for me: quakewars

personnaly: fucked up my school

so what are yours ??
Quakewars sucked idd
is hannes still wasting time on it?
No. \o/

QW is 2007...
QW is 2007...
ate to much unhealthy food
missplaced my note with my infinite reality equation.
ur mother last week
du bist so ungefähr der lustigste mensch den ich gesehn hab.
würd ich nicht so sagn
manche sachen sind nicht so wie sie scheinen
came to early once
didn't pull out in time
with a girl of my class :<, I was pretty <3, but failed :D
wish me luck then
tell her you are famous in e-net :D
this site has become boring
i dont think i failed with anything so bad in real life, cod5 was failure tho :O)
failing: fucked up study!
here too :(
haha here's another one :(
Welcome to the club!
on a personal level? Eurocup.
Guess next EC will be in anime-club hands !
Your mom LOL!
was at the right place at the wrong time
Felipe Massa
Fucked only 68 girls this year ;S 69 was my goal
10 years old is a girl!
Did people I didnt really wanna do...
Spent 100 euro in CC5 bar first night, cant remember shit... :/
Didn't do shit @ school
Went out clubbing with my dad...

It seems all my fails are alcoholrelated... So atleast there was nothing I could do about it ;D;D
i would say at least you got a nice excuse :P
Alcohol is not an excuse its a reason!!!
- Fucked up study
- Went one week eating only school cafeteria food
- Didn't gain weight in about 6 months
- Grew like 2 inches in a span of 12 months... wtf
Stayed up all night most of the years nights :D?
I don't remember any mistake/bad thing from 2008, this year was just too good for me. I'm looking forward to consider every single year in the future as good as 2008.
- not having a gf for most of the yr after loosing one early on in 2008 (profile pic)
- withdrawing from my course and taking a new one = wasting 1yr but good decision
- spending about £200 a week on i-dont-know-wtf and having no money left @ summer for travels
- penis did not grow more (wtf those email spams lied!)
- left my job without saying nuthin cause i knew i wouldnt make it in day after bday
- didnt become rich from computer adventures
- didnt quit smoking
- didnt join the gym
- didnt get better sleeping pattern

but loads of good stuff too heh ;p
- not having a gf for most of the yr after loosing one early on in 2008 (profile pic)

shame :(
come on not going to gym is not a fail
lol, nice list :) The bird is quite hot
Kick a man when he's down huh xD
My penis didnt grow either
well life went pritty good last year... i failed a little bit in my studiing motivation and fucked up 1 or 2 exams on uni but nothing i worry about.

i still love my girl as much as on the first day and i became way better in et :)
well you wasnt bad in the war we played vs. you ;)
spending summer with a chick who told me at the end of the summer that our relationship wouldnt work, nice summer fuckup:(
last failure was like 5 days before NYE (prepare for topstory):
on a party i met una chica and she was like horny on me and we were talking and talking but at one point she wanted to kiss..and when her "kiss mouth" was comming closer to me, somebody called my name and i was like moving my head back and right (it was a reflex)..just like going back for who called me..because, that was really weird, i didn't see she wanted to kiss me first but when i moved my head back-right i saw it with the last snatch :D:D
and she thought i was like "WTF GET YOUR FUCKING MOUTH OUT OF MY SIGHT!!!"..well yeah she was not in mood after that and she was very unsecure about me and there was nothing more..i would call it FAILED :<
well this is what i call fail
jews never fail, bibuy.
fucked up my school tbh
mmm by far: kissing and talking to a girl at five days off, and because of that i almost didnt hear anything of james holdens fucking epic set. ffs im still angry because of that. AAARRGGGARGGGGG im going to listen to the set again to ease the pain
I don't fail.
Nothing to write i think. Was the best year of my life, eventhough i had no holidays at summer etc..
But i can write some stuff i was expecting and "failed"

- no gf yet :<
- no drive license yet (starting studying for it 2+ years ago xDDDD )
2much alcohol!
personal: broke up with my gf and didnt do anything for school last half year... :<
tbh im liek god so i dont fail sorry
- knowing that i would move to another country but still getting into a relationship with a girl and not telling her.
- really disappointing basketball season

For the rest only positive stuff this year!
moved to another town -_- 3hours away from all my friends
- 2 lazy
- waz with some other girl (i has gf)
- sleeping
Quotewaz with some other girl (i has gf)

shame on you if its true
i had my reasons at that time
Belgium Belgian Dream Team
Cant think of any fail thing in 2008 worth mentioning
the birth of Netherlands haarbalkut ..
A positive thing if you ask me!
yeah idd, he's your replacement for your hawai holidays.. or no actually I know who's gonna be the replacer but it's prolly still a secret :o
Biggest fail > Enemy Territory: Quake Wars fo sho !
Managed to spend around 7000€ to partying, electronics and trips..
Spend December ill which ment that half a year hard progress at gym was lost in 1 month..
Got quite a much fond with alcohol..
nah, was fun :P
spent way too much money on goon :F
telling my gf i can´t go out with her cause i have to be on the next day @8 o´clock in the moring at driving lessons and then i need to pick up a friend... well next day was sunday :(
i am not sure about 2008 but my biggest failure for 2009 is already clear ;{

i dropped my phone in the toilet saturday night when i was calling after having drunk a little bit too much
failed to start playing again actively or what so ever :[
my ET career is dating from 2/2008 --> this is my fail :o
addicted to et again!
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