new drunken story #1

ok, i know it was monday and many ppl had to work but i care, it was kirmes in my village so i went to the pubs drinking with my football team early in the morning...later and later after some "stein / maß" i went more and more drunk, went to more and more pubs so more and more beer went into me...
but then, i saw the fucking nice girl living 5houses besides me and DAMN what a fucking nice ass *-* well talked much with her, still more and more beer came into me and i still went more and more drunk.
i guess it was around 12 o'clock in the evening she pissed off without walking with me -.-' BUT a girl was still in the pub (a good girlfriend of her) and well...drunk more and more with her, and then (she told me) about 3 o'clock in the morning we went to her because i was too drunk to go home ...

ok ....

it took a very long time ... well well... tried to sleep with her, i have no fucking clue if i had sex and i have no clue what happened everything...that were only rly little things i remember...

btw i have no fking clue what and how i wrote that.

flame on bb

your gari.
It took you 7 min to write this journal.
ye? where did u know that?

super nanny?
I think they call it brewers droop.
alcool sux smoke marijuana =D <3
lulz..the last time i smoked it i only felt on the next morning that im high...

went with no eat before to the "bockbierfest" (bockbier = beer with ~8% alc) and well...after 10beers i was so drunken and had to laugh after each hole i saw cuz of that marihuna !
drunken+stoned > drunken > stoned
rly i dont like beign stoned without beign drunken.. i am slowed as fuck and i have strange feeling on chest :P anyway better than nothing :D
because you dont smoke good ganja like blu berry , k2 or Jack errer with good purcentage of thc ;) . Ps: Ganja is good for teh smyle =D
Your going to have aids =[
wut? oh noes :( and what about with us? can we live with that problem?!
You will die within 7 days.
Its a very big problem. waiting for a random aids picture.
u need to go to school more
noes i have holidays :) and this year my graduation!
i tell you a litte secret:

well if u dunno if u had sex with her..just ask her...aids or baby incoming....u better know that before :-D
i still live in hope that i dindt has sex with her, because i saw her in the morning >.<'
just visited your profile (u can add that to your achievements now :D) and saw following achievement:

best girlfriend ever! <33

could u declare that? xD
girlfriend is over o: too lazy to edit x)) i do some uberpwner rl and online achievements? could lower my boreness..
lol..never shout it out too loud (ad. best gf ever) ^^

huh? didnt understand one word :D
Nothing is more epic than living in fear for next 2 months, waiting for that phone call.

made some expiriences with? ;p
Not really no sorry :(
:/ what shall i do? learn the introductions of condoms by heart? <.<

shall i live with her?

shall i die?

damn im hungry -.-'
Talk with her.
if so, pille-danach made me feel better -_-
did she take the pill?

i dont rly know something about her :'((
just ask her ffs...she still could use the "pille-danach" (dunno the word in engrish).. and about aids: i couldnt care less....
yeah that's indeed a shit situation and you can't do anything about it. If you have sorrows, talk with her about last evening. If nothing happend it's good, if something happend she should take the "pille danach" and you should use your brain and a condom next time, I know it's hard.

I wouldn't care about aids or other diseases but if you really have doubts go to a doctor of your trust and talk to him about your situation and do some testings to be fully aware you have nothing on the long sight.
the major problem is that i dont even know her, that something happened or not...if i see her again (hope so :s )
ask the girl 5 houses beside you to get her number and best cover the whole story up a bit for her.
:/ hmkay but another problem: ive found a bitewound, its thick and "angeschwollen"...what to do against it?
don't fuck her dog next time :S
it was a girl biting me....dno which girl but np4me.
well thought you are so fucking drunken that you wasn't able to decide if it s a girl or a dog
well...she looks like so :s
nice story, thx for sharing!
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