
just fucking owns with rifle.

(not saying i would be better)
avi or won´t believe it
butchji lowest dmg and stats, n1

tbh watching that game, i only see like 3-4 good aimers, what a joke, just goes to show you it's not about the skill, just about who you know!

no offense to adacore, but he's the worst player i've seen in a while playing @ this level :p but then again TLR have Clown so I guess it evens up.
agree with the adacore part
What a sad little boy you are :)-
Its about teamwork , if they win without having to aim that good, who cares about super aimers?
this match got the best 3 aimers (maybe just hyped) our szene have so its definatly worthy to watch
i agree. fortunately megahighskilled people like you have noticed the conspiracy to let only lowskillers to play at the important tournaments like this.
Don't wanna sound arrogant but I'm better than the majority of players playing in this game, and alot of other people are too, and I don't just mean aim-wise.
kamz is EC skilled you forgot?
Shit I forgot, what should I do?!
remember it till the end of your life
Now your just plain FULL OF SHIT.
plz ins, even you, you reckon players like Clown, Adacore, etc are better than you? ;|
12/30 on a public server = better than the majority of players playing in this game?

typical nub comment haha
You're shit.
Here's a prime example for you all.

This player right here, sol.

Dignitas/team uk, plays at uk trials and gets raped by uk medskillers? 2-20 stats on radar, etc.

Now I can kinda understand with you a little bit but some of the other players, it's just ridiculous. Few names like asd, blaze, Clown, humm3L come to mind.
Not that you didnt get raped in 3on3 the other night and made the drama when i owned you when you were hiding behind corner! :(

I really, really wish you would once join a highskilled team, and understand how everyone has to play in it. And im serious.
3o3 are so imPoRtanT looooooooooooooooool
exactly haha, this dude doesn't even understand the game properly
Sigh, 3on3 is strongly dependant on aim and I never said I was the best aimer out there, ofc I'm better than you lol but i'm not going to go out on the limp and say i'm an amazing aimer, but when u play 6on6, it's completely different, see I would have thought you would have known that playing in EC finals n stuff, but it just goes to show u eh. There are many players who are not the best of aimers but do well in 6on6 games because of their gamesense and ability to shoot the enemy first, and this is what i'm referring to, because you for example, are not just a bad aimer but your awareness is poor too.
QuoteSigh, 3on3 is strongly dependant on aim for example, are not just a bad aimer but your awareness is poor too

Huh? How come it's so easy for me to rape you in 3on3's then? Im a bad aimer and 3on3 is aim dependent!
3on3's mean nothing, simple as.

Many players who are awesome players in 6on6's are not as good in 3on3's.
Too bad for you, you arent good anywhere :/ Im atleast decent in 3on3's! \:D/
Yup, that sure helped u tonight getting every single amount of that 1k damage on radar!
Well, we won didn't we? :( Anyway, don't cry that im in a good clan and you aren't, life is not fair. Deal with it.
Not crying, just stating the truth :D But it seems like u agree with my point that ur not the best of players but playing in a good team by that comment :)

Ye u won, but wud u have won if u didn't have mAus ?! don't think so
6on6 is more complex than you think. One of many examples: If you do it aggressive in defense on your enemies, using your aim, u can do frags/damage, but on the other hand, you are risking to lose your position, to place surrounding teammates in uncomfortable position or just to completely lose whole stage, just by your actions. Though you might do it successfully few times and having nice stat/damage, but being close to lose whole game. Besides that, frags/damage depends on everything and is very randomized, though sometimes team have a player with a role to do the fragging stuff, and he can do it succesfully in some cases. There is no formula about calculating skill of a guy by frags, since frags isnt the value which shows skill, it's just the statistics, which shows almost nothing, ofc you can partly judge the way player plays, but u cant judge the skill by frags.
I understand that, but if players like Clown and Adacore know they cannot challenge players like butchji, AzA, maus aimwise then u got to do everything possible to get the first shot in on them, but from speccing them, they do everything wrong :\
i think they have other roles, afaik adacore/clown are not "rambo"-medics, who just run to be the first "hitter", that's all about roles and responsibility, they dont risk, they do it right and they win. You win in this game when you complete objective, not than you have the most frags. Besides it's not rare than winning team is having less frags. It's often seen in top-team wars.
Talking more about roles, as I assume mostly AzA is having a fragmachine role, since he has nice aim, but for i.e. Clown may have a role to place mines on sd2, and to check few spots and. It seems Clown has bigger responsibility and ofc nobody would surprise that in this situation AzA will have better killratio by doing his fragging stuff than Clown with his mining & nading etc. stuff. That isn't the most accurate example, but my point should be understandable.
Ye but getting shot down and not being able to do the objective, then what?

