2 players needed for cup

need 2 high players for iKs cup 3on3 . start 14 cet . pm me @ #alvi kk thx im waiting :o
malczik power. He got owned in 3o3 yesterday. He was playing like low+ , but wants to play @ high lvl. GL
but he played with some high players so he is worthy to play on a high level :DDD
we need an extra forum section for malczik pls
im like 2 meters high, can i has a join?
why high, so you can search med oponnents?
oh fuck off

for christ sake
Quote by malczikneed 2 cheating players for iKs cup 3on3 . start 14 cet . pm me @ #busted kk thx im waiting :o

btw u fucking idiot cant open a axies door as an allie... why the hell are u shooting so obviouse on enemys that are behind the wall?!
stfu? i was yesterday @ his home and he owned on BIO. I played also with his cfg and it was fun. No Command map and things like that so its...crazy... but its a nice aimer cfg. We played a few min and than back to BIOSHOCK. so plz if u think he cheats than bust him. come and try it, you will never get a proof couse there are none... bb retard wnb noob...
why should i bust him?
he already is.

but insulting makes me believe you!
your the 20th guy who says that. Gimme the link where he is busted!

btw. Now u wont write back couse u dont got a link. Or u will gimme the link from his avi

*EDIT* i knew it... no link... thx u agreed to my statement that u are a retard
no more to say.
cant argue on lowlevel
lol still no link? gimme the link where jan is busted!
this statements made my day, im still laughin
jan is clean

i believe now

he is owning in BIOSHOCK aswell, no doubts left

aimer config + skill

thats all
Stfu plz, malczik can open every door.

His skill + experience = MacGyver, so np4him.
Quote by LuckeyHis skill + experience = MacGyver

Haha. Says jans friend when you and jan RAGEQUIT when we played you in a 3v3. You are not high skill so please, stop searching for high if you are only going to leave mid way through.

Also, "crazy shit". No, thats not crazy. Thats just stupid and makes you play like an idiot (like jAN does).
"The following suspensions for this account have expired" = me unbanned now.

Whatever. I cheated on a pub. GG me. However;

You are not high skill so please stop searching for highskill 3v3's and leaving when you get raged.
oh y right i got the screenshot i think. That was@8 am or?! wow unexpected u owned us xD ec skiller cya@cdc3 owning TLR

btw 1 time cheater, everytime cheater imo...
lol "ok".

I hadn't played ET for 6 months btw, and yet you still ragequit. That's not high.
so? isnt my prob. have fun!
schudnij pls >o/
Playing online cups only? Lol, I thought the dignitas guys asked you to go to CDC3 with them >/.

Ok, they must be too low, np.
i go pracc now to become high... i wanna play with u!
its a forum ^^
you can still get hacks from there!
i hope all hack programmers die on aids...
How to make urself Popular in a gaming community?

ask Poland malczik aka most hated polish tard
::::DDD your funny
I cant play , Im at school atm :D
high :)
image: ardhd7z68e8aqkp0l

you goddamn wannabe
i hope noone will play with you
He will find some idiots that gonna play with him :X
NoOne is in USA, he won't be playing with malczik :<
or maybe i'am
High ? only couple months playing. nice malczik, filty hacker.
Kurwa fucking idiot get some real skill
whats ur point? o_0
i just say hi 2 u :<

your my favorite polak :<
ok that way, nice <3
Gonna make some cups when I'm back, will need some mofos, hope u'll avi
u are nearly the fucking biggest wanabe this community ever had, so fuck off and stop spam this site with your retarded forumposts , journals or cupnews. Hopefully no1 will play with u ugly piece of shit.
Can someone kill this guy irl please or admin give us haxzcik filter!
I must say he's got an impressive list of achievments in his profile.
He got more places than mystic! he's rly pro!
Yeah, and it's not like he joins every 3on3 team as a backup player when the team gets one of the main places in the tournament. And he doesn't do it just to put it in his achievements in his xfire profile later, really!
i dont get point of all ur comms. as i noticed he is playing with high but he is playing like low. anyway if he sometimes get msot dmg etc its obvious cuz when he play with me ( poor med/+ skiller) he make same dmg or lower so np4him to skillboost when playing with higher leveled players lal
cheaters allowed?
get life retarded "kid"
u seem 2 be popular D:
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