Shit Eaters! ( 2lazy2search news on english )

But tu summarize the long in short !

QuoteShit-eatersi su izašli iz ilegale. Sada u svom fetišu mogu uživati u bordelima diljem sjeverne Europe. Mnoge javne kuće nude 'šampanjac' i 'kavijar', a i cijene su pristupačne.

Translation :

Shit eating is no longer illegal. Now you can enjoy in this fettish in bordels over northern Europe, and the prices are avaible to everyone.

QuoteDakle, ako klijent želi pojesti govno, to će ga stajati 50 eura, no ako želi nahraniti prostitutku izmetnom cijena je četiri puta veća.

Translation :

So, if a client wants to eat shit, it will cost him 50€, but if he wants to feed a hooker with it, the price is 4 times highher!!

QuoteJedenje ljudskog izmeta trenutno je najpopularnija vrsta seksualnog zadovoljstva među fetišistima u Nizozemskoj i Belgiji.

Eating shit as a fettish is currently most popular in Netherlands and Belgium, UNEXPECTED RLY!!!
HAHAHA :DDDDDD cant be true :::DD rofl!
:x) Didn't knew that , thx Iceland aCoZz
dick-eating is most popular in Sweden and western part of Finland, especially a shitty little town called Laihia
YaY! NoW i CaN fInAlLy EaT mY oWn ShIt!

what a bullshit tbh ;/
indeed, shitting on the hookers should cost just as much as eating your own. bullshit.
puno vitamina!
"So, if a client wants to eat shit, it will cost him 50€, but if he wants to feed a hooker with it, the price is 4 times highher!!"

made me lol
our shit just tastes better than yours
omgz, this made me cry xDDDDDDDDDDD
aCoZz what im really worried about is what the fuck were you searching for on google when u found this shit (excuse the pun) :p
it's a croatian portal with daily news about everything so i kinda ran into it.. :p
Dirty bastards :0

Awaiting comment from Scatman
Haha, holy shit =D
shit countries :D
haha :D:D let the crapfight begin!
1. so it wasn't legal before ? WTF if i want to eat my shit i fucking will
2. 50€ to eat shit ? i'm gonna get a job as supplier then
3. u posting this is bold , but beautiful ;)
atm im not feeling good about being belgian :<
ill take my 2nd nationality now :<
belgium rocks huh
Thanks for info!
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