what u love???

I love:

image: pivo_roku_2004_Velkopopovicky_Kozel

image: Sandels%200,568L%20160px

good night
I would never drink something named after the worst of all shoes..

image: Gucci%20leather%20sandels%2040.00
i love
image: is_cigarettes_money_070830_ms

image: music


image: beer


image: steak

and ETNIes shoes!
myself in the past, not even that anymore
man, if there would have been any finish gangsta movies, you would have been the greatest of all time!
I love Finland tapsa
gn8 meight :D
myself :p beside me I'd say xfire stupidity and few things from rl (not worth mentioning on this site). Oh and I definitly love 4chan and similar sites for brightening my worse days up ;p
recently got some innis & gunn

image: image30

was on special offer @ asda, only £1/bottle. 6.6%, aged in oak, delicious hints of toffee & vanilla. actually my favorite ale at the moment. had a couple of bottles with some stroopwafels. amazing.

also at £1/bottle I recently picked up some tangle foot, gentleman jack and the forever delicious wells banana beer

good hustle
love a bit of http://www.lolblog.eu

before bed and before that 5 bottles of this : image: frueh_logo_grau_frei

Me drinking it
image: liebe_deine_heimat
I don't drink alcohol so Perrier for me! :D

image: WarholPerrier

Oh, and ofc <3 okko. x)
sleep, gn8
sex, drugs and rock n roll
i lika discodance

i lika play ping pong

and i like to wake up after four hours of sleep and roll a joe :D

image: 5900490000427
image: weed
image: video-game[wherever i was looking for proper computer games pic there was world of warcraft >.<!, so just playing pc games]

+myself, speeding

image: drunk-driver
Can i buy her?
loving NOT: lessons acces at this early time in the morning
Your mom!
image: jesus, image: you're%20my%20sunshine, music, image: 598image: 538, family and friends and image: 2827967_t_0cdc76f32e364f5e. :D
aleksipaleksi! u got a reply there mister
I can only think of things that I hate
girl, basketball, gym, beer( pilsner urquell), pc games, movies, music, tv series...
Kozel <3


image: sauhusanttu


image: laiskajaakko
can i hire her?

just 1 nite
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