Clanbase ET Eurocup XVIII invites and maplist

image: ecxviiilogo_big

After a long time of preparing for the new season we are finally able to announce the teams that will take part in this seasons EuroCup.
Now that some of the big names in ET are coming back the road is not really open nomore for many new clans to prove their worth and have their moment in the spotlight.

This season will be the same format as the previous one. Four groups of four teams will be made up giving sixteen teams the chance to compete over the gold.
Eight of those teams are direct invites and the remaining eight will be decided trough qualifier games.

Clans directly invited:[/u]

A total of sixteen spots are available this season eight of which going to the above clans. Sixteen further clans will fight eight elimination matches to fill the remaining eight spots.
The structure of these qualification matches will be as follows:

Dates and times for the qualifier matches will be announced on the ET EuroCup XVIII homepage and GAMESTV.ORG over the coming days.
Full coverage of the cup throughout its duration can be found in Quakenet channel

  • adlernest
  • Bremen_b2
  • Supply
  • Radar
  • SP_Delivery_TE
  • SW_Goldrush_TE

These maps will be the final map list for this season and will also be used in the qualifier games.
Each team will pick one map and a decider map will be decided by coin toss if necessary

Good luck to all participating clans and players.

Belgium Bartichello
Belgium Zell
Belgium Nawor
Good luck ALLLl !!!
what evah
more 2 week teams like cs3r! and wtf with dNan and overdose...?:o and where the fak is team who was 2nd @ SC!!!11111
no olden no EC for u!
need koe
won't happen, I've got removed recently ;)
haha, you cant ban me now sucker, ill stop been nice to u!
don't forget that I'm still on the list of ex supervisors, so it should be an izi bash for me to get my powers back ;)))
erm, you know.. i was only joking
how are you man?
xDDDDD i'm fucking fine, just my internet sucks on the room i'm currently living, i only got like 3.7 gig dll percentage :s
i have a shit one :( traffic isp with 2mb speed, 200 ping ftw ><
come more often to xfire and stalk me, bitch
good job , but still wondering why overdose got quali, there is so many better teams
Here is your answer: "To broaden the international appeal of the EuroCup the best clan of country A may have gotten preference over the xth best clan of country B."

Also as I remember they got qualifier in the last season, too.
yeah , I know that, but last time there was that 8bits team or infinity team . They were far better than overdose. Maybe we can blame underscore cause hungary got that country spot !

EDIT. They aren't worst team since I just noticed that there is some random team called cs3r
Hehe :) doesn't matter, but overdose got that qualifier spot last season. It was a big surprise in the Hungarian scene, because Infinity was maybe better in that time. Anyways, overdose lost against in their qualifier, so the last EC was "Hungarianless"...
yeah, maybe their quali have something to do with their stability since I remember them playing about 1,5 years ago almost with same lineup.

But still I doubt their ability to handle EC's skill level, even though I don't have anything against team itself, despite of that they aren't worst team in qualis.
Yes, that's why they got qualifier against a good enemy. If they prove they are good enough, they will be in, if not they will play in the OpenCup.
why i dont see any swedish team then? :D
That's a good question. The only answer could be, that only three or four teams signed up from Sweden and that wasn't enough for a country slot.

Many teams signed up from Poland and France, and especially from Europe. As you see, the European combined teams took almost half of the slots.
Spotting some fails on the list.
np, we'll sign you up and you can play with TAG in qualifiers next join up TLR after the qualifications. Its allowed by the current EC rules!!
"Players who played for the winning clan in a qualifier will not be allowed to play for any other team in the cup (EuroCup + Open Cup) during the first 3 match weeks"
that mappoll is just a joke, as expected.
haha now u will see how epic adlernest is...just wait
+ sw_battery + braundorf
- supply - grush
umm agree with braundorf, disagree with grush and supply, i hate supply, but everyone likes it and its so damn popular
and grush owns!
both maps are overplayed for almost 4 years now... get something new into play :<
b4 is overplayed too :P
braundorf doesnt work in 6v6 et

battery... maybe, replace adler with it
dont use battery, its definitely unplayable + we rather keep maps like braundorf, adlernest, frostbite etc in the maplist pleaseeeeeeeeeee
grush is best map in ET
nope, u are the joke if u suggest something like that :x
aToOn esports lol
stable and skilled team, definetly deserves a quali - way more than some other teams.
with 2 (ex)haxors
it sux that you give a direct invite to a team that didn't have a lineup when they signed up and a team that got kicked last season gets a direct too.

oh and

21:06:06) (+[CB]Bartichello) The Invitations
(21:06:09) (+[CB]Bartichello)
(21:06:12) (+[CB]Bartichello) Clans are selected for EuroCup participation based on their stability
(21:06:15) (+[CB]Bartichello) (i.e. the ability to complete leagues)
(21:06:18) (+[CB]Bartichello) and their strength as proven by official match results
(21:06:21) (+[CB]Bartichello) (or the results of their players in other clans)
(21:06:24) (+[CB]Bartichello) Practice results are irrelevant.
(21:06:27) (+[CB]Bartichello) Unproven clans only have been considered if their players have completed competitions with top clans before.

incomplete > highbot.
Don't mess with the logic of CB , it all makes sense!
I don't agree that HB should get direct invite, but neither should incomplete. Tbh though, if incomplete are indeed better than highbot as you say, they should have no problem winning the qualifier?

