1 Nov 2007, 22:50
really pathetic, flaming randomly for no reasons. absolutely shocking, sad to see the low level that ET has reached
fucking appaulling
fucking appaulling
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
i didnt
great for the nice players :))
<3 kiss
Grats kiss, 387 people watched you get knifed.
kiss Thursday, 1st November 2007 21:52
I would be glad to say the same about you, oh wait, just OC ;(
how can u even open ur mouth this wide kiss? u played what last season? 4th division? this stuff is getting more and more ridiculous, and dnzl + snot are just soo above you. skillwise and character-wise, you could learn quite much
last year playing with low+vae then quakecon from zero to hero to b00n :D
lol u sux so matsch on LAN
u are like batchjie rLy dude :DD fucking b00n
and look@KOT2
u get rap3d by med- ^^ rly
i saw u play with fakenIck iRL :xD
so he ??? WHOS THE PUSSI
I guess this says enough Mr I care about an online free shooter :(
Oh yeah, to answer your question : I never played OC , just SC premier, that was my first time I played a 6o6
BTW : you made me cry with your "complete wnb" comment, because I really care about inet :(
just for christ sake, leave me alone, and get burnt with all those other belgian retards who are fucking randomly bad but still you flame as you would be teh pros, and its just embarrassing. so go away with all those mesq's liocos vilas sneeks stormgs and the other wannabes, noone needs you or ever needed you, you are just completely annoying
and btw, just once more a lie, i never said anything about sponsors, though i asked them to play fair since i like dnzl and snot, or used to
Hmm, ok, so you must be a pro to flame + it is allowed to flame when you are pro in an on line video game "ok".
Do you think someone needs you over here ?
you failed, miserably
now get fucking lost
I'm not able to know your exact IQ , but according to what you show on xfire, it'll be something about 65 ?
Furthermore , I already noticed your vocabulary is based on fag, cunt , hairy etc, gj mate!
edit: swimming already? this is soo *yawn* boring, bye
G:Where is that ?
stay mate, you are amusing me !
first offi ive ever played that the opponent just whined and flamed RANDOMLY, no bad admin decision, no comments where passed before, just them flaming for the sake of it. Even vila, lio and so on flame after something happens, never randomly [ingame at least].
its just really shockin
But goddamnit that kiss and stormG ... :D
laughing at us that we don't play EC , pathetic :(
They ragekicked us after getting fullholded at flag for 10 mins.
too bad some people never learn that after all it's a game, and that being friendly is always better than flaming and hating :) but oh wait, i don't play EC so i probably can't speak >:
Made me laugh :DDDDDD
Sent by g1Ntje on Thursday 23rd August 2007, 21:23
help help im ur fanboi. i want to aim like u. gimme ur cfg and i will pwn like u. plsss
und dann hat er die große fresse :D
aber was hat das damit zutun, dass du kleinwüchsig bist? :)
noch nie spüren. scheiße jetzt bin ich nochmehr am lachen. verdammt. du solltest ne show machen.
erzähl mir mehr
gibs mir gibs mir gibs mir nerd
aber ulta kann ich nicht werden, sry
aber okay, ich geh weiter bälle werfen und in der regionalliga spieln und geld verdienen und du spielst weiter computerspiele.
guter deal.
gute nach.
naja morgn schule
OOOOOOOOL war der peinlich
btw. es gibt rasierer gegen den ersten flausch von haaren an der oberlippe ;)
und was zu verdammten hölle hat deine kack cfg, die ich garnicht so schlecht fand, damit zutun, dass du klein bist?????
ach und du musst jetzt nicht auf die schiene kommen: ohh ich bin jünger als du, bitte lass mich du bist älter, bitte lass mich
wenn du keine ahnung mehr hast, was du mir sagen sollst, dann geh lieber schlafen, okidoki?
musste btw echt krass lachen als ich dieses kack video von der cdc3 durchgeklickt habe und da aufeinmal n 1.50 junge stand.
lolol du bist echt klein fällt mir grade auf... aber okay kleine menschen sind nicht schlimm, aber das bild in deinem profil sagt mir einfach, dass du klein und häßlich bist.
okay ich sehe hier keinen grund mehr zu schreiben. ich geh jz wirklich schlafen.
schlaf gut mein süßer
wobei gintje auch net schlecht war..da kam ich bin größer und älter :D
sehr amüsant. weiter machen!^^
No worries!
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