ALNC Joins WinFakt!

image: 20pao02

After weeks of searching for a lineup worthy of their prestigious name, Team WinFakt has finally found a new Enemy Territory team. Previously known as ALNC the lineup is as follows:

EuropeTeam WinFakt! ET lineup:

United Kingdom Alan "Baggiez" Jones
Poland Patryk "dialer" Karolewski
Netherlands Jasper "perfo" van der Klis
Netherlands Jeroen "teKoa" Augustinus
Poland Michal "wiaderko" Waszak

BelgiumVincent "v1ncNtt" Mast (Manager)
BelgiumJelle "JellZzaAA" Baudeweyns (Manager)

Together, we will be participating at the TLR eSports LAN in July, closely followed by the second edition of AEF. With a team full of LAN veterans we expect to be challenging for the Gold at both events. In addition to these offline tournaments we will be participating in this seasons EuroCup and any other tournaments which are available.

Quote by v1ncNttAfter a long search for a new team we have chosen ALNC. It was not an easy choice because there was another strong team interested to play under the WinFakt! name. ALNC is a team with experienced players that you will have already seen on LANs such as CIC and AEF. The team will attend TLR Esports Challenge and there we will get the best out of the team and hope for a podium finish.

Quote by perfoWe are really glad to be joining such a respectable MGC in Team WinFakt. We have been playing together as a team for a long time now and with the right amount of practice I believe that no result is out of our reach. Looking forward to seeing you all in Enschede.

WinFakt are back in Enemy Territory and in ALNC, have a lineup worthy of a podium finish.

IRC: #winfakt
Crossfire Clan:
Nice org, good luck.
Bigmen attending lan? (-mayni). This is exactly what I want to see. GL xx
grats and see you at lan! Dont blow the opportunity of having a good respectable org behind you as its rare to come by in ET. Nice to see the amount of orgs interested in ET has risen though.
It's certainly nice to see a few more MGCs taking up ET indeed!
Didn't see that one coming, good luck though :)
gl, but get nuggan in lu or at least bu!
ALNC.... practice?
good luck guys, have some potential if u prac littlebit
nice stab :D
much luck

wiadro is gonna pull you back

you should get rid of him
Good luck guys, glad something came through.

Serious contenders for #1 finishes, see how it goes.
No Netherlands Lun4t1C, no win.
Who are those managers ?
the owners of the org..?
K. Wasn't sure wether there were ET players or owners :P
what difference would it make if they were ET managers or the org owners? :P they don't need to be well known.
Zie je daar jeroenieboy
nice lineup, gl baggiez!
nice line-up, gl!
like it :'DDD
Good luck ;-)
nice, gl Baggiez pro gamer
good luck!
good luck
gl. :P hopefully you'll finally have a season of activity.
thanks for valuing my opinion <3 gl ECW
Good luck Alan x
Hey but hey guys!!!

Thought.. the belgians.. but hey! !
I was playing there, I barely played last months so I backup :s
O_O moest t weer extreem :p
anime club without meez is like perfo without brother :XD
i will hopefully be with them at LAN to coach and give the banter with perfo, don't worry :)
you thinking of attending?
If he does I'm going to slap him in the face for not telling me that he was in Bristol the day I was... FUCKING DICK
make sure you at least get it on camera if you slap him!
I will don't you worry ;)
I had the foo fighters/dcfc gig that weekend but I'm selling my tickets now which would give me both money and a free weekend. It's a possibility. Annoying thing is I'm probably gonna be in Amsterdam between the 16th-19th of June for an Ultimate tournament, but then I'll probably have to fly back for Glasto and fly out again for the LAN.

It might work out well for me to travel from Birmingham if my current situation doesn't change if you're thinking of going.
well if i do travel it'll be from birmingham, and i'll have my accommodation here too so i can put you up the night before/after if that helps

i'm only really gonna be able to go if i get a floor to crash on at the very least - i've contacted some of the admins about support in exchange for coverage but i've yet to get confirmation on that! that'll probably be the most influential factor

Hope u become a challenging oppo for TLR and d.
Sup3r, have you stabbed someone today?
No ! Have you ? :o
No ! Has winfakt?? :o
stop with these rethorical questions idiot ..
Sup3r, have you been stabbed by someone today?*

fixed it for you Alim8
stop with these rethorical questions idiot ..
Gl guys <3
gl baggiez!!
nice, gl
good luck
wut happens to belgian wf
good roster
proffesional gaming team
my first thought aswell :D
awesome lineup , i would just change 1 player but well, good luck :D
If you mean Baggiez you're stupid or something! He's one of the best smg engis around in my opinion. Just watch recent matches of him.
its called opinion, go fight ur self random!
and who the fuck are you? :D
nice, good luck all!
this lineup needs United Kingdomnoedel
Tekoa isn't going to LAN noodle is their secret LAN only backup but shh
Oh bois, then they cant lose. LANwinners 100%
Quoteprofessional gaming team

Quoteenemy territory
soon as you see that it's not worth printing
Looks nice, goodluck. :)
What happend to bF?
serious contenders for top 3 but who wants them to perform well.
Not that I dislike a player from the team or the team itself but its just not a team I see myself cheer for.

