EC maplist?

Everyone is waiting for CB to post the rules for the upcoming season, along with the EC and OC maplist.

What 6 maps would you use if could decide? And what 6 maps for OC? I'd go for these:

EC : grush - radar - supply - bremen + adlernest and delivery
OC: same + delivery and latest battery
grush radar supply bremen delivery and frostbite
omg omfg mappool omg!
-adlernest +caen
grush - bremen - ice - supply - delivery - adlernest
grush, radar, supply, bremen_b1 and battery (original) would be great!
I don't understand what's the point of new maps, I don't get the point of OMG NEW MAPS PLS!

Just Look on cs for example, nuke, inferno, dust2 and train, just sometimes the cpl_mill and tunda.

I think it's more fair to play a map where both clans have played it for a long time (years) than a new map when just the clan who played it more wins.

my maps:

Where there be big money at stake you're gonna get a shit load of resistance from the established teams in changing anything.

ET doesn't have 6 perfect maps anyroad, so...
New maps should be tried in Summercups, Opencups etc. Clanbase has the biggest userbase and the only way to try out a map is to have a lot of clans playing a map. Karsiah was played in OC and although the map turned out to be mediocre, it got played and even enjoyed up to some level. Delivery was tried in this summercup and thank god, cause the map is pretty solid.
I prefer to stick in the maps I said above
Well delivery fails in a way that the first fase is nonexistent. After that its pretty much rifle + 5 medics.
..and the last phase is just full chaos and so random :l
bremen is new imo
well thats kinda silly isnt it young man..Its like saying we should have not introduced new maps from the 6 originals like 4.5 - 5 years ago......
that's not my point, my point is that the game is already 5 years and we've 4 solid maps (radar, gr, sd and bremen) and then we could add adlernest or braun, I think it's more than enough
ye but people statistically are happy to play a new map in a competition like EC and OC..makes things simply more interesting, especially for unbalanced opponents, which does happen ofc...
new maps are tested, show-gamed and feedback is given.I just wish this feedback would be more widespread tbh....
sd is decent? overplayed shit everyone's forced to like, nothing else -.-
when was bremen added and adler? not too long ago.

there is still place for new maps, prics like you just need to addept them like others. and you say the team who played the map the most wins, so the team who pracced the most wins. Isn't that how it should be?
I don't know if you can say that people don't know sw_battery, it is just a spin off of the original. I get what you're saying though.
insider info :
base, ufo, sub, church, beach and ice....
be happy with it and accept it...
radar, grush, supply, karsiah, bremen, adlernest

unskilled boring shit maps -> braundorf, frostbite.
AGREED, though not on the karsiah is good map part
supply braundorf radar goldrush adlernest frostbite
don't care about ec but for oc i would say sd, gr, karsiah............well that's pretty much what i like to play in 6on6
you'd actually put karsiah back in? The map wasnt that good at all.
still better than delivery shit
i liked it ;{
Goldrush Radar Supply Bremen for sure, dont know for the other two...
should be sos_secretweapon

it would be perfect if only people played it :(
Yeah maybe, I never tried it though. I think one new map is fine, but two new maps would be a bit much imo. sos, swbattery, or delivery as the new one. I think the 5th map should be one that has already been played a fair bit, but I just dont like crap maps like Frostbite, lotto ones like Adlernest(not enough stages to get reliable results, eg 1 lotto 3 man rifle nade and the map can be over), and Braundorf where you cant set up a good dynamic defence and have to medpack/corner whore.
Couldn't agree more.

I wish there would be a bremen_final, or at least bremen_b1 used over b2 :(
yup, we need bremen_b1 back!!
We need that map where u put the docs to the plane back and on the earlier stage u have to remember to push the button, the one introduced from Australian scene, and where this one guy from mustanaamiot forgot sth, I wonder what it was... :XD
"u have to remember to push the button"

no, actually you had to build a radio :D

can't remember who would've made such a fuck up tho..
supply sw_goldrush_te sw_oasis_b3/oasis sw_battery/battery bremen_b2 radar
gtfo with delivery its so shit so shit. cant be more shit. that shit cant be played because its so fucking shit
supply goldrush bremen radar delivery adlernest
grush - radar - supply - bremen - frostbite
EC: ice base frost supply braundorf adlernest

one good map, three rtcw maps that don't work in ET 6v6, a really terrible luck/camp based map and a one stage objective run "lotto" map...

