RTCW Competitive History Movie - Year 2002

image: 349e7nb

Roughly two years after the trailer the first movie featuring the greatest RTCW highlights and kills of the year 2002 is released. All frags are from official matches in the biggest european and american tournaments. The second part includes solely frags from Quakecon 2002.

In all honesty I haven't worked on this the whole two years due to problems with my computer and a lack of time, however the last two month I have invested a lot of time and finally finished it. Hope that you won't be disapointed.

Also apologies to those whose demos i have lost or have not used - big thank you anyway!

Editing: twister     Starring:
Graphics: herme
Length: 16:50
Size: 652 MB
Codec: x264
Framerate: 30
Resolution: 1280x720

United States of Americabloodshot
United States of Americabrian
United States of Americacheech

United Kingdomcjm
United States of Americaczm
Estoniaevil purc
United Kingdomexplicit

United States of Americahollywood
United States of Americaicehawk
United States of Americajargus

United States of Americamethod
United States of Americarandom
United States of Americarevenant

United States of Americashaftian
United States of Americashogun
United States of Americavai

United States of Americavaldez
United States of Americawombat

United States of AmericaBoomerman          United States of AmericaColdshot          United States of AmericaDJ Wheat          United States of AmericaJustice          United States of AmericaWarwitch          United States of AmericaWonderdog

Mirror 1 - own3d.tv Stream
Mirror 2 - Thanks to sHiZo
Mirror 6 - Megaupload

Mirror 1 - Thanks to sHiZo
Mirror 2 - Thanks to zivs
Mirror 3 - Megaupload

Please before watching the movie PLEASE make sure you have can decode x264 properly as otherwise you will experiance worse quality and desaturated colors. Easiest fix is following this tutorial.

On a sidenote: I still welcome demos for the next movie which is gonna feature the highlights of the further years of competitive RTCW.
own3d.tv :
this video is private
Well done :)
Couldnt watch the proper version because it kept making my VLC / Media Player Class crash even with the codecs
but the stream was still really good, nice movie twist :)
nice twister loved it, best movie after years including ET
wow nice movie :o
why can't they make games like this anymore? How do you fuck up Wolfenstein?

Great video twister and appreciate the hard work and effort over the many years of putting it together. All of the players in this movie and true old school professional gamers. Ahh the glory days... makes me want to play rtcw again =)... nah let it die!
Amazing movie. RTCW MERC AVI
pure awesomeness.

fucking nice work dear =)
rly nice movie :) but still angel & yulaw is the best rtcw movie i ever saw <3
Amazing movie, nice job twister!
Really well done, just sad that the developers of the new Wolfenstein managed to fuck it up that hard. RtCW ftw :-)
ive been waiting for this ever since the trailer, downloading :)
realy nice movie :) to bad rtcw is dead :(
awesome movie!! awesome game!! :]
bout time!
look whos talking
goddamnit that's a lot of money 25000$
really nice movie, really shame thats rtcw is dead, i hope there will be something that will give us the same feeling, the shoutcasters are awesome :D
sounds promising :D
ive never known these times.
they mustve been awesome :/
czm? The Quake owner?
the one and only
wombat? The Quake owner?
quake and cs and cod and painkiller and fear
Brilliant brilliant movie! The action spoke for itself! People can say what they like but nothing can be compared to RTCW back then.

That was probably our concord gaming moment!
thats what they said about your top 5 column, a concorde moment...it crashed :(
It's on this machine somewhere! I'll find it and post it when I get back from my next job, off to Holland for 5 days tomorrow. :(
nice twis :)
oh boy here we go again with the fucking nostalgy trash
su , noone is interested in ur opinion! ull never be as good as they were, no matter how hard u try
Eventhough the editting isnt top notch, it isnt even need imho, this an epic movie, one I will certainly keep in my collection. Great work, hope this is the first of several movies.

