racist journal

Yesterday evening the handball team of Veszprém had some party at a local
bar. 30 people attacked them, 3 of the handball team had heavy injuries,
one of them (Romania Marian Cozma, Rest In Peace) died on the way to the hospital.
The 2 other injured handballers are: Croatia Ivan Pesic and Serbia Zarko Sesum.

The police never say anything about the skin of the attackers. Why?
Everyone knows what they were.

Today a 12 years and a 18 years old kid stabbed one 31 years old man.
The police again forgot to publish what they were. Everyone knows.

Our government did not inform people what really happening, they deny everything what point on the skin of the attackers. I have never seen any of them without having a bad record.

So whats the solution? Its getting on us more and more. Hate is not the right way yeah? But when some of them stab your mother on the way to the shop? What is the feeling you will get? Happiness?

I want to say sorry about what happened here to Romania / Croatia / Serbia in the name of my home country Hungary. Tragedy.

P.S.: Do you guys have gipsies (or how to make plural of gipsy) in your country?

president who will easily solve the situation]
image: gyurcsany-ferenc-1

and sorry for my bad english.
stopped reading after i saw handball team
I stopped reading after the title
because u are cool
mayze is right
trev teach meh hungarian numbers, i failed at a linguistics comp. with them :(
Never heard anything about gipsies nor is anyone of my friends against jews. I guess the situation in Belgium is the same but with niggers then
QuoteP.S.: Do you guys have gipsies (or how to make plural of gipsy) in your country?

Yes, too many of them. And it's not odd for Finnish magazines to not give any details about crimes committed by immigrants either.
finland shouldn't whine about too many immigrants, you have one of the hardest policies in the western world. you have around 100.000 foreigners where of 1/3 are from old SU and estonia. so you have around 30-40.000 foreigners, that is about 1/10 (applied to 100.000, so we have around 1 milion) compared to Sweden. when I was in finland I hardly saw any ppl with dark skin... :/
Yeah but that's about to change if a new law is accepted, because then there's practically no way to banish immigrants, even if they commit serious crimes and such. And we all know where most of the somalis, iraqis and all those are trying to come if that happens. And just for an example how bad the situation already is, the somalis, who represent ~0.2% of the Finnish population, have committed ~12% of the burglaries the police are aware of. I don't know if the source is reliable or not but sounds pretty bad to me.
ban this racist
Well, I think this multiculti bullshit doesnt work over continents, yes maybe living side on side with spanish or italian people is pretty easy, but those eastern regions or especially the ones from africa just dont fit in our social system.

They are screamin on the streets how shit germany is and how nice their homecountry is compared to DE. When I would say I love germany I would instantly called a nazi or smth like this ..
image: racistei9
..... never knew trev was so dumb -.-
haha trev <3
damn this time it wasnt the bontkraagjes !
i dont think the attackers just attacked them because of boredom!
they know they are famous handballers (so they have money)
oh hell yeah so hit them and beg for money afterwards would be a great solution to became wealthy!!

its always action reaction!
racism = fail
agree. give me your super solution, i will write it to Ferenc Gyurcsány.
well they have problably been locked out of society from young age on. there isnt such a thing as good people/bad people, they are made that way. you just stupid and short sighted tbh
you proved me more than once that you are one-minded person with your replies, i really don't think trevize should count you
ah well i am not, what is not short sighted about saying a whole group is bad by nature anyway >_>
So its racism if you protect your homecountry by sorting out some innocent people, in order to get more security? In my hometown we got over 20% immigrants, maybe 2% of them are working, the police is driving here the whole night because of burglary and shit and you want to tell me that its wrong to blame all those arabs/turks for it?
if they are not wotking, what are they doing ?
living from our taxes, getting social help from the state.
then you really can blame your country, if they get money for doing NOTHING then its really fucked up there
what a fucking idiot vagy te bazdmeg? dont you think its the same here too? get out of álomvilág.
Lol? Nearly every state beside sweden and some other nordic got those system afaik and if we wouldnt pay those fucking piece of trash we would called nazis again and shit, welcome to the reality.
Lol the same by us about this gypsy problem. We're working, to pay the taxes, and the government gives our money to people who never worked, just made 4-5-6-7 children for this support. No sooner than thoose children grow up, they become into criminalists, and they kill people like Cozma on sunday. Most of them are gypsys by us, black people in other countrys or other minority groups.