Also I don't get this "direct invite for winning oc" thing... oc and ec are on different levels... re-play should still have to qualify ;_;
its not about who is better. Polar is probably better than cortana, but i would give my clan a direct because this is our 3rd ec in a row and they made their lineup 5 days ago. Ofcourse the seedings for the groups should be different, i would give them a better seeding over us.
indeed and replay doesn't deserve a spot even if they have won the last OC...
imagine the motivation after u won OC Prem, and the season after u have to play it again.
life sux! improve and win a qualifier :/
what if u get to play a team like desire or smth, and basicly lose because of that. Like 1 bad game should decide if a team that has proven itself should play EC or not.
you don't insta qualify for CL after you win the EUFA cup!

hell, you don't even insta-qualify for CL after you win CL! ;D
Id be motivated to play OC prem too, if i got payed that much for every game/prac !

UEFA's current rule is that if the European Cup winners fail to finish in one of its national league's qualifying positions, it will take the place of the lowest placed team in its league.
bah, i remember liverpool barely making the cl the year after winning it, they should've been left out! :(

anyways, i do think you deserved it, and would have even without the oc premier win.
If you win CL you are instantly invited wtf are you talking about
i remember something about liverpool not being allowed to play CL at first because they didn't make the first 4 or something, but i couldn't remember wether they allowed them or not in the end, i guess they did :{
It was working 1-2 years only afaik
so, that' why EC winners don't play EC anymore :o ?
idd, didnt u see that last season, teams that already won it didnt have allot of motivation. though even then they know theyre playing the top of the game. imagine winning the subtop and having to play it again :D
don't mess with fireball!
"Unproven clans only have been considered if their players have completed competitions with top clans before."

Don't forget, there are many experienced player both in polar and highbot... also you would have deserved the invite too, I agree.
allot of teams could have gotten one but we have to make choices... we started of with at least 15 teams over the 24 we needed
Yes, for me a familiar situation, I remember I had the same problem when I was organising those NFS cups with the best players.

I just wrote they should have got invite, because they were there in the last season and the seasons before. But I don't really follow the actual teams and their results, and I don't know if Cortana had lineup changes or not. So, maybe I was wrong.
haha :D srsly how could u give us a qualygame? not like i wouldn`t want it :D
newspost ----> quali

see cs3r?
cs3r? :x, lol'd
Epic failing by clanbase on some decisions there...
gratz re-play :)

good luck in future
(21:06:27) (+[CB]Bartichello) Unproven clans only have been considered if their players have completed competitions with top clans before.

more licking ass please

(21:06:12) (+[CB]Bartichello) Clans are selected for EuroCup participation based on their stability

roYality e-Sports ( #a.toon ) vs. jacks( #jacks )

jacks = @ 8th September 2008, 21:10

Regulators ( #regulators ) vs. S.N.Battalion ( #snbattalion )
cs3r ( ) vs. TAG ( # TAG.ET )

congratulations for stable teams which played alot of official games
Unproven clans only have been considered if their players have completed competitions with top clans before.

jacks afaik: rat- played @ kojak, zerender- tag, emorej- EC finalist
kojak have been very active in last months also TAG skilled TAG skilled Highbot with direct invite
:DD You didn't catch my point :D They all played EC with following teams

btw, Highbot got completely different lineup and that was just summercup game when moreover not many ppl are playing nolife
I got it and show you that playing with following teams doesn't mean you're good and you deserve to be in EC
CB rules, fantastic draw.
Good Luck but cs3r instead of us ='< oh cmon!
desire vs muse
gotta be kidding me
wtf? ovs-gaming? srsly :DD
why we got EU flag ?!?!?! :X
u gotta smile @ quali :) 2 week teams like cs3r xD
gl and hf re-paly<3 U CAN DO IT! ;P
hb in direct invite? wnc? cs3r? regulators? LOL, funny invite tbh
8Bits / FiF *Green* versus dNan

fif wins it, mark my words :P
<[CB]Bartichello> it's mainly because you had slajdan in yor lineup

21:39 <[CB]Bartichello> i had 2 days to go trough rougly 40 clans
21:39 <[CB]Bartichello> and i worked late all week
21:39 <[CB]Bartichello> i know it sounds lame but i can't help it
He's a plauge.
nah makes perfect sense:

1st cb ban slajdan because of hacks (he really did)
2nd cb unbans slajdan because of no proofs
3rd you signup for ec/oc with slajdan at lineup (as expected)
4th "<[CB]Bartichello> it's mainly because you had slajdan in yor lineup "

That makes no sense....
21:39 <[CB]Bartichello> and i worked late all week
give him a break
why don't you all work 12+ hours a day and then try and get the invites ready in a few days...
hi im still young and fresh and want to laugh, rather been serious my entire life
I work 12 hours a day =D
if u unbanned slajdan (which means he is clean in CB records), why is he then a burden in the lineup?

