when aiming do you...

focus more on your crosshair whilst tracking or the opponent? i've asked a few people out of curiosity and got mixed opinions

i tend to watch my crosshair, but bear in mind i'm a horrible aimer :D trying to watch my opponent more as i play now, seeing if it's different!
watching the opponent all the time.
my way of aiming is a secret.
u dont the hacks do it for you!
what is the difference? if you watch crosshair, you must also watch the opponent so you know where to move it. on the other hand, you can't just watch the opponent without watching the crosshair because you will aim at the birds
no if the oponent is in the midle of the screen the crosshair is also there :P
fu i wanted to write that :(
never thought about so i guess i dont pay attention to the crosshair
only watch oppo
lmfao no ideas :s

edit: well now that I thought about it, I concentrate on the opponent almost always.

image: 35181d1179430803-suche-moeglichst-grosse-serioese-schrifart-schielen

tbh I cant even tell
neither i cant aim xD
I press on a button and I don't have to do anything else. to easy!

no umm focus on the enemy prolly
Opponent, most people should be used to the movement of their crosshair and it should just be a reflex.
My crosshair always seems to be near the middle of the screen, this is useful as I don't have to keep an eye on it but can just focus on my targets instead
the xhair is always in the middle of screen...
good day captain obvious
read Dusty's original reply and think again who was the cpt obvious -.-
I found Sergeant Sarcasm.
whens the comeback
If I ever get good internet again :(
you were awesome on 56k
no shit :DDDD
wtf are you saying :D
Opponent, the rest happens automatically.
only 1 click eh :D
lol :D

of course i watch my enemy movements, the crosshair is always in the same place - the center of the screen...
i just fucking kill the enemy jeez
like all pros!

men vi e för gamla, ingen vet vilka vi e!
Jo va hände med vår generation?
Ja, känner inte till en jävel längre.
i dont use crosshair its more fun then
interesting, when playing ball sports (lets use cricket and tennis as examples), you are always taught to watch the ball rather than think about your hands' position. sure you are aware of the general position of your hands and their 'setup' eg softness, but the trajectory of the ball in relation to you in the most important thing.

but having said that, if i see my dot crosshair is slightly below the head, i will consciously move it up to compensate.
That's because the ball is your initial target, much like your opponent's head. Your crosshair would be the virtual equivalent of your hands/racquet/bat.
i wouldnt call cricket or some shit even sport. football and basketball is sport man and there you are mainly thought not looking the ball rather than looking the field.
strange, 99.99% of people look at the football as they kick it.

The original post was talking about hand-eye co-ordination and you cant have that with your foot. :D
idd, if you dont look at the football it tends to go where you dont want it to go :p
set higher value
riflecam :(
dont even know
wrist aim + focus on opponent = teh ownage
You pretty much are teh suck tho :p <3
I never look at the crosshair, just where I'm going to shoot.

If you need to look where your crosshair is, you're fucked.
i watch porn mid duels
Sometimes i focus on my Crosshair but sometimes i aim without looking on my crosshair

2 complicated 2 tell :D
If my crosshair is enabled I look at the crosshair.
But I see that I'm way better in aiming, if I disable the crosshair and just focus on the oppenent.

you dont have a crosshair?
I've got a toggle so I can disable and enable the crosshair, ye ...
i dunno its fucked up for me...

If i have hit sounds on then its more just trying to track the player. were as when hit sounds are off i do both follow cross hair and track player.
You got cross hair? wow how cool!
puh.. tbh i dont know.. when going around and thinking "watch out there might be some enemy" i focus on the crosshair.. just to be sure i´m on the hs-line and to know where my crosshair is.. as soon as i see an enemy i think i just watch the enemy.. if i see more enemys at once i normalyl aim at one enemy and watch the others.. just to see if there is an eng or i better go for the medic or to aim faster on the next opponent.

And tbh i think i just aim on some invisibly line... i just see the enemy going left.. so i aim where the head normally is when he goes to the left.. and when he crouches i automatically move down the crosshair. and sometimes if i think he will go left+ crouch i do that even before he crouchs... but i´m not sure sincei never really payed attention :o

not important anyway since most ppl are crouch only !
i always have my crosshair on the HS height.. and about multiple enemys.. if there are 2 coming i always try to hit the last one :D you will always hit both ^^
well thats not what i meant.. i just look who i should better kill..and besides that u need an eye for your spawntime too :)
I have no fucking idea, I just swing my wrist over my pad and hax to the max
low sens :<< gebruik je nog steeds r_mode 3? met die lcd 22 inch van je? :P
ik heb nooit op rmode 3 gespeeld..

nu speel ik op rmode 6 met men 22" ja
aiming is soo 1999-2001
Dunno I just try to keep the dot on the opponent's head.
what the fuck ?
dont you have serious problems ?:D
lowsensers watch enemy's movement
highsensers watch crosshair
opponent, but sometimes i get yelled at to keep an eye on my crossfair ? xD
The further away your opponent is the more attention you should be paying to your crosshair. At point black you don't actually need a crosshair to shoot well, but at long range it's almost impossible to hit anything without some indication on where your bullets are going.

Playing public without a crosshair is quite a good way to improve at close range duels.
I always play without crosshair!
Very well said, the closer your opponent gets, the less you need to focus on the crosshair. For short distance I only need a quick look at the crosshair to line it up.
Considering I'm pretty good at long range compared to short range, I probably am a very visual aimer.
point black? =D
See what you've done to me! I just can't stop thinking about racially motivated crime.
I focus more on the /kill bind button so I don't get fragged. Mwahahahahaha!!!1!1!!

