Future of EDiT questionable

image: 11097koEC silver medal winner Team EDiT did next to Impact Gaming and mPg now as well strenghten their team with adding two CDC winners to their lines. Former Impact player Finland Matias as well as ex unKind player United Kingdom Sheep who also played for Impact, now joined up with the number one team of Belgium. Furthermore ex EDiT and cZar player Belgium Kevin returned to his mates by leaving the French guys of Muse Gaming. Having recently given up to form an all Belgian team with adding dutch player abort to the squad, they now added a Fin and a UK boy to the team, which makes them a further European mix next to Impact, KKK and n1ce. The new lineup consists now offcially of the following players.

Belgium Lio
Belgium acid
Belgium vila
Belgium Kevin
United Kingdom Sheep
Finland Matias
Netherlands Abort

Having gathered a new lineup is not the only news regarding EDiT. As it seems they have also left their former home. Which was in fact the multigaming organisation Belgium Team EDiT. The clan seemed to become more and more inactive over the last months with losing the CoD4 team and being without a website for quite a while now. Under the name of 'Questionable' they are now going to play the Eurocup and ESL Major Series.

Source: ESL Account, CB Account
Contact: #[?].et
lol nice line up : + 1st! (better like this)
lol nice 2nd!
lol nice 3rd!
wow nice 4th

gl mathias but even you dont deserve to be in a such team

& gl abortt!
I wonder which teams will change their lu's before EC 1st week
Nice lineup :) gl
gl edit !!
5H33P la frite
nice lineup gl
gl questionable ! :)

edit = cs 1.6 only for the moment
EC-winners spotted.
Fanboy spotted!
Jealousy spotted!
why didn't you want to play vs us last night?
I already played two games and I didn't want to play anymore! 2 others had left anyway.
I played you last night, your team's spam is fucking ridicoulous :D!
:D haha, we're trying :)
You guys even voted like an extra 15 minutes! :[
Your not the best of aimers but your teamplay, tax and spam makes up for it :D gl in EC
mongol spotted!
want to bet some money on that? :D
I wanna bet money on them ending before you guys =]
what does that have to do with winning EC? very possible that they end before us, but they won't win the EC. if you think differently about that, I can surely bet some money on that for real :)
I'll bet hm let's say 5 E , with odds 1.01 - 100 , ok?
nah, not any odds included, just money against money and you can say the amount :p

anyway it was just a special offer for Rhand to make some easy money as he seems so sure about you winning the EC :D
I thought you were smarter.
and who is playing for impact now instead of matias?
I think they announced last week that Jakazc is gonna play, not?
nice LU but no mesq ? =(
kevin has never really left edit
just thx ² pb ;)
liked the old lineup more
tpk/sheep !
matias the clanhopper!
gl Sheep
I never left edit, I was going to join Muse but I decided not to in the end
Why act arrogant and reply "k" to me? I'm just stating that the info in this newspost is wrong, mind your own business.
since you're arrogant to me :)
I never even talk to you so wtf? kid
HAHAH no offence kevin :DD but you are the real kid, parents kill you for a tatoo :DD

which is kinda normal? where the fuck did you grow up, careless parentville? -.- ^^
lol u aint allowed to take a tattoo? :DDD
stfu in ur retardedgothiccountry, tattoe is mayb not so usual in belgium.
its not related to country lol
i didnt know "k" is arrogant!!
so who gonna replace matias in impact?
sheep @ clanhopping :x
mesq needs to comeback!!!
gL sheep! again... :D
lol sheep! :D clanhopper !
hop hop hop schaapje in galop!
gl mike and terminator
Clanhopping is the new trend to get into EC :P
gl lio, vila & abort
gl matias and sheep the clanhopper.
gl lio, kevin, acid & Poland abort <3!
which makes them a further European mix next to Impact, KKK and n1ce

What about FatGames, TAG and 141?
My bad, all finnish :)

I meant 141
141 is not in this EuroCup.
Should I count every single .eu team? ;D
Dno :D

Useless comment tbh
Hmmm...this EC is getting more random end results by the week.
GL Netherlandsabort !!!!!!!!!!!! and the rest.......
gl abort n kevin, go on lads !!!
Wow. That leaves how many teams actually taking this season seriously ? :|
why you think that is not serious?
well if improving our lineup means that we aint serious ... nice one logic
Drastic changes imply lack of stability. From this we can gather two things: New beginnings for the team and the addition of non-belgian speaking players, resulting in what we can safely assume to be a change of language being spoken on vent, something clearly bound to affect teamplay. These two players have come from two top teams competing for the opencup, muse & unkind, bringing them also into the equation.
You've got Sheep, who's left impact, one of the best teams in the game right now because they're not active enough and [i assume, however there may have been external attributes i'm ambivalent to] unkind for a better team. Don't get me wrong, i love the guy, but he clearly hasn't been showing loyalty recently. Take for example his 'MyLegend' team - As a leader of the team how often did he change the lineup - ever wondered why?
Next you have Matias, a player who just got kicked from impact - find out why if you don't know already and maybe it'll change your opinion on how he might affect the team should he not change.
The team has lost mesqi, a player who's been commited to the 'belgian group' (zero barrier, cZar, EDiT etc.) for eons, and with his departure causes what to the team? Clearly there's big issues if one of the backbone players is gone - and continuing the same analogy, how will a team be kept up missing said backbone?
In addition, you've got less than 5 days till your first match in the EuroCup. Awesome.
As a side note, why do you have 7 players in a main lineup?
Change seems to be coming in particular quantities for you right now...From an objective point of view it doesn't look pleasant. Best of luck though.

