BFB Grand Final Over!

image: head

Grand Final!

Europe Queens win by forfeit.

Due to time constraints the final had to be played by this Wednesday and all the involved teams were aware of this. Despite being frequently informed of the schedule Europe Anexis were unable to field a line-up either tonight or tomorrow. Europe Queens have reluctantly agreed to take the forfeit and are willing to play against Europe Anexis on another date for the GTV audience.

As someone who has put so many hours into Battle For Berlin, I find this outcome very disappointing on a personal level, but myself and the rest of the admin team were left with no other choice.

Quote by Original BFB newspostThe schedule for matches that was announced in the initial newspost will stay, we will be very strict with the scheduling system as we intend to build coverage around that schedule. If you cannot make the dates below then this isn't the cup for you! We will only allow rescheduling for exceptional circumstances.


image: 186-quadv180x120The Grand Final of the Battle For Berlin is tonight! After 29 great games, we are left with only one. The first and third seeds respectively will do battle to determine who takes home the prestigious Place and who is Runner-up. Europe Anexis vs. Europe Queens starts at the slightly later time of 22.00 CET. The game will be covered here on and being shoutcast live by United Kingdom TosspoT & QuadV. As Europe Queens are coming from the Loser Bracket, they will need to beat Europe Anexis twice to take the overall victory.
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Grand Final

Seed 1 vs. Seed 3

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United Kingdom R0SS
Estonia Night
Finland Squall
United Kingdom sqzz
Belgium mAus
Italy XyLoS

image: s_news

United Kingdom razz
Latvia Clown
Poland kot
Finland miNd
Netherlands perfo
Sweden NuggaN
image: s_foot

The #1 seed will meet the #3 seed in the Battle For Berlin Grand Final. Europe Anexis stuttered against Netherlands MouseControl but recovered superbly to come through a tough test against an impressive Europe G2P side. Aside from on missile, Europe Anexis were dominant in their victory - making supply look easy and holding radar quite comfortably. Will we see the un-organised Europe Anexis from the semi-final, or the well-oiled machine from last night?

Europe Queens upped their game last night and surprised many (myself included) when they brushed passed Europe G2P in the Loser Bracket Final. They come into the Grand Final as underdogs but that won't bother them one bit. They undoubtedly have the potential to take the Gold and how competitive this game is rests solely on their shoulders. If Finland miNd, United Kingdom razz and Netherlands perfo show the same form that they were in last night then we could be set for a very long game.

There isn't a bad player in this final with all 12 players boasting a top pedigree and an ET career full of pocals. So where will this game be won and lost? In my opinion a lot will come down to the map choices - Europe Queens will have to be shrewd with their picks as I feel that when Europe Anexis are on form they are near unstoppable on supply and who in their right miNd would pick goldrush against Estonia Night? With the potential for all 6 maps tonight there is no doubt in my mind that the best team will win the Battle For Berlin - the cream always rises to the top!

Players to watch:

Estonia Night from Europe Anexis - The Estonian legend's performances have been sub-par so far this tournament but how can you watch anyone else going into a match of this magnitude? No-one else has decided so many important games as he has, and if you're too busy watching Belgium mAus shoot headshots, you might well miss Estonia Night winning the game.

Finland miNd from Europe Queens - The Finnish rifle was in outstanding form against Europe G2P last night, totalling 93 kills while nobody else on his team had more than 53. That tells you all you need to know, doesn't it?
image: s_head


United Kingdom Baggiez
My prediction for last night couldn't have been more wrong, so I'll make up for it tonight by correctly predicting the outcome. Queens will take the first map, then come close to winning the second, but will lose it. Anexis will dominate the deciding map and win BFB.

United Kingdom TosspoT
Anexis had an important win last night, the confidence that will bring should be enough to see them through. Queens played well against G2P last night and have improved as the tournament has gone on, but I don't feel it'll be enough to beat the #1 Seeds

Finland Sample
Anexis looks stronger on the paper but their last performance didn't impress me. If they have a bad day they could lose. Hope it will be a really tight 3 maps game. Final score 4-2 to Anexis if they don't fuck up everything.