Good aimers won't let people like Clown just run in and complete the objective only unless there are other players helping him.
it's 6on6 game tbh, and that actually is the point about helping each other in any situation, and lonely aimers like AzA will have a hard job, unless they help each other too.

To write it in a primitive way: if there would be special points for each "help", then the guy with the most points would have been the most skilled one.
Haha, typical of you. You're so fucking pathetic, is that seriously the best that you can come up with?

Here are the stats from that evening:

Oh look, I got shitty stats on one SW round, that must mean that I'm shit... not. Have a look at your own.

What next? You dig up some stats of a mix you played against me when I was playing Covert Ops all round?

Do you genuinely think that you're good? You've been playing RtCW since it came out and never even played EuroCup, not to mention been in a good clan. You play all the time and you're still terrible, that must be embarassing.

Perhaps you should follow Clown's advice and actually try to get into a good clan, I think you'll soon realise that it's not all stats and damage ratios like you seem to think. You're not good because you have good stats in a mix, sorry to disappoint you. Don't you get so frustrated you just want to uninstall for good?
Lol hit the spot there did I? :D

I remember seeing radar only and couldn't stop laughing.

You don't need to tell me ET is not about stats and damage, but come on 2-20? :P

Saying that I've never played in EC is exactly the point in this argument I brought up that rattled everyones cage, skill means nothing in this game, it's just about your name and how well connected you are, which is why people like you are playing in clans like Dignitas :D
sol - 3rd at shgopen, 3rd at cpc, 4th at ec
You guys are just trying to prove me right here? :x
can be 1th 1th 1th but hYpe is better player
So, you insult my stats from one SW round, then admit that stats aren't important, then insult them again? Makes sense. Are you trying to divert attention away from the fact that I got about 10,000 more damage than you did, even though we played around the same number of maps? I think that's a little more embarassing than getting shitty stats on one SW round of radar.

You have never played in a good clan, despite ~5 years of playing Wolfenstein games, that is absolutely pitiful. Back at the start of ET you were playing in low skill clans like VD, Clown was playing in MSk, are you jealous that he has worked his way up to where he is? Are you bitter because you're still shit? I know it can't be easy seeing people constantly overtaking you, maybe you should just throw the towel in.

You think you're good because you're such a try-hard in mixes while other people are taking the piss, that's amusing, yet sad.
You played radar, I didn't, was busy laughing in spec at you getting killed by bdy, slash, etc top players. Infact I think you played braundorf too? Hence why not only your damage given but received is twice as mine.
Is that the crux of your argument? Me having poor stats in one SW round? Very solid point you have there. You claim that you're better than most people playing this game, I'm curious as to what you base that on.

To clarify, your point is that bad players can play in good clans because they're friends, yet real good players like yourself can't play in good clans because you have... no friends?
lol can't believe u define knowing players in the community as "friends" :DD

ye I don't have alot of friends in teh et community but it's clear why that is, because I don't bumlick people, I don't care who u r, if I think something about you, i'm gonna say it and people don't like that .. but still noone has proved me wrong and my point still stands, that your name and knowing certain players overcomes your actual skill level.

"You claim that you're better than most people playing this game, I'm curious as to what you base that on."

From knowing my own ability and see these other players playing ..? I don't expect anyone to agree with me, as I'm the only player who sees myself play everyday.
Quoteye I don't have alot of friends in teh et community but it's clear why that is, because I don't bumlick people

beeing a retard has nothing to do with it.
Lesson 1: Know when to ignore someone :). I don't know him but he looks like a retard. They drag you down to their level and then win so don't bother!
they win because of more xp on their level :D
u will never reach even med+ level in all senses, unless you stop whine/flame at your opponents when you lose random 3on3 (for i.e.). And u r surprised why everyone hates you? Just change your attitude to others, and they will change theirs.
Not surprised why everyone hates me at all, I tell people things they don't want to hear even though most of the things I say are true :>D
Yeah, good thing you've actually got the balls to show up at LANs and say it to people's faces. :D

Oh wait, sorry, for a second there I thought you were someone who actually leaves their house. 2busy praccing ET I guess.
ow Sol, what can we do with you :-(

You've got to hear yourself when u say things sometimes.

