sweden vs greece

Change ur bets quick imho, our lineup is a fucking joke for the match and greece probably wins with 3 or 4-0. Daniel Andersson and Alexandersson is gonna play and they are like..... got no words... or w8... they are a joke
and lagerbäck the fucking retard is gonna bench Sebastian larsson :D:D

before the announcement of the players i thought it was atleast gonna be an even match :)

Swedens lineup:

Sweden Andreas Isaksson
Sweden Niclas Alexandersson
Sweden Olof Mellberg
Sweden Petter Hansson
Sweden Mikael Nilsson
Sweden Christian Wilhelmsson
Sweden Anders Svensson
Sweden Daniel Andersson
Sweden Fredrik Ljungberg
Sweden Zlatan Ibrahimovic
Sweden Henrik Larsson

heria psila Greece ellada!
easy for gr8
i would bet on greece
is greece lineup similar to last EC?
otto rehagel will do it!!!
more Sweden ssons pls
more ddaughters would be cooler....
haha, english humor? 8D
sweden will loose
Shame Seb Larsson ain't playing. Why the fuck are Linderoth & Källström benching?
he have had an injury and isnt fully recovered
So does Ibrahimovic though. I'd say he could play a half!
Linderoth is the worst player ever.........
Greece never scores more than one goal. It's their tactic.
german efficiency aka rehhagel
Ye, but the the current german team doesn't use this tax anymore. ;)
I see their win over Poland as a sign since Germany didn't win a single match since they were EC champions back in '96 (Bierhoff!!!)
I expect them in Vienna!
But I guess we will see a similar system against nations with better individualists, such as the Netherlands or Portugal. Löw is just a tactic genious. Against teams with worse players we focus on our better individual skill and try to force the enemy to play our system to defeat them.

Against the listed teams we will play very, very defensive to assail them then with our fast attackers and wing defenders.
Bunch of girly whiners anyway. But, have to cheer to Swedes since our team can´t even get to the games...
Sweden Zlatan Ibrahimovic
nice flag :')
Born in and raised in Sweden, secound genertion Swedish so? not like i was born in bosnia.
Your parents are from Bosnia aren't they? So if they were born in bosnia and you were born and raised in Sweden, that doesn't make you 100% swedish.
But i got your point.
spelar dom med Daniel Andersson stänger jag av tv'n

killen är sjukt kass + han e skåning
Du e sjukt kass .. kassapa
1:1 imo.
2:1 greece :x
gl zlatan
Greece has otherwise a too old team. But Rehagel is the master of tactics and will organise them well. 9 defenders and 3 good potential attackers with gekas, charisteas and amanatidis. ( no idea who of them will play, but gekas and amanatidis are much better, but charisteas is Rehagel's favourite player)

Sweden should do it like Germany against Poland. They shouldn't run in the defense block of Greece all the time to give them the counter attack chance and to avoid their own strength. Then they will fail like France against Romania. They should fall back themselve to attract Greece to leave their defence. So Sweden can 'assail' Greece with their definitely faster wingers against the old men of Rehagel's team.

But I doubt the tactic skill of Lagerbäck tbh. He often took Sweden the strongness with retarded decisions. So 1:0 Greece.
sounds like a good plan, you call or I call.. but i dont have his number :<
I would, but I like Rehagel and I bet on Greece.
made me lol :DDDDD
What exactly? The stupidy of my statement or my wannabe analysing?
no i liked your statement its just that i lol when I see something smart coz I have no brain
He wtf? Now I am confused. Why u answered for daisy? :D
because daisy is lazy
After reading your comments of the NL vs. Italy game it's kind of funny you think you're better than the manager of Team Sweden.
You mean my prediction? Well the other prediction were quite right and if 'football knowledge' would mean you could predict the results, then we would have many rich people. ;)

Italy was going to handle the Netherlands better and better, when they scored. The other both goals were a result of the 0:1 and just counter attacks.

Just check the predictions of all coaches of the national teams before the eurocup 2004. And no, I don't think I'm a better manager as coaching a team means more than tactic ideas. :P
Not exactly your prediction but your critisism against Lagerbäck before the game...

And about the game yesterday. You talk about Italy handling Holland better and better. As far as I saw Italy had HUGE problems getting out of their own zone in the first half and if nistelrooy scored 3-0 from his breakaway the game would had been over in the first half.
Italy played very defensive and gave them less and less space to use their strength from time to time. Of course the Netherlands was the better team and had the better chances.

But it was predicted and it's nearly a tradition that the Netherlands start strong, have (and miss) tons of great chances, get the 0:1 (Luca Toni's chances)and have to run against a massive defence block the rest of the match. They scored in this time. Italy had to play more offensive then and the Netherlands could show their great technican and speed skills.
Mmh Luca Toni had one header in the first half. And if you watched closely Italy had, as I said in previous post, huge problems with the Dutch pressure deep in Italys zone. Was great game because of the Dutch pressure =)
Yes, nothing wrong about that. But where is the conflict. Have u ever seen a match of the netherlands, which wasn't like that? Usually it's typical for the netherlands to need too many chances and for Italy that they are unbelievable efficient and smart. Whatever...deserved win for the netherlands, rest is hypothetical.
I've seen matches like that from Holland, yes. But usually they don't defend @ that level, that's what made the difference
not that being better than lagerbäck is something to be proud of :D
Is the other coach still around? :D Or can you handle with one coach nowadays? :D
nordaN flytta till grekland grekfan
kolla uppställningen tornis
kolla vinsten nordaN
greek food > swedish furniture

2:1 for greece
ye greek food makes u fart, u fart on swedish furniture !
yea true, with all the onions and garlic.