I think this situation really sux. Reasons are: bad planned social systems, impotent governments. (,gypsis XD ) blabla :-P
Theyre just living on the wing of people that really can't work and need that money from the country. It's fucking sad.
u can have a wonderlife without work in germany...

yesterday i saw a report about 1 men 1 women with one child...they got a 32" lcd screen -
xbox 360 - 2 dvd players (don't ask me why)

computer+notebook plus internetflat 3000kbits

the flat got 80m² i think

it's fucking retarded...all those people who think "no i dont need to go to work,this land pays for me"
In which Western-European country do people who are unemployed receive absolutely no income from the state?
I know one for sure
Lol :-) U asked it? (It's Hungary)
WESTERN being the key word in that sentence
Ohh lol, we're asians, entschuldigung!
You're EASTERN Europe..
Whatever makes you happy =D, you're not western Europe that's for sure.
Europe is too small to argue about this. :-)
Nice schools in Hungary.
How's that relevant? I'm talking about a Western European country, Hungary ain't one of them yet you seem to think you are.
I think there is a stereotype about eastern europian people too. So in sense of geography I'm eastern, but I think hungarian mentality was never like mentality on Balcan.
blame the government, not the immigrants, pls..
so its fair to abuse it? there are also people which really cant work out of health reasons should they be arsed or what?
so? these could still be supported + you should make no difference between lazy natives and lazy immigrants, no one had the choice to decide where to be born
read above exactly wrote this
They're people, just like you or me.
Quote by Trevizeone of them ( Marian Cozma, Rest In Peace) died on the way to the hospital.

wtf?! R.I.P!
hate is the answer
I hate all immigrants.
I hate all economic immigrants, that includes anyone not born within 1 mile of where they're currently working.

Country: HU


Just like this guy

image: hitler-cyber-bully

We anti-racists don't tolerate people like you
I dont think you can compare some brick minded retard who acted out of personal reasons, with some national socialists with right ideas and proper programs.
I didnt understand, are you saying you're racist too? gtfo
just towards finish people !
i think he actually said hitler was a good man :>>>>
QuoteI dont think you can compare some brick minded retard who acted out of personal reasons, with some national socialists with right ideas and proper programs.
no i actually think trevize is the brick minded retard in his sentence.
Where is Trev acting out of personal reasons? So crime should be tolerated? Really just gtfo dumbass
agree, they think they can do everything in this shit country ... 2 years ago one of my friends was stabbed when he was going home in the night , and another was just simply robbed :o

kill them all ffs :S
btw, solved CA?
yep, but not my game :) i prefer cod4 :\
if you show me some gipsy family who doesnt have at least 4 kid, then you are the WIN. fucking fuck.
nice stereotype again
East-block banana republics!
Sad, but true. :/

Everything would have gone just well if that german guy would have done his job.
if he would have finished his job, there would be no estonia n stuff
I wouldnt care tbh
Who knows what would have happened? What kind we would be now?
world would be full of tall,blonde, blue-eyed hitlerlovers
Sounds better than the world now is to be fucking honest.
i guess he needed more fellowers like you are
Dont worry, i wouldnt have been born
maybe you could convinve berlusconi to start some war
Didn't know He had anything against estonians, but as You say and take a look on the map and guess again why Estonia/Latvia/Lithuania were so wanted.
dont think he would have stopped the war without being completely defeated
war doesn't mean killing every single person of a nation...it's about having power over ppl and land and sometimes there is a person who has something against different ppl but different doesn't mean every other nation
didnt say that
then how u explain this:
"if he would have finished his job, there would be no estonia n stuff"
that is what i answered with my 2 comments
i never said he would have killed everyone..but he would have killed until the country surrendered..imo
welcome to the definition of war : DDD
Quote by eurUz88 on 08/02/09, 19:50:57war doesn't mean killing every single person of a nation...it's about having power over ppl and land and sometimes there is a person who has something against different ppl but different doesn't mean every other nation

so you said pretty much the same, eventhough i didnt say anyting oppositional before
well with the great german resolution he was german :PPP
he was born in austria, so he's austrian.
you dont get it with the great german solution do you? :<
I was going to reply but there's just too much.

