wahh iam so pissed....

just came back home from the casino played some 1-2 NL....

i was about 400eur infront and wanted to play only some hands until i got the BB and then make seat open but well i got dealed AA in first position...

i raised reraised to 30eur preflop and i got one call from a weak agressive player...
Flop: K73o

i bet 40 to get atleast a call.. but hey he raised to 100eur... i thought about it for like 5 mins then i was sure he must have AK... so i did reraise him all in with my 450eur... he quickly calls.. i was like WTF?!?! did i miss read him maybe he has a set or smth


River: 9

he flips his cards and showed AK

he hits his !!!! 2 outs !!!! and i lost a over 900eur pot

iam pissed but well i would do the same again

sorry but i need to write it down to calm down :D
maybe du sack und net poker
well tbh no :>
mach dir nix draus bad luck häppns öfta oist denkst :D
potter, potter.. you're a noob
plssss did i smth wrong there? :(((

well was just a bad beat i only lost 100 eur but i could have stood up with 500... its so hard for me to sand up most of the time :D
everyone knew that the turn was gonna be K..
pls wahh this fucking drunk retard :(
did you have your lucky poker hat on? I doubt it and that's why you got punished
pls i dont need to be lucky in poker anymore :P that was like 3 years ago where i did need that hat :D
obviously you still do!
you did nothing wrong, except bet a bit too much before the 4th turn. but AA has more bad beats than any other in poker, you should know that :) and what poker remembers big wins? none, they only remember bad beats!
should have at least put him on ak or maybe even kk after flop. reraising with everything you had probably wasn't the best idea :P
well i put him on AK thats why i rr him... he couldnt have KK he played this hand 3 times diffrent :/ well it was just another bb
I guess I always just play AA like a huge pussy because I've taken so many bad beats with them. Especially in cash games.
i had the same shit last night. guys goes all-in on a $10 sit&go, im highest stack, 2 lowbies left. get dealed KK. flop is all lower cards, no straight chance, no flush chance, nothing.i bet something, guy goes all-in. Knew he was bluffing so call him. he had J6, only one pair. he gets runners, JJ -_-

gg poker fags! finished 3rd ;(
i lost 1,600€ last year np -.- an that on my b-day YES BABY :D
That sucks.

Quotedid i miss read him maybe he has a set or smth

you rly think u can imagine an exactly hand someone is playin??? I dont think so...
It was also a mistake to raise preflop 15x BB ... why so much?!? it increased the pot so much, that it took u all options to get rid of ur aces ... except u are one of these persons who cant ever fold brainfuckers ( AA or KK )
i dont say it was bad playin, i´d say thats poker ... next time u´ll play ur aces otherwise right under the gun ;)
wut. it's a bit different live. 6-10bb bets pf are very standard. because very often the game is very deep. some people are at least playing 1000bb+ deep at finnish casino all the time. in this case he only had 200bb and yes it's slightly big open, but it's not that rare one people think.

play plo noobs, only pot bets!
dunno where u have been playin...
in the casinos i am playin max buy-in is 100x BB... so it´s pretty rare people have €450 with 1/2 blinds
plo rocks, atm i am getting used to limit hold ´em
Even with a 100bb max buyin a 225bb stack requires nothing more than a double-up, so it's nothing extraordinary
agreed, it also looks like i misunderstood the action before flop, thought he raised for 30€ right under the gun. now i´d agree he got donked
but anyway thats poker...who didnt have situations like this? i also can remember couple of runner-runner 2% losses (mainly online xD) :(
lol that's pretty weird. in here it's like 50-100bb MIN buyin and max 400-500bb in nl and no max cap on pot limit and fixed limit games : )
true, i'm kinda bored of NL atm and playing alot of PLO and Stud Hi

lots of fun!
2 aces SUCK

9 / 10 times youll lose with it :(

image: great-randomness-5
jews did 9/11
I think I won 10 euro in the lottery twice in a row!
Won some money in poker the other night. 1st time playing it. No clue what to do.

Lost most of it last night. 2nd time playing it. Kinda have a rough idea what to do.
someone has to take the bad beats ;<

u did everything right imo
very bad deal ^^
As standard as it gets

Also wtf, how can your re-re-raise preflop be to 30e only :D AA makes it 10, AK to 30, AA to 100 would be more normal
well it depends with which guys u playing on the table...
why the hell do all these comments sound like a foreign language to me :(
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