pets and their names!
5 Dec 2008, 15:17
so, here i am again, bored and staring at cf!
so what pets do u people own? and what are they called? :D
also if u dont have any now ( :( )
btw, i have a cat called purdy! <333
so what pets do u people own? and what are they called? :D
also if u dont have any now ( :( )
btw, i have a cat called purdy! <333
also have dog. named dog.
cat: toby
bird: dicky
my dog, called woody :>
cat2 : misti
cat3 : pepsi
dog : rex
my sweet doggy called 'Daffy' XD
kannst ja deine muddi wieder rüberschicken....sie is spät dran
Can't remember, Cockerspaniel, Sampson used to swallow his whole head when he got mad :D
Sampson, some huge ass shephard mix. Remember riding on him like a horse when I was little <3
Can't remember, Collie, didn't have a name cuz we only had her 10 days :/
Can't remember, pug, died after playing withhis brother, scratched him in the eye :/
Rocky, pug, last dog and the one I really get wet eyes thinking about, he was such a nice fella :/
Name of cats:
Ruby, cute as a button, never thought I'd like catsbut she's really awesome <3
and some cats, but we dont name them xd
dog - inca
dog - Little "Madness" of Gallowway, Callname = Maddy :D
my cat (black) meeting a gangsta :D
my friends little dog Echo <3
Bird called Bird
Half expected some terrible UK humor about "My girlfriends name is..." by now
2 dogs: Viivi and Panda
Norek & Maciek
and another one called Hamjak
and 13 others without names O_O
infuuskat© Pluisje
and a cow called mother (FUNNY SHIT ISN'T IT) :)
Cat named Cat
oh and a Dog named Luna (Moon in Spanish).
Got a dog called Max.
Terry! We sacrified him 1 week ago :< he had a tumour in his head, he had a lot of suffer
got 2 dogs here to. one named xander and the other foucke... xander is a big dog with official papers so his name was already decided. the otehr is a small dog named foucke for nutcase in french
gets me all the girls
cat - ozzy
mom - pussy
castro, el gato negro
mocca, aka suicide cat, because she once jumped out of the window from 4th floor, and she's suspiciously staring into the oven all the time :(
kasza, 6 month old (09/2008) pitbull mix <3
and now I have 1 cat called donna
el mariachi !