I'm not whining about the invites in here, but this just sounds kinda contradictory to me
I unbanned him, cos i am responsable for c&a, i think the demo was full of suspicious stuff, and with that evidence we could have banned other ppl like mAus. I never said he was clean. Donex & Bartichello can chose whoever they want, they think slajdan definately cheated and the rest have always been suspicious (check decem's list)
I find it a bit odd that CB don't follow a contiguos policy in such a matter. Either he is not banned and should be able to attend all the competitions there are or he should be banned. But I don't see a solution anywhere in between :s
word. innocent until proven guilty. He shouldn't be burdened because some one THINKS he did something. if he cheated then ban him. if not then he shouldn't be punished for it.

hell most of FF X-Fi was banned too. but they get direct invite. make a rule and stick too it.
atleast FF-XFI refurbished their lineup (all new) while dispo kept the same lineup.
you mean got rid of gnajda. well as I see it the situation is different. gnajda is still banned ? AND he got caught by anti3.

slajdan was banned by you for a demo and then the ban got lifed. hense he should be considered not guilty.

that he gets punished for it along with the entire team is a gross insult to equality. dispo didnt announce their lineup until after the ban was lifted hence they cant be affected too the rule that banned X-Fi.

as it looks now this is NOT a competition for the best teams but for teams that the organizers personally like.

imo this is NOT how a EC should be run and I will not be following this event.

and for the record I agree with a lot of the comments that FiF should get a direct invite. they have shown a stable and active lineup for the past year and should be rewarded for it.
FiF lost vs Re-play delivry, so they should deserve the invite? I think they are fine, except for dispo's at oc.
Thats the only reason he told me, and thats just lol =)
Says nothing really?
it says u present disposable
learn to read
Still says nothing.
What the hell are you talking about boy?
hmm okk we did not even get a qualifier?

What i can see our lineup is one of the strongest here.


We can understand people dont want to play vs slajdan but thats not a problem we dont have to play with him if clanbase dont want that.
And why the hell did not we not even get a qualifier? , what i can see their are players in other clans that even got cought with PBSS and other stuff just few months ago.

Admin just reply to me here and tell me why, this is really shit.
Teams like "WE NEVER CHEAT" and "Overdose-gaming" and "cs3r" and "royality" would always own you guys!
its fucking retarded since re-play even got a fucking direct invite ~.~ try to talk to them even though it seems as if this whole EC shit is only about who licks the important asses :F
well ec is just a cup before cc, nothing important, u aint missing anything
Players in your lineup related to hacks , marked with [+]

alexL [+]
jONAS [+]
sAvage [+]
wizzel [+]

nordan [+]
slajdan [+]

you do the math
jonas wizzel savage nordan?

and slajdan 2 avi ?
tell me and show me something, and why u are writing this players
he is a kanker mongol, filled with too much ego don't mind him he's talking crap
alexL [+]
NuggaN [+]
jONAS [+]
wizzel [+]

nordan (dunno who he is)
slajdan [+]

fixed it for you.
why do u all forget about newbje... he has even served a CB ban 1,5 years ago :p
hoi mate :D
I dont really know him either.
jonas nugan wizzel why do u even think they are cheaters?
jonas because of his unknown background, popping out of nowhere insta 3headshotter

wizzel even before the lan and during the lan it was already so ridiculous.

nuggan is the only guy whose background I know, too bad im the only one out of the players left in the scene.
jonas played et since start, always been knowned in the swedish community and he is little brother to butcheN who was a good player.

yeah wizzel did not have same skill before lan, 1 reason i know is becuz wizzel moved to uniX 1 weeek before the lan, and played on a 15" tft. And at the lan he did some bad matches and some good matches like everybody else :>
wizzel didnt have good matches at lan.
he played good with rifle as far as i remember
nuggan was pretty good at CDC4, pretty much the same as online ;-)
he can aim, but he surely wasnt what he is online.
no one is, except a few exceptions!
alexl and co can take revenge at CC5 anyway, so nps!
Murso got a direct invite! They joined vicious and evil and are now known as vae :p
cs3r & overdose got a qualifier but disposable didn't? :DD

Where's tA?
accurate instead of overdose
disposable instead of cs3r
swap Highbot with Incomplete
swap FF with Jacks
get a good EC
why the fuck would you want to swap ff with jacks? i'm not saying they're not good, but they don't meet any of the qualifications set for an EC invite ;/
well, yeah
You should wakeup already.
rize - pumu having fun
negative image- splitted up for 2-3 different teams
Good job with the maplist Donex and Killerboy :) Thanks a lot for listening to the community before picking maps and invites. Promises to be a great season for ET already :))))
minor fail, but overall pretty good


• Authentic-Gaming versus re-play devilry 4 - 0
• dESIRE versus muse-gaming 4 - 0 cause its online, 3rd time they play against each other? i smell some hate
• Cortana versus Overdose-Gaming 2 - 4
• TAG versus cs3r 4 - 2
• S. N. Battalion versus Regulators 4 - 2
• 8Bits / FiF *Green* versus dNan 2 - 4
• Incomplete versus WE NEVER CHEAT 2 - 4
• roYality e-Sports versus jacks 0 - 4
We will play against them on LAN too.
If both teams manage to pass the grouphase and stuff ...
Yes I forgot this fact, but I hope it will de done by both teams
t'as utilisé google traduction ?
Nan j'ai mis à profie mes cours d'anglais.
pas tes cours de français en revanche :XD
cs3r in qualis? wtf, they exist for whole 1 week or something? I was joking about us being in qualis but I might've aswell been serious looking at this
cs3r is kinda strange, non-proven, short line-up, individual talent aint that special.
highbot LMAO
Hopefully we're gonna see a good EC season this time :)
I have no clue bout the community anymore though i'm sure you've did the best you could.. With admins as Zell and Bartichello i'm pretty sure there was enough research and prospection, wish you guys the best of luck in this season ;)
Quote by Koe I have no clue bout the community

