NORDIC-eSport drop ET

image: 276911_165463176812266_1784670_nToday, the Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory scene has seen a 2nd organisation cut ties with their ET squads in as many days. On Sunday evening, Team WinFakt!'s ET team left due to internal issues within the organisation and today we see Nordic-eSport.PENTIA part ways with their team.

For the sake of the game as we know it, hopefully this doesn't spell the end for these organisations and their time in Enemy Territory.

NORDIC-eSport.PENTIA CEO, Casper Ackermann, said:
[list]"I'm of course very sad that we have to part ways with the team and the two managers, Homer and Robert, as they have done a great job for NORDIC-eSport, but time changes and NORDIC-eSport.PENTIA has to follow the scenes and currently we do not see a future in Enemy Territory, as we have to look at the input (support given to the team) and the output (the publicity we gain from supporting the team). At last a huge shoutout to every single player who have been playing on the ET team."[/list]
We at Crossfire have not yet been made aware of what the future holds for the ex-NORDIC-eSport.PENTIA ET lineup. The previous lineup was:

For more updates around NORDIC-eSport.PENTIA, follow their Facebook page.

Quoteserious eSPORTS

but on a serious note, why would they keep this shit team that doesnt win anything
Like its about winning lol :D
won more than mind anyways, not that its hard
Dont know why ppl still see winning as the top archievement since things like advertisement, followers or overall publicity are more important.

Maybe their lower IQ is the reason ;]
Don't know how things are with your IQ ;] , but when games are won, the team stays in tournaments longer. Staying in tournaments longer means more exposure, more opportunities for advertisement, more fanboys and thus more followers and the conclusion of that is that in the end you have more overall publicity.
3rd @EC , 4th @ LAN
But I assume your comment had no connection to our performances.
No connection at all.
Then I don't understand your point. Must be my low IQ.
i would consider this as an explanation
rofl :D

you remind me of someone at my work... everytime he does something wrong or he says something that doesnt make sense, someone corrects him and he answers with "yes exactly!!" or "yes that's precisely what I mean!!" :DDD
i just wanted him to stop, cause im totally not in mood to discuss with someone like ronner
Dat ga ik eens proberen.
ja nouja die gast die doet het niet opzettelijk maar die reageert gewoon, wanneer je hem verbetert, steeds met "ja daarom"

dan zeg je van eh Ja dit had je eigenlijk zo moeten doen want blabla
en dan zegt hij Ja precies, daarom!

we noemen hem ook daarom als hij er niet bij is :P
;( gl in finding another org
It's a shame but i can see the reasoning for it. It was already difficult to support the game without the community clashing over formats etc. GL to them team and Nordic who are an amazing org
Serious question, does nordic know or care about formatting of ET?
They know, yes. It doesn't matter if they care or not, sometimes the requirements of an advertising partner have to overrule an org's personal opinion or desires.
And what are the requirements of an advertising partner in relation to a format?
Advertising partners are generally only concerned about the quality and frequency of their exposure. An ET team isn't the greatest way to gain exposure.
Not arguing that, more asking why a discussion about 5on5v6on6 on crossfire would hypothetically be the reason for dropping a team.
I doubt very much that's the cause of teams or sponsors to drop teams.
(you are right, he wasn't making any sense)
I didn't want to say anything, coz I'd sound like a dick. Just think my question might not have been read in the context I desired.. lol ;D
They won't pick new team afaik

didnt know about winfakt
such a big deal for the ETscene?
Who will feed Dave's family now?
Slave trade.
germany's friendliest players will find another suitable mgc soon. np
leaving out a name so 2 people feel awesome, nice job.
they play with zZz tags so much i though they were already dropped
was a shit team anyway except kresti
I don't think some low/+ random has any right to call a decent ET team "shit", pls go.
I just did lmao
And as I said, an unknown low/+ players opinion doesn't count when commenting on a top team so pls go.
Lol dude I have the rights to say anything I want.. and no matter what position I am.. its a damn free country that I live in.. commenting on something is not illegal in my country LOL..
Where did I say you can't voice your opinion? I just said it doesn't count.
lool.. you think i care ? if it counts or not.. and im rating them out of the EC skilled teams.. if you know something.. your a fuckin mongol that doesn't know anything.. stop replying now
If you're gonna call someone a mongol, atleast learn some basic grammar you fucking thirdie.
WinFakt is out of ET Scene too.
6on6 kills ET :o
sorry für euch beide :/
son dreck
Lazio just too low...
Quote by Goozsuch a big deal for the ETscene?
Homer being free to get picked up again is more than newsworthy and the whole scene better cares about it :P