Btw, did you go trough all the demos yourself? If so, respect :D
I've used crumbs demoviewer mod for those that it worked for, watched the others - was a lot indeed but i mostly watched em at timescale 16 or something :D
I saw the impressive trailer, i hope the vid is going to be at least as good..
Fantastic movie, it's obvious lots of love and attention went into making it, a fitting tribute to a glorious game.
Was a decent movie.
Epic movie mate , where did u got those demo's ? :o
most of those i used were sent in by players, rest i grabbed from the swertcw ftp and some other sites
Ah ok ;), Will there be a rtcw competitive history 2003? :D

edit : sry didn't read the full post , nvm :D
Great movie, I'm sure before even downloading it. Been waiting for this!
Great movie, made me play some RTCW and realise that it still feels a lot nicer to play than most games (especially ET). Nice job. :-)
great work
dont make games like this anymore :(
Hi to me from nolifing times! Nice frags. =D

It's nice that someone has stolen my identity on crossfire (user EvilPurc), I have not visited this site for years. =) So if any admins happen to read this...help! =D
nice aim of yours btw
he had to be using a ballmouse if u are referring to the scene i am thinking about xD
Thank you! I hope I will be in the 2003 movie too. =D And yes, I was using a ball mouse, how did you know? =P
That's doomed to fail as long as I don't have your demos :p
Hehe, I lost like 20GB of rewind demos in a disc crash :/

Oh well.
Admins dont help on this site
r u kidding me with this codec?

Both ffdshow and coreavc can't play it and I refuse to install utter shit such as the k-lite codec pack.
It's the latest x264 build =)

I heared of two others who seem to not be able to run the movie - really don't know what may be causing it since ffdshow encodes it just fine for me. Guess you will have to watch the stream and I will see if i can encode a xvid version.
if i wanna watch it a msg pops up saying

mp4: no supported tracks found

and that messages comes from haali
and i installed everything as explained in the tutorial
VLC media player for life.
latest version of vlc doesn't play it.
vlc doesnt play

edit: what ronner said :P
I have the same problem
so do i! :(
Well I must admit I don't know shit about encoding and decoding =)
As I said to ronner, I will try to make a xvid version tomorrow.
ffdshow encodes it for you? nice :P I think you meant decode. :)

I watched the stream. As far as vidquality goes, I don't think the latest x264 build would make much difference. You could've used a release before it that would play on vlc, ffdshow, coreavc etc easily and not have lesser quality.
ye decode :p

the newest build wasn't supposed to be less compatible then the older ones but more compatible - guess i was wrong there :/ and the stream quality is much worse then the actual quality btw.
still cannot open it with VLC :/ even with update btw the trailer VLC open it
Seriously grandpa, install VLC and stop whining
I have the latest version of VLC, shitty piece of belgian inbred. :P
cant play it with the stuff explained in the "how to decode stuff"- hope i can fix it it again
well done :)
Awesome movie.

I miss Warwitch's shoutcasts... Two dynamite defuse? Epic. Similar to the nade defense of the tower at the end of Iratus.
EuroCup VII SnapS vs. Rewind EC finals (DeadMeat's grenade decided basically the hole game and took win for Rewind)
The atmosphere in this movie was great! Shoutcasters were awesome.
I feel so newschool now, never played rtcw(only mp demo), what a shame.
you is oldschool enough mate, I'm sure u remember most of it :)
the perfect game :)
I wish I had played rtcw
i think i have seen u there making 360°s before u stab people.
but could have been another frenchy ;q
could be!
i think the same guy has done some jumpimg while shooting, cause he was bored of all the crouchshooters :X

still playing minesweeper aka et?
of course! more or less actively, and yet I'm still humiliating them cheaters ...
haha :C

as said everytime: ever seen a prog without bugs?
i didnt used anything :VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV
cant laugh about it :/

be happy u have that small modelpimper,instead of that old chubby communism Chancellor like we have, and stfu :p :x
after watching the stream i gotta admit this vid was perfect
captured the atmosphere and the feeling of the game
did you actually spoke to the guys mentioned there? im kinda asking myself what most people from that era are doing these days

looking forward towards the next vid
to most yea, I'm planning on making a few interviews with the players starring

edit: well to most is bullshit, like 40%
if you need any help hit me up

i like these type of nostalgic projects :P
awesome vid, good work
hey Mr Quincy :)
Nice to see you're still alive...
Nice vid, need to get some subliminal brainwashing in there to get everyone playing again. Time for another cup yet btw?