Germany stRay
Should be an 4-0 or 4-2 for Anexis on paper. But at all I'm sure Queens wont give an easy win away! They will try to win it. If razz & nuggan pwn it could be a 4-2 in the first game, but Anexis will definitely win the 2nd game then! GL-HF both!

United Kingdom owzo
Queens to win 4-2 unless Anexis prac a bit. It seems like Queens have finally gotten their act together by smashing g2p to Brazil and back and now with perfo finally playing well they should have a chance of winning. Queens' victory rests largely on NuggaN playing well.

Belgium Gifted
Amazing names, amazing teams. Looking at the gtv odds Anexis is clear favourite, but Queens had an impressive performance yesterday & this could go either way. Personally I hope squall & co will be able to win this one, but no matter what it will be a great game.

Finland Thomm
Apparently Queens have been training seriously lately, so they could surprise and beat the name-strong Anexis group, but they will need a new trick or two to do that. I will say that Queens will take it, just for kicks -unless Night can rise up to his top-level, haven't seen so much epicness lately!

Netherlands SimonKinsler
It's going to be 6-4 for Anexis. Queens are going to win the first round with 4-2 - this will be a really close game but the next match Anexis is going to comeback on them with 4-0 win.

*more to come*

image: s_head

For tonight's game, each team will pick a map with the decider being selected via traditional elimination rules - with the winner of the coin-toss choosing which team eliminates first. If both teams pick the same map before the game starts then there will be a cointoss - with the winner of the coin-toss picking the second map. To repeat - there are no forced maps.

Current standings:[/u]

- x
- x
- Europe G2P
4th - Estonia k1ck
5th - Russia disQonnect, Netherlands MouseControl
7th - Poland b2k, Germany oxid
9th - Europe TAG, Finland Turboapinat, Europe Splendid, Czech Republic Zero-Empathy
13th - Europe bSTURZ, Europe Epic, Europe glitz, Germany Lost Soldiers

Full Maplist:[/u]

image: foot
looking forward to this one
Go Queens !
EDIT:My predicition should be 6-4 for Anexis
image: star2
gl mind :)
Gl boys :)

gav, if you lose this, I smash your face at lan
gl UK boys!
i'll be sleeping or trying to sleep when this starts.
whats the prize
the prize is right
e fame Ati_ mate!
I do have to warn there is a 10% chance I won't make it back in time to cast this match, I don't anticipate getting home from work until around right before the match!
Don't hurry, I won't be here until the 1st match ends/is supposed to end.

Make it fun both teams!
gonna be a good game, gl both
Simon, I find your lack of math skills disturbing.
Didnt spot it until I read ur comment, haha :D
Looking forward to it, great coverage :)
hope this amazing tournament finds it exciting highlight tonight!
havent really followed but great work on the coverage baggiez
The stats were bugged Baggiez i got 61 kills so fu, fucking low player to watch mind is shit. Thought we were not playing the final today?
The final was originally scheduled for Tuesday 15th (over a month ago). It had to be played on either Tuesday 15th or Wednesday 16th.

Assuming the tournament went according to seedings we had a problem because:

G2P couldn't play Tuesday 15th
Anexis couldn't play Wednesday 16th
Queens couldn't play Wednesday 16th

As it turns out, you beat G2P meaning that the final is ok for tonight :)
QuoteIt's going to be 8-4 for Anexis. Queens are going to win the first round with 4-2 - this will be a really close game but the next match Anexis is going to comeback on them with 4-0 win.

4-0 anexis I guess
I guess it gonna be easier for anexis than their two last matchs

but i hope a closer match than expected
QuoteQueens win by forfeit.

hope you are joking...
rofl razz so happy !!!
deserved win, well played!
u mad srsly ? How to wait a few days make a difference. You thought the first edition it would be perfect?

