JB joins Epsilon eSports
20 Nov 2008, 00:59
Epsilon eSports is proud to announce one more team to join our organization. Wolfenstein: Enemy Teritory team, quite an old game but still alive and kicking. The core players have been playing together for 3 years, but with a few more great addons, this newly formed team will a new experience to the Wolfenstein:ET's finest. Their first big challenge will be in ESL Winter Cup and CB Eurocup, and they're eagerly waiting for the Crossfire Challenge 5 LAN which be held in Netherlands from 12th till 14th December.
Their roster is as follows:[/i]
Tobias "sNoOp" Ulbricht
Jorryt "abort" Dijkstra
Sebastian "butchji" Kupke
Patryk "dialer" Karolewski
Florian "gifty" Gunzenhauser
Eduard "zerender" Ehrlich
Source: http://www.epsilon-esports.org/
What can I add from mine side, I wish you GoodLuck guys, and would be nice to stay in one hotel!
[01:08] twnzzy: naja heb al een nieuw team wss
[01:08] Epsilon`Lngbow: okay nice
[01:08] twnzzy: Is wel vet goed team
[01:09] twnzzy: en moet echt op volle bak spelen met smg om bij te blijven maar
[01:09] twnzzy: komt goed :p
[01:09] Epsilon`Lngbow: hehe oke dan
[01:09] Epsilon`Lngbow: met wie speel je?
[01:09] twnzzy: we werden gister afgeslacht door paar gasten
[01:09] twnzzy: en ik speelde wel hard als smg
[01:09] twnzzy: en toen erna kwam ene of andere Mick
[01:09] twnzzy: was dus Dignitas mick (ex speler van digni)
[01:09] twnzzy: en die vroeg me om eens te trailen
[01:10] twnzzy: toen zei ik dat iK @ epsilon was
[01:10] twnzzy: ik vroeg hem net of aanbod nog daar was
[01:10] twnzzy: hij heeft nu 4 man
[01:10] twnzzy: raz, mick, mij, mintr ...
Short english summary: he was in a team (dont know if he believed it himself) with mick and raz from dignitas cod4 and mintr from fnatic cod4. So OH YES PEOPLE WE WILL HEAR MORE FROM HIM SOON ON ALL BIG LANS OH YES
you really have no clue where you are talking about... hf in ET
snoop where is toxic your best ebuddy
-two weeks-
2nd Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4 LAN ? 8O?
and the rest of you guys i know you can do it, just work good together as a team!
(PS: also watch out for night on supply when he goes to construct the controls from behind!)
Geek joke alert!Should be easy for you to find the shortest way around on the maps then!
Good luck!
I don't see the polish kid keeping up with the rest of the team.
gl gifty
good luck!
hf Abort, Butchji & Snoop
go Gifty :)
FAIL... you lied to get in!
gl zerender :)
lan support? €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€
but wont be top 3
and gl to abort :O)
Jan "b1bub4bu" Tobias
solls auch geben
the core is ... ?
Patryk Karolewski
En die oouwe pwner van een abortjuuh!!!
hmm, really wondering if this gonna work out - time will tell...
anyway, gl!
gl abort
dESIRE FTW !!!! He is clean now and verry ugly irl <3...
gl mate
gl mate
gl abort
gl duke
stfu cheater
GL $ ?3
gl caej
you are the nicest guy on xf !!
go join Roskilde with Mick and mintR, or tell some more lies...