Let me rephrase what u just posted.

"omg if ur so tough why don't u go to a lan (cool place for cool people) and say it to his face!"

haha just read the end bit, u think going to a lan making u cool and social?! ROFLL
thx man, very nice of u to spend time making screenies about me, will add this in my fragmovie!
You know it yourself so theres not much of a point telling it to you but why bother to write things like this just to show how cool you are typing down other players?

The facts we both know are as follows - those are two of the best clans playing et, theres no point in saying that that or that guy sucks, they will still beat every other team there is.

Besides, whats wrong with playing with people you know? I think you take gaming to seriously if you look at clans as some sort of organization you can demand to join as long as you're good enough. Clans are groups of players that play together for a goal. You got no god damn right to join one of them no matter how good of an aimer you are hype.

If they all are as bad as you say you yet again know that you can create your own team and kick their butts but no matter how much you try to fail over and over again. Every fucking week we see you in a new "Other news"-post with fishy players that no one have ever seen before.

But yet again, you already know all of this. Dont think I care about the discussion at all. I just had to tell you what you already know since you forget it so often. :)

*But you get the fame and response you wanted in the first place so I guess you won again. However I still fail to understand why you spend your ego and intelligence on telling people year after year that you are better than the players of the best clans in some game no one have ever heard about.
Not trying to do anything, it's the truth.

If you're telling me people like Adacore, Clown, doktor, Winghaven, etc are some of the best players in ET then just R O F L

Sure they are the two best clans in ET, but don't u think TLR would be that little bit better if they had a better player than Clown for example, and same for evolve? :l
I know it's not all about aim, but when u have a player getting 2k damage less than everyone else, I think it's a weak link.

And the list goes on, there's a whole bunch of players playing in EC, etc who are only there not because of their skill but their name and who they know.
I didnt comment your thoughts on the individual players skill. I said that the clans were the best in et and since the clans choose their players its irrelevant to say that there are more unknown players that would do better. Clans are as I sad not something you can demand to join just because you're better than some of the players.

Thats why I also kept saying that you already knew this, since you do - all you want to do is to get some people to hate you. But I guess the world needs that aswell.
Think you failed to see the point here.

My point still stands that why should players not even good at this game be allowed to play in these top games ..? Do you agree that it's who you know and not really about your skill..?
be so

*besides I was more trying to create a new point!
this could be true if you were talking 3on3 or 1on1
3on3 is completely different, I can name hundreds of players good in 3on3's but crap in 6on6's and vice versa, and the ones vice versa are the ones I am referring to here.
you havn't realy got the point of ET 6on6 then, it's a team game to 70% and all kinds of chemistry must fit good to make a good 6on6 team. Even if they had a more induvidialy skilled player by your standards they might not play better.
ok so you're telling me if Clown was replaced by mystic or anyone else better than him aimwise (50% of community), they would perform worse? because Clown has "chemistry" with the team, which I failed to see but w/e
if mystic would be on Clown's place this team would have failed, believe me. In this case it's about teamfeeling or feeling of balance in the team, you choose.
play yourself and your team from bottom to top atleast once and you can go on flaming others. :-)
Read the comment properly
name one who could replace Clown in TLR
I hate euroballs so not possible!
If you're telling me people like Adacore, Clown, doktor, Winghaven, etc are some of the best players in ET then just R O F L

Winghaven and d0kter are two of the best players who have played this game. Winghaven at the moment is possibly the most influential player bar Night when he plays well. Stop being so fucking bitter about this, maybe you should have spent a little less time playing on bio at 5am in the morning and tried to make friends with some of these players. You never know you might have even gotten into a EC clan then.
haha shut the fuck up.
d0kter - u96d / team poison / TLR
Winghaven - gods / Azure / TLR

Hype - ...
doktor also played in dignitas and logitech

winghaven warning!
More damning evidence to show how stupid Hype is!
Past clans mean nothing, get it thru ur stupid head.