But seriously, I don't play ET.
well i try dont move too mutch my crosshair, and move me like him (straf). So opponent.

english <o/
both I guess.
since if I'm moving the crosshair I suppose I'm concentrating on it but I also watch the opponent trying to predict which side he's going to strafe etc :P
opponent, the way the opponent moves, the way you move your mouse/xair.
oppo, but sometimes im shooting and just looking somewhere else on the screen :P
I just follow the hitsounds
"Cheasy, they are going to the right stairs!"
"But, my hitsounds are going to the left!"

image: crazyeyes
ye i dunno, its not like i focus on the enemy or something, i just shoot and kill them :P
lolz, Im just spotting my enemy and automaticly tracking on him. I never thought about it :P
i guess its something like i focus the opponent until i have got my xhair close to him, and then i focus the xhair/both to have a precise aim.
douille can you give me your email (msn) at pm? Got 50000 linux questions, would be nice if you could help me :\
he cant even fix vent + linux so you should ask him questions about it :DDD
Because vent doesnt support linux.. duh.. anyway i guess that its working with WINE (some kind of emulator for linux).
i just wanted to flame him a bit!! :D
;DDDD go on!
i aim with sounds & brain.
opponent ofc... stupid question... aint actually that big problem to play without xhair... sometimes played on BiO withour xhair... almost the same feeling when using xhair 8)
Ye, let your bot do all the work.
depends, when enemy is close I tend to watch him instead of xhair, and ofc when he's far I watch my crosshair more

but it really varies, hard to explain, although I've noticed that when I start focusing on xhair more I lose tracking(although I always aim shit)
Shoot everything that you can see, so the opponent would be my guess.
both i guess
xhair i think.. but the perfect should be "focus on enemie" :\
Whats crosshair?
Most of the people here don't (know that you usualy) need to focus while aiming.
I got so high sens that my aim just jumping head to head and giving heetsot like bimbim

Tbh I focus on moving more than aiming
Step 1. Put crosshair on or near the enemy.
Step 2. Watch the enemy's movement, copy and slightly aim with the mouse.
Step 3. Scream with joy when you succeed to kill!
Google just gave me naruto stuff... Explain!
It is Narutostuff, means you can copy movement. (and predict, improve and more)

Hoe ver ben je gekomen met kijken ?
One of its abilities is copying the opponent's movements/techniques!
once you get used to the sens you dont need the crosshair, only watching opponents
I can play with my eyes shut just by listening where enemy is moving.
You dont hit enemies even with your eyes open so how is that possible? xD joke
eyes can cheat! Use the force...
Depends on the crosshair I'm using. What crosshairs does everybody else use then :o?

First I put my crosshair on the "headshot-line" afterwards I just focus on footsteps and the enemy.
i dont watch where i aim.
no idea. :X
i click mouse1. np4me ;)
you wouldn't believe it
i dont watch my crosshair at all, the thing we did with a mix last week, we all did cg_crosshairsize 0, and for some reason, i shot alot more headshots then with crosshair:> play without crosshair! its fun in these ETisdead days;d
This doesn't make sense tbh... If you look at the center of my screen, where the crosshair is, you see the enemiez around the screen. It's not like the screen is 50 meters wide.
lol hentai
how goes nicolai?! off to qcon soon?!
ask maus
never really thought about it and i don't wonder about it when i play, it all happens automatically :X
I just push a button, sit back and relax with a bag of popcorn while I own the shit out of you !
its always different.
On long range i watch on my crosshair
on short more on the opponent coz of movement
i prefer real aiming :~>
image: img_0d13594fd3eebb0994ec26615c62f02b

EDIT: like in boxing, you look at the oppo in general :~>
Location: Israel
target: arabs, stupid europeans :D
if you keep your crosshair on the enemy you can watch both in one go
i close my eyes
well when i play long enough i don't see my crosshair anymore.. then it's the oppo
i watch my crosshair and from the moment its on the oppo i watch the oppo :p
I've been wondering that many times, especially when I have less good aiming phases. In those phases I get quite desperate and try to concentrate very much on the crosshair. I noticed that it only becomes worser than before.

Edit: My solution (works for me at least) is to lean back a bit, so at least 1/4 of my back has contact with my chair (back-rest). It has a calming effect. ;)

I think it was the 2nd newest column which contained information about how pro's do. The best is if you (as some others commented) don't think about it and everything comes "naturally".
i dont hit that what iam aiming at... changed my strategy ... my target "aimin on the feet"
tbh with u i close my eyes press mouse1 and hope for the best :(
well when i camp or shoot without getting any damage from the opponent i concentrate on the crosshair, and when im hit and get some damage feedback i kinda concentrate on the opponent, since my xhair is shaking
smth like this, hard to figure it out
some guy was saying i aim like i had my eyes closed...
but i really dont know, think both since i try to get crosshair to the head...
just try to go on some server sometime and play with cg_crosshairsize 0, i've done it a few times and I still hitted pretty ok, like 35 percent acc so, opponent all the way, tho i play with a crosshair which makes it pretty easy to do both.
no screen + hitsounds 1
in general I look at the opponent unless my aim is lined up (mainly happens long range) close range is all spray and predictive aiming.
i always try to "pre-aim" to a point where the opponent could pop up, if he comes i just spray and pray!
opponent, then u see what to kill
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