Bibuy ET!

Yes the time has come for me to close the chapter ET in my life. I wanted to do this at CC5, but it seems like I'm unable to go in the end, so my gaming life will come to an end a bit earlier.

I know the bunch of you don't care, but I just thought I'd like to inform you of my decision to stop playing ET (and any other game for that matter). I can only say ET has brought me so much in this life, this might sound a bit pathetic and it might be but it's only the truth. When I first started playing I couldn't have imagined this game would bring me so much joy, pleasure, friends, love and also drama.

I've had many highlights when playing ET (and as many down falls for that matter). I remember winning a map over zP in my very first EC match (and that of my teammates), I remember us shouting exciting and training and praccing harder than ever. I remember being even worse than I was now and try and get better day in and day out, thinking of tactics on school and such. I remember my first encounter on a LAN, seeing all these gamers I know online and now knowing how they look and act in real life. For that weekend I felt connected more than ever with my online buddies and it still once one of my best experiences ever.

I also remember performing really bad offline, having two cheaters and one no show in my team. I tried hiding from the truth but couldnt in the end and had to pull back my team from EC, because there were some obvious cheaters. I still regret my decision for waiting far too long to do this. I still know how it felt to lose the (sixth division) OC final with morrigu's first team. I was so disappointed (and so was the rest).

I can't write down everything I want, because there is just so much. I just hope you will keep ET alive for as long as possible and enjoy it as much as I have.

It feels only fair to name a few persons who made ET special for me though there are so many I can think of and I will probably forget most. I'd like to thank joop for sticking with me for this long, even though we haven't been playing together the last few months we still have played together the majority of my ET time and I know I'm an ass from time to time and I can only thank you for telling me to shut up for once. I'd like to thank Kitty as well who was and always will be my first love. Although playing ET together wasn't always a succes (:D) it's still ET who made it possible to meet eachother in the first place. Now there are a lot of people popping in my head. There's some old ones and some more recent ones and I'd like to thank all of you for playing ET with me! You know who you are and I don't have to name you.

image: 9uugph
bb sexy kurwa :(
Hope this isn't serious
Gl @life :)

and now gtfo
i bet its your 5th time already u quited ET
Actually it's not :> I've only ever said I cut back on my playing time I've never actually said I'd quit. Don't you worry when I quit I quit.
what's the reason of quiting?
Mixture of not enjoying ET that much and needing my time to study and work.
What study?
I don't really enjoy playing ET anymore either but my study is to easy
Medicine =] and I could combine it but I can't be bothered to come online and practise for a team. I don't enjoy playing publics so the right decision would be to stop playing.
I want to study Medicines as well!
one year to go, how is the study?
Fine if you put enough time in it. It's not that difficult it's just _a lot_,
How many hours a day?
I did bilangual education and that was a lot.
Should be 40 hours, it's like 12 hours college though and the rest is selfstudy.
Bilingual is a lot of work? I'm learning Spanish, English, French and German at once :X
I bet you'd struggle to learn medicine in German (or Swiss German - whatever you want to call it). Learning different languages is not the same as using a non-native (or even your native) language at a very high level.
I'm not a native german speaker. Yet we have school and everything in german.
Yes it's alot, and it's like EVERYTHING in English, from physical education to biology.
bye sunday oliseh
bibuy sexey
need shoutout!
cya enjoy life :o
bibuj see u in real life.
Hoie wesbo! Veel succes met je studie!
doei indiaan
bye mate, was an awesome 2 weeks in exylium or whatever the name was :P
Dag wesbo!
bb, do you stay active on cf?
wil je ze vriendje worden martijn?
wil graag een serieuze relatie beginnen met hem ja :$
leuk, mij zo dumpen :<
ga terug naar Alken
Bye wes :( All the best
<@overSchie> ik neuk je kanker moeder op lan kanker nerd
<@Nyu> Approved
cu wesbo
sad sad
Who will defend the Dutch ballet national team then? :(
theodor already in the army?
soon my wheelchair friend :D
all ppl is sad because kitty won't come either then
hmm? let kitty out of this!
Me and Kitty have broken up ages ago now. I'm not sure but I think she was planning on going to LAN for a day or something.
oh, I'm sorry man.

Well good luck in the future, was nice to see you @ lans ^^
het nummer doet het em
buibui & best wishes
andre hazes stinkt
bb best cf admin ever :<
Wesbo 25.1.2009:

Hey guys I'm back! looking for a team, skilled, good on comms and I am able to play from sunday till thursday

every journal must have a poro to ruin it :~>
He isnt real
bb man :)
may da force be with ya man
hf in rl, and gl in rl !
bye :{
later wesbot :(
holendrecht hooligans!!! gL wes :D
bb wesbo
bb wesbo <3
:c Morgen 3on3? :D
Got a lot to thank you for, when you played for CAN and you were one of my ET idols, when you ran the UPL, when you played for overload. I'm not sure if I ever thanked you for that, so I'll do it now.

Thank you and good bye.
juu de manne
good luck in real life :)
write a book imo :>
cya oldsch00ler
hf @ rl wesbot
why playing ET with kitty was not an succes ? :P

GL though
I tend to shout like a fool on vent when playing (and losing).
Man, as a clanleader I can understand U so well...

This game is fucking genius & I have had lots of happy moments as well as sad ones to share with my mates.
I love this game & my team & ofc no1 likes to loose, & when u yell @ your teammates due to their mistakes - u understand afterwards that U spoil the fun & it's already not playing for fun & U regret yelling @ them, realizing u forgot it's still just the game.
Nicely written ... really touching
GL @ Real life !
ye, ye, gtfo now
bb ! gl
baba wes :/
bb man, it was a pleasure getting to know you, albeit I didn't get to know you well but you were a great player to watch and I know you turn into a girl on vent when you hop into a game but still :P good luck in life mate, enjoy and make the most of it ^^
Hart Breaking.
Amazing. An "I quit" journal with mature responses.
It's because I deserve it. :d
Although it's not my style to show sympathy on crossfire, I have to agree.
wesbo succes, je zult er geen spijt van hebben
I'll always respect you for the EC decision. Good luck with uni you're a nice guy!
fag, u said u were coming :(
succes met je studie wes:)
succes met alles in je leven nog! misschien cu@club he :d
bibuy kittyfak0r
quitting ET, writing a long fagshit thingy and nto saying why, gg, die in a huuuuuuuuuuuge car fire in a church.
bb and gl with studies :)
gl Wesbo mate :)
I have never understood these QUIT journals, who cares, you won't destroy your pc anyways so you'll still be online after this journal.
Furthermore, why QUIT et? Can't you play some funmixes or pub sometimes? Is it unallowed now since you made this massive journal?
If you'll some day open ET, will you make a massive comeback journal where you state why you did this?

hf irl (Oh sorry) PS3
didn't no you, but gL dude!
Good Bye :) And good luck!
Gl with medicine and other stuff in life =)
stop playing ET is one thing, stop useless browsing through crossfire is something completely different.
was leuk om met je te spelen wes! ciao
Team Canada will no doubt miss you!
<3 u wes, enjoyed playing with u(the few times we did)

gl in rl
dag wesley :<
Sad to not see you go :<
Have fun with real life!
Good Luck bro .. :<
bb have fun in real life :)
Noes now we need a new sexiest etplayer =[
Ha! I'm sure no one would've ever given me that title!
:> thanks for all the good lucks guys
GTFO biaaaaaaaaaatch
u'll come back soon ... everyone knows that !!
all the best wes mate <3
goodluck sexyboy
goodluck wesbo
hf n gl :)
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