p.s. Regarding my initial point, i hope you can read between the lines well enough to find my argument =)
"Drastic changes imply lack of stability."

ive read enough to agree on your point!
You don't know what mesqi has done lately and how he affected the team (in an extremely bad way). I know what happened between Matias and the Impact team and we did a lot of effort to get sheep to play with us. Since he wanted to remain loyal to unKind. Furthermore Abort is backup in the team.
Even so (regarding mesqi), his departure is still bound to result in detrimental loss to the squad surely? Okay, maybe it could be argued he's not the best aimer, or in touch with profound gamesense, but being part of the team for so long is bound to have made him a column in the architecture...
About Sheep, whether or not it took a lot of effort, he still left. Doesn't matter whether it broke his heart, he did it didn't he, and he had a choice - i don't see your point to be honest.
we've had 3 rifles in the team before in EDiT , now nothing has changed except for lio doing 2 maps (where he rifles extremely good at). I rather speak English with motivated players then to speak dutch with players who don't wanna play (mesq). I myself play much better with English comms btw.
idd, your english flaming skills are better than your dutch ones

oops did i just say that
As fantastic as that is to hear it's completely irrelevant to my point =) lio is indeed a good rifle though, so atleast one issue is covered!
Do you dare to tell what happened between Matias & Impact?
Quotewhy do you have 7 players in a main lineup?

Sheep cant play in the first match week!
I have never been in Muse, so your argument there is already stupid.
The fact that we have to speak english on vent instead of dutch makes us less professional? I highly doubt it. That's irrelevant
You're flaming sheep's loyalty, what does that have to do with us playing good or bad with him in the lineup? It's irrelevant.
We know why Mattias got kicked and we don't really care, he's a good player and will improve our skillevel, but ofcourse improving our skillevel marks that we are less unprofessional than before.

Maybe we should have a look at the epic fail team n1ce instead of at us :)
I'm sorry if fairies from neverneverland put you on the muse clanbase roster. Really, i am.
Have i made any statement at all regarding your profession? No. If you're going to argue atleast debate the same issue as me. My point is that a team changing their entire system of communication (especially with the addition of Sheep, who may even be in game leading for you?) is bound to cause epic change - this change is what i'm saying is a sign of lack of stability.
When have i said anything about skill? Again, try talking about the same things as me atleast. Sheep and Matias are fantastic players, no doubt about that, but it still doesn't clear the issues they may cause outside of the gameplay changes.

This has nothing to do with n1ce - a clear sign that you're taking this personally, but even so, feel free. It's not like i'm the one showing signs of insecurity here.
I joined muse on clanbase because i was going on a trip for a week to prague, and if i were gonna join on cb after the trip we would have been fucking by the 24h rule, we hadn't decided yet whether i would join or not, but ofc you knew this!

and for me professionality is the same thing as taking things seriously, and this is very closely related to skill, saying we are unprofessional is saying that we don't care about our performance, which we obviously do, proven by these actions that you are flaming
I've flamed nobody; i've stated facts and asked questions. You're choosing to take this personally, something i admittedly don't care about, but am still somewhat shocked by. Unlike the majority of the et scene, i actually quite like most of the players from edit, who've i played with on occasion, including yourself i believe. As surprised as i am that i have to do this at all, i must stress that this is from an objective point of view, and not personal.

Tell me where i've said that you're unprofessional or lack skill. I'd quite like to know.

I'm still not entirely clear on the muse issue - You join a team's CB page with not even considering joining their team?
I was considering to join them, but in the end I didn't, I just got added on cb to avoid the 24h rule

and you flamed our professionality by saying that we aint taking things seriously,
I said you're not taking things seriously because such last minute changes have never been a good sign. I guess we'll see how it goes though in due time.
you Mr are a spammer <3 :D
gl matyass and shyp :ooo
nice lineup

gl belgians sheepmeister und abortie
only time will tell if this has improved the team or not

I wish them gl though ! gingergirl
failing in progress.
I will smile when you fail again to qualify for play-offs.
he never played ec before :[
Even worse. xD
He never played EC? lolol omg.....

Tune down the arrogance a little please
Who started the arrogant comments? tard
Dutchies and Belgians don't mix well :<
We will both fail!
Good Luck guys!!!!
So many lineup changes for near enough all EC teams :/
nice guys :)

good luck :P
nice news, gl for leagues.
for futher information you can contact us at #[?].et (dunno who retard made this name and channel) @ Quakenet
good luck to Mike&Kev! <3 ahh and ofc Matias!
i like everyone from this lineup, good luck guyz <3
i doubt they are as questionable as me
n1ce good luck
gl sheep <3 =]
Interesting Sheep.
lack of credibility imo..
gl guys nice lineup think u will go far this EC.
Shut up mister i pretend to be active and join clans that other people can't even get a trial for!
gl boys :-).
gl abort:)
got bum raped by them yesterday :[

gl sheep :) FAKER
Thanks 'Wrobbel' :))
the lineup seems to have improved alot, i wish you gl and will support you in EC!
gl sheep <3 !!!
gl guys and the tittymastahxD
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