Ask Night!

Team Dignitas is back in Enemy Territory baby! Unfortunately a good friend of the team is forced to take a break from playing in the lineup as Vaiko 'Night' Vainola will have to serve in the army. As Night is renown in the ET scene we wanted to do something extra for him and therefore the entire community can ask Night everything and he will answer your questions. The answers will be published in the article on the Team Dignitas page once all questions have been processed. You have one week to ask questions.

Every question that has been accepted will be added to the list in the team-dignitas article so you can see previously asked questions and you will also know if your question gets answered, as every question in this list will get answered by Night for sure!

Article: Ask Night!
- ask your question here in the crossfire post, please keep it decent.
- Check on the article linked above if your answer got accepted. (Updated approx. once a day)
- After a week all questions will be answered by Night.

Night, u mad ? :D

Is it true that Al's tags are gay ?
Night, u mad ? :D

"u mad"

:DDD n1
Hoi sui :))
Will you still be interested in ET and will you make a comeback after your army duty?
what do you do when you get spawnkilled on gr for 5 min? and don't get anny revives from teammate "saken"
blame lavod
Wo0t night = the nostradamus of et xD!
Vaiko, what if you lagg out in the battle field?
Will you play less rambo considering you won't respawn in the army?
will we see us in tallinn when im coming? thx fish! :)
will you come back to et after ur army?

he couldnt answer that with 100% so far..
no, u will comming in Tallin !!
ya but only if i meet some gamers there.
meet dunz!
russians are always cool people, we dance, drink, laugh ... puke
It´s Tallinn my friend :)
oh typo! i know how to write it tbh :) but thx! i will edit it if u like
yes please :)
oh, and go to my profile!
I wanna get 1000 hits today ;)
ofc i will do so.
and now teach me eesti before ill go there :)
maybe later, going to watch WC for now :)
oh thx for reminding me! ill start online stream @work :)
shit i am 1001 -.-"
was willste in estland?
shoppen, nach finnland rueber und mit vaiko vodka trinken. und kerli finden und treffen und mir solch verrueckte sachen kaufen wie die...
wer isn kerli? :o

war am we in wismar :o komisch diese ostsee und vor allem ur kalt!!
wie ostsee war kalt? am we waren freunde da haben gesagt war warm :/

kerli die saengerin!!!! google die find ich toll...! was mit berlin???

ach ja und ueberhaupt wuerde ich gerne ein verlaengertes we zu dir kommen im sommer??!
image: 200px-Kerli_%28cropped%29

sweet! :) ja war so komisch windig und halt keine 30° wie in ffm :( und berlin weiß nicht ob das sooo toll ist :P

be my guest! sag einfach nur bescheid wann du kommen willst :)
Dear night.

Where is raziel?
Was he the best?
Is it true raziel's lost son is maus?
How will the future of et look like with slac?
Is justin bieber going to hit kim kardashian?
What was the best idlee lineup in your opinion?
And how many wil exactly quit et or skilldrop in et when slac comes out

Is justin bieber going to hit kim kardashian?

ahahaha :D
die vraag moet je hem zkr stellen he xd
All know there is a difference between war-games and real war, (for example a friend is shot) are you still going to see these kind of games as chill-out games? ore will your way of thinking about games change...
kuhu pataljoni teenima lähed ?
what the fuck?

that's my question
What bear is best?
Will you shit yourself when we invade you? Dunzy starting to piss me off.
What do you think of MissHannahMinx?
How would you respond if I said: "There is a nigger in the cave." ?
You did not say that! :D
don´t worry, it´s american field ops!
He'd probably say: v27 ?!
- Looking at your impressive achievements, I'm still wondering if you have fun while playing ET or if you kept playing thank to cashprizes and lansupports.

- Do your parents / family know about your ET career?

- If you had an advice to improve your gamesense, what would it be?

- When you reached over 9000 dmg @lan, did you play on purpose to get them or you simply played like you had to?

