A great relief

I'm leaving

A great relief for Crossfire, I'm leaving this website. Thank Loekino and his gangsters for the last step. This website is supposed to be fun, and 9 out of 10 things I posted in here were bullshit and for fun. Now that they have started involving in my real life, flaming my reallife contacts, the fun is over for me. If they aren't capable of seeing the difference between reallife and e-life, I wish them good luck in the rest of their lives, but I don't want to be involved in that shit.

I just advise you guys (the ones I'm talking about know it's about them) to grow up, not everything you see on the internet is true and serious, learn that. Learn to relate things to eachother, instead of just randomly acting, it can do serious damage, like to Loekino for example. He has been reported to the police for stalking activities (not my decision, because I told my dad it's just the internet), and will PROBABLY (not sure) be contacted soon and has to defend himself in court.

So, hereby, goodbye crossfire, thanks for the fun times I've had here, but the community has transformed into a big bunch of e-thugs taking everything too serious.

Much love to:

PolandSol - Warned me and banned me when I pushed the limits, I also got the fun out of fun all too often.
NetherlandsRonner - For always having a shiny head and just being one of the best admins in here.
NetherlandsEddo - Crazy dutchy, highskiller + always fun, really, always xD
NetherlandsSul1v - Stoniebelonie, always being as supportive as possible, really, mankind hasn't known a more supportive guy than this dude I guess ;DD
NetherlandsJuize - Old classmate, reallifer, playerboy, etc etc, he's cool :>
NetherlandsIns - Old classmate, reallife, stonerboy, etc etc, he's cool :>
NetherlandsSupa - Metal!!!!! I'll meet u at metalfests n stuff, we'll drink a beer together :)
GermanyEvilynn - Always in for a talk, and always makes the right decisions. Wise and sweet, love you! :)
Germanyw0nd3r - Always busy with new projects above his knowledge, an awesome amount of ambition, which I really like!
GermanyRazzah - You sexy kebabmonster! I love you!!!! <3333
RomaniaNebu - You're a great person, and really really really REALLY sexy! Gl with your life ;>
SwitzerlandPuu - I've never had so much fun with anyone playing ET as with you!
SwitzerlandLady - Being so hot, and supporting me when I had a hard time talking to girls, + ALWAYS being happy :D
FranceStrAf - If you're Lady's boyfriend you just have to be cool and awesome, which makes straf... cool and awesome :D
BelgiumFab - For being the funniest beltard on this website, although I'll prolly still speak u alot on msn ^^
BelgiumCrook - Being about the most intelligent person on this website, and also a really nice guy
EnglandBulld0g - Always helping me out when I have online problems, and someone who I still desperately need to drink a beer with @ cc5 (yes, I'll still be there, just to see some NICE crossfire dudes irl).
MaltaKiL|3rBoY - Always sweating his balls off trying to keep this community as clean as possible, + always being fun to talk to.
EstoniaRaztih - You just have to fall in love with this guy's personality, he is awesome in every way, I miss playing ET and designing together with you dude!

And to everyone I forgot, bad luck for you, but I still love you <3


ps. I'll keep replying IN this journal until tomorrow evening, which is when I will request my ban so I don't come back.

image: on%20off
bb :(

Quote by LoekinoWhat? i never did anything?! i wasnt at my pc for 3 days now :|
cu @ msn :>
makes me sad

Those lists are so retarded.

Bye bye.
i doubt someone here will really care though

but loekino and other spam-only crew should be banned for life
id perma ban them all from the site, and would have ages ago. I'm not admin tho here :<
same, but hey.. not solely my decision.
Loekino is permanently banned? :O
yes, cuz that idiot simply never learns
oh come on, you're taking this too seriously.. it's a fucking internet gaming community ffs
hahaha you are sick :DD
cya dude, hf at rl
what did loekino do this time?
some nice things
cu@cc5 or metal concerts ;d
thx god
iam lucky to know you in reallife! so you wont be gone for me ;)

thanks for the shoutout m8!! =)

p.s. to xfire, he really is a good guy, 2bad you probably wont notice that on the internet
l0l @ the lowkino part

bb spreeeeeeee33333333333
finally! kneusje
cya gl,

whers my <3
cu in 2 weeks :D
hm bb ;s ?
Please do come back. Although the average Cf user is pretty retarded, what do you care? Did you get intimidaded because they involved your real life? Seriously, just laugh it away. Don't leave because some idiots thought it was funny to diss you like that.

see loekino's last journal for the explanation.
honestly im drunk! you wont get wat you deserve! sorry...
sorry to see you go mate :(
too bad for us i guess, crossfires average IQ dropped by a great amount once you left.
bye mate :'(
What's so horrible about it xD?
finally no more song lyrics from you, thx god
Status: BANNED

lol i hope ur happy now spree :D:D
he deserved the ban, the guy was a prick :/
Comment Ignored (+)
Quote by SpreeHe has been reported to the police for stalking activities (not my decision, because I told my dad it's just the internet), and will PROBABLY (not sure) be contacted soon and has to defend himself in court.

i lold irl
Status: Online

wut ?
Quoteps. I'll keep replying IN this journal until tomorrow evening, which is when I will request my ban so I don't come back.
Ok nice. Can you give me an exact time when you stop replying to this journal ? I think tomorrow evening is just a bit too inaccurate.
Good luck, I hope you can get the attention you crave in some other aspect of your life.
cya...?? so ur coming back?

cya soon

nja jammer dat je op deze manier afscheid moet nemen

QuoteI'll keep replying IN this journal until tomorrow evening, which is when I will request my ban so I don't come back.

