war in israel


I'm @ israelis side, hamas should be annihilated, european attempt for peace is a bullshit and hamas saying they would accept the conditions (ie europe would make sure israel wouldt attack again) is just another bullshit, trying to save their asses when being kicked and playing the innocent ones (like the attacks on israel would stop after signing a peace treaty).
one thing, a nuke, and the problem is gone. they will never find peace
talk to destiny about this
you're late, there already was one major discussion yesterday
fuck em all and their little shit hole countries.
I bet cohen is there right now solving this problem with his ak-47 and all the experience he has of past wars
his ak-47 , 3 rolex watches and on a porsche-tankeditversion riding and pwning
terrorist = israel
You are retarded. Eat kebab pl0x
He do it but he is so adult that he can say that!
100 % agree
you guys probably don't know whats terrorist :)
teente. where do you live, I'll come live in your backyard with my thousands of other bald ppl. See wether you like it much.
You alone would be enough tbh :x
i have nothing against palestians/gaza n stuff, i just dont see why organisations like hamas and alike should be tolerated and protected internationally.
Israel is just as bad, its only because western governments fund the country that they allow them to keep this war as legal.
israel is not as bad, it's just we have too many issues with soldiers harrasing palestin's in gaza, yes there are some sick ones there shooting kids when they throw some stones
but that is not any kind of government action :P we are also in a very bad situation, so it's alright to judge us
Please NO!
Not again :l
I just hope that Nostradamus wasn't right this time.
? what did he predict?
3rd world war in some year or two if am not wrong
well as far I know he published his predictions coded and not in historical order coz he was scared of inquisition. And anyone trying to find out what code he used, failed. :/
yes you are right about that. He coded everything bcuz of inquisition. Don't know that much about him (only few things from school) and about that what he predicted but we had a convo with friends few days ago about him and i heard he was pretty right for first and second ww. Also heard that his last prediction was for ww3 but as i said am not sure about the date since my memory sucks hard. Oh and some woman (can't remember her name) also predicted smtn about third ww in next few years but location was somewhere near India. Hope they weren't right but we'll see in next few years anyway :D
U will find loads of predictions about a third worldwar if u google for it (some known prophets, some unknown guys). I once was uberbored and found a huge database of predictions about a horrible war incoming - most of them were predicted for 1990 and 2001.

Also he predicted the number of popes and if he is right then its 3 more after the current one. Why there will be only 3 more popes he didnt say.
Ofc web is filled with prophets nowadays. Only pointed Nostradamus and that woman because they were "right" in a lot of cases. Anyway don't believe in things like that but still its a nice title for stoned conversations :P
Arab > Israels
they both are scumbags
imho Israel is the main problem, but they should just nuke the whole middle east, every country seems to have problems there. And when we are busy nuke half Afrika also, most countries there are also fucked up.

And then world peace is there, well maybe we also need to bomb Amerika, Rusland and China but then can come next year. 2010 will be the year of ultimate world peace.
and u dont forget
ur brain will surely block the nuke tho.
thats right because I'm god and can't let it happen.

but still Israel is the main cause of all the bullshit happening, and israeli people shouldn't whine if they get one rocket on their head they are shooting way more. And what if you guys actualy let the people in gaza have some foiod instead of blocking all access to it.

OMg why are they firing rockets at us omg omg, owshit we stole their posibility to get food and to have a free life.
even when there was a ceasefire inplace they still fired rockets... so go figure
well you can have a ceasefire, but it doesn't cheange anything for the people in gaza. They still aint getting the supplies they need because the borders are closed. A ceasefire is only good for Israel because they can save some money for more bombs they could use another time.
when u hear arocket next to ur house exploding in school and inside classroom (before the gaza before anyaction was taken on) i would love to see ur country and ur personal reaction almighty u, now take this and x8 years x70rockets per day xNo peace talking from hamas.
enought is enought.
ofc, give them their country back you stole from them!

problem solved. ur just blaming the palastinians for something u guys started.
And then you could also nuke Poland Poland!
would be a posibility, but not neccesary since they don't make war (don't have zhe moneys for zhe weapons).