Set off
Queens have reluctantly agreed to take the forfeit and are willing to play against Anexis on another date for the GTV audience.

shocking, so if g2p beat queens, it would of had to have been played on a thurs/sunday anyway, what a complete retard.
werent u supposed to be out with ur girlfriend?

weren't u supposed to fix ur arm? jk

i specially stopped my work for 10 mins to check this out, how low people can be, i know ur scared and et is the only thing u will ever have in ur life but still..

thought u had to study tonight? yet here u are replying to me

study/working on a project is the same thing, grow up.

deadline in 3 hours so byez!
yeah well, u do what u gotta do but dont give any shit for us cause of it, its not us to blame but urself
ur joking right?

Really dont know how into you are on this drama, but it aint our fault that u guys have fucked up by not being able to play tonight as the schedule that been out weeks says, dont blame us for that lol
Why not agree to play the final Sunday?
Why not refuse a forfeit and prefer to play a real final ?
A little indulgence you would do much good..
we didn't know the date, but anyway grats! xxx
we didn't know the date, but anyway grats! xxx
Yet R0SS has stated to baggiez that they are avi tonight?

Weird now isnt it? :l
we didn't know the date, but anyway grats! xxx
e choco om eerlijk te zijn :D ross wist de datum al minstens een week :D
Good thing mind didn't keep up this replying war, would've ruined your project.
good I finished it ;)
dont tell me u know what a girlfriend is

like sqzz said, shocking
Rules are rules.. but it's still nonsence. you don't forfeit a fucking grand final because tosspot will not be able to cast it another day due to his hollidays... (who cares, they're plenty of other ppl able to cast the game)

I feel kinda sad cuz i was looking forward to your victory !
Gl in the future !

ps: if i were you, i wouldn't participate in the next tournament, and i wouldn't play on gtv...
being a winner aint easy
QuoteWe will only allow rescheduling for exceptional circumstances.

haha you already moved a fucking groups/playoffs match but cant about final?

Some match weeks were flexible and others were not. The final was never a flexible date and all teams were aware of this.
ye match weeks more important, how its not flexible??? explain? ET wont be accessible tomorrow?
It's not about which match weeks are important or not, it's that in some match weeks there was enough time in the schedule to allow matches to be moved. That was never the case with the final and all the teams involved were aware of this.
We didnt sign up because we cant play on some schedule, others were allowed to play on another date,

last game of the cup cant be delayed, what? there is smth after final??

looks like retarded but whatever
and still: you said: no matches will be moved (cuz of strickt schedule) and you moved matches, but you CAN'T move THE match of the tournament? ou plz....
Like I said, teams knew which matches could be moved and which couldn't. The final couldn't be moved, they knew it, they weren't able to play on either date, forfeit loss.
you basically fucked your whole effort you made with this BfB-stuff, because every new cup in that direction will be called "trollcup"/"failcup" or other stuff... srsly, why not play it on sunday? way more spectators anyways...
stop making the headstrong and egoist. made an effort for the community and the show instead of this shit
Direct your hate elsewhere, it's not my fault that it isn't being played.
u cant make an exception for the grand final? Hard to believe...
Made the sunday! This is the first edition, the upcoming will be better. This is a final, is one of the only competitions fun to follow for some months. What good is having all these efforts if it is to ruin everything, and your credibility for future editions. I do not really understand... give us this gift cmon
"Queens have reluctantly agreed to take the forfeit and are willing to play against Anexis on another date for the GTV audience."

Best we can do.
that is not serious anymore then.....
They did not play the final later?
Audience will not be the same whitout the final
Ati_ is so mad right now.
b is two keys to the left, just sayin'
sup poodle, u mad?
No, because I made a funny joke that you are the butt of.

heh, butt
but where is the s
that comment doesnt make any sense
batsi batsi batsen
I don't know if this is your poor attempt at a joke or you just didn't understand my advanced level of humour, so let me break it down for you.

In saKen's original comment he said "Ati_ is so mad right now." to which I said "b is two keys to the left."

