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<3 coco big stoner (pic of him below)
U forgot Ganja :)!
everyone who takes those drugs is a fucking nerd

wtf is so cool in taking drugs...pls

only drug i accept is alcohol (talkin bout 1-2 beers)
1. if im right your moslem?
2. mariuhana > alcohol
3. it's not cool "bro"
1. i dont believe in it anymore
2. mariuhana = not legal; alcohol is -> mariuhana = worse
3. i know that its not cool...so why are you complaining you idiot? i said that drugs are shit....wtf u want
1. i dont believe in it anymore
wish more of your bro's would say that :P

why is alcohol better because it's legal? ...

im not complaining just making a point... it's not cool but neither is "1-2 beers" cool... nor is any other drug since this journal is particularly about weed i'd say... it's just that alcohol is widely accepted cause of moneyzz not cause it's healthier nor is it less dangerous...
plants cannot be illegal!
cauz ur a donkeyfucking kebab nerd.
its not about being cool thats what people like you dont get.
you can do stuff to please yourself not others, try it.
studies show that marijuana is less impacting on your health than alcohol is.
hah what a stupid think to say :|
why do people that don't smoke/haven't smoked, always think it's "cool" to smoke. ye, everyone's definately doing it to be cool? im just wondering, what makes you think like that? i ain't flaming or anything.
lol che shirt and a mess of dreadlockz ... cool
yeah you're so fucking cool right now
u are the nerd you fucking idiot
love it.
but that pic makes me sad... so much weed. so bad quality.
your salad doesnt look fresh anymore :U
dried for 3 weeks i think! :]
haha that makes me recall the times when i had to call dealers...
how much did u pay for that? looks like a weed amount for 20euros but as there is not even a single butt i'd say 10-.

thats 1 kg of more or less good weed!
would you mind to place a box of cigs nest to it cauz as far as i see you do not have the slightest clue of what a kg looks like =)
thought it was a standart 5g bag.

and no matter what the scale of this pic is: it is not good weed. not at all!
german street shit.

e: come visit me in maastricht, we'll spend a day at the slowmo and you will never want to touch "inland zeuch" again.
well its an old pic so i cant do it anymore but if you check the back of the bag you can see some alufolie (?) which is exactly as big as it is usual and the tupperbox in front of the bag is like 25 cm long! and yeah it isnt supreme stuff its just usual stuff i didnt even smoke much from!! sold them in like 4 hours and had like 10 g left! :]

i used to live in neuss its near roermond and i loved to buy my weed there!!

btw thanks for the invitation but i dont smoke anymore :( had to stopp :( (blame the police)
got caught selling shietz ? D:
got caught driving my car while being stoned!
You lost your driving license + gotta pay fine? or what happened :=)
how much? :D
well dont know exactly what i paid until now its around 2k€ i guess!
wtf, so much? well you drove car while being stoned so maybe thats different tho :D
this must be the ganja... hm...
Drugs are bad mhkay!
I still got some arjans haze.

Need to go work now but after work its time to get hiiiiiiigh
give me some stuff :>
Smoking weed is allowed in germany but only if someone is holding the joynt and you are smoking :) then he will get arrested x3
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