Let me ask you this, if I pracced really hard (hypothetically) and became a really good player getting crazy headshots, do you think a good clan would take me on? And i'm just using myself as an example here.
no, cuz thats what u have done and u still are shit noob playing on some random divison @ oc.
ah I forgot you! you are definetly in this list :p Infact you're prolly #1 and i'm not saying this because I hate you, completely unbiased, but ur an awful player and I'm shocked that you've been in good clans, and I know alot of people that agree.
agree, even though the aspect I bring to the game can be only measured by those who I've actually played with in a serious clan.
Spose. Doesn't change that fact that you're a bad player.
stop editing. you dont know what im cabable of as you only measure aim, thus i consider you as a all-aim-no-brain player with not even such a good aim. you think you know something about the game, yet you dont. all the comments you've posted on this journal just proves how little you know about players and the level they play at.
What did I edit?

I'm not just saying ur aim. Clearly it's probably ur weakest characteristic but there's alot more... I find it funny someone like you is telling me I don't know about the game just because you've played in EC :D
its not the EC experience that tells me you know shit. I really cant be arsed to start arguing with you about it's since its almost the same as talking to walls. I'll just hope someone explains it to you in a way someone like you could actually understand it. (unlikely but I keep my hopes up)
w/e u say decem! if was just skill that mattered in ET, you would not be playing in EC, simple.
true, since I gathered my friends and we made #stfu? where I was leader. made it, unlike any of your tries.
WOWOWOEWOW, this is exactly my point, can't u read idiot?

I don't care what clans they've been in
Good players play in good clans. You not find it strange that even people like Lakaii, Nills, even Sexyhot (people who you've played with) have managed to play EC/NC yet your the only one who hasn't? Big conspiracy against you by the sounds of it.
And yet when we play there's not alot of difference in the skill ?

Thanks for proving my point :-p
check hypes profile for high clans!!! there are 8 of them
Just curious, what qualities do winghaven, doktor and clown lack that makes them unable to be "top-players"? About Adacore, if I understood correct is just a temporary merc for XyloS and doesn't claim to be HIGHSKILLED but just plays for his team cus they need a player.
Fair point, I just gave some examples there anyway. Players like Clown, doktor, Winghaven (although I can understand him abit) are in this list.

I've watched some games with them playing and they do so many things wrong, I think to myself why didn't he just hide there instead of running out, or why didn't he help his teammate shoot the enemy rather than staying back and waiting, this all comes in gamesense as u obviously know, and this is mainly what I'm referring to, plus the fact that they're not the best of aimers.
As you can see, noone can be perfect. But if you are behind your teammate and you dont know 100% whats happening there, it can be wise to let your mate die and survive yourself, than going in also and both die. Imo those guys can gamewise still play cleverly but always it isnt just possible to make right decision. They aren't playing there because they are exprienced or known but that they are skilled and they can manage usually do the right thing.
Quote by chmppThey aren't playing there because they are exprienced or known but that they are skilled and they can manage usually do the right thing

Strongly disagree :-(

I never said they were BAD players, I just think they're not the best of players.
I mean, its not always even needed to do the right thing in game. The most important thing is to keep the whole game under control. Enemies do mistakes aswell, you dont need to be perfect to be able to perform well. I have only played with Winghaven from your list seriously and even he does mistakes like everyone else but he has great ability to turn games to his victory and so I would rate him beeing one of the best players in ET.
Well like I said, I understand Winghaven playing for TLR more than I do with Clown.
I personally don't like Winghavens style of play very much but it's his style of play to do "stupid" stuff to surprise opponents, and he does get most damage given fairly often which might not make him the best player but should show that he has been useful.

About clown, from what I've noticed he plays a fairly decent smg-engineer, sure his aim isn't the best and he usually doesn't score well in the DG-department, but I'd put this more down to what position he plays, with winghaven in the squad there's bound to be someone who plays uber defensive and kinda covers up for others. Also from playing against him, he does play the positions I notice him at (mainly smg-engineer @ sw_gr tank defence cuz I come main aswell) well. I'm not saying he's the best, but in the world of smg-engineers I don't find many others who surpass him greatly.

doktor I honestly don't know much about in terms of playstyle and skill, but he's a good opponent in 3v3 so he can't be all that bad.

