raskl hacking pb?

Ok yesterday 3 players of invitium got kicked by 'pb' on ettv match

alexl and lio got banned for the same multihack "gamehack violation #80332"

it seems raskl is behind this. He is a admin at nC.

some guy talked to raskl and he's saying "that he wants to proof that PB sucks and he can kick who he want.

well now he says "that tonight on the match germany-latvia there will follow more kicks by him... we will see if tonight people will be getting kicked ..

raskl is behind this and the people who getting kicked arent cheating but are just victims from raskl ... discuss we will see tonight "http://www.gamestv.org/event/4485-germany-vs-latvia/"

and explain me this from serverlogs..

What about the guy raskL (is he really hacking pb)?
I have this from serverlogfiles:
21:26.00 ETTV:28 say ^6>>^7raskL: oi oi
21:26.13 ETTV:28 say ^6>>^7raskL: hope turky isnt cheating :S
21:27.49 cpm "^0invitium^1-^7Turki^1:[^7 PunkBuster kicked player '^0invitium^1-^7Turki^1:[' (for 1 minute) ... Violation (GAMEHACK) #80332
21:27.50 ClientDisconnect: 11
21:27.50 ClientDisconnect: 18
21:27.52 ETTV:28 say ^6>>^7raskL: oops

(why is he saying "hope turki isnt cheating" some minutes later turki gets kicked" his reactions : 'oops'?:x)
for luck i don't play :D
Don't tell this yet! We want to lol in the game when it happens!
Give me a C give me an A give me an R give me an E

we'll see
bs nobody is going to get kicked tonight ...
Wont belive that raskl would kick some randoms.

He would kick some EC players instead.

I think this is your way of trying to get rid of the problem. raskl would not waste his time on some invintium.

those srv logs are your creation.
did I say anything wrong ?
its from candyman serverlogs ask him
ask candyman ;:D:D:D:D

ur not funny

" de Ghulnah'ETTV #Ghulnah.et
By: GLH-Candyman Connect with XFire

we now know that you Don't know raskL ;)

why would he fake the server logs? you could even see raskL saying oops on ETTV
we'll see !
They're polish, should've expected it.
dont kick randoms for gamehack if you want to proof smth!
unban lio & alexl ffs :/
I played on Bio today night about 2.30 CET and then PB just started kicking players...
any screenshots ?
starej zapytaj
No, first got Azatej kicked and then all others in a row, really fucking wierd.
if it's true, ET is really dead
I dont believe this history. Raskl have been a wannabe / ass licker of nC coders. He dont know anything about coding n stuff but he allways claims to be a real fucking hacker. Disgusting.
I doubt that nC hacked pb, but if they did well it wasnt raskl for sure.

Anyway they have lots of high skilled players to kick. They have cod4/etqw to prove something. Now tell me why they arent using high skilled players or new games to prove something? Because they _just_ cant do this.
We didnt hack pb neither did raskl
Hope you are right
miss you lio
nice :((
maybe Turki is nC user
hmmmm plz dont be a stupid...
bullshit :<
i doubt it's raskl doing it and the people probably do hack and just got caught :\
so basically simply because you've said this, either the germany or latvia team can use hacks and then if pb does kick them they simply shout IT WAS RASKL!!11
damn never thought of that.. inspector gadget stylo
I agree, there's no proves that it's bug or raskl , so it's clearly kick for using cheats and those players should be banned
wise words coming from teh ultimate cheaterbust0r
hello mr. wnbbuster
The players first would have to find a bot that will get them kicked for the same violation as the raskL case.

Quotegamehack violation #80332

bye mr. wnbbuster
bimbot to the max tonight.
pb service sux plz they dont even give me a chance to explain or ask something
gamehack = bimbot and all invitum had bimbot, bustedxiit, ban, bibuy gtfo
man get life u see bimbots everywhere!!!
waiting for fuzz to be kicked, obvious cheater.
yeah, explains team latvias skillboost ! look at them 04' and look at them now! huge difference!
true, bibuy latvia.
lol maybe your stupid but why would somebody play 4 years et and then suddenly get kick in a ettv match not straigh!!.
+ all you guys are just waiting till players get kicked for something and say banned banned your some little stupid kids
i hope all the whiners here will get kicked aswell let's see what they say then.

i think pb needs 2 proof thereselfs that there things can't be hacked because it's maybe not straigh that nobody ever got kicked in ettv for gamehack and now lio& alexl and invitium player get kicked.
Only time will tell mate.
raskl is no admin at nC
i think nC send bimbot to punkbuster so everyone who wants to cheat must buy a real etbot or smthng...
sure it would be the smartest thing
Turn your brain on......
xarQi my hero <3
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