true you dont have a clue ^^
Well, Bartichello is better at making EC invite lists than at driving cars I tell you :D
Then his driving should not be thhhaaaat bad or am I totally wrong :D?!
mmh, last time I was in a car with him (CDC3) he ended up riding on the pavement in the middle of two roads :D

But yeah, the invites are very good in my opinion, though I might be a bit biased because our team got directly invited..
who plays together so long there? the russians and who else?
cs3r in EC, ET is dead, gl all teams
cs3r lol, who from them is valid for this: "Unproven clans only have been considered if their players have completed competitions with top clans before." who played in a top clan? 4live? jago? silent? gengis? not one except murda, this is a joke, you were better off letting dispo have the qualification spot

and regulators and jacks? nice EC
4live & jago played with Team Russia. Its pretty obvious you do not follow the scene anymore, just because they have a new multigaming clan name doesn't mean they never['/b] played together, afaik they have been together for 4months +

or else we could have added Poland naga and co.

no tnx
russia is not a top team, killerboy played for malta in NC so he could say he played for a top team? who plays together for 4 months? jago and joke were in dQ I think, s1LENT was there for like 1 or 2 matches, wezor was in desire, gengis no idea, frosty - who the fuck is that, 4live - just LOL and murda - does he even play?
I still prefare watching a team like cs3r which is not that skilled than a team like Poland Slayers who have naga which has been busted by an afk aimbot, last time we let gnajda play EC having got caught by a 3rd party anti-cheat it resulted in kicking the team + banning gnajda (which was the right decision)
wtf Slayers isnt the only team who wanted to compete in EC besides cs3r
accurate, disposable are way better
2 ex-cb banned player (santj & dizA)
1 cb banned player (overschie)
2 players playing with cs3r (dunZ & destiny)

after looking at acc and cs3r they practically have the same lineup
overschie is kinda honorary ex-member there
who plays for cs3r? dunz & destiny are ex-cdap members which was just renamed into cs3r
acc dont have any gnajda style players, you only judge who can play EC by amount of ex-cheaters and suspicious players and now we've got the worst invites ever, gratz
accurate are playing since this june and their lineup havent almost changed
whereas cs3r's lineup is changing every week
atleast no gnajda drama teams anymore.
but now we've got 4live @ EC hahaha
cs3r CB account is old cdap account so me and dunz are still there, we are NOT playing with them, we are in #accurate
+ overschie was just signed at accurate, maybe he played in the 3on3 team i dont know but not on 6on6 and why u mentioned dizA? ;\ our lineup is: sAntj destiny dunZ morf eager SioN - ovrboost kaz, get ur facts straight before u open ur mouth, we are more active than cs3r, we exists longer but np, cb see w/e they want, anyway, gl to cs3r <3, bye CHEATER LOVER!
"I still prefare watching a team like cs3r which is not that skilled than a team like Slayers who have naga which has been busted by an afk aimbot"

wtf is the whole idea with the different clans in different leagues?

Eurocup, premier league OC, secon league OC, etc etc

The best clan plays the highest division. So what are you talking about when you say that less skilled teams should play the highest possible league?
What i mean is that i prefer to let a less skilled team play EC than a team like the ex-ff-xfi team which had gnajda (who was busted already) and reach the ec final then all those avis/demos/journals/news drama ect.
OKE I got nothing against 4live and jago but team-russia is fucking low+/med. And they didn't exist for longer
Didn't Gengis play in a whole bunch of good Spanish teams?
says it all really ;D
jacks definetly deserves their spot.
if you played against them recently you'd know that they are praccing a lot and they are one of the best teams i can think of right now.
don't wanna comment on the other teams.
so owned ;-)
rize took the option not to play EC, that's what I've seen when browsing the recent signups!
qualifications are one big joke...
Not even a qualifier for inTro? ROFL.
The majority of inTro played/playing NC/EC over several years, but who fucking cares? disposable without a qualifier? ...

CF should create an own EuroCup, because CB is a failure.


gL highbot <3
we would not win qualiz anywayz :D
as a matter of principle we should get a qualifier, who gives a damn if we win or lose it?
fucking idd dunno whats wrong with cb.
intro deserved a fucking quali at least !!!11
then the system makes no sense. if you choose not to play EC, you cannot be forced to do so, what the hell are you talking about?
where is battery? :/
worst ec ever. grats to the admins! well done
GL overdose, this time u must win the quali without me! :D
replay instead of Highbot and dispo instead of cs3r. Nicely done overall. Those slajdan excuses are really stupid tbfh, he was unbanned by a reason give a brake on that already or ban him back ffs.
thx 2 admins for ur work gl & hf to all teams!

but srsly Netherlands accurate should be in Quali!!!!!!!!!!!!

