Who's your favorit opponnent?

If you should pick a team that you would decribe as the best opponent you ever had?

For me its Cortana with suVi and his whine :D
For me its mamut with Night and his whine :D
For me its dont know with adi and his whine :D
For me its team-BoRi with BoRi and his whine :D
doesnt matter aslong as they join fast, rup, never pause and dont play like idiots (hackers with überaim and no brain are np too).

oh and no laggers

best 3on3´s were always against cpu & tentee <3
agree with cpu and teente, forgot them on my list below!
best opponent.. prolly parodia
Winghaven + 360 panzers :(
Spain pinpals

only clan that could beat us in an offi so far!
Was always nice to play against Czech Republic esvka, Netherlands charism, Netherlands pur3, Germany lost, Estonia punkd and many others.
Belgiumoverload ,before bust

Played them quite often back then. Always friendly, fast ready and always nice to play against.

(mystic even talked in global chat!)
Ye that was so nice time urtier ;;o
screens or never happend[mystic talking[
mystic is a bot lolz he dont talks only shoot :p
parodia, pimps, esrael & insanity, dust maybe even idle/u96d
masculine mans =)

Played them quite often back then. Always friendly, fast ready and always nice to play against.

(squall even talked in global chat!)

image: Iraqi_fatkid_gangster
whatever team has Hype in it
Benelux YYT, I just love those guys =)
Against laggers i hate that so seriously :)
anyone who is hitable
Poland Rebellion
Sweden a2id :P :P :P

im sure they loves us awell
go away retards...
why? 2 hours ago you liked us!!!!
enjoy replay and think again
i don't get it. we talked kinda much during the pauses and you hate us now? :p
I dont say that I hate you. I only calling you and your team as retards, because your and yours players behavior during the match was not mature. stupid kids...
you have played us several times before tonight and we are never mature when we play, nor are we serious about the things we say. sorry if you feel offended :p
yep severals wars but... this one was worst ever. I dont like your behavior maybe because I'm too old for such childish things
For me its sin-gaming with gr0ss and his hacks ':D'
gr0ss is clean :(
unlike k1r1ll for example!
random pub
afk players
You stole my comment. Need hot chick to make me happy again
u are so 2004
MAZZelaars, dHb, Kreaturen

Most enjoyable to play against? Any team or mix thats just having fun and doesnt really care - as in no rage / whine / insults.

Best team ive ever played against? Idle.
pocalhunter man!!!
Pocal pocal pocal
cybergames cheaters
Squad.ee ?

- joins fast
- rups fast
- doesnt pause
- doesnt whine

YYT, so funny!

Prac more if want to win guys!!
Would be more interesting to ask who you hate playing against.
playing against guys from uk, their arrogance makes me feel myself a better person
hackers with no brain :)
always funny to won vs them :D
yeh well you never won against me .
i didn't say: you are a hacker .
selfbust? :D
Kartez: i know you are good but little obvious
obvious = hacker?
[20:55:31] [NoHead] fostrum & me want you in our 3o3 team :)
idd we wanted :) we needed some obj whore engi
obj whore engi? h3h3
i'm a medic ;p
well becouse you would be the weakest of us you should play engi
all people know, if the engi is the best fragger in the team, they pwn easily.
because opponents rush always the engi if they are playing with theirs brain.
(like in supply)
hittable opponents!
every rtcw 1.4 team was always nice to play :)
Team who wont whine when you pick grush as a map in 3v3
they whine coz its a fucking retarded 3o3 map
anyone who rups quickly
+ no pauses :(
velerion - because they're a bunch of crazy "bäckersöhne" !
in 3on3 it is/was always nice to play vs teams like Poland Vodkateam, Netherlands Kreaturen, Croatia Cortana, Poland Blurred Vision, Finland random Fins ...

in 6on6 it's harder cos there are/were more really nice opponents.

edit: ouh and Czech Republic cpu and teente!
Anyone who loses
limiting your market there
yah, gotta stop playing mixes with you!
My Inbox (1 New) - How did I know it'd be you....
against every team that had a nice clantag
Belgian Boobs
any1 thats not lagging
high5/atoon, because I've never before played a single clan 5 times in two weeks (Wolfenstein is NOT dead)
Europe Credibilis 3on3 <3 Those guys!
Doesnt matter what team just pleas be known, i hate noname good aimers.. so anoying when they kill you.
I was rude but atleast honest
I'm a nonamer for you?
everyone is a noname for him
Kind of, dont take it too seriously :)
Now you start being rude! :P .. hehe jk m8. Only thing i want to say is that it's kinda hard for guys like me to get known without some known people to play against ;) (in your point)

edit: What i'm trying to say is :P, that if no one would ever play against a nonamer we wouldn't get new teams (newschoolers) that got better and of course there must come a time where you will get owned by some :P Everyone has the same problem sometimes. (Knowners rather think they are hackers then just good playing newschoolers)
i love playing against any England english player, but seeing suvi whine is fun too :DD

EDIT: can't forget United Kingdom shrapnels & their whine too!
old cortana, old underscore, pinpals, old n1ce, old idle.ee, overload/edit before they started hacking, ow, sexeth, parodia, old cave coh, nofidelity, KiH, vigorz, escn.

well those are the clans I've enjoyed the most playing versus I think, all 100% clean and no bad attitudes. :-p
dignitas and parodia because they are the closest to my skill
FiF before we stopped playing :D were always nice and close matches =D
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