Getting a girlfriend Updated

i want to thank you guys for your advice. ill give you the update now. so i have math with her and another class with her. i know that she doesnt do that well in math(and I have a good grade) so i offered to help her for the upcoming test. she agreed! since i didn't want it to be totally awkward i told her i would ask one of my friends to come since he needs help too. My friend is also a friend of hers. so i will see if they both need my help and if not then there are alot of other tests in the future. So i think this is a step in the right direction. I will post updates as time goes on. Thanks a lot for you guys's advice. I read them this morning and it really inspired me(i am not joking). thanks.

edit: if you don't know what i'm talking about then read my first journal:
you shouldnt have asked your friend to come aswell! :]
LoL this is not the place to post such things
what's wrong with you m8?
rofl the friend thing, not a good option...
nice advance, keep it up :)
just whyyyyy did you ask that other guy :P
you shouldnt have asked your friend to come aswell! :] the romance is gone now
well luckily one of her friends sits right next to me in history. however, i dont know if just start talking to her friend she might think i am hitting on her. i never really talk to her. do you think that would be strange?
hard to say... that depends much on her person
talk to her friend, v. important
The way to a girl's heart is through her best friend's pussy :o))
lol, you can tell theres some experience there xD
dude you first need the approval of her best friend, make her like you, otherwise its a no-go, then work your magic.
your friend will take that girl from u
when your friend fucks that girl, you'll know that you made a mistake
rofl so true :D:D
thought the same thing, then checked his age and see 14 :P
nice fakeaccount of these german guys from SH
welll, sadik + micha owned more :(
HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA why dont u tell this to you rl firends u will only get flame here from tards like me
You shouldnt ask your friend! _D
btw just tell her your friend couldnt come !
omfg pls
give him some advices instead of flaming a poor kid in love you monster !
fake imo
why the fuck should someone ask questions like that here xD
anyway care so -.-'
cause perfo is here around
nice attitude from a " girl " , oh w8 almost forgot why u are member of this community ... keep it up
whine day today
Tell your friend you play online games. She will dump you as fast. ^^
what fag deleted my comment? (i feel a ban incoming)
that fag wud be me
oh noes, its the leader of the fags
if you ask an other guy to come with you :$
Shouldnt have asked the other guy to come, tell him the story and if hes a real friend he'll drop out at the last second
QuoteI will post updates as time goes on.

rofl bring your camera
I fucking love this shit.

To all those newbs posting about not bringing the friend and put it in her but, stafoo.

If it's a regular thing, perhaps one of the times make sure your friend conveniently can't make it, leaving the two of you.

Once again, love this shit. Give this guy his own forum!
Fuck his own forum, give him a whole section

image: yowsn
made me laugh :P
excellent xD
Laughed my ass off :D
gl, hope seeing you @
lol just be yourself and after few meetings with her tell how u feel about her and u win.
put some cum in her hair when she is sleeping

Don't forget, every hole is a goal
best... slogan... ever
10 bucks your friends ends up with her :D
tell the friend to leave his hands near him, otherwise mama will beat the crap out of him...if you dont do that, youre responsable for making a couple out of them
Remember to heed my advice, and heed it well.

image: CLENCH
your friend will so steal that gurl!
ghana, u are so obviously a queen....and a bored one.... Öö
i wasn't me! image: smiley

ever thought that the girl might like the "friend" if there both stuck they got one thing in common dumb shit :d
next step:

Take here on the Bed and put her clothes off.

When she ask you: Wtf are you doing ?

Then say: Im learning you biology, You know part of the body :]
20 bucks your friends ends up with her :D
image: Chloroform%20bottle

This should do the trick.
bad quality and so fucking slow.
Haha gl :P
i bet this is al7 :D
its not me :X wtf
yeye...trying to get in contact with this weird species human?xD

spanish fly, ghb

otherwise just talk alot with her.. ignore her for a while, talk again.. ignore.. tell here u like her :o
that friend of yours thing could go in the wrong direction :~>
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