- What's your secret to get this perfect gameplay in every teams you played with?
- What's your secret to get this perfect gameplay in every teams you played with?

tbh night is only god in dignitas, he cant do what he can in any other team/s (like .ee or atoon whatever their clan was)
To be honest, he is one of the rare player I've ever spec'd whatever the clan he played with, you never get bored watching him.
no, just no
tbh he wasn't as good as he used to when he played with SRP
whats wrong with you
Quoteno, just no

Let Night have his fanboys, what's wrong with you?
he won LAN with Impact aka TLR
was about to say he was in that TLR team and SRP where he wasnt too shabby either :P
- Looking at your impressive achievements, I'm still wondering if you have fun while playing ET or if you kept playing thank to cashprizes and lansupports.

obviously, considering that he used to play lots of latenight mixes with friends aswell.
-will you claim the riflenade in the army, or just play smg?
-Will you be making the in combat calls aswell, or are you outranked by some noob with 0 experience?
-prefer 5v5 or 6v6?
-What was the best lineup u've ever played with (idle, U69D, check6) combos allowed
- Who would you want to play with someday?
QuoteAs Night is renown in the ET scene we wanted to do something extra for him

Quoteentire community can ask Night everything and he will answer your questions.

hes gna be fucking happy with that.

anyway my question, ure gna lose weight before u go into the army?!?!
hahahahah <3 wim
- you mad?
gtfo of this game
from wich player did you learn the most ? Gza ? Elps ?
What are your feelings about standing behind everyone, watching your teammates play without you?
Will you bring peace to our world the way like you've given us peace in ET? :s
Beside ET what else do you like doing?
Do you know the movie "Martyrs" and did you enjoy it?
you didnt recommend me that one! what about asking for "Zombieland", eh?!

Just watched it.
What do you think about the ending?.
excuse me, wtf are you doing? ;D
Haha, nothing to do with soccer!
desaparecio ! :O
What do you think about griim?
reamees vainolast saab kuue kuu pärast seersant
Who is your favorite player, besides Reload?
What's the best newtalent in your opinion?
Are you afraid of getting raped in army?
Aren't u afraid that al will shoot you in the face?
did you ever rage kill something?

what player do you think can compete with you?

do you like Urtier? why didnt take him for a team about estonians back then?

how do you practice ET?

how much nolife did you do for ET?

are ppl that you know in rl and that you dont like so much / dont like you so much calling you nerd because of your ET career?
do you like Urtier? why didnt take him for team estonia back then?

because he is german
Quote by syndicatedo you like Urtier? why didnt take him for team estonia back then?

u serious? Urtier is German!
stupid manager, urtier complaint because he wasnt considered to be in team estonia.

quote: "you didnt consider me although you can clearly see i am Estonian!"

and night was like "i know all good players from Estonia, and i asked all good players."

so urtier was not asked by night.
ah man and u call me stupid, i cant believe how stupid you are to think urtier is even slightly estonian :D:D

why should be try to be estonian, when he is not? also his name sounds estonian to me.
and stop care now, it was only a question from back then.

now fuck you, noobish fail manager!

to make sure, u really understand this, here are 47 "fail"`s for you!

For once, this other guy is the loser here! Inb4 Anim playing for US
Tore = "nice" in Estonian!
and since when are you nice :P
you are estonian aswell shut up cunt
no I dont speak estonian like you do sorry
urtier is german
do you like Urtier? why didnt take him for team estonia back then?

what is your opinion about r3vers raging hairdoo??
There is a nigger guarding the caves, what do you do?
Do you change your tactics every war? Or do you play the same tactics over and over?
What's your favorite map?
Why u all do not like polaks ?? why the hate ???
reading whose crossfire comments do you enjoy most?
Stupid question, we all know the answer.
Will kafux play ET again, since he unnistalled it some time ago?
never heard of this kafux..
are you french ? lololol
Is it true that you wrestled a bear once?
This should be linked to my question (above).
Do u consider urself as the best player or MR.ET as some may call u or are u just one skilled guy among others?
What was your favourite crossfire LAN event and why?

Why do you suck so much at Poker? :P
How do you differentiate between a good competitive map and a bad one?

What is it that your teammates have to do in order for you to shine in every game, how important is this, which players would you choose to do this job?
if u die in the amy, can i have ur pc?
Wich map are you playing in army ?
Goldrush? Supply?
Which ET female would you like to meet?
Are you really best friends with Lazio?
image: bestfriendsnight

I believe so, yes.
oh you so awesome
Will there ever be a Night fragmovie? (given the possible length it could it as well be a documentary?)
that would be soooo awesome, we should ask some moviemakers to do that!
or a tv show spanning a lot of seasons
will you drop the soap @ army showers?

if so will you enjoy it? or will you cry in the corner everyday for the next year cause your ass got violated
He will just not pick it up!
i want to belive!
remove that edit!
cant, its that retarded it made me laugh a little :D
Nice army you got. Did you enjoy it?
yeah, it was fun, would recommend it to everyone
What would your dream line-up be?
Please explain your choices and explain what everyone in the team is for.