haters DIE!
accurate have 75% the same players as your team cs3r (atleast in the 'Player' section)
these are completely different teams, there're no same players in their main rosters and accurate is way stronger imo
75%? what are you talking about retard.. only dunz and me and we are in the "retired/honorary" section at cs3r aka old cdap CB account, I think that you are the one to blame for this qualis, killerboy at CB = auto fail!
i didn't make the quali's, and the only retard is you, go play with keNta and co pls.
orly? see, ur a fucking retard, so i played with him once when he came at 2nd/3rd map with fake nick at like 3am or w/e cant remember, who cares? im not like u going to YAWN on every guy connecting to the server and trying to bust good players cuz they are nonamers, i was just a merc at night so who fucking care to go check up guys who I merc for? if they cheat they can gtfo but ingame they seemed pretty clear to me so why would I YAWN them? cuz they aim decent for a fake nick at random 6v6 vs med guys?
you don't need YAWn! to read keNta, shranz & jaN. on vent/ET.
it was TeamSpeak2 if I can remember right and anyway, I dont know about jaN or shrapnz, knew only about keNta and he came in to serv with fake nick @ 2nd/3rd map, cba minimize to check who it is.. I told sol already, can't tell whos cheating since the "cheaters" list was not on crossfire + why do I have to see it lolz.. dont care about cheaters and + I just saw the list and searched for jaN and sharpnz and they are not there so, wtf? why would I know that they are cheating? im not 24/7 @ cheating forum like u ;\
I can make a Wall of Shame with the cheaters listed. np
tbh, if u remember my case(s), I was banned 2 times, first time at ESL for ot_logo 1/0 at my cfg, if u wanna know how it got there ill tell u @ pm or smth too long to write now, 2nd time from Crossfire only and almost from CB for cheating and there was some "destiny busted" posts with IP match etc. and it was fake + I proofed it, so, my point is, I served a total of like 8months ban at ESL (was 1year ban but I didnt know I have one till I wanted to sign with a clan, when I saw that I'm banned I told the admins and they unbanned me and said that they are sorry for the mistake, same as sol with the crossfire ban) and like 2 months at Crossfire for this fake IP match, and ye, now u gonna say its impossible to fake a IP, well, search for the journal and check the proofs, u can even see bulldog says there: he cheated once and now again, unexpected. or smth like that, anyway, u just ban unknown ppl cuz they aim better than u or other known skilled players and the fact is that I play since June 2003, cant proof it cuz I didnt know what was irc/vent/community till like 2years ago, anyway, was fun bringing this back up, cb fail all the time but at least they fix it so np, bb.
ahm, i was the one who told soool to unban you, he sent me the .rar file :~>
thx but still, i was banned for doing nothing
well you signed up in like 10 teams, you had to be in some qualifier :)))
over no ? 8DDD

only 1
some ppl who reviewed the teams were joking you kept on showing up in so many teams on the xfire list
dESIRE versus muse-gaming

o m g
# Authentic-Gaming versus re-play devilry 2:4
# dESIRE versus muse-gaming 4:2
# Cortana versus Overdose-Gaming 10:0
# TAG versus cs3r no comment
# S. N. Battalion versus Regulators 4:0
# 8Bits / FiF *Green* versus dNan 2:4
# Incomplete versus WE NEVER CHEAT 4:0
# roYality e-Sports versus jacks 4:2
# Authentic-Gaming versus re-play devilry 4:0
# dESIRE versus muse-gaming 2:4
# Cortana versus Overdose-Gaming 100000:0 :O)
# TAG versus cs3r no comment
# S. N. Battalion versus Regulators 4:0
# 8Bits / FiF *Green* versus dNan 4:2
# Incomplete versus WE NEVER CHEAT 4:0
# roYality e-Sports versus jacks 2:4
jacks will piss on royal
I think that Jacks will win aToOn.
but seriously who in this community cares what u have ato say.
PolandFasolka cares!
First you ban slajdan
Then you unban slajdan
Then you don't let his team play because of slajdan

4live with ec invite, are u kidding me?
tbh it's quite funny giving cs3r the chance to play a qualifier.
except for the spanish guys, they don't have anyone with a real history. about a year ago noone knew joke, 4live and whoever's in there.

so actually (because i don't know how good they are) the cb team seems to consider them a good team. killerboy, i do respect your work, but am wondering how especially YOU can defend a team like cs3r, knowing that most of those guys who come out of nowhere got to be some skilled plugin-users.

besides cs3r there are some other "talentz", who definitely won't show up at any lan. whatever, that's ET.
Rofl they dont. I think they should v let disposable get an ec invite!
They are way better.
Fucking owned.
lol santj is 100 times bette rthen you ; you suck donkeyballs
even if hes 1000000 times better than me
n1 not inviting dispo and acc to quali, bb ec, hi oc
dESIRE at qualy? lol.
plz, the quali spot was given to dESIRE to get some negros to EC(equality...), not because you're worth it (remember playing you few nights ago, you decided to quit after 1st round because you couldnt make time in gr vs a mix :s)

dont even think about an invite loser :)
dont be so sour because you're shit :D
why is every1 whining about accurate replacing cs3r? like accurate would own cs3r hard?