PS: Sorry dave&lazio, you'll(homer will) find something new for you, I'm sure of it :)
sad...btw gl for u all
Cheers to homer and Robert <3
was a nice team, especially @ sage
Why every eSports team drop from ET when the Robaciek is manager?

welcome back dave.
"...and currently we do not see a future in Enemy Territory"

RIP in peace ET
rest in peace in peace? wut? =s
:D tMoe having a lil celebration now?
noo :Dd it is always sad when orgs drops ET teams, even if it's you ;p
Toogs =(
Lets remake Bigbeats? :P
yes, bigbeats pay us lan entrance :P
Easily toog, Bigbeats going huge extreme multigaming clan. Money not a problem :D
Bigbeats Extreme Esports, well known MGC. :P
waterproof plan!
Huh not used to seeing a newspost about the dropping of a team, seeing as theres no team replacing. :P

Still, good organisation with nice people. Makes sense to drop ET at the moment as its pretty quiet and no lans are in sight.
It's good to see some news, though. Keeps people up to date on happenings. Right?
Sure but looks a bit negative for ET, thats all I'm saying.
I agree somewhat, but disagree as well.

It's perfectly normal for sites to cover news of teams leaving organisations. Crossfire lacks that type of coverage. There's nowhere for people who don't know anything about ET to go and catch up on the latest news. It's about time we had that here, I would say.

It's also good for your team to get coverage, as that brings more attention from other potential projects.
gl lazio, stown & krest
thx to u we can still play without mgc ;D
that's obvious ;) but gl just incase you search a new one!

btw check your pms
We all know lazio is the one to blame.
too bad guys , hope you find any another MGC , if not Team-nD needs 2nd pro squad after our CSS sq =))) gl kresti & stowni <333
I suspect this is connected with the teamsize conflict in some conspiratorial way
ok...............but main news? (you will just read "et is dead" comments)
rather post something regarding 6v6 "hype" than this.
ET is dead face it
is dying.
when game dead= no ppl, no games, no cups, no nothing. example: aoe.(1)
Not a smart move to post it as a newspost but well..
Explain why?
That's very bad that you need an explanation...

It's not a secret that ET is in bad condition. Yet, some people keep fighting. While talking to a gaming, one of the frequently asked questions are: does ET have some site with news etc. The answer is: So, a guy from a gaming comes to the page and sees such newsposts about "2nd organisation cutting ties with their ET squad" (and some others like PHX called off).

You're not helpful.
I'm beginning to wonder if you're serious, Homer.

I've never come across a gaming community site (cadred, tek9, esreality,, teamliquid, etc etc) that does NOT report on teams leaving or being dropped.

Ask yourself this quesion; Who is for?

If you're worried about how ET looks to outsiders, I think the community's problems lie MUCH deeper than the content of news posts.
I don't really care what other community sites are reporting. And I'm not saying such newsposts should not appear at all. But the current condition of ET is not outstanding and the more bad news appear, the worser it looks like.

Also, I'm not saying this will solve every issue, but changing details is something that can't be forgotten.
You're right, the current condition of ET is not outstanding by any means. I'm glad that people can finally come to Crossfire and see what's going on in ET by taking a read over the news items, this makes it less of a mystery.

It's never good to just post about the positive things, that just creates such a fake impression.
it's not possible to talk to the gerund of the verb gaming I dont think

well you can, but you wont come across very sane
WinFakt dropped their Enemy Territory team. As we're changing to other games.
stop killing ET
then gtfo from an ET related community website. :)
+1 lazio mate :) !!
Crossfire 3.2 - A Gaming Community.

