going to Amsterdam

Leaving tomorow for a week end in Amsterdam, any advices?
i hope not booking anything wont fuck my weekend, but it s TEH ADVENTURE!!!!
I just hope i find a decent parking spot or something ...

what is worth seeing once u went to rijkmuseum, madame tussaud, Ann Franck's house and stuff like that?

what are the good coffee shops to visit? no bulldog shit plz kthx

any cool ET player i could meet there?
Resku is joining on saturday and i know plu172 is working at the rijksmuseum, anyone else that i know?

edit/ and for the coffeshop problemo http://www.cannabis-cafe.info/
Go to one of the bulldog coffeeshops :D ou'll find them in the centrum
i think you skipped a part of the sentence :)
i didnt even go in the Bulld0g :D
tourist trap
damn right ^^^^, avoid the Bulldog at all cost, just goto Greenhouse if you want the best shit you can get in Amsterdam
barneys breakfast coffeeshop ;) 10 min from central station..
;d I'll be around at saturday night but I don't know you! If I were you I'd go around in one of them boats, it's the best way to see a lot of the city in a short amount of time.
dont worry i dont bite :p
Not too sure about that :P people who speak French have weird habits!
amsterdam bad, rotterdam good
have to agree with this man.
only if your black and steal stuff
only if your black and steal stuff
la weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed :-D <3333333
genre mout ! amuse toi bien jeune entrepreneur de gelbik, fais ton affaire mayk !
Also wanna go to Amsterdam =I
oh and the best coffeeshop guide in the world: http://www.coffeeshop.freeuk.com/
Red light district, just dont push over any poles as asked for in every bar.
visit the magic mushroom shop and the red light district but watch out there are milfs!
man, just smoke WHITE WIDOW all the fucking time =)
if you are in amsterdam, i recommend visiting rotterdam. only cheap whores and gay junkies in that city.
Ann frank's house = total boredom...
certainly hit VANDERSEXXX
go to enschede and visit aza ! ive heard he is living 500 meter from the wizard cafe
dont worry about "good" coffeeshops..

streets of amsterdam look like this:
coffeeshop, next to prostitutionthingy, next to paintshop...
I know you want to meet me. So come to Hoofddorp.
get some weed k
I heard close to Amsterdam some woman lyng in hospital and dying coz of some death virus, smth like ebola. She brought this from Ghana:/
Anyway have fun!
errrr ..... thx
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