GG Netherlandjes

image: 1602-holland-fans
well deserved!
care gtfo
more journals about NL's luck ¬_¬
pwning 90mins = luck
just lucky that italy are sucking so badly :D
makes sense
hmmm, anyway its not interesting for England :D
fu :( hater
not rly, I always like ur national team.
more luck for dutchies and more mistakes from italiano.
jap luck!
ahh and more friendly refress;)
one dutchie was lonely in front of buffon while it was clearly NO offside
so? is that a rule? if u will show me that rule i will belive u. As far i know thats thing doeant egsist.
offside obviously exists
The boss of the Belgian referree association has confirmed it was 100% offside.


The Italian player has been put out of the playing field by an action which occured on the football field and stayed outside the field, hence he isn't a "player" (since he isn't participating). It would've been different if he went out of the playing field of his own free will, for example to put somebody offside, but in this case he clearly didn't go outside the field of his own free will hence it's 100% offside.
Quoteim not talking bout the goal ffs.
buffon put him outside the field xD only if a dutch player would push him outside I will say it was offside but if was buffon
you have no clue about football rules.

He got pushed offside by his own goalie, but that doesn't even matter since the rules state that if a defense player gets outside of the field for whatever reason, he is still part of the game, and thus it was not offside.. Besides that van nistelrooy should've gotten a penalty before, but he wasn't a pussy like many others and tried to keep standing up and take a shot.

If you can't see that this was a deserved 3-0 victory you really have shit for brains.
thank u for opinion :>
I'm sorry but what?

I was supporting Holland and all, but I'm afraid it was offside by a mile.
im not talking bout the goal ffs.
no, they explained it on tv. there was an italian defender on the ground next to the left post, and defenders can't be judged "out of play", hence the goal was legit.

wether the linesman actually noticed this or not i can't tell, but if he did notice it was a good call
"defenders can't be judged out of play"

I can't find any official statement from FIFA or UEFA to support this statement. Can you show me some?
i'm only quoting the so-called "experts" on tv, they might be biased though. i've heard others say the same thing, but i'm sure we'll get a statement tomorrow.
"If a defending player steps behind his own goal line in order to place an opponent in an offside position, the referee shall allow play to continue and caution the defender for deliberately leaving the field of play without the referee’s permission when the ball is next out of play."

--> Law 11 - Offside, page 102

and dont try to tell me he left the field cause he was injured, knocked out or sth. no way.

so stfu and gtfo pls, the dutchies would have won anyways... was just a matter of time for their first goal to be scored :)
1) That doesn't refute what Viax said, that a defender cannot be 'out of play'

2) Panucci did not leave the field deliberately to put him offside. He did not get cautioned either. He was injured.

3) Don't be such a dickhead. :-)

"and dont try to tell me he left the field cause he was injured, knocked out or sth. no way."

Watch the clip again. I dare you.
please... he's italian. he starts to cry for mammi as soon as someone touches his bitty little foot... or his hair O.o

/j #care - van nistelrooy, sneijder and van der vaart are 2much pwnage to handle for italy with cannavaro missing. gg.
"please... he's italian. he starts to cry for mammi as soon as someone touches his bitty little foot... or his hair O.o"

Well that's your opinion, but he clearly wasn't conspiring if they scored a goal. He wasn't even watching any of the action. He was lying down facing up.

"/j #care - van nistelrooy, sneijder and van der vaart are 2much pwnage to handle for italy with cannavaro missing. gg."

I was supporting Holland. I'm not debating the quality of RvN, Sneijder and VdV. I'm merely pointing out that I'm right and you're not.

worst defense I've seen for a while by Italy
jap. I expected their famous Italian wall;)
LOL luck
i bet you think it was luck too that germany won yesterday...
nop. Germany was just better team. And Dutchies? thy playing like dutchies;D
AHHAHAH holland was much better in this game. Lold about a girl that thinks she knows something about soccer you failed
ok, they was better. Are u happy now? but they didnt deserve for that result. it should be 1:0 and nothing more. And pls, have some respect, u think that fact i am a girl, making me know less about football?
U failed mister, not me.
they made 2 nice goals with no luck involved and if you hate holland so much you still cant deny the fact that they played better and deserved to win
If you think like that it should be something like 6-2 for Holland so be quiet. Go sell tickets, that's where girls are best @ close to footballpitches.
6:2 to holand? even in my dreams that result is inposibble. So no.
Well if you look at the goalchances it's obvious that its something like 5-2, 6-2 to Holland =)

3 goals + one penalty if nistelrooy would had fallen + breakaway from nistelrooy. Then you could add one crossbar and the chance of Van Persie so YES. If you claim the game should had ended 1-0 for Holland shows the fact you have no clue about football.
i think u got no clue about football..
u think so? i will dissapoint u, i know what football is.
u meant u have got knowledge about football ;)
because everyone knows what football is :P
ohh it was some kinde of paraphrase:P

and tbh not everyone know what football is;)
yea but in europe they know about it for sure ;)
most of my girly friends, dont have any idea about football. They were always laughing i am some strange creature which should be a gay;)
You don't win 3:0 with luck only.
aahh forgot, i must add to that list a refree ;D
Referee did a good job. If you mean first goal. It WASN'T offside.
oh, it was offside.
thats a known rule,he's still a player although he's behind the line
have u seen what i posted before?
Explanation by the boss of Belgian referree association?
pls dont tell me hes wrong :(
dunno but its not the business of the belgian referees :P
in fact he is:

"If a defending player steps behind his own goal line in order to place an opponent in an offside position, the referee shall allow play to continue and caution the defender for deliberately leaving the field of play without the referee’s permission when the ball is next out of play."

