Crossfire NC Lineups!

image: nc

Finally, all teams have announced their lineups. All teams have been recapitulated for you.

Team Australia!]
Australia brendan (C)
Australia chevron
Australia forty
Australia hanz
Australia haste
Australia iceman34
Australia noname-
Australia riCo
Australia shaggy
Australia $hr@pnel
Australia trac1d

Team Austria!]
Austria spion (C)
Austria beAsty
Austria bl1zzardx
Austria Bruzl4H
Austria jok3
Austria Limbonic
Austria potter
Austria rapture
Austria v1ech
Austria xet
Austria xXx

Team Belgium!]
Belgium Anaconda (C)
Belgium isEN
Belgium mAus
Belgium dAv1d
Belgium lio
Belgium Kevin
Belgium vila
Belgium mesq
Belgium spiROZE
Belgium acid
Belgium jetro
Belgium xAv

Team Canada!]
Canada Shaun (C)
Canada Mcsteamy
Canada Anim
Canada Sovt
Canada Shivji
Canada Nazzy
Canada Tranix
Canada Punkk
Canada Bebit
Canada Crimzon

Team Chile! #team-chile]
Chile M@x (C)
Chile nozzZ
Chile MercE
Chile Regulus
Chile Rizzla
Chile Rampage

Team Czech Republic! #czech-team]
Czech Republic Flash (C)
Czech Republic butch
Czech Republic cpu
Czech Republic denton
Czech Republic etnic
Czech Republic Loo
Czech Republic mnew
Czech Republic teente
Czech Republic smudla

Team Estonia! #estonia]
Estonia EmeRica (C)
Estonia Luda
Estonia sCyter
Estonia r3vers
Estonia eurUz
Estonia rAUL
Estonia Treyz
Estonia Sinnu
Estonia Night

Team Finland #et-finland]
Finland squall (C)
Finland decem
Finland lettu
Finland Jauhis
Finland Stuka
Finland chmpp
Finland crosby
Finland Lepari
Finland twidi
Finland mystic

Team France!]
France milit (C)
France Sinus
France karnaj
France kEEji
France maxuh
France Karibuu
France k2k
France Straf
France tzbq

Team Germany!]
Germany kuraigu (C)
Germany sNoOp
Germany drago
Germany butchji
Germany haZer
Germany wEAK
Germany phate
Germany fireBall

Team Greece!]
Greece hellhammer (C)
Greece alexander
Greece phalanx
Greece Illuminati
Greece Loekino
Greece xanthos
Greece Graecos

Team Hungary !]
Hungary Tuvok (C)
Hungary Adze
Hungary Logic
Hungary Nonix
Hungary Phobeus
Hungary Varadi
Hungary seb1
Hungary Gabo
Hungary Karrde
Hungary Boristen
Hungary Ocelot
Hungary 5orWe1
Hungary Us4rmy
Hungary Xrayne

Team Ireland!]
Ireland flushje (C)
Ireland emortal
Ireland Shiver
Ireland cocoFstar
Ireland Skydeh
Ireland tace
Ireland errol
Ireland Solomon
Ireland Dozy
Ireland Cadea

Team Israel!]
Israel FrAgOn (C)
Israel MaLoS (C)
Israel J1nxZc
Israel sidewinder
Israel Hunter
Israel Trixz2
Israel rvn
Israel Stonji
Israel DeePo
Israel TeRm1

Team Italy!]
Italy neve (C)
Italy Imp3
Italy VaL
Italy Danone
Italy Miuti
Italy Vegeta
Italy jolly
Italy Opt1

Team Japan!]
Japan Kirark (C)
Japan Lene
Japan MiRUKU
Japan RollStone
Japan upstate
Japan Gabriel
Japan PuriKuma
Japan Remishi

Team Latvia!]
Latvia Clown (C)
Latvia vinyl
Latvia fuzz
Latvia dunno
Latvia speedy
Latvia Mata

Team Malta! #team-mt]
Malta KiL|3rBoY (C)
Malta toxic
Malta hex4
Malta nils
Malta kiitos
Malta reky
Malta oneball
Malta sphinx
Malta vKg

Team Netherlands!]
Netherlands p3Rfo (C)
Netherlands abort
Netherlands Azatej
Netherlands foSt
Netherlands mize
Netherlands modus
Netherlands joop

Netherlands Lun4t1C
Netherlands teKoa

Team Norway!]
Norway Lakaii (C)
Norway TBA
Norway TBA
Norway TBA
Norway TBA
Norway TBA

