Biggest ET egobastard of 2008

1) Belgium ^mAx
2) Malta Toxic
3) Sweden Rat

1) toxic
2) perfo
3) butchji
dont make me googlesearch new facepalm jpegs
1) toxic
2) emortal
3) maus ;D
well i disagree with tox he doesn't have ego! :)
he does toward me and wen i beat him in war he didn't say wp or gg :<
you flamed us & called us hackers after we won over you so your are surely @ 1st place
you really don't know him well enough then lol :D
#1 nice guy in ET after Wing <3
You can be a nice guy but still have ego!! To paraphrase "everyone but me was shit" (c) toxic
aaah i see Mr MIA :D
that was in a game of turkey vs malta for crying out loud lol.. if i wasnt the best player i should of just quit gaming. i am just 1 of the few gamers that just says the most honest and truthful opinion from most ppl... it gets old of always saying the same.. it will be a tight game shit and it was a team effort... instead i just say the truth to make ppl laugh. all those match statements of mine where id just say 1 phrase and others would say much more such as.. gg and so on lol
if someone talks about ego and ET, the only guy that comes straight in my mind is toxic :)
neither does maus
he does now :/. Since he won cdc4
Bull say it ain't so! I used to love Tox, when we used to 5v5 in the <xfire> showmatches, he was awesome. He got a lot better sure, but now the guy is such an ego jackass.

I'd much rather he was as good as he was before and a nice guy again, it's a real shame tbh.
oi! i respect than alan!
lol you respect it? :p
bah lets beat Meez within an inch of his
lol dog what are you talking about? :p
read it again alan :) oops my bad! im pissed :S
am i a nice guy, u were just on the wrong end of my jokes lol, it made the other 4 ppl laugh on vent :P, what can i say.. theres always a guy to joke about... back in polar/cdap it was snoop [right perfo,xylos and co?!?!?! :P] u need a guy to joke about and in those mixes u were mine :(*(((
snoop was too easy :(
1. Winghaven
2. Butchji
3. Lightning
winghaven is a very nice guy, nowhere near arrogant
true! <3

this overdrive fucking lier
you are by far the biggest egoplayer in ET! Both ingame as in rl!
hes jealous because u got fangirls
he got fangirls?:o
not more as me but ok thats what I was told :<
yey, yet another creative journal!!!!
sheesh! finally someone recognizes the true ego art
some others

forgot myself :'(
fasolka called me a big ego :D
I'm the biggest egobastard ever - how much times I heard in vent "need medic - WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!?!". I was making frags etc....
Post explanations why you think the guys you posted are ego! I want to have a laugh.
"I asked him to merc for us and he said no :(((((((("
i wanted to vote for you because you never answer ingame :-[
Mystic - I asked for his config in global whilst playing at Cybergames several times. He did NOT reply. ;-) Edit just seen this
Quote by snoopsnoop on 08/08/08, 20:26:19 PM | Reply

hi noname
Quote by emortali beat him in war he didn't say wp or gg :<

That's a sign of a MASSIVE ego.
23:35:39 (art-Wakizashiuk) do what you do
23:37:17 (np`Clown) what exactly?
23:51:43 (art-Wakizashiuk) be arrogent?
23:51:47 (art-Wakizashiuk) not even say gl?
surely cant be ur fault if u use teamchat only
Yeah what gives? Krosan said you were flaming us for not talking - we use teamchatsonly. Does not talking make someone egotistical? Get real. IRC and Crossfire are for discussing - ET is for playing.
I dont mind other players not typing gg etc just i was trying to have a general conversation with u. Thought u were ignoring me deliberately thats why i said some stuff untill krosan told me u had teamchats only on. Wasnt a big deal, bit of a misunderstanding
Malta toxic
Netherlands Azatej
England Meez

Estonia infi due to popular request
im delighted.
Starzi convinced me man, it's all his fault.
knew it tho :(
i made u who u are!