All they do is stealing jobs in countries where there are too much unemployed people, can't call it a crime but it should still be stopped but that doesn't need a nuke (but I like the idea :D)
sure just nuke the country that saved your ass many times in history :D you spoiled brat
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Vienna )saved eu)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Warsaw_(1920) saved eu
both the poles were heavily outnumbered, but like in many other wars numbers didnt matter for them, they has skill :p (and Polish Hussars http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_Hussars)
WWII much of the war was fought by polish battalions, and many other things like the breaking of the enigma code was due to polish crypters
and many amazing things were done by polish soldiers, like highest effectiveness in the airfighter wars spitfire versus mescherschmidt in the battle of brittain.
all in all too much details to write tbh,, people dont know history xd

triflip is form holland, a lot of polish soldiers together with other allies, but mostly polish/english/american/canadian came there to free hollland from germans, poles were the most feared soldiers by axis, coz of their viciousness and hate for germans (they were figthing for their own freedom which was stolen by axis.. ) so so
*Messerschmitt btw
nuke them all ...wait wut?
Oh come one. These "israel" journals are even more retarded than the "yeezzzz me goez to CC5" ones.

Happy new year anyway
Get the nukes!
I heard that Israel k1nta has a nuclear weapon in his basement but his dad doesn't allow to use it.
I heard that too.
Both as bad as eachother, im on the israelis side for now.

Hardline muslims are the problem, they seem to think there above everyone else and more and more people are believing the rubbish they preech.

Just nuke em all
teente whats happening on january 16th?
the best day of this year :)
i cant wait. I didnt read any spoiler nor anything that would indicate whats to happen, so i hope ill be surprised and be able to enjoy it to full extent :o

omgomg, i must watch S4 again to refresh my memories
I'm downloading it all again, 86gb 720p torrent. Will consume the important parts by the 16th!
ye, hope ill pass my exams on 6th and 7th and then i plan on watching it again (s4) :)
downloading it in HD is actually a nice idea :XD

Apollo will become president as Roselin dies, he'll turn out to be the 5th cylon pitting the president against the admiral. Additionally in the first series, Lee Oben said to Starbuck some things that have all come true, except for Adama will betray you.

This has all happened before, and it will all happen again.
with your shit connect ? :D
:XD 4 days left
russian jews go back to USSR:D
CCCP here i come
;)..good luck man..they but not waiting for u:D..i think
welcome to Estonia?:D
Funny how media is blaming Hamas for all of this of course despite the fact Israel has been indiscriminately murdering Palestinians ( especially civilians ) in both Gaza and West Bank in bombing and shelling attacks many years, not to mention the blockade which has caused starvation in Gaza with them lacking basic neccesties due to it ( Polish ghettos anyone ? )

Ashes... Ashes... We all fall down,
In ruins lies the Yahweh's Crown...
funy that hamas attack israel for 8 years with rockets without any major actions from our side taken back and funny how hamas bullshits about civilian casualties thats now standing in about 80 then 400 like they say.
anyway when u see arabs in ur life infront of u, with arpg on their hands, and going to hide behind children, and hiding grads and rockets inside temples and hospitals, talk back plz! we will see ur country and ur reaction.
Bomb them all, really.
I'm not saying that our attacks are 100% relevant, and I don't support both sides although I'm Israel civil, but the Hamas have been dropping Scads and Grads over Israel, and we kept silence for over a year. After more then one warning, the Hamas just didn't stop, so we had to do something.

I'm not a killer supporter, but if you are living in Israel, you would want that your government would do something, and they did.

In a war, there are only losers, and we know this sentence the best.
"but the Hamas have been dropping Scads and Grads over Israel, and we kept silence for over a year. After more then one warning, the Hamas just didn't stop, so we had to do something."

if anything, this is what pretty much makes me support israel atm (hamas ignoring warnings and supporting the attacks, ignoring the possible consequences and their absolute disability to change this approach, if they cant do nothing but only preach all the muslim shit and make people go kamikaze, then theres just no reason to have them in command over an area of that significance, what gaza needs are not retards who try to fight using the people they should protect)

You're being a little naive. Did you consider why the militants are firing the missiles?

According to international law, Israel has been illegally occupying Palestinian land for over 40 years now. Literally hundreds of UN general assembly and security council resolutions have been passed against Israel - almost all of which are ignored. The Palestinians are living like prisoners in Gaza - Israel controls all their access to basic supplies such as food, water, fuel & medical supplies, and they refuse access to international aid by air or sea. They don't even have an economy. In the past 6 months of 'daily Palestinian rockets' only one Israeli has died - compare this to over 300 dead in 3 days of airstrikes. Is this response really in proportion?

