Announcing FatGames

image: m9rqqtThe newly-born multigaming clan FatGames has today opened its doors to recruit a brand new Enemy Territory team. The team has a capable lineup featuring many experienced players, and will be looking to participate in the ClanBase EuroCup, the ESL Master Series, and any future LAN events. With a lineup oozing with EC experience we are confident that our veteran team will be able to be a strong competitor in the aforementioned cups.

Belgium Andreas 'Krosan' E.

ET lineup:
Ireland Seán 'sol' W.
Germany Tore 'urtier' T.
Poland Michal 'kot' S.
Estonia Tarvo 'Holz' V.
Poland Przemyslaw 'etsi' B.
Poland Jakub 'S4rna' S.

About FatGames:
FatGames is primarily a hosting company, but has recently decided to expand and develop an affiliated multigaming clan, which will be in close co-operation with the hosting company. Currently only Enemy Territory is featured, but will be supporting other games in the future. Just like every serious gamer, we aim to thrive in this scene and be competitive, with the mission of expanding our company's reputation. The sponsorship of these teams reflects our commitment to the gaming scene, which has fed into the entire company. Regarding Enemy Territory, many claim it to be a dead game, however we believe in the teamwork involved in playing this game, which even after so many years still shows the great and unique fundamentals of this game.

Team statement:
We are happy to be part of an organisation with a high level of ambition and energy in the gaming scene. We are confident that FatGames will meet our needs and that we will be able to support eachother so that this partnership is mutually-beneficial. Our lineup features players which have played together a lot, thus adding to the team-chemistry, which we deem to be an important fundemental in any team. Our immediate plans are to participate in both the EuroCup and the EMS, in which we hope we can make an impact.

#fatgames @
urtier <333333 lul
Good luck
GOOD LUCK michalek, seani, tore, janitor, buzka
it will fail :P
Urtier !!!!1 <333
gl holz!
gl, but can someone tell me who etsi is?
good luck!
gl holz and urtier.
nice, gl guys
nice namechoice -_-
lol :D:D:D
Looks great. It's pretty tough to get used to the teams and their members nowadays..., but pretty interesting lineup.
gl, nice lineup, prac alot and you will be good

nice namechoice with urtier in lu :DD
GL sol, urtier, kot and holz :)
Looks like it's gonna be hell of an EC this time!
GL etsi, no etsi no win
Good Luck guys but err who is this Poland owner etsi ?
buzka ;)
He changes nicks each week don't mind him
fat gaMING urtier rofl true
replace the 2 polish with tekoa and deadmeat and you're good to go !

Edit: Good luck sol !
gl sarna :D
look at most of the EX et players come back...
:o cool all these new teams
sol = best
sol = overrated
sol= asshole
gl urtier + Holz
that's mean :<
omG CLEAn polaks?!?!?!?!? wtf

good luck!
pretty extraordinary lineup i'd say :P wonder how they will do =) gl anyway!! ec shud be rly interesting this season
this euocup just got hot :O
indeed, new teams, new rotations and more tension
sup with those gay names :/
Don't know how will urtier manage to play in speedlink and this team at the same time... I hope this isnt another officials-only ec team, coz there is noone to pracc against ;( gl tho
urtier didnt rly come across as very motivated for quakewars anymore lately :P i might be wrong though...
awwwww, no praccs ;( end of the wooooorld ;(
good luck
et addicted :P
good luck
gl although you are not top 5
nice to see urtier back at et

best of luck to all of u!
lookin forward to the ec now!
good luck
gl sol urtier kot and holz :}
My dream come true, urtier back in et business <3
wb holz

well done krosan!
good luck tore
gl sol and urtier!
nice lineup gl

If all the teams annouced keep active then its gonna be an interesting season
nice lup! GL
Gl fatties
gl guys :>

300e / month ?
Nice having a cheater in the line-up.

gl tho
who is the cheater mr almighty?
gl zjeby :d
<3 all these rediculous names x)

Gl guys!
i have same Qpad of you now! but i don't need it @ home xD
2 weeks.
gl Holz!
gl buzka
see there you do it again
urtier<3, gl!
urtier <3
old overload gaming sponsor, good luck fatties :P
mimo wszystko gl S4rna
urtier, kot :D oh yeah gl!!!!!!!!!
who are these last 2 polaks?
buzka & s4rna
never heard anything about s4rna, what's his clan history?
team-poland, Fear-Factory mostly. if u dont know him u must be noob!
I'm noob because I don't know all polish players ..
lol, hes one of the best poltard playng the game
okey then
direct invite!

another great ec incoming this year!
wb ur+ier
i was offered to join FatGames when they were looking for med skilled and declined ... Facepalm.
Like they would kept you in this main line-up.