i can see this reply getting many ironic and sarcastic replies
My mother did!
lol who cares what you think
why toxic? :( I like him...
its hard to not like him, "best player at cdc", iq of 140, seems like a nice modest guy
i agree with da Meez!
i was being 110% sarcastic
Quotelol who cares what you think

oops wrong link!
u really do hate me atm, the 3rd hate comment towards me! :(
140 iq was what the website told me back when i got interviewed on ggl!
best player at cdc was what most ppl said about me :(

ok i aint the most modest guy but thats normal cos ive got confidence in myself lol
i dont hate you, i think you are ok to talk to most of the time, but you just admitted you have an ego

and i dont know who was saying you were the best at cdc :\
possibly not the best but definetely at the top of the bunch. ego and self-confidence aint the same thing which most ppl dont realise
I realize the difference but you're just arrogant. Nothing wrong with that though there's tons of people arrogant on the internet. As long as you realize that maybe the average joe looks up to you there are still a lot of people who look through your bubble and see you have nothing to be arrogant about. Ye you're good at ET, woop-di-fucking-doo that's a real accomplishment.
i aint the modest of ppl [by far], and it aint over here only.. its part of my character.. i pride myself on what i do and how i do it, nothing wrong with that surely
Quotenothing wrong with that surely

If you have no problem with that you should have no problem with us calling you arrogant.
almost exactly what i was thinking, replace hentai with someone else cant think atm pissed up!
that knuckle-duster guy...
dont mention my name without permition

Netherlands juA
Netherlands saKen
Netherlands LavOd

ps. Het is wel zo.
its fucked but i cant disagree
Poland Robaciek
u just confirmed ur place ;p
<@eVo`i> "i played well at cdc"
toxic is easily the most arrogant guy i know i guess

Meez is also very arrogant, but not such much because of skill, more because of his 'intelligence'

but they were always jokeesss :( and u know that :((

u used to laugh!
To use the cliche phrase - "you changed". There was a point where we'd talk all the time, where we got on well, and ye, of course i'd take the joke. I still do take the jokes all the time from aza, perfo now i play with them, it's not that. You should probably see that so many people here making these comments about you does suggest you really do have your head up your ass. Sure, half of them have probably barely spoken to you, but i'm sure you'd love to know how many vent conversations have said the exact same phrase "ye, he was a great guy before cdc4".

I can't blame you though, if i became a prick (assuming i'm not already), i doubt i'd recognise my change in persona.
generally, the ppl saying that ive got a massive ego are people that i used to play with but for whatever reasons stopped, and also friends of the ppl i used to play with. I thought about this as i was trying to sleep and for the majority of ppl it made sense. After i replaced u and ross for example ive tried multiple times to redeem friendship but for example ross was having none of it so not much else i could do, u were too active for us, if we hadnt replaced u, u prolly woulda left by now as we dont play anymore. havent spoken to meez since before i replaced the both of u and now it seems since then i only get negative responses from him. Then there is mav and emortal which to mav i have never played with nor spoken to, and for emortal where i only played 1 mix with him and ever since no matter the time be it 10am on a school day or 4am on a night out he'd ask me to play which ofcourse i wouldnt be home at that time, half the time he messages me im never home. then there is chmpp.. who is chmpp so theres no need for explaining and baggiez who had a bad day so that pretty much sums it up!

now off to work
I was never really bothered about being replaced, i knew it was coming because i started playing terrible for a while, and it was obvious you guys weren't happy with it. It was more when you were in generation than after (since i've not spoken to you much after) that i felt you were different, compared to say, in lolicon and cdap.

You'd never have time for anyone, except say Mztik and pansy, you'd just completely disregard people in conversations, flame at will when completely unnecessary, and just act as if you're a better person than other people in so many different ways. I'm sure you becoming a more outgoing person over time also played a part in this as well though.
i have changed since the cdap days just as a person in general not just online, not a matter of arrogance just a matter that ive 'matured' more and lost interest and lost the comic factor in certain things. Time has been and still is a massive factor for me, so i used to stay with pansy and tommeh because id be praccing with u guys so when i get time id spend 2 hours with them for example to even things out.. basically take a bite out of all the desserts instead of deciding and sticking to one [if this metaphor counts]. Everyone does change as a person in 2 years tho. ps. calling ppl shit on vent was generally used as a way to motivate ppl to play better, u got alot of that cos towards the end u werent playing well and by me recognising and telling u that u werent play good id expect u to up your game, concentrate more etc etc
Depends on the person, can put a lot of people down - also depends how it's said.