Sounds just like he's gonna do something horrible, jump off a bridge, kill his entire school or whatever... YOU'RE JUST FUCKING _LEAVING_ A WEBSITE :DDDDDDD

Plus the fact that you almost cum when you write about your e-buddies (unless that's just bad ironical exageration) & report people to the police because you get flamed.

u shouldt do jokes about killing at schools....

most of that tragedies started like this...

You have no idea how humor can somtimes soften some of the worst, most fucked up things in life ;).
^^ nah, actually I'm also too busy with rl to be involved in this shit with loekino n stuff atm. I'm just leaving crossfire coz it aint fun anymore, that's it ;)
dont do it !
haahhah :D same
image: 1121ca8

won't miss you.
cu @ msn

thx for shoutout btw :P
:o well

what to say .. gl in ur real life ! <3

u have my msn!
Please oh pretty please solve this in a better way.

I'd also be pretty damned pissed if some internet guys start flaming any of my relatives IRL. But I urge you both to take the steps needed to get cool again, without the police. You're grown ups, and so is Spree's father and you can sort this out.

If you still choose to leave, you'll be missed, know that.
loekino was right, like father like son emo lol
this thread is full of win, guys.
fusen, where the fuck is a hall of fame when we need it
loekino deserves to be on it!
dont forget me :D
i am the big bad wolf!
QuoteHe has been reported to the police for stalking activities (not my decision, because I told my dad it's just the internet), and will PROBABLY (not sure) be contacted soon and has to defend himself in court.

what did he actuly do?
check his latest journal for the details
mmmm dunno suing him is a bit too much imo
Ok baibai. You always were a nice guy, but imo you take this stuff too serious (I don't know exactly what happened though).
Have fun with reallifing and see you in 2 weeks.
noesss :<

to bad to see u go :<
anyway Ill have some nice talks with you on xfire or w/e and who knows some nice games :P
and ofcours well meet on cc5!
he was there?
yup he was
youre unbanned finally yippieyippiewoohoo!
Thanks loekino

QuoteHe has been reported to the police for stalking activities (not my decision, because I told my dad it's just the internet), and will PROBABLY (not sure) be contacted soon and has to defend himself in court.

You're pathetic. Do you really think loekino will actually get a punishment for talking some shit over the interwebz. You and your dad are the ones who need to grow up, not loekino.
nowadays ur getting problems for bullying aswell...

wouldnt surprise me
u rly need attention mr dramatic!
and you got it, cu in 4 weeks max
XDDDD stalking activities... wtf is ze internetz doing?????

is there a better gaming community? XD
if you find it plz let me know of it too. :D
cya spree, didnt always agree with you but know ur not an asshole, might cya at some concert. take care
jij begint ook al aardig een emo te worden ment! cya @ outland
internet stalking...now there's a new concept :p

^jESUS m8, if your'e reading this, do you think I should get my books out???? :DDD
this is the sadest thing iver ever seen
gtfo retard fuck! fucking ugly kid, hope you die soon!
but seriously, hf and gl in the real life :)
what took you so long to f off? =DD if i tried harder would you have left earlier?
you just failed!
back in 2 minutes
oh and hai guys image: alizee-journal-des-plages
i laik you ^^

(not seriously you but the girl =DDD, i hate ya man!)
<3 you 2 SaTz, de kankerpwnie!
hahaha =DDDDD <3333 you coming to CC5?
maybe, I'd really like to ! however the 12th of december, I'll have a dutch exam from 11 to 13 o'clock, but I don't think it will prevent me from going to cc5 (I live in the north east of france, 5 hours by car and 1 by plane probably to go to enschede)
ah nice man :) youre seriously doing dutch at school? awesome :D hahaha, will see you @ cc5 then, come and get a beer when you see me man. you can find me outside smoking 99% of the times if im not playing :D
yeah like always you are just inside to play then you cant stand all these nerds :DD
=DDDDDD ahahaha, so true :P hope you can smoke this CDC if youre coming ;)
well i am not sure yet if i can smoke but i think i will come anyway!
^^ nice :)

see u @ CC5 then :D
I like your style
stalking activities?!?!
sounds sober
your own fault!
OMG.. now im a emo :(
You are ugly without being emo, don't worry, Sir!
zomg you maded me so sad
Some ppl on this community have been giving u a hard time. Its a shame it pushed u to "leaving" the community. Hope to see u around spree, was always nice talking to you mate. I still owe u that essay ;)

Status: Online
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time: 09.18m
GMT +2.00
Quoteps. I'll keep replying IN this journal until tomorrow evening, which is when I will request my ban so I don't come back.
oh sorry i thought it was already 19th ^^
wishful thinking (HAHAHAHAHA:D)
don't let the doorknob hit you on the way out

did it even occur to you, that you pretty much brought it on yourself tho?
i lil step for you a big one for us
byebye lol
if spree and loekino lived in the usa , spree could be rich soon :>
his dad is afaik!
np gl in life, giev me your msn adres bitch.
best journal ever
i bet you felt pretty stupid in the morning..
gtfo :D
cu in 2 weeks
GTFO my internets, spree!
cu in 1 week 8D
what did loekino do
i dont get it, you say he "stalked you", can u actually give examples?
like does he follow you to work, hiding in dumpsters and behind lamps and shit
when you look out the window is he outside jerking off?
get over it..
i actually did all of the above
stalked you? :D:D:D:D:DD ridicilous
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