/execute Fail.exe
I probs would have improved to med+ in 2 weeks and become like uberskilled and play with kot and urtier , stfu
I played in Frame i'm highskill bitch
kot not in diversus?
No more Diversus kot? It was a nice team, allthougt this one is even more nicer.
gl etsi :XD
nice lu :)
wtf, the elite are returning to the game. ET relives ;P...ow it was never dead.
what about making another cf qcup now?
butter my arse
A considerable team. Good luck.
gogo Estonia Tarvo and Poland kot ;)
good luck sol, hopefully cu at cdc5 with this lineup
sarna kot buzka gl:-------------)!!!!!11111
gl all!

no more qw for urtier?
I will try to play both :-d
good! it's nice to play etqw vs you. Good luck with FATgames and speedlink in the future. Also gl in our live2win official this week =]
Przemyslaw.. wow
pupular name in poland :)
unpronouncable for me :O)
It's pronounced something like Pshemiswaf. :)
Still sounds weird to me!
GL holzi :-]
good luck mister sol!
gl Tur(m)e
hallo diversus
diversus nicely fucked up by kot
gl hf mates, hope to play ya soon
Good luck! :XD
Nice GL :) Cisn&#261;&#263; reszte :)
why this name ? :p gl anyway
gl kuba :O)
gl kot buzka sarna
s4rna <3
Good Luck x]
nice mgc name :D
and stealing music from F.E.A.R. to websitez :<
FatGames has official permission to use that.
ok :D didnt mean that so serious :[ just noticed
I heard some rumours that u are paying salary for the players, is that true :P?
heard the same
wassup with diversus :o?

gl though
gl Poland kot <3
gL nice lineup!!
Poland Holz ftw
Can't beat #+100kg
nice to see all those players coming back. GL
regular bunch of nubs imo :P
Diversus died KoT? :)
good luck all!
gl kot + holz
Sol, there is an "á" in your name ! How comes ?
Because that's how you spell it, Sándor! :O
Is it a normal name in ireland ? Or ur hiding ur nationality.. :p

Well it would be "SÓN" if i pronaunce ur name, so it cant be hungarian :-/
It is normal there!
yep hes trying to hide that he comes from poland and they are twins with kot.
Seán is a pretty common Irish name, it's the Irish version of John!
im your fanboy! :D
good luck @ schinkenkicker aus parma aka urtinho
:D! HF!!
nice line-up, took a while to build, hope the time that has been put in will pay off and will not let the team fold after one season/lan

gl Belgium Krosan & the players ofc
Alright good luck urtier and the rest =)
Wakiwashi deleted you from his buddylist, Oh Oh, roxod :D
btw, see you on 10th of June @ london?
gl all urtier back @ good old ET
GL eurotrash.. The logo sucks btw, as does the tag ;-)
gl Sean, Michal, Tarvo & Tore!
What is Sol doing there with all those skilled players?
makes me remember Frozz, but sol is a good player :)
maybe you should cover him!
wszedl kotek na plotek i mruga.good linup gl !
gl Michal, Kuba and Przemek !!!!!!!!
gl polácks and other náps lawl!
gl s4rna & holz
fat gays would be more accurate
twoja stara
u need PLU172kg
Przemyslaw... that's seriously his name? glad I ain't living in retardska!
wheres nakato ?
Yeah Nice team !

with Impact And Overload gg !
best fop ever :D <3
needs Poland doktor
Would like to wish fg team and all involved the best of luck and my the better team win.
That's the spirit ;)
Go Daddy go!
Okey son..
GL fatgames, im sure you will go far, ( dunno about krosan tho :P jk)
this one :D
only sometimes I change my name :)
i would say its the best team i have ever seen. hmm it would be nice to see impact vs fatgames ^^
who r u?! :o
A wise man it seems. :XDDDDDDDDDD
FAT games = urtier :?D
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