CDC3 Tournament revisions

After careful consideration and reviewing of the signups plus taking a look at the event at large the Crossfire Devotii Challenge 3 Part 3 will drop ET:Quakewars in favour of larger ET and WSW events and will run a larger Quakewars at a future Challenge event, as a result the tournaments and prize monies will be changed to the following;

Wolfenstein ET 24 Teams - 6000 Euros

The tournament will feature 8 groups of 3 teams the top two progressing into a double elimination bracket. The bottom team will be entered into a single elimination tournament. Prize payouts will pay the following denominations; 2300, 1500, 1000, 700, 500 from 1st to 5th. As a result, the qualifiers will be significantly smaller, if at all and teams should already start looking into their travel arrangements. (Prize Purse subject to signups)

Warsow 24 Players - 1500 Euros

The format for the tournament hasn't been confirmed yet and will be announced in the following days.

Quake 3 CPM 8 Players - 1000 Euros

Double Elimination bracket for 8 players, this format remains unchanged

As a reminder for teams wishing to signup for Part 1 for the above three games, signups are drawing to a close on August 12th so teams and players should get their signups in quickly!
:D very nice
very good decision
bibuuuy Quakewars...who needs Crossfire if you have Sweden SNL
who needs QW if you have ET :(
refreshing content in 04:38
We dont care about tank_pwned_you weird game, WW2 and simply great atmosphere in W:ET <3 ;)
Yep, much nicer to be an Axis sniper than a "Strogg infiltrator" (and to get owned by a tank) :C
niceee update forum post ;]
very, very good decision, nice job
I kinda expected it. Would have been better at the start to have QW at the November event.

Anyway, now Quakewars will be played properly at the next event. With the best teams attending instead of mixes and with a good rule set.

oh well. i suppose there will be a better and larger etqw event later on then. see ya then instead :)
omg :D I just joined some team to go there probably! got lansupport and stuff :DD

etqw will have much better lans than cpc
are we disappointed :-)?
my clan wasnt planing to go there
Need more big-name teams to sign for the ET event!
great decision
are cadre signing up?
depends.. dont have 6 yet due twidi's final exams ( HI SQUALL )
still, its nice for ET scene even if we wont attend :)
I'll play, I even speak finnish!
Take diikem!
final exams in september wtf?!
you can separate them and write some exams already on autumn and then the rest on spring.

had to be decided last spring if you wanted to write any exams on autumn and I signed up for only one exam, which unexpectedly now when cdc3 was announced happened to be on the next day after cdc3 ends, on monday at 9 o'clock on the morning
I still think you can catch that, just get a driver airport -> school and hope flight aint late!

I can go, under the new fackenick
no. they're going to blizzcon to play wow!
Nice, but 3000, 1500, 1000, 700 from 1st to 4th would be nicer!
1-8th money imo!

After all, tournaments should be about the winners, not the losers!
you say that only because you are in winning team! think about majority! xD
imo all teams should get 50e per player, oh wait, not big enough prize pool for that! maybe the last 2 teams should be without money then.
YES 24 for WARCHOOOOOOOO \o cu there :D
Very Nice :DD
right decision at this point, thumbs up
nice toss and co, really good
is [o] signing up?
yes, doing it right now m8
edit, done =)
you mean <[o]>

btw I'll buy you smth to drink if you find a normal way to pronounce it :D
Oh Bracket

You owe me a drink!
btw, when will you announce the maplist? ;-)
It'll be the same as the one they'll use in "BoulardsCup 4" ;)
That would be so awesome ! Ohohoo, this will be the best LAN ever !
wise decision
Not so sure this is the smartest idea, wouldn't it be better to switch ETQW with RTCW on the second date, so the game is out, and people have had a chance to play it etc. Interest would surely have risen by then.