EDIT: Btw the team hasnt never ever achieved anything, I mean fucking anything, even Humm3l's raps are shit, omg CB's fanboy admins are amazing -_-
Sanoisin ennemmin rehellinen :/
no ne on paras (ja ainoo) saksateami :o)
just ridiculous at some quali invites
Quote19:04 >>andermv omfg cb eurocup suxx, we are not invited -.-

hi2u netcoders
Poland Authentic-Gaming versus Poland re-play devilry
A lot of polish people will whine but it's a good solution in my opionion.

And it's ridiculous to put 2-weeks mixes (I can't even call them clans) in qualifications ...
replace cs3r with dispo, and it should be ok.
HighBot are shit wtf have they ever done? There are way better clans that should have got direct invites its a fucking joke.
lame... guess why
you should join them. seriously
hf cortana
Poland Authentic-Gaming
France muse-gaming
Croatia Cortana
Europe TAG
Europe S. N. Battalion
Belgium 8Bits / FiF *Green*
Europe jacks
First you ban slajdan
Then you unban slajdan
Then you don't let our team play because of slajdan

Haven't you realized that it`s CB?


mmm kinda strange that FF X-Fi got direct invite then.... idiots the lot of them....
im missing true destination @ quali's -_-
gl sleeperz
4live @ EC big rofl
every ec gets so much whine, cmon uberpantoflg33kz, it's just a cup (even tho if it's the one with the biggest reputation)..... ohlolzitznotonlyacupitzurlife!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
there were so many places to prove yourselves, may i ask why didn't you?
1daycup every week, previous oc (OH WAIT UR 2WEEKZ), cb ladder.
stop blaming cb, this time they've done a good job for sure, there were some problems in the previous seasons tho......

cu Hungary^1TEAMMATE @ oc 2nd league =D
oh btw go to cc5 and achieve smth there if ur that good tbh.
-already could do that @ cc1234 and u didn't
-clan dies till cc5
-many lineup changes and new players can't go
-simply not enough money
blabla................. learn mature behaviour and start playing together seriously (in another game, since this is one of the last chances of ET to stay alive) not just OMFGIT'SECLETZPALY
-get a girlfriend!

...jk :p
bah dude. i had eye contact yesterday on the bus with a hot ~16 years old. but i didn't go there to talk with her, i just left at my stop...
thing is like, this probably happens to me every day i go somewhere with a different girl, but i never actually talk to any of them, i'm afraid that they would refuse . all of them have done that in the past, when i actually asked.
i'd love to say i'm waiting for a girl who would come to me to ask me first, but that also happened already twice... unfortunately i didn't like them, simple refuse......... :(((
guess i'm just unlucky?
same with me, except that most of the time I go and talk with them and things work out! :D
you just care about their pussy ;(
I care for other stuff aswell!
i guess its cos polarnight ?
talking with 10 year old girls shouldn't be taken into account .....
dear fra, if we were to talk about 10 year olds, then I wouldnt say "most of the time", now would I, mister?!
no butchji :(
no, he doesn't have a team :'(
cortana :*(
First you ban slajdan
Then you unban slajdan
Then you don't let our team play because of slajdan

FF shouldve been punished for last season, and play the qualy against Auth instead of Devilry
idd, atm it seems like "good job", do it again this year and u get next year direct invite too
First you ban slajdan
Then you unban slajdan
Then you don't let our team play because of slajdan

indeed, unbanning him was a mistake
KILLERBOYUGLYGLASSGUY and everyone else in CB community you just failed.cs3r random team who added hes players even to cb like 6 days ago and never played a offi there.Overdose gaming...please.why no dispo???huh
First you ban slajdan
Then you unban slajdan
Then you don't let our team play because of slajdan

JACKS?WHO?gtfo with 6days ago made team....
(21:06:12) (+[CB]Bartichello) Clans are selected for EuroCup participation based on their stability

devliry should be in direct invite....they have stable lineup since 2006 maybe?

why the fuck isnt accurate in qualifers???

very mature guy eh, Age: 10 ( 4 May 1998 )

even if its fake, it suits you.
Jacks got almost 1 month tbh :P
and no- no direct to delivry, way better would be to give direct to FiF Green- they're stable, 4th @ ESL and very active
image: b24odxwyg2p3v9pac
just had to post my rofl's

invites looks "ok"

direct invites are missing fif, I wouldve given them an invite over FF or HB


polish quali is okey, tight game
french quali is okey, eventhough id have kept them in different par since they already, played each others last season, will be tight if muse plays few praccs atleast
cortana overdose is okey, should be easybash for cortana
tag cs3r, I wouldnt have personally invited cs3r although their lineup could give some suprises, overally the weakest quali out here
battalion regulators, i guess regulators pick is deserved as theres not much other contenders, izibsah battallion
fif, dnan, obviously the hardest quali here but fif should be able to take it. i would have swapped qualis like fif vs cs3r & tag vs dnan
inc wnc, could be anyones game, wnc have been stable for some time but they are lacking something, inc other hand has the skill but without praccs it wont do any good for them
ry jacks, ry could suprise here