I dinnae huv the pooer.
cannae blame ye
Our minister of the interior Ivan Langr warn czech ppl againts them, but he didnt help in any way...
Populist racist scaremongering, he should grow up.
hate fucking nazis and nacionalists...
yeah, i would say that before about your name only.
dont get it m8
and Im not talking about u, u r rly nice guy
I dont think so :D Trevize sux! :-P
No! He's one of the nicest people here
Stop hating on the white folks :')

If a 'darker shade of white' person stabbed a family member then they'd have the same back to the rest of their bloodline
Thankfully Ireland is an island with shit weather so that dissuaded a lot of people from coming here, I think!

We have some of our own Irish gypsies but most of them fucked off to the UK or the USA over the years, not many of them left now.

A couple of years ago we had a problem with some Roma gypsies from Romania who got here illegally and set up a camp-site at a motorway roundabout (:DDD) but they got deported after a few weeks.
were faky and nebu from what I heard
you should start some cleansing imo, start with drawn porn
I stopped reading after the title
then you really had to comment.
e: read it...
what will all those people do when there are no more jews and gypsies?

ofcourse, go for the niggers!!!

- ok now a non sarcastic statement:
that would be about it.
Well, he is surely not the one that needs some education :/
no need to discuss this... fact is skin colour has nothing to do with the potential to do any sort of crime.
Theorically it's true, but that's not the case in reality :/ (at least where i live)
lol'd world is so easy if the mental horizon ends with the eyesight...
No he's right, skin colour is an irrelevance - societal factors, sure - but that's fuck all to do with skin colour.
Everybody commits criminal offences no matter what colour their skin is, it has nothing to do with skin colour its all about the background and the way the person was raised. You can't say 'LOOK SOMEBODY JUST CAME TO MY COUNTRY AND THE GOVERNMENT IS GIVING THEM MONIES FOR FREE.'

1. Lol that's youre governments immigration policies ( OWN FAULT )
2. It's stereotypical - most migrant workers work fucking hard.
3. That person may need to stay home, imagine if you lived in a country and where persecuted and then migrated to another country do you think you would just be able to cross the border and get a fucking job? Qualifications? Languag barrier? WHAT ARE THESE THINGS. Please think before you type.


our government is a bullshit since we are just out of communism (lot of people here dont even know how destructible is that). yet now, there are still a lot of communists.

stereotypes, yeah... till a point. but after so many accidents you will think abou it again.

first of all, i want to clean one thing... those gipsies are not really called immigrants since they are here so long (200 years? dont know really). they speak our language (WHAHA, but you would laugh too if you hear them), some of them work... some of them living from making babies...
and i bet you so do some that live even longer in your country and some of 'your kind' dont speak your language properly as well.. and ahhh what the fuck just live in your simplyfied world where the coloured people are the worst the world has seen...
As long as you don't have official numbers on the criminal activities, you can't state that most of them are criminals.
Then your society is failing them, and yourself.
I agree. As I said (or just meant), it's the government's responsibility too, not only this gangsters.
Israel why the flag
actually he is a jew, but he is wearing Hungary ofc.

jew = ISRAELI!!!! GET IT!!!??!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
all i know is that all the hungarians try to rob you when you cross the border from slovenia to hungary, by offering better currency rates than the exchange. when they lure you somewhere away from the crowd they pull a knife on you. yes ALL hungarians!
hello globalisation
at least some people recognize that someone died, not just the racist word.
people die everyday.. if i say rip to every1 of them i wouldnt be doing anything else... but ofcourse if i leave out all the coloured it'd only take 18 hours a day to say rip to all of them so id actually get some sleep!!! AWESOME!!!
nono ! he WAS BLACK!!! YOU JUST TRY TO COVER IT!! IM FUUKING RACIST MaN IM UBER COOL I GOT EXPLaNATIONS FOR eVERYTHING!!! OLOLOLOL world hunger is caused by blacks cause they spend their time doing babies instead of planting food!!! OLOLOLOL IM GeNIUS!!!

who doesnt get the sarcasm can die of black aids.. :>
fkn rasist :DD
x)) die of black aids!!! :DDDDD <3 :p
i dont get this blind rasists really!
well neither do i.. but its just a mix of the unwill to educate yourself and the inability to educate yourself... so its something between stupidity and selfmade stupidity ... :P
Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :D :D :D :D ROFLE
Yeah we have problems with immigrants here, they're taking over Finland Karhuvuori
No Italian guy here who can share us there experience ? I heard there must be 300.000 new gypsies immigrated there in the last few years , are they also on a rampage in italy ?
But its nothing nu in germany there are many gypsies who beg at the streets .
Yepp, demographical war :-)
Racism is the sign of lack of education. I think you should blame your government for "caring a lot" about gypsies, cause that's the main reason they are mostly detached from the society and poor, and it's a big motive to do crimes, especially if it's hard to integrate into the society. In Latvia our gypsies do their stuff in certain areas, they mostly do drug-related things, but there are some normal ones as well.
No it isn't. Even in the highest milieus are racists.