Maybe you should think about your stance again. You could say that Israel are only protecting themselves against missiles, but the fact is that they are provoking them into firing them - much like Russia provoked Georgia into action into the brief war in august.
i dont judge whether israeli or palestinians are the good side, i say that hamas should be annihilated for it hasnt rly done anything good for their people in gaza, au contraire, only caused more deaths by their activities. Sure, without hamas to rule, there still will be retards (individuals/small unconnected groups) whos way is blood and violence, but there will be a place for a new party to take the lead, perheaps trying to do something for gaza other than making israel bombard it.
if you don't are a killer supporter go bring some food to gaza. They can't get it since you guys closed the borders!

Ofc they are shooting you when Israel is making it fucking hard for the Palestinian people (aqll of them not only the Hamas) so why shouldn't they bomb all of israels people when u guys treathing them as all the same (hamas). Ofc only the hamas is shooting the bomb, but the hamas is like the palistinian army. And the israelian political people are just as bad as the hamas is!

You can have a ceasefire, but then open the borders also so they can get access to the basics of life like food.
yes i heard the same, that isreal is basically strangling gaza for a long time, and people there cant even live normal, so this is why hamas decided to make desperate actions
we did, didn't you hear alot of ships who entered to gaza with supplys? there were a few cases where we had to search there just for any kind of weapons / bombs support
huh? no suport or food to gaza?
we are sending each day those trucks and our planes releasing alot of posters from the sky saying stay away from hamas and u wont get hurt, israel is doing more then enought for acountry that bombs it without astop.
Only because you guys are forced to, otherwise Amerika will stop providing weapons to Israel.

And the israelian army kills more innocent people then the Hamas is capable of. Wow hamas can shoot 45 km inside israel, well isreal can shoot where ever they want in gaza.

Go go live 45 km away from the Gaza borders and live in peace. Maka a bridge to jerusalem and allow the israelies to enter 3 days in the week and the Palastinian also 3 days of the week. The last day of the week is for the cleaning of the city. Problem solved.
america* not only suport israel in their action but also they agree that before any peace talking can start hamas needs to stop shoting missles on israel.
45km from israel is half of that country if u actualy think every1 would just step back from their house and lives because some arab pricks without any respect for human life shot rockets on us, u are WRONG!.
well it's their country tbh, you guys just took it xD and now acting liek it's yours.
there was never been a country, they only settled there
they HAD the option to have an palestine country here, by the british, but they declined
ok so lets get this straight, there is two parties in palestine. one is hamas the other PLO (where arafat belonged to). They both have about 50 percent of palestines supporting (or some pretty large numbers), thats why a two party system was created but failed 2 years ago. Hamas is in gaza the isolated part of land south west of israel, and plo is the bigger part to the east of israel and west of jordania..

Hamas is not willing to recognize israel and wants to regain the lost territories that israel took from the palestines, i.e. they are hardcore freedom fighters, PLO are willing to let go and start a new peaceful era with less territory but without anymore conflict.. but they prolly still want jerusalem or some kind of two state solution (jeru is the most important to both parties isra and pala)..

basically hamas is a problem for peace, they deserve respect for being so hardcore to willing to take on the whole Beast .. israel kjnows hamas is bad boy boom boom :)
and PLO made the bad boy by taking the land

and PLO doesn't wan't a peacefull era otherwise they weren't bombing like idiots. (kinda looks like US in afghanistan and iraq "lets bring peace" which turns out in "let's make it ten times worse for the people living there")
ermmm what?whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhwaht wut wut
juden raus
the isr. army got a youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/idfnadesk
We thank you for visiting us and will continue to update this site with documentation of the IDF's humane action and operational success in operation "Cast Lead."
one word : spiral.
rly pisses me off when people say just nuke the whole middle east, you do that you poison the entire earth and it will never happen anyway because it's western governments that want all this to happen because the bankers get monster amounts of money which means the governments get huge amounts of money and gain more power and control. Just wait till the war comes here.
Remember Isreal took palestine, and Isreal ganna be kicked out from palestine...But as you can see every1 is afraid from Isreal...why ? becouse USA is with them...
destiny will own them all np
Swedish secretary of state Carl Bildt is traveling to Israel to find a peacefull solution to the violence...

image: cqocejnf

you people are seriously fked now...
go go hamas kebabs !!
one with most kebab has to win
np for Israel THEy has THE ZOHAN !
nice actual picture ---> image: %7B26CA060B-F057-4419-AE94-B82DBC4BA535%7DPicture
not really taking sides but hamas unilaterally ending the peace and when it came to war then bawwing to restore it again = stupid
Only Bozar can try to resolve it.
I blame religion, and racism disguised as religion.
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