Team Poland!]
Poland n00n (C)
Poland Dolar
Poland dialer
Poland dvk3
Poland edain
Poland krisek
Poland miks
Poland wiesiek
Poland Xanah
Poland zMk
Poland S4rna

Team Portugal!]
Portugal setupj (C)
Portugal jet
Portugal Sexclick
Portugal QkR
Portugal archy
Portugal ag0n
Portugal Lucifel
Portugal SuI

Team Romania! #et.romania]
Romania quad (C)
Romania Mili
Romania Raku
Romania eXelero
Romania Lover
Romania FaKy
Romania Hyperg
Romania inVid
Romania loctarar
Romania Nebu
Romania Kain
Romania LUCI

Team Russia!]
Russia 4liveji (C)
Russia joKe (C)
Russia fabuloz
Russia pulZa
Russia jago
Russia rivz

Team Slovakia!]
Slovakia bladee (C)
Slovakia filus
Slovakia pythOn
Slovakia SilentAssasin
Slovakia boby
Slovakia LoR
Slovakia Tux

Team Slovenia!]
Slovenia carniee (C)
Slovenia illy-ya
Slovenia optimal
Slovenia saw
Slovenia snail
Slovenia superboyy

Team Sweden!]
Sweden tornis (C)
Sweden ratZillA (C)
Sweden eta
Sweden askungen
Sweden hellgoat
Sweden savage
Sweden rosa

Team Switzerland!]
Switzerland Rapt6rr (C)
Switzerland vegi
Switzerland ReavEr
Switzerland DabSter
Switzerland GuNnEr
Switzerland MTM
Switzerland gifty

Team Turkey!]
Turkey TanQ (C)
Turkey kaZer
Turkey kATiL
Turkey tetekci
Turkey sKy
Turkey AL1
Turkey MetC
Turkey RazZah

Team Ukraine!]
Ukraine malczik (C)
Ukraine B1KK
Ukraine Dark
Ukraine Forward
Ukraine jESUS
Ukraine L1nG
Ukraine mgtype
Ukraine Neliop
Ukraine Patriot
Ukraine Point

Team United Kingdom!]
United Kingdom mztik (C)
United Kingdom syk
United Kingdom sqzz
United Kingdom razz
United Kingdom griim
United Kingdom kye
United Kingdom crumbs
United Kingdom w3st

Team USA!]
United States of America vader (C)
United States of America bliss
United States of America ouch
United States of America Qu0ta
United States of America Axcess
United States of America matt
United States of America vegetable

image: arrow*Team Pages

Thx 2 United Kingdom Tosspot & Germany gari
except team uk
finland :c
omg whole finland banned?
spain finaland ;o
Gl agon, milit, loekino and nebu.
you go get em girl!
i will :D:D <3 thxxxxx for supporting me ^_^
I'll be cheerin on ettv for you! <3 :P
i hope i wont fail :>
thats lithuanian flag not latvian
Where's finland :C
Good work varit :)
finland added
+ latvia flag too
typo @ 'Irland' ^^
Czech Republic
I think Ireland Flusje quit ET..
No, he didn't.
Didn't see that :o
you got owned
imo skydeh quit et 2 and he plays cod4 ? :o
i was talkin with skydeh hmm 6 months ago and he said he quits et so how the heck he is in team of ireland? xD
Remove spaces? The post is huge :<
"Finally, all Teams announced their lineups."

and then I see 3 teams with TBA ? :/
Germany will will anyway <3
EC-Mikko is now fin|Mikko <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
fuck you
Brendan and kad are the same person (team Australia).
belgia wins
why not sorting the teams by aplahebtic order... imo austria 4 first ! :P

... :p
the greek team is so relieved ur not in finnish lineup ^_^
hey, we have to give chance to other teams! :>
No, you are too retard
ye I have 12 fingers, how did you know that? im not crying myself to sleep at night coz I dont get into nc-team, but im crying because you are an adult and you still act like a child. I still remember when I was in comprehensive school and I was like one of the best football players in our school. kids from other classes were playing on the football field. I was in the musical class where most of the students were girls. When I went to ask from the kids who were playing football 'can I play with you?' they said 'no, you are a loser' eventhough they didnt know me. that was my story, I hope that you learned your lesson and in the future you get to know with people before you rate them! :----------------------------D

ps. I dont like you either, but still would've asked you to play if I was chosen as captain.
I would have taken u to play with the team, but most of the team said dont want u so cant rly help it.
with most of the team you mean stuka? :D