(off topic: btw Latvia has the highest lack of males in the world - 52 % or more are female lolol)
It actually is. That's just people's ignorance, which they don't admit and/or realise.
yeah, its the governments fault, but since the old communists rule our country (and if I know well, your country knows what is communism by on own skin), there is nothing to do, just hate them. there is no real solution. (ok thats not true, there is, but its a long term one, not day by day)
Education has nothing to do with it.
It certainly has, though the more proper term might be the knowledge. But you could have understood it without that anyway.
Unfortunately I have to agree with Rhand. There were known cases of really clever people that were racists. That's more likely an emotional case (same goes for being a extremist right wing politically) so it cannot be solved with education. Life bites, eh? :(
'Clever', huh, as I said :
QuoteThat's just people's ignorance, which they don't admit and/or realise.

No matter who you are, you are ignorant and the way to become different is infinite, though crucial for everyone. The fact that people are getting more tolerant from year to year to each other (in terms of ethnicity) confirms the point.

P.S. And 'knowledge' & 'education' I mean in wider sense, not just the system.
Every country has right-wing extremists and I wanna bet a LOT of them, if not clear majority, attended high school/university.
see my upper post.
I don't agree.
Man, "uni/high school" doesn't reflect someone's education/knowledge/intelligence.
QuoteI don't agree.

And your arguments are .... ?
cba getting in a discussion about this so I just say I don't agree.
read some Plato's stuff, maybe that will change your mind about obvious things, cause I hardly can believe somebody disagreeing with Socrates!
Yeah that's what I just said - it doesn't matter how educated you are - you may always have those ridiculous views on politics, race etc it's an emotional case.
It's simply:
=> intelligence,
good teachers in your primary school(religion,sport,culture etc..) + good parents
=> emotional intelligence.
No emotinal intelligence => crime.
If the parent don't tell them how to behave, their only chance are the teachers.
I dont think its a matter of education, rather its due to a lack of EQ and IQ. Bad things happen and bad people just exist, people just tend to look for scapegoats in the minorities of their society.

Yes its true that immigrants or gypsies usually tend to be more criminal than locals, but that doesnt mean they are bad people.
Didn't really mean the actual education, read my other post.
bad first sentence :D
Yepp it's about EQ lack, and it seems, that this lack is oftener in their scopes, maybe because of historical reasons, or because they're poor, I don't know. Or it's not oftener, but we are (majority) oversensitive about minority crime.
I was near there last night, so today when I heard the news I'm shocked. I'll never attend that bar anymore, that's sure. I can't believe this could happen in a calm, peaceful town like Veszprém. Rest in peace Marian Cozma!
a gypsy stole my left shoe while i was reading this journal
what's weird is you some of you guys come up with stats like %90 of the arabs, %60 of the unemployed, majority of the turks....etc....how do u come up with those numbers ?

its a education-poverty problem. I live in turkey, bursa which is located on the westert part of turkey and we receive lots of immigration from eastern part of turkey, where mainly kurds live and they move to this part of the country to escape the poverty and terror.

and they bring their part of the crime as well...but hating them for being kurds is the worst thing you can do cuz, 1) its not the KURD who does it but the UNEDUCATED/POOR, and 2) hating them because they are KURDS will make the situation worse.

so take it easy, and dont be like that funny mustached dude :P
Why would Kurds go to West-Turkey instead of the Iraqi-Kurdistan? According to an article last year it's one of the wealthiest developped areas in the Middle East (excluding Kuwait & Qatar n stuff).
I dont get where u mean by developed and I hope you dont mean Iraqi-Kurdistan, cuz I can assure you that place can not come even close to western turkey.
Developped as in good schools & medical care, stuff like that.