I don't mind you being arrogant, it's not like i hate you for it. Azatej for example is very arrogant, but i love the guy! I just preferred the old you ;p
[insert nick of a bad/mediocre player in a decent team here]
humM3L and vila?
Nyke wins this one, biggest retard.
are you high?
what does that have to do with it?
toxic by far
winghaven ego in his own way
ive never even spoken to u lol
im still intatiled to an opinion
how can you form an opinion like that without knowing him lol
everitime he searches for a merc and i pm him he ignores me, you dont need to know him to know thats being ego
what would u rather have me say then? i think its much better to ignore someone u dont want to play with then tell him no.. cos the times i have said no it always gets into an awkward conversation where id need to explain why no which is generally never good at all. so ignoring = less demoralizing for someone
well in a war say gg once or somethink.. and u knoow mav from last nights war
Why should someone being quiet mean they're arrogant?
because he ignores me on IRC also calls me a noob ingame when i played vs him ages ago. i had nice sweet satisfaction wen we beat him in 3on3 and he had everytime lowest stats
Why should that be a problem if he doesn't want to play with you? Nothing wrong with ignoring you then is there...

I'm sure tox wouldn't call you a noob for no reason, he's not like that. You'd have done something to provoke him, if not the irc spam before the game alone. Considering stats aren't worth shit in 3v3 and that he barely plays ET now, i wouldn't take too much from that either.
he still plays ET everyay at lest1-2 times and no thats why i call him ego because i provided him with nothink no spam and now he just called me a noob ingame because i ask him if he wants to play a war or i can play with him.

in the past 4 weeks ive played et like 6 times only, 1 official in unpatched, the final with decimated, a 3o3 vs u with alexl and jonas, and a 3on3 vs someone else with mztik and syk, a mt official vs turkey and vs france.. most of this was done on the same 2/3 days.

Secondly.. not once have i called someone a noob in game chat.. not once.. i generally get pissed off on vent with my teammates do it simply because they would be provoking the opponent which isnt exactly nice. My stats in 3on3 mean fuck all for me, considering i go 999 every 20 seconds, i lag even more then before and that my 'a' key barely works i cudnt give a fuck really. Also if u want to go into details... i played covert ops for more than half the game vs u, all adler, 1st part till depot gate part as allies on supply and last stage on supply as axis.. if u want to go into details that is [note i got best covert ops] so stats aint gna be the best ;)
mate now your making me out to be the bad guy xD. but u sid have a go at me ingame in a 6on6 wen u were playing with mztic ect. u said hahah emortal dont u get the hint that i dont want to play with you . (because i pm you trying to be nice and simple no will do but nope u will just ignore me). anyhow ET is close to its day of defeat so nvm just CDC keeping this game alive
just got i dont say gg? just cos i barely speak in game? cos i played vs someone i know him.. really.. u dnt make any sense.. basically mystic is ego as well then ofc
yes i know what you mean but i rather you telling me sorry i wanna play with someone i know or sorry you aint good enough instead of just ignoring me.
I always ignore people i don't know/haven't played with very much, there's nothing wrong with only wanting to play with certain people. Would you rather he lied to you? Either way, if the person isn't gonna end up playing, it's not like it matters either.
prolly some belgtards
he was. I'm not even sure if night is still better then him.
Of course it's a bit hard to tell, because you don't really know most people. But from a superficial point of view:
1. Butchji
2. Night
3. Sol
there is a difference between ego and arrogance. i think that everyone who has ever played any game at a top level has developed somewhat of an ego, at least for the time he was active.
I think ego means about how u treat other "less skilled" ppl, eg. toxic used to be a very good friend of mine when we played in same team, but after he got to the top, he doesn't even "know" me anymore... so that's what I call ego
i treated u fine and as a friend before u started playing in the same clan as cheaters or at least who i and many others though cheat.. such as myth6s for example. Its not a matter of ego, its a matter of priorities, obviously after we parted ways from the clan we were in... we aint exactly be talking 24/7 as before..
how you like snoop?
actually that answer made me think you are a nice guy...maybe im wrong, but...
edit: nvm to answer, if you just don't want to

hihi, "Stephen Hawkins in my library" xD
We had some great games with bsturz and mostly were doing kinda fine. Myth6s had his moments, and I tried to be kinda carefully speccing him, and some of those 3 headies were strange idd.. I was always discussing with krein wether myth6s hax or not, but I don't think any other guy in bsturz was haxing in the time I played there. We had great players and working teamplay and also nice teamspirit before fuchs started disappearing.

