What's in your breakfast?

orange juice + yogurt = enough4me for the moment ;>
random picture ^_^
image: Breakfast
bowl of cereals

' 1st
croissant, half a baquette with red pesto and crabsalade
eggs on bread
i hate marmite =/

=> One bowl of chocolate milk
i had a bowl of cereals =DD
some bread and a orange juice tho that was 5 hours ago and atm i'm hungry :<
im too lazy to walk downstairs and make some ;[
coffee and homemade apple pie.
ahi tafsik kvar...
lama ata kaze shlili ahi ma efshar laasot kshein beit sefer vemeshamem
tahin aohel kamoni :P
coke and potato crisps of course!
coffee + cigarettes + another coffee
bread + milk
Sausage, egg, tomato, HP brown sauce.. and a Wispa.
Cappucino + Brioch
I usually skip breakfast in favour of an extra twenty minutes in the scratcher!
qurrito from kfc
icecoffee !
image: s_fr_beschuit+image: ch-wit ( White Chocolate Pasta )+image: Hagelslag
And some Milk!
why in gods name are their shit droppings on your toast.
What a hawt gurl.
1 actimel
too early to eat more than this ;)
pasta with ham&cheese sauce atm
Coffee, bread with cheese and for my ears - black or death metal <3
1st breakfast ~ 5 am:

image: bratkartoffeln-ok

2nd ~ 10 am:

image: Jaeger
Lucky fucker.
Wheetaflakes and some milk -.- the breakfast of a good man

but now im hungry, its 11:40 and lunch comes closer =d
2 Crumpets and Bowl Of Crunchy Nut Cornflakes :)!
didn't eat my breakfast yet :(
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