How do you cope with players in your team that do not think as quick and are not as brained as you are?
-Are you content with all the decisions you've done in ET (backstabs / leaving friend behind etc.), is there anything you'd want to do otherwise when thinking about your "CAREER"?

-Are you proud of your achievements in gaming? Does it give you any sort of backbone?

-Do you show your demos to your potential girlfriends?
Do you watch Naruto???
Why the fuck does Squall prefer video games over his army duty?
who fucking care about army ?
I would (if I lived in Finland), yes.
patriotic :)
can't accept orders from a dumb
What do you think about SLAC?
How have you discovered ET?

When did you most enjoy the game: when you played at low level(etpub,jaymod, fun low/+ war) or high (ec, ems, lan) level?
stupid question : /

he was highskilled from the start
explain at least instead just say " STUPID "
Quotestupid question : /

he was highskilled from the start

if he was skilled from the start, there is another fps where he was low ( i mean, noob, no experience, when he started his 1st fps :x )
he was always that good, right from the start of any fps
you are the only troller here, you are the only failer here.
I fairly certain that he played RTCW; this is one of the reasons he is good at ET, though the top RTCW players dominated the game to begin with.
shrubmod was most fun in 2004 et :>
Can I have your babies?
mAus or mystic??

yours sincerely,

nait finally gonna lose some weight
mystic or RaZiel?

who had the better aim in the good old times?
For what game?
ET and rtcw :P
Raziel was good in RTCW, but then he probably rivatuned, his movies overrate him, apparently. Wasn't in the scene in that era though.

Mystic was god of ET, but he only excelled back when nobody really had aim. We all saw him come back and not be that good at all.
well raziel was also kinda good in rtcw like darkie told me much about him, and in ET he just had the fkin nice aim but no gamesense, but if he had u in his crosshair u were dead :D
I think you need to watch Mamarose again to realise hardly anyone was shooting back. Watch Maxchapter1 for a good fragmovie.
true true, but he wasnt bad though in ET
Wouldnt call him great though, at all.
do you got real freinds?
are you going out in the weekend?
will you survive your army time, without gaming?
Would you consider changing your nick into 'Day' ?
made me smile :d
good one ;)
water or vodka?

whats ur secret?
I bet all this ass licking bugs you, does it?
Whats your favorite position to play?
Which teams do you really hate?
Are you crushing PLO4?
do you like girls ?
do you also use the RELOAd tactics smoking a whole lot of weed before important matches to stay cool and focused?

how important would you call the luckfactor in ET after all those years?
reload smokes weed?

holy shit, then i must stop, dont wanna look retarded :o
Is this your first choice present for a date?

image: unbenanntaeb
he has to wear that underwear on LAN events!
sponsoring contracts, you know...

THAT underwear? I'd appreciate that :x
Night u will miss me???? <3 :D
What are your expectations ( and maybe hopes) for Enemy Territory in 5 years regarding points like Competitions / LANs, Sponsoring, Cheaters and SLAC?
Why isn't Estonia infi_ at the army? he deserves it tbh.
If you make a comeback after your army, will you play active in great teams again ?
Could you slap Estonia al in the face for me when you meet up with him?

Good luck in the army btw.
nice cadred copy :x
good idea for all those nerds though
Do you know what's even funnier? That Cadred copied from somewhere else :))))))))))
So the level of ridiculousness has reached level 3 : o ?
What was the best lineup you played with?
EstoniaNight do you like talking with me in IRC and MSN?!
Night i heard your making your own clothes with your face and et name on them, is this true?

I'm sure a lot of people would wear boxers with your face on it!
Would you rather be a sick aimer or be "the brain" that you are now ?
Quote by sTefWhat do you do at night ?
Night, where has lucel been?
Night, do you find my joke funny?