Edit: Insomnia was thanked twice at the end!
i'll announce one tomorrow - all part of an evil plan :p

edit: damn, maybe thanked him the second time in advance since he's supposed to make a newspost on clanbase
finally :DDD

Great job !!!!!
we need a sort of petition organised to actually realise that idea..MAYBE MAKE THE GAME FREE!!.I see no harm in it anymore! Would be great and at my advanced age I would even start actively gaming again!
Yeah you old sniffer
Sure some more people would play again for a while, but it would be nowhere near "alive". Most people would just say "oh, the older version of ET? Why would I play that." :/
I doubt that but I dunno really. I just found rtcw better than et in every way, including the players..
I loved it <3
Good job.

I haven't really played RTCW. Was nice to see this movie.

nice vid
great vid, but the sad part is - why such great game is almost dead? why rtcw is reinstalled on our pc's only when merlinatior announces new rtcw cup?

we keep ourselves alive with game not even half as good as RTCW and yes i mean ET...

sadly, ppl really prefer when games are easy and flashy...
first off the movie looks like recorded with fraps or something but its ok for the nostalgia feelin i guess , stoped watching after 3minutes

beside that iam happy that i have never had to play a ETmain like RTCW with timenudge and shit ... fuck you oldschool fagz.
you would take your words back if you only knew...
I don't know how you could come to that conclusion... did you watch the stream without pressing HD?
na i guess it coz iam used to eyecandy ET movies.
enjoyed it, some negative points, but the content was very nice so didnt matter!
i appreciate feedback if it's more in detail :p
- The config is not really my taste, prefer lower picmip and more realistic colours.
- The graphics work was ok, but not amazing. Not that attractive. (Banners, console etc...)
- Some scenes ended a little early.
- To me it wasnt always clear whether you were switching madly between different competitions, or trying to do some sorta progression, bit to do with graphics not being that clear, or not great work introducing all the different tourneys.
- I didnt think you did enough to improve on the two well known EPIC moments. CIV_AMBUSH, and the iN defuse. Needed to build to these a bit more or something, thats what i was expecting.
- Maybe could of done with some sorta frag counter, since your were skiping graps in sprees, and it made it a bit hard to follow sometimes. (wom sprees i noticed mainly)

However as I said was still enjoyable, some of the stuff was nice for a first full movie.
hahaha CIV_AMBUSH was definitely not epic enough
Hello can you redo it with another codec please, because I've installed and your drivers but it doesn't work (i've lose 30 minutes or something..). Can you make it compatible with vlc by default ? Thanks in advance.

I have "MP4 : no supported tracks found"..
I'm rendering a xvid version atm
Cool Thanks for that.
One and a half hour to go on the upload
Thanks, couldnt get the other version to play :-(
<3 wombat the old faggit.... wish I still had my sta account details....oh the nostalgia!
Some great moments <3'd rtcw :(( average movie tho :P
can we get a codec link? And no I dont mean "lots of stuff" of k-lite codec pack. I'd like to keep my computer running.
Played in the same ET clan as CJM and Explicit.

CJM was shit. Explicit was ridiculously good.
Doesn't open for me :(
Nice video, pity ET came along and killed RtCW. Looking at the knockback is funny tho :>
back in 2002 i was doing sandcastles:<
Awesome Work Twister! :D Makes me continue to miss RTCW even more. Good memories.
great job
post it on esreality also
no DonKa no win.
awesome movie.
Damn... I will install RtCW again :]
Nice movie.
You should've asked me for some polish players demos ! still got some on my PC !
epic* codec fail
good movie

it's sad that we will never see games as good as RTCW, and tourneys like that quakecon to match it up :(

loved how at quakecon during shoutcast they used that alarm sound :D nice touch

compare pictures from 2002 award ceremony, people having fun, themed prizes

to latter ET quakecons, where it's all about bitches and guitar hero on stage

and to no existant ETQW-xbox quakecon...

gaming is going downhill (sorry for stating obvious)
atleast theres QL!
thats probably _only_ good competitive FPS that is being developed currently

and it's almost a copy of a game from 1999.