Just my 2 cents about the players, I can agree that there might be a few better players (and in the case of doktor a few more since there are a lot more medic-based players than engineers/multiclassers) in their roles but both winghaven and clown imo have a place in the team.

edit: I can remember some matches where clown was doing a lot of damage aswell, but just saying that on average he's on the lower end.
maybe, I just think there's alot better plays out there than them.
I had highest on radar. :-(
ye u sure stepped it up! almost like u were missing something on goldrush but seemed to have got it on radar:O!
Ever had a bad day? :XD
Not watching and don't care.
some rifle legend called phaz > *
He played nice idd =)
even i would be better
Yeah, I suck normally and I played especially bad today :D
At least you're honest :-]
go fuck yourself, at least
Aww someone telling the truth and don't like how it sounds? :-(
Grow a fucking backbone seriously, it's pitiful reading comments like this.
At least he's honest evan, ur shit but think ur good.
lol hype you described yourself perfectly then
tis is hype,
how we him like.

little rhyme to show every little spark of adoration
who's hype?
ok evan, don't forget our valhalla match where I was playing pistol only and won by 50 kills :(:( you thought I was hacking too! might wanna check who u call a wnb buddy:DDD
"3on3 is nothing compared to 6on6" and now you're talking about some random 1on1 win and trying to egoboost with it, seriously, are u mentally challenged or what?
This is evan, different story, 6on6 3on3 1on1 12on12 16on16, he's shit:<
Difference is, I haven't wasted like 6 years of my life to still not play in 1 EC or NC match. At my top I played OC premier with a clan who practiced maybe once or twice a week if that. Congrats on achieving the same as me with x1000 more effort!
Proud of being shit? :D Spending nights until 6am on *BiO* but acting like you don't try ?? :D:D:
You just haven't realized your shit though thats the only difference.

2081 hours I've played in 2 years, of which 90% has been on public in my spare time, I've never once stayed in or had a routine of playing 4/5 nights a week to play for a clan.

Just to put this into perspective because you're tough skinned and ignorant at times. Hentai has achieved so much more than you in the short time he has played, and I've equaled you without even trying. I mean even nevari has played a EC qualifier. Major e-credit for continuing though, you give everyone a chuckle with comments like these.
Doesn't change the fact ur shit? :d

Saying u've equalled what I've done has no value as i'm kamz and everyone knows why I'm not playing in big games, etc, I know deep down i'm a decent player, so u won't see me losing sleep because i've never played in ec + nc! whereas u r without a shadow of a doubt THE worst player i've seen in all of the 2 years i've been playing et, i have no idea where this ego has come from, maybe cos u made some news post about an ec final u think what u say is actually of any importance :DD
Which never actually happened as well. Hype all over isn't it?
lol why wud u fucking lie about that??? i completely raped u in 1v1 about 5 times, with pistol and u thought I was cheating, explain why u wud deny this?? how fucking pathetic rofl
Because I never play 1v1, just about anyone who knows me in the ET "world" knows this. The only people I played it on more than one occasion would probably be ahmed or panda.
rofl how pathetic
Prove it or stfu!
u really are a sad person eh :-[ why u think me and matz take the mick out of u and u end up crying? :\
Because matz does that to everyone =DDD
mh dunno, maybe sum41 random violating xfire ?^^
hype you are an embarrassment.

this is exactly the shit you started spouting on GN about the candidates for team-uk, when it was clear you weren't going to be picked. probably why everyone hates you there aswell =D

whatever it is in your life that causes you to be such a hateful cock, sort it out meight.
Ah, this actually backs up my entire argument.

Players like slash and w3st getting in the UK team whereas there are prolly 20 players better than them, but nope why didn't they get in?! because the captain knows and likes slash! (who was shit at trials) and w3st (who didn't even bother showing up to the trials). It's kinda the same thing for these players I'm talking about playing in EC's etc, thx for bringing this up.
the point is, you suck

you miss my point.

even if there were 20 players of better skill, you were not the captain and nor were you just a bystander who could make an objective decison about who is more or less skilled. so instead of accepting the choice of team you whine and moan and talk shit about the people who were chosen.

i think most right-minded people would have shown some grace and dignity and accepted the final roster.
I think you miss the point here, go read what's actually going on here before posting without thinking.