Meh, more money for ET is the best option I guess.
They can't switch a tourney 5 days before the sign ups are closed Oo! Would mean the RTCW teams have no time to sign up, form teams or practice even.
Like the RTCW teams would practice much anyway :-D
There'll be some ET players coming back for RTCW. I think that's why both tourneys are on different dates.
nice one to increase pricemoney, but 24 teams are laming the competition tbh :(((
Much wnbs will be born.
n1ce one.
nice toss! :)
GREAAAAAAT! Omg I will eat my wooden table to bring as many czech teams as possible :P
War§ow 24 Players !!!111

I <3 u Toss ! :D
Cya @ CDC noor ;)
depends on my girlfriend ... :D
i'm there too! :O)
need a team !!! message me !!!
hentai lets cry together :(
Everything increased except for Quake III :( too bad
6200€ ET?
give 1500€ at least to Quake III too.

And how will be the few 1000 distributed?
I remember when ppl flamed and said "WE DON'T NEED ET, WE HAVE RTCW!". You will all turn.
i dont think so, et:qw has not much to do with et atm.
it will have a huge amount of money and support, thats all you need.
the game is far away from being good atm, but the community will be really great
so its worth playing it, hopefully the game will be better too soon (but d3 engine sux)
exactly different position than et's (good game, bad community)
I doubt the community can offset the flaws in the engine. Look at what happened with Quake3 & Quake4, or CS 1.6 & CS:S. History has a tendancy to repeat itself.
agreed :XD
could already see this coming with only 5 signups
and for my team the prize money wasnt enough to go there
too bad, would have liked to meet some et'lers again
Never had the chance to signup, it cancelled too fast >_<
i think it was planned to be up until 12th august
Maybe if you had signed up earlier, like another 4 teams who I spoke to and said they were interested and would sign up, then we would have had ET:QW running a smaller cup rather than cancelled :(
It's been a month :x
Had to arrange accomodations first, was just about to signup in the coming days actually.
:( pity more didn't, would've loved to see an ET:QW tourney.

But with 5 days left till the signups close and only 5 teams signed up what can you expect from them :/
61 or 62 ET matches in 3 days :) whoooôô
that ETTV hub is going to do overtime
QW sux, good decision.
bit of a bastard for the etqw players, but does seem like a good decision to me.
Awsome news.
Good news=D
hmmm nice
when is the deadline of payment?
Well teams first need to know if they are in or not ;)
it isnt that hard go get in now :X
wayoo \:D/
no quakewars. wp :D
They better do the QW tournament in the november edition then, kinda lame to cancel it.
QW had 5 teams signed up. Wanna do a cup with 5 clans? Then go for it!
bibuy quake wars :D
What teams signed up so far( names ) ?
5th place shouldn't get prize money imo, its only 500 euro anyways /6, If i was leader of the team id raffle it between the team to make it worth something!
Tosspot there is no plural of euro :< but ok u are from UK u can't know that ;>
not sure what to think about the decision, good for ET ofc.

I'm just not sure how good the competition will be, as the only teams i know that can actually fight for the title are TLR and Dignitas.. kreaturen will be behind.. then auxilia

kinda shows the low level there is :((

with the 24 teams now i think we're gna be seeing ALOT of new faces that will get a huge ego by playing

gl nonetheless ;p
I think there are more good teams than those four - FF / <[o]> / myLegend / cadre (if they go)
im talking about teams that can challenge for the title.

edit: also no offence, but saying <[o]> can challenge for the title is really sad the for the et scene, out of those 6 players, only kevin has played ec, and got knocked out at the group stages, so saying they have a chance to win is pretty depressing for the scene

no offence at all to that team
Reputation can only count for so much. I see what you're saying but I've played against them and they were very impressive.