What a great balanced mappool you have there.
Oasis, Goldrush, Supply, frostbite, Braundorf, Radar
sw_gold, radar, supply, bremen

possible additionals: sp_delivery, adlernest (sw battery for OC)

shit maps: braundorf, frostbite
agree with that maplist
Supply, Radar, Grush, Bremen, Delivery, no Adlernest, certainly no B4.
don't know about a sixth map. Of course there has been some nice action on Adlernest, but I am not really a fan of the map whereas I really enjoy playing on the other 5 mentioned. Can't say much about the new Battery.
grush , radar, supply, bremen , frosty
haven't played delivery in earnest yet (1 mixed wiii), so can't say about that. But otherwise your list looks good to me. Maybe I'd add frostbite if the rtcw flavour is a must
grush radar supply bremen delivery and frostbite
braundorf, radar, supply, specialdelivery, adlernest, frostbite
radar, ice, bremen, adlernest, frostbite, braundorf/delivery
delivery out battery in

radar, battery, b4, supply, adler, bremen/gold/frost
as long are braundorf, frost, and ice arent it the mappool ...
YES karsiah out !
new battery ruls ruls
anything but frostbite.... ET isnt made for such small and faster RTCW maps..
Radar, Supply,Adler,Grush,Delivery and Oasis tbh
radar, grush, bremen, supply, battery (new 1), delivery / tc_base ^___^

Battery final
Adlernest / delivery
Delivery ? wtf pub map!
grush oasis railgun radar fueldump battery
+Oasis =$
grush supply bremen sw_battery radar
Bring railgun back
grush radar battery supply bremen delivery
Radar, supply, sw_goldrush, bremen_b2, adlernest + maybe sp_delivery_te and sw_battery.
id like to see a wolf map. Ice or base
Don't know why people enjoy maps that are inside-only maps(braun, frost, delivery, adlernest). 5 medics + rifle is REAL ET. Fun to play, fun to spec! Stop making cs maps ffs, sorry but even cs maps are more open than et these days. Don't wonder why et dies, when you make the game so aim/lean based with these maps for medskill noobs, who don't know how to play other classes than medic just because that's what they play on their favorite public.

P.S Playing aside, would you rather watch, for example mamut vs tlr on supply and goldrush or delivery and adlernest?
gold radar supply bremen + new battery/delivery (as adler, braun, and frost are too short ;<)
why 2 different maplists?

aslong as there is no b4 and frostbite im cool with it, i dont really like delivery either but its better than the first 2 mentioned.

id rly love to see oasis back, with a buildable allied cp in the upper tunnel for second phase... i think it wld work, allies would be able to attack faster, and axis cld put some nice spawn nades or even attack it with a cov between allied spawns to make allies "spawn back" at the wall... and maybe spice things up with some more boxes / stuff in the courtyard.

or make the map bigger and put a cp around the tanks (behind the guns) if allies can reach it they can spawn behind enemy lines, or something else exiting... its a rly cool map, with some changes it could be fun, and not 2 20 mins fullholds.
supply, Gr, Delivery, radar, Bremen, B4
and 3o3 oc:tc_base, supply, B4, Karsiah, adlernest, Frostbite
i would like to try sw_battery and ofc raw_final <3
supply bremen grush radar frostbite adlernest <- perfect mappool... and dont give me this "frost/adler=lotto" replys, its boring to explain why et community is retarded
oasis plz
ice gr sd oasis aldernest and possibly delivery, rest can gtfo !!
goldrush and supply out

sw_battery and sp_delivery in
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