
MAY BE SHOCKING, CLICK AT OWN RISK[/b] - Some of these thangs may have not been said]
(17:59:03) (@midas`) i think im gay
(17:59:34) (@midas`) i saw a nice guy this morning and ... it became hard
(18:00:05) (@al7) the guy became hard?
(18:00:22) (@midas`) no _it_ became hard
(18:01:01) (@al7) wha? huh? i dont get it
(18:01:17) (@midas`) my you know what became hard
(18:01:33) (@al7) your what? lol :l
(18:02:11) (@midas`) MY PENIS



Languages alllowed: german only if I can understand it, otherwise ban. and dutch ofc

his nick is midas` at irc, pm and flame him if u feel like it

I m avi as merc, al7 at irc :< pm me im bored, in return ill give u more details on how it happened

maybe he saw MIOU

(18:00:05) (@al7) the guy became hard?
(18:00:22) (@midas`) no _it_ became hard
(18:01:01) (@al7) wha? huh? i dont get it

noob :<
gayparade for you

disturbing !
we want answers midas, we want answers NOW
internet tolerates everything... maybe only terrorism, but that will come with time...

grats m!das...
BUSTED !!..he was obvious !
EDIT: I'm avi too
EDIT2: avi for gays only..
mmh fakelogs?

i was at evening school so np for me (phoned with schNee at this time btw)
you seem to be quite smart guy
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