Two keys to the left of m is b, so if you go back to saKen's original comment and look for where he used the m key (which is only once, vital part of the joke) he said 'mad'

Replace the 'm' with the 'b' that I earlier informed you of and saKen's original comment now says "Ati_ is so bad right now."

saKen asks where the 's' is, which he already has several of in his original comment, this is why his reply to me makes no sense and is not funny.

I hope you found this reply helpful, good day.

image: 7AVX1
pauper admin removed mn comment huuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!
van mij ook, pakke ze wel op lan jeweet
it was bad and took you like 10mins to think of a sync reply anyway
inb4 you claiming i needed 5 min to think of that one
only the linux nerds do sync reply
WHAT THE FUCK? BIGGEST SHIT EVER TO FORFEIT THE FINAL..... so retarded and ridicoulos, some other matches were moved aswell, why not hte final? Oo
cuz in that way its an izi win :D
QuoteWe will only allow rescheduling for exceptional circumstances.

Want another special circumstance? It's a fucking final -.- jeez
true, don't get it why they can't move it
just lack of common sense tbh...
The correct outcome would be a draw from a historical point of view.
well played queens!! anexis overrated??

won lots of $$$? :P
Kinda understandable. Good job Queens!
Battle for Berlin
Does the entire BfB team leave the planet after Wednesday? I don't understand why it wasn't possible to move the finale a day or two after the date it was intended to take place on.
can I join your team to touch the pocal please
congratulations on the gold medal.
Thanks, couldn't have done it without you (literally).
No problem :-)
Glad to see you are being the BIGGER man.
congratulations on the gold medal.
this is just the biggest epic fail ever... I mean ever.
Wait.. so.. eum.. what happened? Why Forfeit..? This is sad...
eyes, use them
Is there a live stream avi? Dont have ET but would like to check the game.
Stubborn admins wut
not really following et anymore but since frop linked me here:
afaik there were no prizes to win here, so anexis only lost a in their award list which is probably a really big whoop for them... so the only people who suffer here are the "fans" who wanted to watch this match.
rules are rules but maybe its not the smartest thing to put them above everything else
"Queens have reluctantly agreed to take the forfeit and are willing to play against Anexis on another date for the GTV audience."

but generally agree
The fans won't suffer btw since the match is going to be played later like stated above.
Why dont you just reschedule the match instead of giving them the award or what ever
I have nothing to say about rescheduling nor do I know the whole story about the dates.
will only happen if queens can get into zowie cup final, but i guess g2p will be there :)
oh man gl trying to get to final nearly losing to mouseCON nOOB
we havent lost any single match during this tournament, how comes u were from looser bracket? :D
u almost lost to mcon with 1 second luckily u got sqzz to take docs from your fat ass :P, we comfortabley beat g2p last nyt which u saw, and u NEARLY lost to them? lol queens > anexilows?
Queens winners of BFB

Queens > anexis

it doesnt really matter if u win by 1 second or by 10 minutes as far as u win, but guess going out from groupstages didnt let u learn anything ye? :D
first time at LAN i played good so i dont care :p, was a good expereince met noobs like you LOL. Just saying you nearly lost to mousecon 4:2 and g2p 4:2 and we wiped the floor with them? ET moving on in skill level?? i think so??
Wiped the floor? Didn't we beat you 4:0 a week earlier? :P

Don't get carried away over 1 bad night.
griim boy, our first game we played wasnt with lineup, ur a good team but i think were stronger ;)
I guess its normal to have faith in your own team. :P
lol what a politically correct reply!
rolling smartly
I generally wasnt going to comment, but the way you have commented just makes me want to :P. The 1st place was never really much of a big deal, ofc we want to win it but your right, without any prizes it was fine with us to give them the forfeit win. We wont be playing this match at another date though unless admins agree to it.
lol you're fat
didnt mean to drag you into commenting, im sorry ;) i was just going to reply and ask why everyone assumes you would be willing to play this match before i F5'd ;)
gotta love these power games that are going on in ET for so long already, probably toss just wanted to teach another lesson like the one when he forfeited ferus CPU
tbh its not Toss' fault. The reason the final should be played tonight is he is on holiday for 2 weeks. The reason why we cant play is that we were never told "by an admin" that the final was tonight and didnt know about the tosspot situation. Its unlikely we would have been able to play anyway but would have maybe helped. We could have played tomorrow but Queens cant so we accepted the forfeit loss and never argued the situation. Still, nice to see you still checking out the ET scene. It wasnt meant as a negative in me commenting on ur comment! More that i agreed with it and glad you saw our POV.
QuoteThe reason why we cant play is that we were never told "by an admin" that the final was tonight