15.6.2010 11:34:47 Matan Aki what the hell
15.6.2010 11:34:50 Matan Aki who the fuck is Anderson?
15.6.2010 11:35:06 Matan Aki night?
15.6.2010 11:35:11 Aki Matan reload
15.6.2010 11:35:12 Aki Matan why
15.6.2010 11:35:15 Matan Aki oh
15.6.2010 11:35:21 Matan Aki wtf is he changing his nick lik ethat
15.6.2010 11:35:23 Matan Aki fucking weirdo
15.6.2010 11:35:24 Matan Aki shaking homo
15.6.2010 11:35:25 Matan Aki ;3
15.6.2010 11:35:28 Aki Matan :D
15.6.2010 11:35:34 Aki Matan instead of anderson
15.6.2010 11:35:37 Aki Matan he should be parkinson
15.6.2010 11:35:39 Aki Matan HAHAHAH
15.6.2010 11:35:40 Aki Matan AHHAhA
15.6.2010 11:35:42 Aki Matan HAhsdhasd Asdoasd
15.6.2010 11:35:44 Matan Aki =DDDDDDdd
15.6.2010 11:35:45 Matan Aki HAHA
15.6.2010 11:35:46 Matan Aki FUCKING NICE ONE
15.6.2010 11:35:47 Matan Aki ;DDDDD
15.6.2010 11:35:50 Matan Aki i lold
Quote by lowbobDo you mean is a good mouse very important when playing Enemy Territory?

english much
Will you compare the things you have to do in the army in any way with ET?
Are you a virgin?

How has ET fucked up your social life?

Will you use your ET knowledge to help you get through the army?

Will you try strafing in Afghanistan, making yourself harder to hit?

Will you use ET commands in the army? like, "NEED A MEDIC"

Will you vsay cheer when you kill the enemny?
he wont be in afganistan

those places are reserved for me nd u!
true :P

the EE is nothing compared to the RM's :)
u get to call artillery, i'll just be using the rnader ;)

wana play play?
nah laaa off to work in 15 might be on when i get bach tho <3
soundies :)
do you think there are any cheaters in ec-skilled teams?
Night, if you had the chance, would you swallow rondos hairy black balls?
Why don't I care at all about asking you a question?
What things are going through your head whilst playing ET? You seem to be able to read the game perfectly and react in a very unique way to every given situation, so what things are you thinking about like what decision to make etc?
1) You probably spent a lot of time with playing ET to reach and hold the top level in recent years. Do you regret it and do you have the feeling to missed some essentials things of adolescence/real life because of ET?

2) What kind of support provided mgcs such as Dignitas and Idle, but the usual things? Hardware? Travel costs? Entry fees? Salaries?
Why the fuck should I care about questioning this nerd.
Can I have your config and do you want mine?
Can i have your config ? (A)
How do you feel when you read this newspost and see all those dumbass questions?
where villa ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Night, is is true that your kitchen is still full of pukeruz's puke?
Most challenging match & most successful game in your ET carrier ?
your favorite binded quote (isn't it jaka ‘s “this is bullshits ? “ :D )
Night, will you play rifle or panzer in army?
question stealer >_<
i'm not gonna read all that shit up there
can't blame you for that
Night, will you answer this question?
Who the fuck are you ?
Will you continue practicing during your duty?
night is too polite to give interesting answers :(
Who chooses how to adapt the teams teamplay in a certain situation ? If it's you Night, what factor's are extremely important to create another playing style for your team. ( Like for example when you're attacking grush and your tactic ain't working, one could analyze the situation and create a new tactic. )

Are there certain things ( kinda like tricks ) you try to do quite every map ?

If you return from the army, will you be replacing karnaj, or won't you be playing again for dignitas ?
#2 Slovak Republic aiRen
16/06/2010 @ 12:00
Do you mean is a good mouse very important when playing Enemy Territory?
how important is gaming for you?

how long will you continue online gaming?

what are your thoughts about having a family? would you still play then or would you leave gaming overall behind you?
- Why are you going to the army?

- What advices do you have for a future Enemy Territory player?

- What made you start playing Enemy Territory and how did you evolve?

EDIT: Do you think your Enemy Territory skills will help you any what so ever in the army?
How much time did you invest in answering all these questions and do you think it was worth it? Considering you could also practice your army skills in random mixes.
Have you ever broked something be cause of gettin mad while playing ? ( My half brother kicked a hole into wall after losing a MIX 0.o )
how many girls did you fuck irl ?
what are your plans for the future for yourself in real life?

did all these years on a high level of gaming help you? which experiences will you keep? and what did you learn from it?
Vaiko, what is the best lineup you have played in.

What would be your best 5 man lineup (excluding any1 from idle/dignitas)

From all of the lans you have been to, do u think that you have lost more money in poker than u have won in et.

