How many hours of sleep did you get last night?

I went to sleep at 5:00 and woke up at around 13:00 noon.

What about you? :$
about 10 hours
~7:00 till 11:30 :O
i dont sleep
9, because I'm just too fucking hardcore.
5:30 till 9:00
umn... i dont remember anything :S
and now my head hurts
went to bed at 3.45, woke up at 8 because of dehydration. had a drink and slept till 14
7:00 - 13:00

= only 5 :(
8.50 - 9.20 ;d
u didnt have school?
wtf no1 in myschool celebrated it and we all went school today ><
No1 in your school celebrated it? x'D
it was a regular day
Okay, ze biglal sheem lo hagego aval lalehet lebeit sefer aharey shaatim shel sheina? this is sick (huz mize ze aya yom kal and by the way i heard that only 7 came to school from my class today x'D.
well ALL came school and i slept regular, and anyways i dont celebrate silly silverster lol (only u cuz u are hiloni)
Yup, gam kvar amarti leha paam sheani lo yehudi az kaha sheze hag rezini ezleno babait kol shana ^6^
5.30 - 11.00
5:30 - 14:45 lol
8.30 - 13.00
4.30 - 14-30
i didnt sleep at all
o so ur ment to sleep. my bad
Saying went to bed is more correct? :=D
7:30 - 14:30
came home at 10AM, went sleeping right away, so 5 hours. now woke up and checking pictures from last night O_O. mortus man, mortus
dunno - 10:30
omg i dont remember !!
woke up @ 15:30
dont remember when i went to bed but woke up @ 8:30 so probably 2 hours went to bed again woke up @ 10
4:30 - 15:30.
8.00 - 13.00 >_<
went to sleep at 8 got waken up by a guy who wanted to buy my bike I forgot all about. Very tired now but 2500euro richer :D good way to start the new year
23:00 -> 13:00 = 14 hours >8D
6:00 - 1:45
went t sleep @ 6:45, woke up @ 11:00
5-6 - 12
went to sleep at 5:30 woke up at 15:00 :D
sleeping is for geeks!
7:00 - 16:00
4.00 till 15.00

Or something like that, whatever.
5 till 10:30... :(
still sleeping
I didn't do much sleeping tbh ;D
10 morning till - 17
10 hour like always
9:00 - 15:00 :$
7 till 9, and i have an offi soon gg
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