Muchos Love

If you read my previous content of this journal then you're a lucky one, but courtesy of shaun & snoop I have what I need! Thank you to them, see how nice this community is?

How has your day been?
nice try
ill give you mine if i can find it, seriosly
you could be my hero baby
lol :D ill let you know by the end of the day, cuz i have cod4 key but never play it anymore since i lag NON STOP, idk mayeb cuz i use my laptop xD
I dont know if there is, but if it is on a PC that you installed it from then there might be a registry entry with it.
formatted :(
i have a 2 keys here, 1 for me, 1 for domi :[
don't play or buy that game , it's a game with fuckedup hitboxes , every 3rd is a privatebot user , every 2nd is a talented progamer who shoots through doors/walls easy.

But public playing is cool ;D
every1 can shoot through walls :p
i don't like the game :[] not because i fail at it , its just not my type

or wait...

well i agree that you have to use to it, its not about tracking players, but lucky shots and reaction time :[
with 9,407 busts on pbbans already for COD4 im sticking with Dunz on this one :)
well , cod4 is just 10 times more popular then ET. so not rly unexpected that there would be alot cheaters + most are pub players anyway >.>
<@TosspoT> anyone got a cod4 key i can borrow :(

gl (:

edit ask ronner's plx
rtcw2 > *
Got one I I rarely use, when do you need it!?!?
QuoteDanke :(

+5 warningpoints for TosspoT plz.

EDiT: fu!
+20 warning points for illegal key trading !
and no i can´t give u mine cause i borrowed the cd + cover a friend for the WE :o
my day was, is and will be great. : D
try and beat mine, the kinda 2 people mentioned in this journal gave me a cod4 key and whilst rummaging around looking for my cod4 key i found £20!
well if I told you about my situation all would be like: BULLSHIT, YOU'RE A LIAR blahblah.. today is a big day tbh and it seems that we are both lucky today. :D
gonna get laid?
yeah.. can't wait :) she bought a new corset!
That don't happen to be the 20 quid you came short on our prizemoney now wouldn't it?
Thats probably our missing 25 euro from the prize money, when is that gonna arrive, in another 6 months as usual ? :D
Who was the person that wrote a column in your defence when you were 'busted'. I see honour is something you know nothing about.
take a chillpill

and anyway, money > honor if you're belgian
I have just lost my interest in honor in online games, sorry for that and besides, you seem to have missed that we are flaming joking with everything that happens but your sarcasm detector must be broken.. But still, i can't understand how a transaction could cost 25 euros.. Just wanted to get some points on the new crossfire rank system tho
Does this mean I can look forward to knowing you wont be at the next lan?
next lan the prizes will only be honour ? then yes, you can look forward to that. You might have seen this already but this game is as good as dead and as I have stated already, I won't play rtcw2 or anything alike so for me the online history is done and gaming is not like a pro sport where if you quit and you do some bad stuff everyone is gonna point you out on the streets like, look thats the guy that did this or that, online honour is just a joke and nothing to be compared with real life honour..
Its only a joke if you dont care about it, the fact you keep coming back to CF means some part of you still cares. Quitting only matters, if you quit
The fact that im still coming to cdc is that I'm able to have fun with guys like vila mesq acid kevin snot and all the other guys I ever had fun with at that lan, altho I must be honest, the honour of being the most hated team in ET might have been the one thing I would also come about, so yes maybe you are right.. I do come for the honour..
And for the first time you have my vote for that award, what an honour
Do you see us crying every time someone hates us , whines at us,wants to see us lose or acts retarded just because it's us (the Belgian team?) .

No we don't care , we are always put behind but we just have fun with the mates who really matter and the rest we let pass by. It's called a strong character i think. We come to cdc to play the game we played so long together , it's a meeting for the 6 of us (which we also do apart from LAN's) . It's just a weekend of fun , being in another world. Honour really has nothing to do with it. Nobody will care if i won CDC or placed 2nd or 3rd.
I we would care about honour then we wouldn't be flaming like this every game would we? I think for us it is quite obvious, we know eachother in the team, we have fun and that the only reason why we are still playing it, because we have a good time together and everything that stands outside that means bullshit 2 us.. only thing that we can appreciate is the people putting time into making the game what it is/was and afaik we have tried to flame these people as less as possible.. untill now then that is.
boring, cdc money :O?
w00OLOo0=o0 money incoming
will give you in exchange for 1 month GOD status on cF
told my parents i smoke =O
if you just need it for 1 day or 2 you can have mine
Lol mAus xDD
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