RTCW² extended trailer

http://www.gametrailers.com/player/37742.html (thanks to fuzz)
and some brand new screens :
http://www.shacknews.com/screenshots.x?gallery=10437&game_id=5951 (thanks to pheex) !
along with :
http://www.wolfenstyle.com/ (for frenchies only and a big thanks to jeje ... )


random pic :[/u]

image: 22588~Ghostbusters-Posters
well, he moves slowly, not a good sign imo :|

too much green glowy stuff
Shoot from the hip video
Press << button to replay/restart

15 HD real screenshots, not screens from quakecon teaser trailer
image: 7_t2

Raven videointerview

36 sceens fron Quakecon teaser trailer
image: 24_t2
jeje on 01/08/08, 03:12:41 Del | Edit | Reply

(url) [www.wolfenstyle.com] all the screens from the teaser uploaded..

You need alot of time :) At first I was thinking that you steal all my pics.

edit: I hope he used +speed in this ego-perspective-scene :<
agree with the 1st random noob
you have just agreed with yourself!
yeah 0.55 - moving very slowly or i am just drunk
superb picture
i dono about you guys but
Enemy Territory: Bioshock
Yea, you know the game.
ET:Soulreaver ;p
mh cant rly judge gameplay on that trailer.. but it looks slow and with "future" weapons .. not good :O

nice pic! :D
hmm, looks nice, but i agree with drv4c moving slowly:s but dont wanna say anything more before i see the game
teh new reich omg this sounds so stupid, btw rly low moments and too much ufo laserzz
this game suxx
Atleast mp40 looks like mp40. Thats already good. HD(?) http://www.gametrailers.com/player/37742.html
the sound on the mp40 was really different, sounded like a silencer, kinda liked it though :D
these 2 seconds of "gameplay" aren't saying much... still looking forward to it!
seems nice :p
Looks nice but I hope this "lazer future weapon" shit is just in the single player mode.
i want it instead of a rifle so i can electric your ass
bet its gonna be a mix of cod and quake
seems like u can cover upon every wall and stuff like in gears of war rainbow six and so on
dont know if that would be positive or negative :o
maybe (and i hope) it is only for the care-solo
Man, watching the trailer reminds me once again, how much I hate the 'alien/scifi' shit in games. Not much to see in the video.
nice trailer...
welcome to the new reich? LO L:D
cooooool! :DDDDDDDD

new screens here


"Raven is keeping the game's multiplayer mode to itself for now. We do know that it will be class-based, and that Veil powers will be carried over. A co-op mode for the single player campaign was neither confirmed nor denied by representatives. Modding support for the PC has been confirmed, but cross-platform play is not planned."

good news for us
"Raven is keeping the game's multiplayer mode to itself for now. We do know that it will be class-based, and that Veil powers will be carried over. A co-op mode for the single player campaign was neither confirmed nor denied by representatives. Modding support for the PC has been confirmed, but cross-platform play is not planned."

bad news to us
for now, endrant will make the mp in future surely

edit: which is not a good news tho
Delicate balance between Q4 MP failure and ET:QW MP failure. Oh my...

Raven made Q4, some of endrant worked on ET:QW
"Raven is keeping the game's multiplayer mode to itself for now. We do know that it will be class-based, and that Veil powers will be carried over. A co-op mode for the single player campaign was neither confirmed nor denied by representatives. Modding support for the PC has been confirmed, but cross-platform play is not planned."

Good news for us

Didn't make me happy though. Will play the game anyway. In case it flops, I'll quit gaming.
I expect the "oh plz do not kill me" Like rtcw singleplayer!

image: ohplzdonotkillme
Video Game: Wolfenstein(ps3)

QuoteOnline multiplayer is being developed in the same vein as in Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, which inspired the more recent Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. Expect class-based, team-based gameplay as opposing forces do battle over control points. Only this time, you will be able to play with a whole lot of Black Sun-powered weaponry, supernatural abilities, and the veil itself.

rofl control points, did anyone ever play RTCW Trenchcoast?
http://www.wolfenstyle.com/ all the screens from the teaser uploaded..
@ 21 sec this is sick , nice
Let's hope it will be not much worse than RTCW..
looks pretty gawd except all the supernatural BS
everyone who says "too much glow" or something like didnt play rtcw SP imo...

most of the shit will be gone in competition anyway.
... if there will be any competition
as long as multiplayer is good who gives a shit if single player is spaced up to fuck
Sexy frafra ty
And of course, there's the matter of multiplayer. While we weren't able to pry many details out of Raven and id, we know that it will hearken back to the team-based gameplay of Return to Castle Wolfnestein, this time working the various occult powers into the mix.

source: http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/castle-wolfenstein-untitled-sequel/895429p2.html
I'm hoping there will be any super-hyper-power laser gun in multiplayer. If this is true and there will be some supernatural weapons, then it's pretty fucked up. :$
image: jetpackai8

Newb Panza shooting at 1v1:
image: panza1qd4
image: panza2dv6
lets keep the hope that the sp weapons wont be available in the mp
Quote by GameSpotOnline multiplayer is being developed in the same vein as in Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, which inspired the more recent Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. Expect class-based, team-based gameplay as opposing forces do battle over control points. Only this time, you will be able to play with a whole lot of Black Sun-powered weaponry, supernatural abilities, and the veil itself.

I guess we will replace "ding ding ding" with "pew pew pew".
i like it
fuck et, there is allready et, why do i need ET based on everygame? need something diffrent for a change...jeeeez
Because people want to show their videogame muscles, their skill, the same reason QW is dead. Having a laser versus an MP40... I really don't see how you can balance those like the MP40 and Thompson.
u will see
I really hope I'm wrong. Don't get me wrong. But... lasers vs a second world war weapon?! Isn't that a bit wierd?
thats rtcw, you never played the 1st one? Oo game doesnt have to be realistic...like 19387543565 other games
I was talking about making a laser having the same power like an MP40 :). That is a very BAD laser technology :P.
maybe its instead of..panzer or rifle? instead of a gay bazuka thing you shoot massive lazer every once a time and rape the peoples in the area Oo or just electric them or something lol
That would be sexy :D.
Yeah I cant imagine it been anything else tbh, just another heavy weapon for soldier class or something, also probably available to both sides.
nice stealin my quote :x
let it looks like ETQW in singleplayer
but give us something normal in multiplayer :D
I got screenshots movietrailers i know how the game is :)
when i see this trailer my head goes -.^
can't wait to see the MP! XD <3
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