w:et and its future
28 Oct 2008, 14:11
do you have any plans when you are going to quit w:et ?
its a free game and it has survived for more than 5 years! in my opinion thats just amazing
i hope there will be a cpc/cdc/cc 6,7,8,9,10 even though i wont attend xD
many retards like JAGO are playing et but there are still alot of guys who are playing et so maybe its a great game because of the whine i mean it would be so boring without whine ...
edit: i remember when i started to play rtcw single player 2003 and well:D, it was so goddamn awesome that i talked to my parents to finally buy good internet^^
i googled for cheats (/give all etc. :D) and noticed W:ET ... that was the moment where i became a nolifer ^^
i also tried many other games like UT, quake, cod, cs etc. etc. etc. but they were not so good like w:et :)
once i managed to quit et for 2 months :D
its a free game and it has survived for more than 5 years! in my opinion thats just amazing
i hope there will be a cpc/cdc/cc 6,7,8,9,10 even though i wont attend xD
many retards like JAGO are playing et but there are still alot of guys who are playing et so maybe its a great game because of the whine i mean it would be so boring without whine ...
edit: i remember when i started to play rtcw single player 2003 and well:D, it was so goddamn awesome that i talked to my parents to finally buy good internet^^
i googled for cheats (/give all etc. :D) and noticed W:ET ... that was the moment where i became a nolifer ^^
i also tried many other games like UT, quake, cod, cs etc. etc. etc. but they were not so good like w:et :)
once i managed to quit et for 2 months :D
go ref more games ;p
In all honesty I can't say what a life without ET would look like for me. I've played it for so long and I still play it an average of 20 12 (after checking my xfire profile) hours per week. Living completely without ET is not something I think I'm capable off.
And I think this is the case for a lot of players. I mean, how often have you seen players announcing they'll quit just to return a few weeks later? For example Worm and mesq. Both topplayers have each announced a handful of times already that they were quitting, but they always returned.
psssst, he's better than you.
this was idd a funny war!!
it's a start
What are you doing all the time, but spreading anti-communistic mythomania propaganda?
Taking to the wrong guy.
Thats just sad.
[e] it was dead when i started :Dd:Dd:d:D, last alive moment: idle.ee vs uQ
tho i wonder why i kept playing :<
MP-E 65mm
Sigma 300-800mm
so you wont be fat uk anymore
Those lens = camera porn \o/
get some nice cum shots =D
Btw, nice performance by Cottbus last weekend.
now i'm back playing casually and insulting people on pubs.
i'll probably play it till CoD5 or RTCW2 hits the stores
I think the only possibility to left ET is good RTCW2
already for 4/5 years and still low+ :DD
but it's still fun fun fun!!
now i play wow, and its 10000 times better than ET online.
wow quite lost its touch as well :<
but rtcw² (promode) & Diablo III go pown! >:D
so he go die <3
I love to play this game...I think i will never quit.
I just love to whine and talk to teammates ;)
Maybe I should just start playing WoW and be lost forever.
so i keep hanging around playing every now and then.
+ with being the sup for ET in ladders and et i can't quit :p you guys(all the ^players) keep me busy to much :D
nah i enjoy it to much to quit already :p
only way i'll stop doing cb stuff is if my job forces me to drop it :(
because the percentage of cheaters online are even as high as in cs and it really will kill the game soon.
a new etpro / or the "great announced" etace would solve the problem and et but i don't think it will ever happen.
ET is far from dead, but to search pracs on a high level is just bollox.
I hope that RTCW2 can bring back that old mysterious touch that ET used to have.
and now trying to play CS:S and getting the life even more serious :D
like all isr players do
except one, Doron, who is still live with his parents at the age of 25 and scream on vent "mom make me dinner" and keep bragging about he earn more than the president of USA :~>
I dont think I'll ever return though, ET has been spoiled by how long it has been around now. There is no way you can get the fun back of about 2 - 3 yrs ago. Not to mention all the cheaters and 10 year olds.
however you have to realise: ET is almost dead, it will share fate of rtcw... Right now we got bunch of top players, creating new teams with start of new season.. when wolfenstein come out, masses will go play it, leaving small community, as dead as rtcw is now...its irony but the way rtcw/et was made is killing the game...
games like cod or quake leave you the space for self developing - if you're good - you're good... thats all
and rly die like quakewars wont happen for et, with some simple reasons: its free, it doesnt have huge requirements for high skilled comps, and the famous pubmods like nq and jaymod.
in fact, every1 who said (me too) that he quits et, will come back after a while, first just4fun to bash on pub, than finally again competively.
look @urtier eg.
so yes, im forced to play this awesome game forever and ever