So you just completely ignored him posting the dates at the start of the cup, and saying they were going to be strict about the schedule?

13:44 <@TosspoT> Can you do 22 CET Mind?
13:45 <@TosspoT> tonight
13:45 < miNd`> yes
13:45 < miNd`> we r avi tonight
13:45 <@Baggiez> i see no reason anexis would be unavi tonight
13:45 <@Baggiez> ross said they'd be avi
13:45 <@TosspoT> then tonight it is
19:21… @Nait: [11:00:36] [@TosspoT] nait here?
19:21… @Nait: [12:03:11] [miNd`] TosspoT: have u been told if the final is tonight or not
19:21… @Nait: [12:03:20] [@TosspoT] no
19:21… @Nait: [12:03:22] [@TosspoT] not been told
19:21… @Nait: [12:03:25] [@TosspoT] what have you been told
19:21… @Nait: [12:04:07] [miNd`] 00:33 <@miNd`> 00:31 <Baggiez> late tomorrow?
19:21… @Nait: [12:04:07] [miNd`] 00:33 <@miNd`> 00:32 <miNd`> 2130 CET could work
19:21… @Nait: [12:04:07] [miNd`] 00:33 <@miNd`> 00:32 <miNd`> or 2200
19:21… @Nait: [12:04:17] [miNd`] idk if i got any confirmation tho

Hell, if you were watching ETTV tosspot even said there is a strong possibility he couldnt make tonight. Once we finished our match, ppl made other plans tonight and it wasnt so simple to change. Im not arguing that its not our fault, we accept the forfeit loss. Just an actual confirmation would have helped rather than an assumption
Lets not take this out of context, Baggiez and myself have been trying to get you to be available 1 day this week since last week via irc, phone and sms.
And i have totally understood that. We arent arguing about us being in the wrong. Every time a team wanted to reschedule against us we were fair and it happened with g2p. There was no debate as to who should have the forfeit win. My point is that an actual cemented date would have been much more convenient. If g2p would have won against queens, the final would have HAD to be tomorrow night as they wouldnt be able to make it tonight either.
Your situation is nothing like G2P's though, they said almost from Day 1, We have a problem with 1 date in the tournament and thats the final (Yes tonights date was stated from Day 1). You guys made up a lot of stories as to why people couldn't be online tonight who then ALL came online from their home IP's when the forfeit was announced.
Everyone is at their home, im not denying that. When i called you today, xylos wasnt sure if he could make it tonight and Night and mAus are a definite no even though they are at home. Even you thought the final was scheduled for Wednesday up until today.
Motion DENIED[/u][/i]
So basically u only need to be at home and it is certain that u can play, nice
mAus replied to your comment Crossfire 15 Nov 11, 20:58
XyLoS replied to your comment Crossfire 15 Nov 11, 20:57
R0SS replied to your comment Crossfire 15 Nov 11, 20:55
R0SS replied to your comment Crossfire 15 Nov 11, 20:49
Night replied to your comment Crossfire 15 Nov 11, 16:58

Lets play, you're all here!
having time to comment means they have time to play a match that could take up to 2hours?
time to flame time to play!
I wasnt supposed to be at home tonight and i came back after knowing final was forced for tonight so u could stop trying to let people believe we dont want to play. Now, u still didnt answer my question, so, since maus and night replied on crossfire it means they can play?
There isn't really a factual answer to your question, you're just all here, so I said we might as well play - you've said you guys aren't available for a match, so theres your answer.
gogogogogo, Anexis forfeit first game imo, make it a one game final.
My god, would make it an even better game after all this drama too.
Fucking yeah norman, fucking yeah!
this is a massive joke
HAHAHAAHAHAH <33333333333
gehehehehe xDDD
This is very sad.