edit: + decem
Thats more than enough!
mä en oo puhunu stukalle incis pelaamise jälkee muute ku hommasin sen toho mun etqw klaaniin, aika outo kaveri. no ei mitää, onnee ja toivottavasti voitatte!
matias is zeh coolest Finland player and u didnt take him...shame on u >:o
would've you taken me?!
well I dont know. you have been inactive since CDC3? and I thought that you quit ET for school & lifing. I think you werent the best choice for the team, like jauhis. because both of you have been inactive for 'ages'. atleast I think you have, correct me if I am wrong.
I havent played for any team since cdc3 but ive played random mixeds now and then. enough to keep my aim in shape. and yeah, I did quit. currently its summer vacation and I work for the day, most of the evenings are free, unless I go out.

ps. jauhis is also somewhat active.
LoLoLoL, 1 you play in edit so you shouldn't be allowed to play in ANY team outside ours.. secondly, I even get invited in team belgium without even saying I can play, so you know what, just change your nationality into belgtard and welcome in the nationscup.. Further on I want to add decem is a real randompowner and will own the shit out off everyone, good decision :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

ps: matias @ better achievements then anyone @ team finland? :D
get me a bitch from belgium and I marry her and I can get belgium's nationality, nP.
we can make u izi to a turk...just eat some kebab and here we come to team turkey

yesterday I ate kebab
ur half turk now

photoshop me a passport and im urs xD
welcome to turkey

image: rr5ihqw7

well.. last season we invited matias, but he didn't even want to pracc with us and then left the pvt channel without saying anything before the season started. so I can understand why he wasn't chosen although I had nothing to do with picking up the lineup this year

as a player he'd definately belong to nc team by his skill and I got nothing against him personnally either, but some others seem to do so wouldn't do much good for the team spirit
I didnt want to prac :-D? my pc was broken. when I told that I fixed my pc and I can start praccing, squall said 'I dont give a shit' and then when he posted some ego loggs I said 'I dont give a shit' to him back, and he banned me from the channel. and later simamies came to say me that he unbanned me, but I told him that I dont want to play with a guy like that. I thought squall would've grown up atleast a bit for this season.
would've you taken me?!
no, coz you removed me from your buddylist
why would I keep you there? because we played once in a same team?
Best achievements of the whole team , not invited , funny
Quote Mztic(C)

One man army
lol... kick mr. lagscriptbeasty out of team austria and they'll send a pretty nice team this season =)

gl to v1echor and xet ;)
this team finland lineup is the best yet
idd chmpp would pwn any of those noobs 1vs6
+1 :( bad for us greeks :(:(
clearly your sarcasm detector is broken
mystic as backup

lol the teams are fucked up, people should only play for X nation if they live/born there , not because they're 'half' something. I should have applied for Ireland, Australia and some random Scandinavian country if that was the case :DDD

Pick me for team UK :{
Quite shameful UK hasn't got a team yet. Typical of us to be last!
Just hope they pick a decent team (doesn't have to be high++++--+- but just clean player/s)
You playing rifle? :)
I've not been asked to play in the team (yet?). There's enough players for a decent team though i guess..
I am missing Team Brazil
I would to thank you a NC CF group, for very nice lead-up and effective information dealing.
fath for ger ^^
gl @ all Nations :)
Anonymous loekino pls
teente + cpu in one team is an epic fail.
well done
WTF why arent i in team nl... tsk tsk shitnubs ;)
Finland isn't worth an exclamation mark
I see easy gold.
For Belgium, indeed.
I wonder how they are able to field a shitty lineup every year.
but yet perform better than team cheaterlands
Please, mesq + lio = unfailable.

true belgian dutch love!
dunno if its better then the german - dutch love but its still pretty good :D ;)
for germany , yes
GL to Belgium, Finland, Sweden, Poland, Latvia, Turkey, Romania, UK <3
Gl chile & belgium!
thats not the actual lineup for team fi but whatever
izy 4 CZE
time for Finland to do some damage
Malta kiitos, and Malta reky are Sweden
No but kiitos and nils are swedish but that dosen't matter cause they live in malta now.
The fact that they live in Malta, doesn't make them more Malta, than Aphesia Poland. This is shitty.
I can't be botherd go to admins and whine.
aphesia lives in Netherlands ..................................................................

nils & kiitos have been in Malta for 1 year
Aphesia was born in Poland, and then goes to Netherlands.
He is omfg more Poland than they're Malta, after one year living there, Killaboi.
Sweden might add some more player(s)
they ran out of clean players
tja.... lycka till med det :)
more busted players...
say a poland player!
this NC i'll be supporting for...