Should have kept bF, nice bunch of guys, the underdogs for every tournament. Better publicity then these guys.
Are you sure you don't dislike some player from the team.
Well he hates you.
He's lying! perfo told me yesterday that he thinks you're an irl cool guy'

Too bad you don't see us cheerworthy :(:(
and who the fuck are you ? :p
Quotethe underdogs for every tournament.

so you mean the worse team? yeah, great reason to take them instead
worst team ? you mean a team that isn't rated top3 whenever they see some ' names ' but is still gettin 4/5th places on offline events ? :P
if they're still considered "the underdogs" it means people dont think they're going to do awesome, they do okay, but they still dont win

mgc's dont want people that almost make it, mgc's want winners
so why did they pick this team then ?:P why is the best they get is " GL , top 3 spot " and not gl, lan winners ! afaik this team hasn't won shit yet so far :D
so your argument is this team has won nothing?

remind me what bF have won

this team (formerly ECW) has come closer to winning anything respectable than bF ever will, stop being a moron
Fact is they haven't won anything, so you're announcing them winners while they don't win a single thing since two years now. We compete at the highest skill aswell, I don't get your point? 5th CiC7 4th AEF, I'd say that is a respectable achievement, concidering no one expects us to get into top5 (also called underdogs) cancer mongol, now go walk tekoa's dog for him or something and go get the rest of the team their bottles of water, mr backup's backup.
remind me how much money you got for those 4th and 5th places, what return would a sponsoring MGC get from sending you if those are the results you bring home?

also tickle my balls, freak
Oh wait I forgot ecw won tons of money! Lol man, I know you're fanboying them and their cock is deep down your troath but atleast don't make up bullshit.

Freak? hah, coming from a person that goes through his e-life as " Noodle " certainly means alot to me.
coming from someone whose "fame" is solely down to their oldschool pwner brother, picks a stupid name with capital letters and then changes their name to "Inconspicuous" on a community site so nobody knows who they are because they're a fucking cool guy

eat my shit you dickwasher

the point is ECW are more likely to place top 3 and win money than your assballs team, can have as much "history" as you want, if you dont get the job done you arent getting picked

p.s. i play ET about once a month, i couldn't really care if they win, lose or do backflips on stage while shitting fireworks, i play wow with them not ET
Uh oh.. Such a comeback, so old aswell, perhaps you should make something up by yourself. I'm playing for my nation, or did my brother bring my in that team aswell? haha, you suck at flame wars, now I'm gonna stop talking, rolling some 2v2 PvP's on Emeriss, cu on!

P.S. Think I hear a whistle, you better run, boy, your team requires your services.
wasnt that the junior squad with ovie and co?

p.s. the only whistle being blown around here is my pink one, by you.
if it was solely about the money, the mgc would be better off not supporting the team at all than getting a few dollars from a 3rd place while they have to spend x times this amount.
What do you think the reason other than returns that someone would take a LAN team?
advertisement for the clan and its sponsors, being represented in an appropriate way.
else there would be ~ no use for any mgc to pick up a team besides dignitas, impact (and masculine mans, which unfortunately never happened). i doubt any other mgc - which offers full financial support - will ever get their (monetary) input back. and i doubt they are naive enough to really believe they would, especially when part of the prize fee goes to the players and not the the clan alone.
Quoteadvertisement for the clan and its sponsors, being represented in an appropriate way.

So surely they would want their name associated with a team that wins rather than loses?
i never said anything contrary.
Then what is your point?
i just replied towards noodle's comment regarding "what profit (bla) / how much money (bla)". why would i need a (better) point for that? it wasn't my intention to start any discussion here.
Okay, I see your point.