what i am missing are teams like turboabinat and NR - replacing teams like regulators, overdose or cs3r but overally good job!
lol, the team i am missing is Disposable.
crajsor and the rest. They would fit perfectly in EC.
nah i aint missing them, thats the lineup you dont want to play against :D
reminds me a rewind thing back in the days
agree 100 % with u
i would do more quali matches and less invites (4-6 invites should be enough, HB doesnt deserve invite imo and neither do FF after last season), so there will be some place for other teams that can surprise. But overall its quite ok, looking forward to great matches and no forfeits :) my personal favorites are mamut, tlr and vae :)
100% agree :) Anyway, I pointed out my opinions in journal already
what about replay? they would easily beat teams like cs3r fif ry overdose
close 4-2 against fif
qualis rly are one big hell of a joke.. pls
Benelux Kreaturen ?
were u signed up?
that disposable thing is really a huge fuckup tbh
well, thats the mentality on xfire nowadays. "we forgot one of the best teams for ec? whoops, who cares about et anyway?!"
yeah, tbh have a kinda good team and i think we could go far.
hmm cant do anything now I guess, CB wont change anything anyway.
i dno, id say you should definitely replace one of the pretty weak qulifiers. if cb really are not gonna change it and not even face their mistake they already fucked it up in the very beginning
yeah but they are not even answering us, so i guess we cant do anything self
hm ye probably, the bad thing for you is, that ur team hasnt got the best reputation and many people didnt/dont even know u are excisting (even i didnt really know it before i saw ur comments n stuff) so people wont really whine about it and put pressure on cb
You can do something...
Get a lineup of: AlexL, Jonas, sAvage, wizzel, newbje and slajdan
and play CC5. Demonstrate us we were wrong performing like a top clan at lan.
We will go to cc5, with a lineup like

+ nuggan savage wizzel lotix crajsor have already been at lan !
you show them. looking forward too seeing you guys pwn at cc5
I hope I actually get to see this :D
yep i hope so aswell
you fucking unbanned him so fucking let him play
its not a mistake, its a decision they took to avoid having drama on slajdan when they reach the last stages of EC (gnajda story) and no, i had nothing to do with it, i was quite surprised about it.
Bad invites, Bad qualifiers.
Nobody is happy ( only the invited teams i think )

Thats what you get when you have low+ admins that never play highskilled teams and dont have a clue about whats going on there. No offence, i respect what you guys do and all the time and work you put in. But i think thats a factor. With an admin like Adacore or Mrozu they played pretty high level themself they knew alot better what to do with eurocup. You guys purely select on names and how they performed in the past. I see epic fail eurocup incomming again like the eurocup before.
Yeah, not inviting all those highskilled teams around.
im happy because they didnt forget us!
As every season we asked some random players around for their EC invite list, some of them playing for mamut, tlr, vae, polar, ... I think you agree with me they aren't low+.
We checked all the teams and mixed it up with our own list.... and you know the final result.
n/o but most of those teams where inactive last months.
skill>activity. though it used to be competition for highskilled, cant really call it that anymore, besides for most of the playoff teams.
Its really incredible how you are able to screw it every year... and every year is so obvious which teams put there and which teams deserves a quali but you screw it up again and again... i think you should end as CB admin finaly
TAG versus cs3r
S. N. Battalion versus Regulators

should be

TAG vs Regulators
Snb vs cs3r

Would be much fairer cause 2 better teams will get through.

Btw. i got Ec qualli :P I am honorary :P
''OK'' :DD
easy bash for FF !
muse vs desire :D

cortana <3
Well done, good invites & qualifiers. Obviously not everyone will agree but overall you did very well! Much better than previous seasons.
fucked dispo right on the spot
and fucked cb with cs3r
enjoy the ec
clanbse, you can still change the invitations, nothing wrong with mistaking, but it is wrong not to admit and fix
ill try to create the best for this ec..maybe you will adopt some of what contains here;

Clans directly invited:

* Vicious and Evil
* The Last Resort
* Belgian Dream Team 'Overload'
* Fear Factory X-Fi
* Friends in Force *Green* (even though highbot consists of known players that practiced in a lot of EC competitions and high lvl, they form it everytime few days before the new season starts and then fold, if you keep inviting them it will prove all other peoples it's possible to just play 1-2 times before EC, bad decision and example of administering)
* polar - pi
* re-play eSports
* team


# Accurate versus HighBot ( i highly didnt want to add accurate, not since i don't like them, but there enough nl teams, and on purpose made them play against highbot, they should prove they are worthy
# cortana versus Disposable(they deserve invite due to them been the only good swedish team currently, if slajdan is a problem you should have NOT banning him, if it is really necessary, don't allow them to play with slajdan, but not inviting them is a typical CB act)
# muse-gaming versus Overdose - Gaming
# jacks versus S. N. Battalion
# dESIRE versus Regulators
# Authentic-Gaming versus dNan
# Incomplete versus WE NEVER CHEAT
# roYality e-Sports versus jTAG.ET