Are u still going to AEF so i have a drinking partner !
I think he won even more money by tricking some drunk guy!
must have been a lightweight drinker. How about u matey, u still coming AEF? Could do with another drinker like u !
No idea. The exams period is right in that time and I have no idea on what particular dates my exams are. Could be lucky and have none at that time, might get unlucky and have them all around then.

If there's still space in the car zerender is going with and I'm really lucky that I don't have any exams and I can grab a sleeping place somehow, I might attend!
i'm sure we'll have a spare sofa if ya do attend
-What do you think about Shiva? (related video -> )
do you think if justin bieber gonna make second album?
How do you get your huuuge gamesense?
Other gamers have been playing for years too...
Most people say= Nights brain + mAus aim = Full of win :)
are u afraid you'll tk your own mates and be like 'its warmup you'll respawn soon'?
My question is
Will you invade LoEkInO's island of love?
Q: What players/events/teams/ETTV matches have influenced your way of playing ET?
(partial credit to woot)
- What to do against mAus when he's playing as a medic on the first defense of goldrush at the boxes ?

- Why doesn't Twidi self-kill on the last defense of supply when he's playing Eng SMG ?

- Do you believe I can ever become as good as you are with rifle and game sense ?
I remember you asking that exact same question to Drago last year :D there's your reply!
drago stealing snb nades, ;_;
What do you Think about teams like sleeperz ?
And what do you think about griim the new talent?
wow man, that's deep, so deep
Rifle Nade
Is my dick longer then your rifle?

Ok serious question
What are the best frags you ever had?
Country: Netherlands

Now who's the imposter, wigger?
hope you will be active again when im back from army :p
I can answer to your questions right now, since I cba to waste my time on you when I'm answering to other questions.
1) I didn't even play in that game, I wasn't home. So I don't think I let anyone fakenick.
"I dont think a "respected" legend like you should do this" - Are you retarded? Back then I was just a kid playing rtcw, I wasn't as well known as I am nowadays. Not that it makes any difference, just pointing out the obvious for you.
2) I have no idea what you're talking about. What sponsors? What true legends?

The whole second paragraph doesn't make much sense to me, I don't speak your ghetto language. And apparently you're not that "REAL", because you're posting this bullshit here. Atleast get your facts right before doing so.
and you even answer to that shit. care man....
Because Stopwatch is obviously about damage you are now crowned BEST ET PLAYER OF ALL TIME. Please be considerate with us less skilled individuals.
awesome answer :)
-How attached are you to your PC configuration? In other words, do you need your own chair, mouse, keyboard, screen to play good? Or are you just as good with some other gear?

-What do you take with you when going to a LAN event?

-Have you spent a lot of time working on perfectioning your config when you started playing? Or was your config by 'luck' good in the beginning and have you kept it almost the same ever since?

-Have you ever watched the show 'Pure Pwnage'? [ ]
Got no questions to ask m8, sorry ;-)

Just a good luck wish, hope not a farewell!

PS: Don't use the kill/revive tactic in Real life, it just does not work :-)
Quote Don't use the kill/revive tactic in Real life

image: tomcruiselaugh
do u think you will ever find a girlfriend?

ur life is rly fucked up, u spend whole childhood playing et -> no girls

now going to army -> no girls x2 :D:D:D

What you feel and think about going to army?
Q: What's your opinion about estonian mandatory military service? Do you find it as a joke and waste of time or a place where boys are filtered out from men? :=3
what the fuck is this :D
Q: Aren't you getting pissed off at having to reply to all this shit?

Q2: How about now?


Q999: Sup?
Q:What is your favorite player in your own opinion, aim and tactic wise ?
o god, jij bent echt sneu.
Q: Which galaxy do come from? Definately not ours...
Night, u mad ? :D
Which were the best moments you had on ET? Something like...your best Multikill , trickshot , Achivement , closest Match , best Team you played against / in ? And who do you think is the best of these 3 people back in times ( aimingwise) :

Mystic , feruS or teKoa ?

AND: How did you get to Enemy Territory?
Q:Who do you think to be the favorite of winning AEF?
Q: what other names u used when u played et and what was your first name when u started playing?
are you Night?
rofl i laughed so hard to how boring ur question is. is that a joke? that is not qualified to be a joke.
why the nickname?
I rephrased it a bit but its added :)
Q:Why did you start playing ET?

Q:What religion are you into?

Q:Was gnajda cheating in EC or were overload just whiny c*nts?
He should be glad his own government saved him
Pasi Koskinen!
Night, can you teach me how to dougie?
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