a sadBanana right now :(/
journal imo
try to remember those lovely dancing cats you have
i should read more
don't make such journals and you won't be xD
never ever played any other online game than Enemy Teritorry
you got the point there
don't play quake and you won't be xD
both and probably others reading this too
coz u're slow refresher
still waiting
maybe not know but they will for sure
i'm lost
go work or something dunno

(just don't be a criminal :D)
all buttons are binded sry, there is no place even for selfkill :<
then you still have to work with that slow comp :d
shoes on feets

No can do!
or maybe we need to "Spam Before Sleep" somewhere else
making shit is fine too
anyway it stays inside you! :s(
maybe you overrated your way of pooing
yes, grenade launcher maybe

have you ever seen Chuck Norris shitting?

(olol my reply skillz)
something is telling me you're not telling truth young boy
link to the game
Just came home from work uncool ! :<
Ubuntu 7.04
not when it comes to parades :P
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