
So I am in Cologne and I had to fly to dusseldorf airport to get here. I get off and everything is so clean its unbelievable, the baggage is there to be collected before I am and the skytrain reminds me more of a rollercoaster than a train - it was lovely.

Really I was thinking as I waited for the train how impressed I was with the cleanlyness of the place and the efficency!

Then i had to get on a train...

Oh my fucking god, I know that you get grafiti in every country but this was disgusting. On every train that stopped there was huge grafiti everywhere inside and out i couldnt really understand it.Why is everything so lovely and then the trains are such a disgrace and more importantly do people not clean the insides?

dont fuck with germany xD
or they'll send you to a concentration camp

^^ sorry had to put that, was abit uncalled for but the urge was too much
Racist bastard!
coming from you lmao
racust inngogognng ommgggg
[15:17] Raimo: how can i delete my crossfire account?
düsseldorf and not dusseldorf :p
in english its dusseldorf they can't write an ü
duesseldorf* /smartass :P
mmh owned :(
Old trains !
yermany isn´t clean. red triangls everywhere :-)
pretty much retards here
Deutsche Bahn suxx, that's prolly it! :D
cause there aren't even trains?
Because they're all inbreds who live within 1 mile radius of each other its unbelievable
dusseldorf xD
what kind of train did you use?

S-Bahn? ICE?

because most ICE are pretty clean also the most longway trains are but "S-Bahn" isn't at all ^^
too much retards + gangsters in one country
hi my friend :D
hi rize nub :)
lal "gangsters" of course..
u meant wnb gangsters ;)
well of course since it's germans that we're talking about...
Wow, this sounds almost sick. What's up with you and clean?

I think graffiti adds a nice touch to otherwise very homogenic trains.
it looks shit on trains in germany
there is no point in clean the graffitis because they will be there few days after it again!
germany and the germans just suck, live with it :D
ur travelling through Europe all the time
np...its unbelievable expensive to get ´em clean! The paint they r using is very agressive, so if they dont catch the sprayers its just too expensive to clean ´em all! and we rly got so much grafiti in yermany...
FlyingDJ redeemed
I appreciate graffiti.
Me too.
Unless it's something like "i woz ere but n0t 4 long i left dis note 2 turn u on"
lol never saw that one, similar texts though
We have it all the time Wales here

And [insert name] woz ere 2k8
ban tosspot !
why would u get em clean anyway? it looks much nicer with graf, but i guess not for people who are not into it or who dont do it theirselves.
I doubt he means well made graffiti, rather than simple tags
well ok, but still simple chrome pieces wont look nice for people who are not into graf.
Whatsoever, for my part i also like the simple tags :>
simple are ugly, well made, time spent are okay depending on location. I know the urge to create such is huge but its still kinda retarded. I know I might do such if Id have ave a shance but still I dont liek people makin gthem. i not drunk. =XD
well chrome pieces and tags never take much time, you have to work fats, else you'll get busted ^_^
and if you want to get the chance, buy some nice ink marker and carry it with you, the chance will defenitaley come then :D
I hate simple ink tags, very ugly imo.
totally depends, some are ugly, some are cool, though
But it's still nicer than having a plain old train :P
the trains are not old.
most of the trains in germany are brand new and have a modern design :P
so tosspot, **** yourself! we dont have to explain anything as it is like that EVERYWHERE. ;)
lol hf@ ban
what ban? :)

edit: and besides: that 4 stars could mean anything! ;) so he cant know what i meant
I hate the graffity as well, but as has been said, there is really no point in cleaning the trains too foten, since its expensive and they will be painted on shortly afterwards again anyway.
Btw. nice having you sit there in front of a PC on the stream for what seemed like 5 hours with only music in the background.
lol i didnt know i was on camera
You both were on for a looong time after the first map of the HasuOobs Wc3 game. I guess they wanted to show the cs allstar game or sth, but a shot of 2-3 people sitting in front of a PC is propably more exciting.
well we casted the cs allstar game, was it not shown?
Not sure i only saw you guys sitting there, heard some music and after a few minutes i muted it to do some maths. Turned it back on to see ToD vs Lucifer, so i guess it propably was shown during that time.
yea it was a pretty quick game
ur going to SEC in Hannover @ CeBit ?

Was there on thusday.
in cologne to cast the masters in english, so i dont get to go to cebit fortunately-
Have you been home since CDC?
i was at uni for a day
International jet setter :P
i think butchji thought he was clikc on mouse1 and shooting hs but it was his grafiti spray button :<
i haven't seen a graffiti on a train for ages...
you are here for a few hours and all you can do is whine :<
Just paint over it.
Great idea for new 1 euro jobs. :D Paint over the new graffiti every day. Its like one group digs a hole, the other one fills it up again.
It will end unemployment!
hi in my city :)
There arent many graffitis TBH
just use ICE`s they are clean ;D
Cologne rox!! my beloved home!
The trams and ice are clean, cheap trains arent
graffitis are so 90's or even 80's... so either that stuff is kinda old and they never clean the trains or germany is just behind in time :XD
image: DSCF6166

cause all gangsta rappers hang around at the trains being cool n stuff
tosspot chilling @ the studio @ esl tv :D
tossi we could swap, i liked london :D
go visit hamburg or berlin thats what i call grafiti abuse ^^
some looking nice ;|
ICE are clean imo, normal train not true. come to berlin and u see graffitis everywhere..
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