ETLive, WLive

or I buy xbox after ET is dead
Those were the days...

Great movie!
no raziel?
i was waiting for that comment...
Thank you, twister, nice movie!
Thanks for the ya rly nice movie, twister! <3
I remember watching those guys on WTV :d

Awesome movie, thanks!!!
nice =)
Mirror 5 - Thanks to Zvis

zivs* ;o
Your wish is my command
Mirror 5 - Thanks to zvis

it's zivs, not zvis :D
lol sorry, didnt realize somehow
You can add http://zivs.soulhunt.lv/fragmovies/rtcwhistoryxvid.avi for the XVID download also ... (or replace with that X264 version which will soon get removed) :)
rtcw-live pls
RTCW is still the best game ever for some, thats all u have to understand....
RTCW > all game ever
People reminiscing of the "good ol' days"
finally something which makes it worth checking this website now and then :d
advertising between the clip awesome :D
great movie, good job Twister
you mister dont have to understand which you dont know, so dont post here or smth? but i see "special" in ur looks , bet ur mom says it aswell "special".
nice, i enjoyed :>
great movie, missing rtcw, still have it installed. only pub i can find nowadays is some german 24/7 1.0 beach, lots of people but lags so much it's even more warpy than et :( still fun for a quickie every now and then though.
Great sniper rifle sound:D
nice movie!
wow, they were so noobs back in the days :D
wow there wasnt any cheaters back in the days
might be true, but has nothing to do with this
shit PC's (76 fps was the uberness) + game was out ~6months + 0.0001% cheaters

most of the dominating players had played a FPS title before like Quake - but not all as this wasnt just the early days of RtCW it was the early days of gaming really ;) especially this style
stop defending the undefendable and he's right btw xd
its hardly undefendable, I played then too and I was complete shit - didnt even know strafe! :D 6months later I was playing these players and believe me they werent bad.

just think about not playing online fps game and coming to ET within 6months going to a lan ;) you wouldnt be as good as you were 1/2years later ;)

Also I missed out back then it was hugely about teamplay rather than individuals ;) although a good team with good individuals always would do well (infensus for instance)
you're either good or not good at all, and besides the best players "from back then" were those who had played other games before (as you stated above) like quake 2 or quake, that's all!
so you cant improve?

come on ;)
of course you can, but you can't say all the guys from this movie were gods or something
far from it, reading the list of names I would say quite the opposite - as like I said I was pretty bad but shit on a few of them :P but out of those names even now there were some great players/teams and this was the only real quakecon for a wolf series (including the one infensus won) the ET ones have just never been at this level tbh.
I kind of agree
I remember Darv with ping 9.

Was basically cheating.

Same as rich guys with 6800 GT(X) cards.
I will when im back home!

I miss you too buddy! I mite come on vent later today, depnding
maybe you !!
nice movie. Makes you miss the good ol' rtcw days :)
This just sick, really miss this game back in theses days, the movie even made me shiver some times. Alot of good teams on the same level so every tournament was a close one.

Also this movie wants me to like make a tournament "oldschool vs oldschool" but I guess its impossible to bring all the old teams back togther just for one tournament.

Nice movie, and I still weep a tear everytime I understand that I will never experience such a gameand community again! Its like you lost the love of your life ;)
dont know what gone into ppl's mind but its hard to get something together and organize, but it would be epic ;)
Everything is possible :P!
who knows, shame they messed up Wolfenstein as if that was RtCW+springclean/polish I think some old faces would have come back. I saw some old peeps for a bit but they werent around for long.
go for it civ! Let's give it a shot :D See how far we get.
Tårar civ, tårar! =)
Nice movie m8
I enjoyed it !! :)
Amazin' movie, gl with next one's :P.
One question. Where the fuck are Serbian and Scr ?
maybe the editing isnt perfect
maybe some kills are low


the game and his memories are just awesome
rly nice:>
great movie! gj twister, i never thought you had the motivation to finish it:]
evil purc for the win. i still remember him melting faces.