"even if there were 20 players of better skill"

This is exactly my point that ET is not about skill, but who you know and how known you are.

Why the fuck would I accept and be proud of a team full of medskilled players? You expect me to support that? give me a break. Just like I would stop supporting Chelsea if they sold their good players and bought players from The Championship, same thing here. I will never support that so don't expect it from me. Deal with it

Obviously ur saying this because u've not experienced it, but when ur invited personally by the captain to attend trials, and u play well, but still get turned down and see players who played absolutely shit at trials and others that didn't even bother showing up in the team, u'd maybe have this mentality of not supporting your nation.

Believe me when I tell you many other players have this same mentality of "the uk is a joke" but unlike me, they don't post it in publc :-]

I don't understand why you would not want your best players representing your nation despite what you think of them.

/me waits for kamz is bitter cos he didn't get selected response.
where did i say you should support them? or be proud of them? ...

my point was (since you obv have trouble grasping this) is the way you go about things. by flaming people to try and prove your point you just piss people off and in the process piss their friends off etc etc. any valid argument you had is then lost because most people will stand up, not for you, but for the person you are trying to put-down.
If you regard stating the truth as flaming, then you obviously haven't seen what flaming is before.

If people get pissed off by me telling the truth about people, then that's their problem.

"where did i say you should support them? or be proud of them? ..."

Accepting the final roster would be agreeing with it wouldn't it? And by agreeing, I would be supporting so ..
yeah yeah yeah...yawn

you're deluding yourself. if you think you can get anywhere in life by constantly telling the truth then you are in for a sharp shock in the real world.

"If people get pissed off by me telling the truth about people, then that's their problem."

so basically you don't give a fuck who you annoy because you're telling the truth and thats all that matters. smart.
ofc irl I wouldn't go around telling people what I think of them but then again irl I deal with people who are understanding not people who are like "omg kamz took over my channel, i will not play in team uk with him!", so remind me why I would care about the feelings of these people again?
you seriously think people havent been patient and understanding towards you? you've had to work pretty hard it seems to generate this much hate from so many different people. now you're wondering why you're not in team-uk or an EC clan?
Think it's the other way round, people never gave me the chance so two fingers at them :o-]
You know, some people have the "competitive side" in them and other people just have the "I-lik-arses side" in them. Now tell me who of the following personality is hype? Look around and then you can see who is what by playing against them, getting with them on ventrilo and looking what they post on =o]
name those 20 rofl

I saw you at trials and gave you a fair chance, I would still pick slash or west over you because I believe they are better players, not because I know them or know you. Ask anyone who played in team UK and I bet they will say Slash did a great job for us and in the game West played I think he had nearly highest damage and after the game everyone realised he was right to be picked and were very impressed.

No one on the team however wanted to play with you and therefore you had 0 chance of getting picked if no one would play with you.

I personally think you are maybe good enough to play in a team that might get EC qualifiers just as I think w3st and slash are good enough to play at that level. As soon as you get into the middle tier of EC teams and certainly the top tier you are totally outclassed. I cant think of 1 player in Impact that I would ever dream of replacing for you. Im sorry but thats the honest truth of it. Your aim is average, your game play is better than most which is what would possibly give you a chance of playing EC at the bottom tier of teams.
See, you know nothing about me at all. People that play with me will tell you I play better as the skill I play against gets higher.

And If you actually think slash played good at trials then think you need to get some glasses or something because he was shit.

Ofc it's your opinion, but imo slash and w3st are no where near EC skill, and i've seen them play long enough to see that. Infact about 5 people lol'd on vent whilst reading this comment of yours.

Telling me that your decision not to pick me was totally unbiased is plain ol' bollocks.

And saying noone on the team wanted to play with me in bollocks too, can u come out with anymore bullshit to try to justify yourself? Didn't sheep even pm you telling you to put me in? Didn't razz say I should be in the team? Even played in clans with miXer, tyyrd, FaTaL and sqzz? I know there were prolly 1-2 players that didn't but that was only because they were jealous because I became better than them ;O)
Quote by hype
And saying noone on the team wanted to play with me in bollocks too, can u come out with anymore bullshit to try to justify yourself? Didn't sheep even pm you telling you to put me in? Didn't razz say I should be in the team? Even played in clans with miXer, tyyrd, FaTaL and sqzz? I know there were prolly 1-2 players that didn't but that was only because they were jealous because I became better than them ;O)

No sheep never, no razz never and no sqzz never. Not one of those players voted to have you in the team, know how i know this, because i asked them and some other senior players in the team and no one wanted you. Fraid to say your not as popular with those players as you might think you are.