Kevin was the lowest skill of the team! :P </3

They wouldn't be the first 'highskill mix' to gel and perform, but they could crash and burn like many others do. Time will tell
it's a fact that not always the better aimwise/known teams win (not saying we're gonna win cdc but hope you know what I mean :P)

no offense too :-)
ofc i know what u mean and i didnt mean to dishearten u guys. There will always be pre-tournament favourites, no matter what anyone wants, if you play and achieve a top 3 position, then i can say that you were a surprise of the tournament as i wouldnt expect you guys to do that. if u know what i mean ;)
ye we'll do our best, and the thingy about sad for et :o
srp, FF, finest, mylegend .. they also might surprive (not for the victory though like you said :(

conclusion, you won :P

if srp were to actually play and prac serious... or prac at all, then we/they might have a chance of winning :P
known names are always better, the less known names (teams) always lose, like you kinda said before :DDDD
going to eat some chips now, cu at lan maybe?!
toxics parents dont allow him to come xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
nice try of beeing underdog.. you will rape anyone there nP
it's not because you got trough the groupstages that you're a better player than the people who got stuck in there steve, you've been having a little ego problem since you joined cdap back in the day mate ;)

edit : Ii didn't mean this in an offensive way btw, it's just sad to see how you look down upon every single etplayer in this scene because you had the luck to be in a team where you pretty much got carried by other players , i'm not saying you're a bad player though ( far from )

2nd edit : Don't get me wrong either, I know how skilled <[o]> is, and what we're capable of and what we aren't capable of. I know that beating Tlr, Dignitas, Mylegend and Auxillia is something that would take a lot of luck, but you're attitude is the one of a wannabe oldschool player who says that the whole scene is lowskilled because you compare them to 2 teams ( who have always been on top btw ).
i said nothing about being a better individual at all, and i'd never say anything like that. Im a player that works around his teammates, i kinda do the dirty work, mop up, and playing with the knowledge of what my teammates are doing/thinking of doing, that is what makes me a good player, my aim is horrible, so i just use my gamesense as well as possible. I always saw myself as a Night style of player, although obviously he is more renowned and prolly a better aimer, but play style wise, we are very similar. Saying i got carried by my teammates is absurd, i actually think it was me and xylos who carried our team at CPC2.

You found my post way more offensive then u were supposed to, i just used your team as an example. I could do something similar with kreaturen, a new team which is already being marked [1 day after it's been formed] as a challenger for the title.

I'm not saying everyone except dignitas and tlr are lowskilled, far from, but there is definetely a distinction in class from the signup list and dignitas/tlr
Oh yeah , I misformed my sentence, the better player part was ment in general, it's not because player A got into the semifinal and player B got knocked out in the groupstage that player A is better by default.
again, i never said such a thing.
you did a bit, by saying "kevin is the only one who played ec, and then again he only played in the groupstage" , you imply so
not at all, i never compared u to anyone who got through to the playoffs, i just simply stated that the team has very little ec experience, that is what i meant. It was to show the dire state of the scene that a team with only 1 guy who played ec in the whole lineup, is being considered as 1 of the challengers of the title.

That is what was meant..
face it, kevin is a nonamer and prolly he isn't a top notch player...

but this will cheer me up

idle^r3vers : eat shit and die kevin
and you are ² skilled 4 et :=(
I was always angry at skilled guys who after seeing new teams join were critisizing them and saying they are nothing compared to old teams. But looking at the cdc3 sign up list, it's kinda sad to see how et has turned out, I really hoped for some 7-8 teams who could get #1 at lan. Atm i see only 2-3. Anyways, you never know what can happen, but on paper it looks really bad.
my point exactly, what my "column" was about when i wrote it some weeks ago, ppl thought i was bullshitting :(
what about evolve? And dont forget some czech teams we are still w8ting with signup but we can surprise imo ;)
What's the point of waiting?
leaders on holiday and preparing training and plans. I wondering if I will do it now or w8 to friday.
evolve is dead

and the czech teams havent got a chance of winning
I know take it easy man :) But take part > win imo :P And why dead? sad :,(
ye idd! you will have stable pings + it's lan. so who knows :)
Quotewith the 24 teams now i think we're gna be seeing ALOT of new faces that will get a huge ego by playing

I don't see the problem... People already have huge egos and you'll just get that many more people who you know are not "online only". Who knows, all these new players might not be low- and there might be more people willing to support ET at future LANs.