It's true we beated idle and other top teams many times in pracs but that doesn't necessarily make us cheaters, does it?

But well, at least u had guts to answer, so respect for that.
toxic indeed.
bah , I'm doing my best so hard
ive been told i have an ego.

... but then again, im too handsome, rich and fucking great to care what peasents think :D
your just a jock its called being abrupt and it's the law big man :)
fuck aye bull you dorty big lovemachine you :D
Kev can you sort me some money? :( x
toxic :D but he's a nice guy
can't disagree. I think toxic was the MVP of the lan.

no idea who deleted my comment and why
ego + 1337, but aren't they allowed to have it ? :).
all mPG's exclude potter :>
had an offi vs them and noone of them replied a question or just said "hi" or "hf" or smth.. only potter talked to us^^
that Clown lad, gosh he's ego!
true (no irony) :p
whenever me and immoo played 3on3 against him, he never replied even when anyone said his name, be it to say hello or ask a question. i was also thinking "nice ego there". but well, maybe he's even using teamchats-only, who knows (maybe you do know, i don't ;o)
still they (the latvians, mostly) were a nice opponent and even one of my fav 3on3 opponents and i don't know many opponents which i could play 9 (!) maps in a row against without whine.
(15:33:14) (@hentai`) Clown`
(15:33:21) (@hentai`) you don't use teamchats only do you?
(15:33:27) (@Clown`) i do
(15:33:31) (@Clown`) most of the time
i knew latvians couldn't be arrogant =)
<3 fuzz
mwahaha, kevin ofc
snoop fo sho
im going on holiday now so u will have to miss me for 2 weeks :(
=( miss u <3 have fun there! <3 be nice to the girls :D
always! <3
ego boys = real life failers
Netherlands perfo
Netherlands Azatej
England Meez
Malta KiLl3rBoY
Anonymous tba
Anonymous tba
all cheaters :)
wat ik niet?
BelgiumRhand ; he is the best and if someone is better as him or shoots more hs that person is a cheater :D
bozar ofc
biggest lagger i have ever seen and probably a cheater aswell.
but i agree.

you were saying? :) of course the movie itself is retarded but have a look at the frags on supply :D if that's not cheat, I cut my balls right away
:{ toxic is awsome <3
i heard he is awesome in bed.
dont say it like you dont know.
he is the Maltese sex symbol
*used to be
Are you being deliberately ignorant to get me to rant?
to be honest, i rarely see the "prick" side to people so no im not doing it on purpose but i dont exactly see the worse side to toxic, you dont need to explain tbh i cba with gossip
How does this equate to 'gossip'? If you can't see, what most people here seem to, the arrogant arsehole that Toxic has become - I really don't know where you're looking.
ow cmonn :D just cos i joked with u when i played that mix with u and toss lol. it aint a matter of ego, its just a matter that im more confident in myself than before so i comment more, if u cant see that then thats just bad :(. Im just arrogant to laugh about basically, im sure hentai and ross can just remember when i used to joke around and say stuff like... ive won more than u have... as a joke... they'd laugh and so on and id be shit in that game... seemed like a pattern!
awww toxic's soft side how cute :3

sometimes a person just comments on something and its just the receiver who perceives it in a negative way. tox is way too young and innocent to mean anyone harm (exceptions exist though!) =d
to u harm is intended

PS: amel xi haga jew najd lil hex4 ikeccik!

No this isn't from then at all, I swear to you. I didn't take the joke well on that day because I was having a very crap day IRL and Toss suggested we get a mix to take my mind off things, so I couldn't really be arsed to be the butt of the jokes - but that is a tangent, I can take a joke and that's not why I think you're a different guy now to the guy I knew pre CPC.
ego? hes just more confident in himself
i was agreeing with you sarcastically :(
Ah come on man it's late, cut me some slack.
i can honestly say, what a load of tripe. toxic came on that night and gave us some tacs for a map we hadnt really played a lot, helped us out a lot tbh, hardly the actions of someone with a big "ego" now was it :) seemed like a top bloke to me.
kevlar :D ah toxic is a good lad :}
Spain Winghaven
toxic since he won cdc4 :(((((
Pfft mAx isn't that egocentric.

Just kidding. He is actually. :-p
agree with toxic ;>
toxic by far
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