I have also seen you on ETTV against some nicer teams like murso etc which is why i rated you bottom tier EC level. Your no better than that and you would never be able to anywhere near hold your own in a top tier EC team like impact. Thats the bottom line.

You should quickly face facts that because of your attitude you will never play in a top team because the top players won't play with you. You will be complaining about your lack of oportunity until ET is totally dead. And i could give a shit about those laughing on vent because i'm sure more people have laughed about you on vent over this journal.

/rant off
rAzZ_ on 30/04/07, 12:46:37 GMT

UK lineup should be. razz,sheep,mztik,sqzz,syk,kamz,hentai/mixer

<07vae-Sheep> ask evo what i said about you
<07SPRD|hYpe> well who is he talking bout then :/
<07vae-Sheep> fucking ask him if you dont believe me
<07SPRD|hYpe> so he's lying ?
<07vae-Sheep> FUCKING ASK HIM
<07SPRD|hYpe> i believe u
<07vae-Sheep> i said i wanted you in the fucking team
<07vae-Sheep> sol said same as me
<07vae-Sheep> u can either take him for his skill level or dont take him because of the reputation


"I have also seen you on ETTV against some nicer teams like murso etc which is why i rated you bottom tier EC level. Your no better than that and you would never be able to anywhere near hold your own in a top tier EC team like impact. Thats the bottom line."

Spose u saw me play impact with n1ce in ETQcup aswell .. ? Don't judge someones ability by 1-2 games, especially games about 3-4 months ago..
mate, it's absolutely disgraceful to see how much you care and how much spare time you put into writing all these senseless comments of yours.
if ever someone should definately go reconsider himself it would be you without a shadow of doubt

thinking you have any right to say something about any of the players you mention is just the plain stupidity you are known for. I hope your not really doing all this just to get hated by some people you dont know as if that were so, u'd be even more pathetic then i initially thought.

Do you honestly believe you dont get in proper teams because you are hated? Mate, your just shit, period.

And on top of all this blatant stupidity, your a fucking ugly wannabe gangster irl as well. Do you have any clue what your doing to your parents?

u were the shittest player at shgopen but yet u play in decent teams, this is exactly what i'm talking about.

The fact that u even think ur good or ANYWHERE near my skill leve is a fucking joke xD
i dont know why your illiterate brain thinks so, but i cant remember myself saying i played well at shgopen

plus you seem to think i care about how good a moron like yourself thinks i am. ur wrong
Well it's my opinion, players like yourself (no offense i'm sure ur a nice guy, unlike you i don't judge people by xfire posts) are overrated players and I have no idea why u've played in/playing in good clans ..
unlike yourself, i dont care whether i am overrated or not let alone whether you think i am

besides i havent even played a single ETmatch since CPC2
Not really bothered if u care or not, it's my opinion and alot of people agree with it
it doesnt bother u wether i care or not yet u feel the need to tell me anyhow?

plus your saying 'a lot of people agree with u' over and over yet no one seems to actually say they agree.. ye i guess they r all afraid of being a retard as well

u make sense idiot
Just because they don't post it on forums doesn't mean they don't agree.
journal of the fucking year
hype you might be skilled but dont you think your personality lets you down a LOT!!
Member For: 2 days

There's nothing wrong with my personality, if ur judging someone's personality on his posts on then you are ignorant.
cmon folks, especially hype,
i t i s a g a m e
i might be ignorant and thats your opininon and i respect it but if what u posting its not wt you think your being a 2 faced cock.

the reason your never been in a ec team is because your selfish and i bet you have no teamplay..
nice reply skillz
This discussion is so RTCW.. fuck.. why dont you guys for once spend time on training aim movement and tactics instead of whining who's this and that.

BTW, dont you forgot i am the best :)?
so rtcw..? ;p
So like in Return to Castle Wolfenstein, the father of Enemy Territory.

Too much whining :)
Its a free game we play to pass time who cares if some1 worse then you is playing for a better team....

Seriously open your front door and inhale some fresh air.
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