Its the people like you who made Enemy Territory to what it is today. Be happy.
Actually I agree, it's teams like us (zZz) that keep ET going.
It's idiots like u that ruin the game for the community. (not to mention how retarded u were under ur period as twinzzy)
You are right about my history but you're missing a lot of point I'm doing now for eSports. You as team ain't doing anything good for Enemy Territory. Enemy Territory will never be picked up by any big LANS now is it?

It might be you as team who keeps playing, but its the community who fucks up the entire thing for Enemy Territory. You might look to people who registered here for some days, the only thing they get is flame.

Anyways keep on going with your team, you'll save et!
You & all of your organisations did SHIT - 0 for this game.
The only people that actually do contribute to it, are people & organisations like rockit, tosspot seanza merlinator, and a very small amount of decent admins. And a few teams that keep acticly playing together season through season.

Keep on going with being an "e-buisenis man", I'm sure you'll make the world a better place.
You didn't drop shit faggot, we left cause you're an annoying fool of a took.
stop mad lol
please put tag and connect with bouncer before registering to the website for the 19th time :)
already did lol :( still we got kicked
idd :) rick big man making big decisions :)

wait till I get him kicked from Winfakt :)

you just wait :)

and see :)

just wait ... :)

wait :)

not if i have him kicked out first :D !

:D !

D !

Whatever you like to say Sander. The thing is that you guys ain't living up what you told me to do. You have absolutely no right behavior to be part of a organization and you're blaming the orgs rather than yourself.

I tried to get this done in a friendly way, unfortunately you don't know what friendly is. Go ahead and say whatever you want, I couldn't care about it anyways.

Good luck with your team, I'm wondering which org would pick up with this kind of behavior!
I didn't like you in nevo, didn't like you in Winfakt and don't think I'll ever like you at all.

What was wrong with our behaviour ? Do you find it strange that we aren't praccing 24/7 during the summer months when I have enough other stuff to do and we aren't even signed up in any competition/league ?

Or are you talking about the worthless BNC's you gave to AL1 and chizz6L? Not their fault that they aren't working.

Or... are you talking about me not responding to your highlights in the private channel ? I told you I don't have highlight sounds so you should've just pm'd me.

In all fairness, I am quite an okay guy if I say so myself and I believe atleast an apology or assurance that the stuff that took place during our earlier winfakt-era wouldn't take place again, cause I got fucked over and no matter how much support you would give me, if you want to have a good connection/atmosphere with your team atleast make them feel good and treat them like they are supposed to be treated or you can piss off with your support and find another team.

And btw, stop acting like a god when you're just a manager in an organization in which you don't even put your own money..
So this will be the last reply as you still don't get the point.

You as well other in your team didn't take things serious. I've absolutely no problems with not praccing during summer times, all thought I do have problems with you guys not registering at a website or what so ever. There are rules we set for our teams. Every teams follows those, so you'll have to do it as well.

You could go and talk to the guys who made the problem last time, instead you started to whine at me when we decided to remove you. If the money doesn't bother, why did you join in first place? Doesn't make any sense at all.

What has investing your own money to a organization to do with acting like a god? I invest enough time and effort into WinFakt and it pays off as well, you should open your eyes and see that you are the guy who's wrong here not us.

We didn't need Enemy Territory at all, it was just something we did for the community to be a part of it. Obviously there is no point in being part of this community as organization as the only thing people can do is flame. You're wasting spots in organizations for other teams. You really think that any sponsor is happy to see their name on a game which is all about abuse and flame?

You can say whatever you want about me. Once again, you've been dealing with 2 other people back in your days, not with me at all. You can keep whining about that towards me, but it won't change anything at all.

Nevertheless I wish you good luck with finding a new organization or what ever you guys will do. Enemy Territory is just not worth the money anymore as it brings negative or no exposure.
i know griim bad player but why kick WHYYYY :(
Instead of acting like a complete idiot, compared to other people in this thread, I would just like to thank the players from the team :-) We had a blast guys!
A true gentleman as always, Casper. I hope you stick around.
Thanks for giving ET a shot, the decision you've made is definitely understandable. And as posted above, hope you'll keep an eye out on things around here. :)
Poor griim.. its not like it's his fault... I hope he'll get through it ok :_(((
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