However it doesn't change the validity of Noodle's argument.
they were close to win in tournament filled with nonpraccing teams... great success... where were they this EC? group stage?
Do you really think that this team aren't going to win anything? I'm pretty sure we all know that if this team put the effort needed into playing then they are quite easily capable of smashing into the top 3... bF as good as they are / were, we all know are not going to be able to beat the top teams. Yes they might be underdogs and they might be the best of the rest as such but look at AEF, I personally thought they were going to beat that rockit side, but they ended up losing to a side that got together pretty much 2 weeks before the event if that...
It's not about my oppinion, He said MGC's want WINNERS, so I'd just like to ask, where are they? :P This is a good team with surely a fair share of potential, but dignitas would roll them and so will TLR if they manage to get a stable lineup once again. They are short-termed aswell, I can bet on it that after the ec/lan you won't see them around anymore :P
Yea you might be right about them not being around after EC / LAN but at least admit that if these guys bother to prac enough, they have the potential to beat dignitas and TLR, TLR are not going to be the same team that they were I can promise you that. I personally think TLR are going to have to put A LOT of effort into ET if they want to win their own LAN this time round :)
they wont be getting into top3
neither will they prac
then they'll say: "would be easy to get into top3 if we only pracced :XD"
they'll most likely have fun playing together
they'll most likely enjoy their trip to enshsdeaddddssede
they get most of their expenses covered by the multigaming

this all sounds very nice and truthful, dont you think?
nice lu, gl guys
good luck guys! i hope i can make it to watch but it's unlikely :(
nice lup gl boys <3
gl guys, great work getting winfact involved.
no meez no docrun
They have Strafe-Master Baggiez I wouldn't be worried about doc runs
i thought baggiez was slow engi who dynamites everything? also throws with airstrikes? false information? troll?
you clearly don't know Baggiez
baggiez low rolled him bck in the days
Baggiez is so fucking fast when I play with him I can't even see him.

That's also possibly because he's camping caves every spawn.
Alan "StrafemasterBaggiez" Jones
He's like a lightning bolt.
Usain "Baggiez" Bolt
Linford "Baggiez" Christie
baggiez is sten proof
wonder with which team will wiaderko go to lan...hmm
GL Lads! Probably the only team since TLR have had to make changes to their lineup who can challenge dignitas for the top spot. See you there ;D
changes? where?
Well some people told me that they had to make changes but I guess I could be getting trolled to the max because it happened when I wasn't here for a month or so :D
afaik they havent played a single game in 2011 so you might be horribly wrong or right (but im guessing they will need to replace milk and i dno if maus is coming back) maybe its fumble time for tlr
It's always fumble time ;)
gl guys!!!

GOGOGO polish dudeess !!!!!! :) POZDRO NOTI :D
nice lineup, gl guys!
got rolled twice last week vs playboys.


If by rolled you do infact mean 2 members mixed with guys on vent of a lower skill, and beat you on supply & grush(?). Then yes you did infact roll them.
you couldnt even roll a fajita, fucking spick
I love your flame, I really do
so much win :D
Slapper with the great SLAC ss's? =)))
IuR was born to play ET, you suck tbh. Bye bye norway.
Yes I suck so hard, compared to slapper with the ability to get in in good clans I am low. OH the irony.
you mad cause of bugged ss?
Bugged and bugged.
gl Karolewski and Wszak :XD
Succes Jeroentje! Niet Enschede dodgen he! ;)
2 bad baggiez is a prick with a 2 big mouth online ( he was not like this at cic6 :) )
yo player! going to LAN? ;)
unfortunately i gotta agree with you.
well, gl anyways.
someone has to fuck him up.
He needs the KRP as body guards :S
muhahahahaha player is a gangsta :D <3
same goes for your lil brother
baggiez > *
they are shit anyway, lol
gl guys
Alan "Baggiez" Jones not happy
Gold at lan? Not going to happen, team Jo)f is going to destroy you.
I like this - team Jo)f - has a good ring to it!
looks cool, gl Netherlandsdutchy's
Nice. Hope you prac.
gl guys
gl alain
need noodle mans
gl Baggiez and tekoa
good luck, baggiez has improved alot lately so i wont flame him today, instead ill ask why not get a better player than dialer?
hello anime nerd club mascot
You're a hurtful chAv :(
im quite indie bud ;)
I guess your tag will be something like "all i do is WIN!"?
All the best Bagsworth

Perfo is still the worlds worst Devourer, cant hook for shiiiiiit!!
The ''managers'' have stupid nicks.
finally made the big time al
nice lineup, gl
gl weirderko and cavedialerman
professional gaming team


so when you look for job, you write that u have been in professional gaming team in your curriculum?
If you get paid for your job in that professional gaming team, yes :)

so they have to declare to the tax office how much they gain?

please....don't be ridicolous
Mate were not just a normal "gaming" team were more than that :) but let me do my thing and you do your thing :)
Gl Jeroen <3
good luck lowtards
wszak :D
why so mean
tylko milosc
nice LU

will be cool if you finish lower than bF at next events ^^, gl tho.
Alan "Baggiez" Jones

image: alan-jones-1985-beatrice
GL teKoa mate
spot the odd one out
nice lu, gl
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