13th Friday.


It's 13th Friday, but I don't care, feeling good atm, eating yesterday's pizza:

image: dscn2863yd3

Hmm, also show me pictures outside of your windows! Looking through the window I took this foto:

image: dscn2864kd8

What are you going to do Tonights ? Share some infos with me =]
im hungry now
fuck im so hungry also :[
so why didn't you eat it yesterday?
looks untouched :(
i took this photo before I started eating it... :)
sukin sin :o)
next month the 13th is also a friday ;) do an other boring journal there kk?
i've been playing with it since 2002.. :D
I care, already failed c++ exam
Ofc 13th Friday at 13.00
#include <fail.h>

ur comment is 13th!

samAel on 13/02/09, 13:37:38 PM | Reply

This shit is so mystical
asasasad not again :<
keep the pizza for the next 13th friday
By any chance did you projectile vomit on your pizza then cook it?
tonight ü30 party :DDD xD
just came home from school, ate then and now I'm sitting here, trying to learn physics for tuesday - last physics exam in my whole life. But I'm still not in the mood..

image: b6dyflaccy7679rok

tonight I'll probably go to the city to chill in some lounge or bar, but dunno yet.
beeing at work. tonite party hard guess hangover at weekdn.
we've got around 1m snow ....
Go with ski's to school.
Rofl, i should take a pic of my outside then :DDDDd

Shinny sun, kinda hot (Max: 17 º / Min: 9 º ), too bad i have a exam at 18 :<
The pizza looks as if it has been eaten already tbh :D
gonan go party soon

image: b6dyi87p88yxwpa07

living in teh getto its hard to survive
white nigga in a white ghetto called kopli
yesterday's pizza :XDDddddddddd
why you talk about it to us? who cares about your life? :O
wtf is that mega huge pizza, with 2 slices of that I'm mega full :D
I have eaten 4 slices and then was full! Dad helped me in eating, ate 2 slices and 2 slices has been eaten by me few min ago ;D!
woot? It's kinda small, I can order a 60 cm from the nearest pizzeria here :)
man you have poor pizzerias :<
not off work till tuesday!
do you really drink your nestea out of a glass? :D
well I would have called you pussy if you would have actually drunken out of a glass ! :D

havent drunken outta a glass since 3 years or so (at home at least) :P
whats so "pussy" in drinking something from the glass? :)
(not drinking this nestea at all, just curious, drinking e.g. coca-cola from glass is also "pussy"?)
then im definitely still a kid
going skiing tomoro for a week! wooooop!
malczik, wszyscy wiedza ze jestes dzieckiem specjalnej troski ale na crossfire przyjaciol nie znajdziesz, moze umiescisz jeszcze fotke swoich rodzicow, lazienki albo swojego czlonka ? bedzie wiekszy ubaw napewno.
czy ty miales jakies problemy w dziecinstwie, ze musisz zwierzac sie ludziom zeby sie litowali nad toba tutaj ? sporo osob pisze pamietniki ale nie umieszcza ich na forum o grze internetowej, zycie jest za krotkie zeby tworzyc pseudo rodzine i przyjaciol na forum internetowym wiec dla swojego dobra wyjdz na dwor i poznaj sie z kims i przestan robic z siebie dziecko troski, jesli to nie pomoze radze isc do psychologa, pozdro
Ubaw to ja mam z tego co napisa&#322;e&#347; hahaa ;DDDDD
:D Poczytaj dzienniki Noorgrina, tudzien kogos innego :) Bardzo sram na Ciebie i Twoja wypowiedz i na wszystkich, ktorym sie ten jorunal nie podoba ;) Jak nie chcesz to go kurwa nie czytaj, jestems jakims popierdolencem na fejku, wiec fuck off i nara. =)
jesli srasz na niego to czemu piszesz "tobie" czy "ci" z duzej litery? to wyraz szacunku raczej xd
lold @ your monitor :XD
Getting rid of my hangover by drinking some more soon :-)
oh great now i'm hungry thanks!! :D
man that is one ugly pizza
r you supersticious? :D
i live in bunker, no photos from me :(
gimme your pizza pls im hungry @ work
I could eat the whole pizza now - np^^
Got the same radio i think, but i got it in grey :}:} JVC <3
rzeczywiscie ciezka sytuacja jesli robisz zdjecie dla pizzy :(
Trevize on 13/02/09, 14:31:09 PM | Reply

u will never find friends here.

idd, just cause making journals and showing yours pizza and ET at screen is just retarded, you have opened ET just to show that you have it on PC or what you should even show stats from the last practice!!.. kinda stupid
No idd. Wypierdalaj z tego journala w takim razie.
nice green tea
I dont see any green tea...
Was a great day :DDD

2nd best on Dutch and Chem
best on English

ate a super mexicano and 4 croque monsiers at noon and a pizza just now :D
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