--> Law 11 - Offside, page 102
it was! i know rule of offside. U will see later official statment.
All what happened was that the goalkeeper threw one of his players outside the field. The player was still IN the game.
Don't trust belgians.
Schiedsrichter Peter Fröjdfeldt aus Schweden und sein Gespann erkannten den Treffer jedoch zu Recht an, weil Christian Panucci das Abseits aufhob. Alle Proteste der Italiener, in deren Rahmen sich Toni eine Gelbe Karte einhandelte, blieben erfolglos.
sorry, but cant understand everything. Can u translate?
thought you were living in germany o0
Referee Peter Fröjdfeldt from sweden and his team affirmed the goal,because Christian Panucci annihilated the offside. All italian protests failed, while Luca Toni got a yellow card for complaining.
i am in germany since february, so not so long;)
Agreed. Well, I didn't want to say it, because I expected the most don't understand it after a 3:0. It is deserved and congratulations, but the Netherlands had really luck.
u dont have any idea, how important was for me, that u were agree with my opinion;)
But it wasn't offside. Stupid or not, it was a goal according to the rules.
i cant be do not agree with someone who has some knowledge about that kinde of stuff, and if someone like boss of Belgian refree asociacion says it was offside, i belive in it.
Read the newspapers or something tommorrow. You will see I am right. :P
So can you describe what kind of luck did they have?
Italy had 2 great chances, when it was 0:0. Then the Netherlands scored exactly, when Italy was going to be the better team. 80 per cent of the referees had said offside, although it wasn't offside.

The 2:0 was only possible, because Italy had to play more offensive, otherwise the Netherlands had never the possibilty for such a counter attack.

Italy missed 6 good chances to the 1:2, before the Netherlands finalised them. Oranje had lost their nerves, in case of Italy had scored.

Don't misunderstand me. It was a deserved win. But the match could have another result.
Yeah and Finland would win Euro2008 if they won all their qualificationmatches and playoffmatches.. Keep on speculating can't still say Holland had luck when the goalchances were something like 7-3 for Holland :d
and again: you better do not believe what some random referee nn says - you better believe in the official fifa rules:

"If a defending player steps behind his own goal line in order to place an opponent in an offside position, the referee shall allow play to continue and caution the defender for deliberately leaving the field of play without the referee’s permission when the ball is next out of play."

--> Law 11 - Offside, page 102
we werent lucky..
we just got a lot of immigrants
wie dan? Blankste NL team in lange tijd.
eigenlijk zou ik het niet eens weten
zag er alleen laatst 3 in veronica magazine staan geloof ik
(volgt het hele gebeuren niet zo)
luck? sure...
That's fuckin ridiculous to claim their fantastic perfomance on the first half was luck. The Italians didn't have a chance with the Dutch pressure.
A few more comments and I will start nuking them based on my origin and my admin powers ;)
that would be mean ;)
no that would be justice.
but bad justice. Oke, now i wil go play, so wont be annoying u more:P bibuy
pwwwwwwned :D:D:D
i blame cannavaro!
it seems so;) hope next match will be better. i expect france an italy will go aut from grup;)
Where's Nesta ?
retired in 2006
nice nice nice!
22:23… @Azatej: i fucking HATE football
22:23… @Azatej: every time NL scores theres like fireworks and shit outside
22:23… @Azatej: and its really motherfucking loud
he aint nolife at all.....
what a surprise :D
One of the best Dutch performances I've seen. Boulahrouz was fantastic. van Bronckhorst was pwnage. Kuyt was great, and so was Sneijder.

van Basten is a legend!
ure forgetting van der sar with his huge skill!!!
nice one Dutchies :)
It's was a very good match gg NL
now van basten is a hero. fucking hyporcrite dutchies
Kuit was de eindbaas image: kuyt
and no nesta :(
pwned bitchaz ;P
why ? :P
best game in euro for now!
wp orange suckers!
im actually a nice guy sometimes
Forza Itaaalia! \o\ /o/ :-D
actually italy played quite ok, atleast @ 2nd half
dont know why toni wasnt subed at half time or smth, it was obvious that it's not his day
equal game but no luck for italy this time

and wp pirlo ! :S
Can't agree about you saying it was an equal game. Italy played ok @ 2nd half but Holland didn't have any bigger problems in the game and they had much more goalchances than Italy :)
wp dutchies :P
Van Bronckhorst POTM imo. Boulahrouz wasnt that good though! Sneijder and Van der Sar were fantastic too. Still waiting for Robben!
wont play till playoffs
Makes me sad panda :(
maybe against romenia.
dont count on it, robben is like glass, everytime he falls hes injured
LoL boulahrouz played very well :)

van der sar is zalig
lol we got owned :D
disappointed ....
better than ever!
pwnd :>

now what did u say about losing the first one hannes? :P
still spamming? =P
but still fast xD
ahah :D
niemand had et verwacht maar wat was ons team weer lekker sterk ^^
no, but still playing, and u?
premier? well done then.
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