Minor points for the most part, but more teams seems like a good thing more than a bad thing.
many teams which already signed up wont go anyway or just died.
Tosspot said that you fockin moron. Nobody bases his prizemoney on the sign-ups because if you fail to get so many sign-ups your whole lan fails.
Go make some retarded "o so funny" video clips with your friends. And this time, try actually to be funny.
Ok I'll have the time of my life at university and make videos that we all cry of laughter making then upload them to youtube so our friends at university can watch them too before we all go out and party.

Yeh and maybe I'll link them to xfire too so some lol idiot like you can catch a glimpse of fun :(
You keep spamming the site with it baggiez, don't try to make your deeds look smaller than they are. And once again, your videos are barely funny. If you say you and your friends cry of laughter of those vids, it's a pretty sad bunch over there =)
I guess you'd have to be there to appreciate the humour. And it's probably more the outtakes, or how ridiculous what we're doing actually is, rather than the content, which a 5 year old could write.

But who's sadder? The person who is having the time of his life at university, or the fatty sitting behind his computer for the entire year making cutting remarks at someone else's pleasure.

lol idiot
You started it boy =]]
Don't go crying now.
lol dickhead.
lol fat retard
Go suck daddies cock, shitface.
I usually take something from someone giving me abuse, online or not, but then I remember a story I used to tell.

It was just after CPC#1 - I was telling everyone I had such a good time and was flicking through the photo albums people uploaded after the event. Someone I was on vent with at the time linked me a picture and was laughing hard, they said 'hahahah look at this retard'

I checked out the photo and said "Yeh I remember him, but I didn't know who it was" I purposefully didn't talk to them ...

It was you Rhand. Perhaps this is why you spend your days dribbling all over crossfire. Does this make me a bad person? :(
Why would you care about my opinion anyway? I don't think of you as either a good or a bad person. I just think you are one retarded asshole =)
you made that quite clear, can you now stfu?
Just don't read what I write, nerd.
I love reading these convosations.
He doesn't :o)
nerd, spot on!
let him be baggiez, he won't change
meh, looks like my plans of meeting meez & viax have been foiled!
(c) Rhand from 7th division.
Never played 7th division, bibuy.
yes but still, it's sof baggiez z0mg! :XDDDDDDDDDD
Oh noes, SoF ! Wooow...

Btw, allow me to compliment on the absolute shit quality of the vid. Why put it on youtube when it damages the vid so bad?
I didnt put it there :D. that is like 1.5 years old video, made by perfo when he was still my fanboy.
cant remember :<
Oh I dont understand, attending such famous LAN with top ET players round the world is dream of each ET player, isnt it? For me 100% and this year my dream can come true and think about my nick and the country where is CDC3 held and mix it with the fack I have never been there and you have my extreme motivation :P And I think if some czech team really succeed and manage to travel to CDC3 it will be great experience and lifetimemoment even if the team will not win single map, you understand? But I hope that if players focused hard on training we can maybe reach play off and have some fun, who knows? Its atm far away... But, my point is more teams at LAN in ET = more attention to ET and more chance to have next ET LAN etc so I think thats another big chance to show world that W:ET will never surrender! ;) (ok you can see my low english I know ;)
well, first you flame someone, then you expect them to be nice and to agree with you, it rarely works that way
My "flame" has always a point. I say the truth as I see it, most people don't like it cos they rather hear sweet words even though they know I'm right.
LANs would be pretty empty with your way of thinking -> can't win not going. Why do you always reply in such an asocial manner?
Hmm, you seem to fail in understanding my point. I'm just asking for some ambition, nothing else.
great stuff for warsow! :)
zerobarrier was supposed to end 4th aswell last cpc
btw I want eSrael here! :)
Can you organise a theme park world competition, im not good enough to enter any others :<
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