Ive made a very very small change to some of the matchs

summary: you have made alright decisions, small mistakes here and there

Mappool: some wont agree with me, but bremen is a total shit, not fun to watch, annoying to play, I'd take it off immediately

feel free to flame!
bremen out, oasis in! and CB won't change it cuz they just dont give a shit about who will play or not, they are just happy that clans have signed up so they chose whoever they think is fit and giving him a EC quali/invite, imo make a poll or smth about it and let the community decide cuz im not sure CB admins know what they r talking about since they dont play ET/play on low-med level.
listening to the community = ruins EVERY decisions made by the admin
you learned something today
accurate just isnt good enough face it
and what about dispo?
they hack, no need for quali
dont need any
i agree with some points, no re-play devilry = fail though
all in all the invits/qualis are ok though, it will never happen that everyone agrees with the decisions.
maybe instead of desire, with their cheaters stuffs, still, i dont really know those replay guys
but come on fif is really active but they wont win a match in ec, qualifier is good enough
Authentic vs dNan, no fucking way every EC or CDC qualifer i had to play fucking polaks not again im happy with this quali
if FF deserve invite then disposable deserve at least quali. Slajdan is officially unbanned but team which have him in lineup cant play, and team which was kicked from last EC season has direct invite (dont care who is playing there now, FF got kicked, nothing can change this)
Great Job :) I couldn't do it better
My Opinion

Direct invite:
Finland vae
Europe TLR
Europe Polar
Europe re-play eSports
Belgium Overload
Slovenia mamut
Poland FF
Benelux 8Bits - FiFg

Poland Authentic - Poland re-play devilry
France dESIRE - France muse
Germany HIGHBOT - Germany riZe
Europe SNB - Europe Regulators
Netherlands dNan - Europe TAG
Croatia Cortana - Europe Jacks
Sweden Disposable - Europe WNC
Finland Incomplete- Finland
How comes Cortana don't get a direct invite?
image: replajcl6
Time set on goldrush by re-play: 4:12. And you want to give them EC invite ?
bad day? fifg are good, stable and skilled clan, they deserve this quali
as far as i can see they play quali, just like you .. thats absolutely fair imho
yes that's fair but I don't understand people who say that FiF should get direct invite
we owned you on supply, so can you please shut your arrogance a bit?
I think we are +- same skill (we really had a bad day, that day and we played really shit on gold and other map), I think Highbot should be replaced by a clan like yours or us.
where's my arrogance ? just showing the facts
as I said, quali is a fair solution for both clans (but not a direct invite)

and im not from devilry :)
Wow, 1 match !!! that really says everything does it!
better than nothing

- adlernest
+ braundorf

skill > lotto please
nice to see that there's no braundorf in it, but then again it's less nice to see a map as delivery in. it's way too tight and small at the end. expecting to see teh skillers leaning every corner, cool.
People will hate delivery after this EC... Too bad we have to "suffer" trough it for people to realize that small, closed, 5medics1rifle maps suck dick.
delivery got mention by 5 out of 6 topclans who gave killerboy a list of maps they wanted to play. One clan chose frostbite, one braun (you guys afaik :) and one battery. All the others picked adlernest and delivery.

maybe you are right, and delivery will turn into an even worse version of braundorf. I still think there will be some nice games played this EC :P
The map will get boring pretty fast when tax gets set, since the map is one sided, delivery as new braundorf probably.
Spot the noobs in the direct invited teams lololol
Seems like the only requirement to play EC these days is to have a PC and some good ol' hacks! Since when did skill not matter? Is this what ET has become?

The only one of the new teams I'd like to give a good luck is Regulators, nice name!!
no israeli team
what a pitty lol !
you left to many landmines at there doors:(

part of my job :)
First you ban slajdan
Then you unban slajdan
Then you don't let the team play because of slajdan

retard cup. retarded teams. retarded admins. eurofuckup. it would be better if the competition stops. gg retards
loled @ cb
lol m1ke
cs3r -> accurate / disposable
overdose -> NR

overall not bad, good maplist aswell
unbanned you stupid fool? :DDD
September 15 19:02 Added member(s) clouver
indeed, very stable team!
Thats the worse thing and also when you hear from Bartichelo mouth like he is saying that the invites and quali are also based on stability of teams :DDD

I just hate when is someone shiting to his mouth :X

And even if it is guy who is not active for i dont know how long.. and he is able to write how he spend a lot of time with analyzing of teams :D
aye pretty much agree on that, i don't have anything against cs3r and i believe that they will do it well but giving them a chance with totally unstable lineup instead of disposable or maybe even accurate is kinda bullshit. And Bartichelos facts are somehow also bad for me.
TLR added butchji, brb removing them from EC cos they are not stable anymore.
TLR? never heard of them, someone said that they won two/three cdcs but i guess it was only a stupid lie.You or someone else who is managing that cup must be really an idiot. How could you gave em direct invite? Please guys next time be a little bit serious!
give me some minutes, i think there is a twist in that clan./
just great.. at least there is someone capable!
you are just an idiot no one is talking about TLR..
check the journals
I dont care about zomg nerdy butchji joining someone... you are just an idiot who is ironicaly replying and making fun of things which are not funny... get lost noob
i'm never funny.
did you actually check the other teams?:)
i did and it is pretty the same, btw that was only a contra comment to Killerboys bullshit about stability of your team. As i said have nothin vs. your team or anyone from your team. good luck and have fun!
so why dont you post comments about ovs?
everyone complains about cs3r
Seems like a very stable team for me. As far as i know they are playing for some time now. Maybe i am wrong?
the drama lol
I beg your pardon? Do you MIND my opinion?
Good maps :)
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