Damn, I am hungry now.
image: gyros

i like playing with your stomache

go to a greek restaurant and say this

"pita gyro apola me tzatziki parakalo"

I hope I won't get kangaruh anus when I order that!

I had that gyros pita couple of times when I was in Kreta. Nice place to be, wonderful people and great food!

nordan try to translate :))

btw dont make everyone underestimate sweden. it can also be surprise buttsex for us greeks if your coach is smart enough
its like: go greece
but gamoto is like "shit or fuck" ?
maybe: go greece for fuck sake?
this is the most famous quote from greek athletes. when they do something for greece, like win a gold medal at the olympics etc, they shout all over the cameras "FOR GREECE FOR FUCKS SAKE" (in greek) xD. its retarded, but makes greeks lol about it

btw still coming to greece or not?
Sweden Zlatan Ibrahimovic wtf?

Zlatan is from Bosnia Hercegovina Bosnia & Herzegovina...
Hes borned in Sweden, got a swedish passport. His parents on the other hand are from Bosnia.
that dosent make him swedish. He is something we call "budala" in bosnia, or wait traitor fits him more.
I love how people take a game so seriously. :D
what do you mean?

Im just annoyed of all those swedes who are jumping of happiness and saying that hes a fully swede.
Aren't you Bosnian too? Why are you using a Danish flag on Crossfire?
Arent you from Ireland? why did you use the nub flag?

"In 1999, at the age of seventeen, Zlatan was reportedly rejected by the Bosnia and Herzegovina national football team and was given a choice to play for the B selection. He rejected this proposal and started playing for Sweden. This has been denied by Zlatan himself. In an interview with Swedish paper Expressen he said "I've only been to Bosnia once with dad, when I was eight years old. When I was a junior someone from the Bosnian federation asked me if I wanted to join a tour with the development team. I had no desire to do so. I had already played with the Swedish U-18 team. I was born and raised in Sweden."
"He is something we call "budala" in bosnia, or wait traitor fits him more."

Surely thats not what I meant.
He cant change the fact that his parents left Bosnia for Sweden for some reason and he was born here, can he?
nope but he can atleast say that hes bosnian but plays for sweden
Or he could just say that he's Swedish and plays for Sweden because Bosnia sucks cocks.
could be but the same goes for a lot of other countries.
He's born in Sweden and lived their for 20 years or so. He's more Swedish than he's Bosnian. Stop trying to get some attention with your "omg his parents are from bosnia so he is bosnian too !!!"-crap.
Rhand. Im sorry to say it but im not the guy who tries to get attention.

If you are born in a country where your parents are immigrants you can't be a real citizen there. Thats fucking logic retard.

"n 1999, at the age of seventeen, Zlatan was reportedly rejected by the Bosnia and Herzegovina national football team and was given a choice to play for the B selection. He rejected this proposal and started playing for Sweden. This has been denied by Zlatan himself. In an interview with Swedish paper Expressen he said "I've only been to Bosnia once with dad, when I was eight years old. When I was a junior someone from the Bosnian federation asked me if I wanted to join a tour with the development team. I had no desire to do so. I had already played with the Swedish U-18 team."
No, that's only logic for someone who's desperate to get him (or his country) some attention. It's only normal that when you're born somewhere, you adjust yourself to the life there and start feeling yourself as a citizen of that country even though your parents are from another country. It is important to never forget where your parents come from, because it's actually an enrichment to have two cultures to learn from. But the only way you'll still feel Bosnian is when your parents are highly conservative and hammer you (to death) with their Bosnian culture.
Adizz dont be a retard the man is born here.. and he is very proud to play in Sweden.
Np4 Ibra!
Sweden ...sson :D I lol'd
everyone is a son of someone
what did you say, hellhammersson? xDDD
Sweden Hurensson.
where is majstorovij (or how to spell it correct)?
GOOGOGOGO Sweden Fredrik Ljungberg
nP for Grece
1-1 i guess ;)
np 4 ibrahimovic
sweden will win this anyway, they have Sweden jOONAS on the bench so np4them :d
Just lol is a shit statement.
I bet on sweden
i can has failpic?
btw your nick is 100% greek

I prefered your previous comment :(
Have a guess, who will be Chelsea's new teammanager. I'm a very famous coach in disguise. But pssst...
whats up with marcus Rosenberg ?!?!
i let sweden end 4th, greece is going to win in this group, spain 2nd.
russia will be 1st :[
i bet it will be a tie
Lycka Till! Sweden
i heard that Ibrahimovic cant play due to a injury!?
np for Zlatan
Nilsson from FrieslandHeerenveen?
greece will own np otto rehagel will do some private taktiks!
sweden will win


spain will win.

my tips.
go go Greece !!
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