some names are missing, but meh. good stuff!
makes my media player crash :[
Quote Sweden summ3l

humm3l in disguise?! :O
Blasphemy. If I had my way you'd be banned for life
i will just use an escape rope np :D
humm3l is just random, pointless nicklamer
great movie :)

Rewind <3
Great work; enjoyed it very much!
civ spotted rofl !
woooh! nice

just realized, it's 7 years ago. I was 16 back then, and still playing it (wolfenstein series, not rtcw itself :<) lol
The movie is corrupt and crashes your explorer...
completely fucked up my entire system
Look I've got everything installed, going from k-lite shit to ffdshow & haali media splitter.
And yet it crashes all over the place.
I download movies in all kinds of formats every day and I *never* get problems. Except with your movie.
Don't get me wrong, I'm guessing this movie is epic, but please for the love of god, don't mess it up for people to make it unwatchable without the stream!
(this topic has enough people in it that can't play the file so it's not just me)
well as you can see in my replys I'm clueless what's causing it. I've let about 10 people test it in beforehand and none had the problem so I released it. Xvid version will be uploaded in 25mins.
Ok I'm really looking forward to this movie, really hope it helps!
Downloading now!
Works like a charm!
Amazing job dude!
This movie really gets to your feelings(L)

and warwitch his voice is just lovely
That were some amazing times we had... Times when we still had no idea how to connect to the correct Wolf TV (1, 2 or 3?) and you were bound to who the camera man (or woman) was speccing. When we were working day and night to improve our strategy and where we would welcome newcomers in our clan with open arms and not suspecting him of cheating every single second. When you could still be proud of your teammates and look up to your clanmates. When we didnt discover xfire.be yet and no ventrilo or teamspeak was used.
Everything was fresh and gave us a whole new experience. The same ET has done for so many. Thanks for bringing that time back. Even for these few mins.
Sometimes im still proud of this community :)
?? why not replying on msn
Fuckin nice muvie
cant forget when i played first time vs boh or vs ocrana or radium...
black bugs or ccs..4k.... once vs kih

great times, great clans, GREAT GAME..

R.I.P wolf
This must be nostalgic for a lot of players. :O
Nice movie and great effort. Music _not_ to my liking though :)
Very cool seeing all the old names again. Summ3l is looking very cool with his grey socks in sandals in the credits :D
Jeez those were the days.
Very very nice effort with this movie.

It strikes me how amazing it was to see an in-air kill, nowadays that's just all too common!
This movie just reminded me how fun RTCW was.
drop from a high cliff and fall dead!
This is gonna be blasphemy, but I'm gonna say it anyways;
This made me want to play ET again :p
so great...
nice work twister thanks for the movie!!! ;D
couldn't expect something better
Absolutely awesome production with great music. Those were the days, never gonna come back... *tears in eyes*

Nowadays there are no games even close to as sophisticated or as fun RTCW.

Thank you twister and herme!!
Very nice movie. Fun to recapture some of the old events... Now we just need to get ppl playing again :o)
fcking nice movie! get RTCW alive!
Finally! Downloading now... Great work!

I followed the exact steps for Vista and can't install the codec properly on Vista 64 Business... :/

If I install it, both classic and standard WMPlayer crash...
sorry, you will have to use the xvid version.
Very nice movie. Many golden moments from a great game. Hope to see more movies like this one.
Good movie.
Good game.
RTCW Live anyone? :(
I remember reading that teams were scrimming for 4 hours a night 5/6 days a week in the months prior to quakecons.

I used to love crossfires on mp_base upper by jail, medic rushes across the courtyard on assault, sniper duels on assault, beach n ice,

Miss playing mass-player depot too, always thought it was a shame it was never played on osp.
music from the same period too? nice movie ,real heart to it :)
nice movie.. gj
what a nolgastic atmosphere
omg the old maps why they aren't played these days? :[
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