And it was an article in a respected magazine, so I don't think they're wrong.
I don't understand why people do such things, like there is something to gain, and in the end, as in some situations if you look on school shootings where the purpose of it has something to do with racism, you will see that the majority of the people who even do it commit suicide in the end.
Come on...
i understand you.
But what should they do?
I bet most of the parents (esecialy the mothers) cant even speak ur language. so they dont speek hungary at home, they dont learn it, suck in school cuz of this and get no job. They have no job but a wife and 1000000 children. They have to get criminal to get some money... fucktards. Like some turks in germany...

Cant speak German, in class 7 with age of 18 (Like on my brothers school), workless but smoking like hell and drinking every friday... so they get criminal to hold they fkin livestyle with bling bling and BMW or AMG...

I hate most of them :)

dont u have any politicans who want t stop that?
smoking like hell and drinking every friday...

Not read the journal comments - but do you not think that it's because their skin colour is irrelevant to the way they act?

It's a simple question that I often reitterate, do you consider all gypsies murderers? No? Ok, so you agree skin colour is irrelevant.
yes its irrevelant, but there are too many knife attacks etc just to walk over... + yeah, i m overreacting a bit coz its such a fucking tragedy.
If you consider it irrelevant why mention it?
what u mean by skin colour.i know gipsys that u cant tell the difference from a normal european guy at skin colour.its their way of being,they are not all bad,but theres something making them special,different...they are primitive,i dunno,but they are easy to spot
These are Dutchies.
They live in windmills (?)
Just the rich ones who can also afford enough cheese to eat it the whole day.
eet mijn klompen!
Niet zo lekker :-[
Wow, that made no sense at all :D
Common stereotype against Dutchmen. At least in Germany...
Really? Well I suppose the Dutch people who go to Germany mostly stay in a caravan, so I guess that's where it comes from.

We Dutchies always see Germans as retards who dig holes on the beach :D

Some years ago I went to Italy with some mates - all around 18-19 - and without any reason or plan to do so we started to dig a hole in the sand. :D Just from our seats with our feet...We ended when it was about 1.7m deep and 2x2m wide. :D
Haha, that explains :D
I think that Borat would solve that problem easily
this journal misses Rhand
Read again.
just 4 comments? o:
Ask Italy Berlusconi for help
If you only heard his stories which he told us on vent when he wanted to kill some gypsys that went into his garden while he was having a bbq with friends "Man I'm a tolerant man but god, those fucking gypsys(...)so you know I was a bit drunk already so I grabbed that axe and..." :DDD
they are annoying especially where he lives. and they are way over the line
i blame the gameindustrie for games like farcry2 and resident evil 5, where you have to slaughter africans
yes, great games.
black hair guys ftw! like me
whu the hate? peace and love
you are right to a certain level, but you expressed yourself very badly, not concerning your english, but it doesn't come out clear enough that those criminals were gypsies. I guess that only very few countries have such a problem with the gypsies as hungary and romania. it's important to signal that they are gypsies cuz they segregate themselves much more in the society than normal immigrants and their social being is totally different. when I read the journal I thought you were talking about any immigrants, and it's not fair to equate them with gypsies.
still..imo..you cant equalise gypsies and criminals..afaik there are also many who earn their living by circusstuff and these trickmagicalgames and are totally harmless
16 year old kid pulled out a handgun and shot this man because he came out to them when they were braking the windscreen wipers on his car, he even knew them and fixed their bikes for them earlier that day, this was only just before christmas
seriously, gtfo. My 6 kids are black, and all 3 of my wives. Skin colour doesn't matter. Unless your a paki, then they should die.
in NL we hate black people

1 tried to rob me @ pizza delivery
1 tried to hit me while i was on the pizza scooter :D

a girl i know is scared to go home alone because she was to get past a not so nice neighbourhood full of black retarded people :D

but i actually have a black friend eventho he is white on the inside
how can u call yourself a human when u stab someone in the heart and step on somebodys head untill he gets in coma...
I don't know, but I drived @ that street/road (or wtf it is) that afternoon. I never seen Cosma, never heard this name before, but ->I<- feel shame, because of things like this can happen in our country, and I'm sad about this.
so were they niggers?
It's more about the person than the skin colour.. but I think it's fair to consider some risk groups because they exist and sometimes skin colour is one way of identify them.. other times just by the clothes they are wearing..

still I think is wrong to put everyone in the same bag but sometimes for safety is better..
about the emigration fuck... EU policies for me you should still need a passport and a pass to go from country to country..
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