Finland squall :)
I døunt see Norway :<!§/
NL needs some cleaning
omg iceman34 omg
no onse paree ku chmmp..
ja m00n paree ku sä!
Siitä oon ainaki varma etten ammu yhtä paljon ohi kuin sinä :---D, en oo kyl sun nähny pelaavan koskaan rifleä mutta smg:llä olet ainakin ihan hirvittävä : ))))
Sandi, mitä vittua ?
No mitä? :D
aimihan se kaiken ratkasee
Sanoinko että ratkasee? : )
no just äskön väitit champpia paskaks pelaajaks pelkästään aimin perusteella
No puhuin kyllä sen aimista smg:llä että se on ihan hirvittävä, osaa se muuten pelata.
vib Latvia should do well.
needed more España! :'(

anyone would think they have something to party about ;p
gl abort jetro phate dunno lettu maxuh mata setup askungen
um can someone inform me who exactly is in charge of the irish team ?
GL HF all

Which is nice :)
Greek lineup may change. I'll pm the details
Go sweden! since jamaica isn't allowed and the dutch team sucks.
Good luck all :)
Maybe here someone will answer - why aphesia is not allowed to play in team poland - just wondering.
cause he's not polish
well, what I've heard he doesn't live in poland, that's enough for me to say he's not polish
polish is nationality, not where you live, therfore you would say " he isnt from poland"
polish is complete different word
well these nation teams are fucked up in every game (like football)
but I just think it's ridiculous if he doesn't live there, and has been saying things like "glad I'm not polish"
if he said that then he is just dumb :P
out of context if u dont know the whole don't quote please. So why he wanted to play in team poland?? ffs - he does not live in Poland is an argument? So what? Verify all teams this way. And it is not the point that he lives in holland now - admin's decission was pathetic - he was not allowed to play although he send the scan of his passport and that's the point. Borders are open now and the tournament name is still Nation's cup - not" the place where u currently stay cup".
you're kind of aggressive, when I didn't offend you at all
it is just my opinion (and clearly others as well) that it's ridiculous to play for a country you don't live in, even when your nationality is something else, and I think the admins did the right decision with russia and aphesia
and I just took the quote from someone else, would be nice though if you had the whole
didn't mean to be aggressive and didn't want to offend You. If u felt that way sorry :). I think You just don't know the whole story - sbdy from CF said that aphesia's scan is a photoshop fake, that's why I think its riddiculous and stupid decission and the place where he lives does not change his nationality right? Besides about Polish team there is a lot of let's call it controversial decissions that such kind of argumentation adds some more flame and whine about whole case, I mean CF against PL. Some decissions has been made should be respectable , but this one is completely irrational.
gl to everyone i know!
France will take it!
gl hf Finland
Netherlands abort
Germany phate
Germany fireball
United Kingdom crumbs
why to whine about lineups, since it's captain's decision not yours >_>
Italy Team Italy:

Italy neve cl
Italy Imp3
Italy VaL
Italy Danone
Italy Miuti
Italy Vegeta
Italy jolly
Italy Opt1

btw no Germany gari, no win!
Ezi 4 Blizzard =)
Russia Team Russia:
Russia 4liveji(c)
Russia joKe(c)
Russia fabuloz
Russia pulZa
Russia jago
Russia rivz

everything on
Japan is full of nonamers!

so i think they hack
you must be seriously retarded
Or you must lack a sarcasm detector
If no sarcasm, spec GabrieL he is oldschool ownage with rifle.
who is rolex?:o
thx \o/ gl 2 u 2 <3
i think no one knows him? ... tho , i might seen him on romanian pub xD
When is the deadline for teams? I wanna see Mztik's choices ;-)
gl bruz / limbo <3
Good luck uk :)
Nice lineups.
gl Be Team <3
remove krest and add xanthos in greek team pls
why? krest is best palyer of greek
rofl like you have any idea what you are talking about
i had not...last night xD

but krest isnt bad...i dont know better players from greek :<
hmmm... amphesia dont play in pl nation team coz he dont live in poland. Many players from turkey nation team lives in germany and they r allowed to play.
anyway gl Poland & Turkey Razzah <3
nice, good luck :}
isn't fabuloz from Germany?
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