Imo the final should be played, dont care if its a 5 days later or whatever.

But we should not forget that BFB was a very nice cup with good coverage, thank you all the admins!

Sad it has to end this way ;(
You ruined your own cup, gg ;>>
cmon don't ruin it after all the effort you put in!
this amuses me
wtf is this bullshit
"Queens have reluctantly agreed to take the forfeit" wow not good cred :/
We dont want a forfeit and wanted to put the game to another date, admins wont alow it its got nuthing to do with queens, We will play the game on another date and everyone will still watch and no whos number.1 it doesnt really matter about a little gold medal, but still with the amount of work that this cup has done it has been one of the best for ET, and im not being hurtful to anexis because i get along with all there players - the little midget squall, but if there was a prize for them to play tonight, They would play tonight hands down.

blueboy <3
man ur such a nerd XD
Kamz mate, did you read his earlier comment on how he said he did good at lan?
Someone calling other people midgets

posted by razz
image: 1133-are-you-fucking-kidding-me
mana lets be fucking serious here im not a midget im 2wice as big as that little gay faggot.
Edit go lick finish players asses as much as you want but still youll stay shit in ET forever hf.
Hehe nice trolling m8 hehe, your a funny guy :D I thought u were serious with that comment lol :PPpPP <3

edit: I just checked your edit and gotta say, i know that im shit in ET, do i fucking care? :D
And btw, i heard u have skipped school to practise some ET lol :DD
I think your seriously retarded. Skip school for ET? ofc some people like to tr0ll like kamz maybe u should rename to Kamz-mana-fanboy-asslicker-of-CF?
Nice try to irritate me :DD Ur failing in that just as u've failed in your real life :D
Mate my life has nothing to do with you. :) Im pretty sure your just jelous of me i can be good in ET and have a good time in real life. Unlike you who gets bullied in School

I can almost feel the bitter tears falling from your eyes while you are sitting infront of your pc and knowing deep inside that i just hitted the truth :/
Keep sucking Finlands cock one day you myt be able to play in EC gl with your cocksucking, hopefully your good at deepthroating, i think you are with the size of the mouth youve got. Gl BB
Sorry for owning you little geek :D HF with ET tonight m8 :))
nice ownage :)
nice ownage :)
np, my duty sir.
nah razz mate ur your mom is
why u taking this so serious rofl

anyhoo mana would bash ur small face anywhere anytime so stfu
Is playing EC a condition to be succesful in life or something? Get out sometimes lol

this shit is turning into PolandRobert's one day cups :S
grats on being #1
History dictates that if you let teams take the piss they will - Clanbase EC XI, The one where Night hits the insane panzer on radar. The gap between the WB Final and the Grand Final was two weeks and it KILLED the grand final, it was the WB final that people remember, nobody remembers the actual final. All here

We set out our stall that we wouldn't let such things happen in this tournament, a stance we stand by.
bullshit stays bullshit
Quit living in the past!!
Yeah but I think there's a difference between playing it 2 weeks later and playing it say, tomorrow or the day after or whatever.
They can't play tomorrow, we tried, we couldn't actually get a day out of them when they could play next.
Ah okay then well fair enough.
Do it Sunday, everyone will be online watching it ffs
Your tournament will not be better than the other tournaments finally!. You ruined your own cup whit this bullshit.
Never been a fan of double elimination competitions. Classic group stage plus single elimination is always better and never drags out like double elimination always seems to (especially waiting for loser bracket matches to be played out).

Such is the life of an admin though, take a stance, get flamed or let teams always have their way and get flamed anyway when things get out of control or drag out for too long.
Amen to that!
the con of a single elimination bracket is that the _best_ teams often DON'T meet in the finals :/
My comment is bi-winning :}
So because of your narrow mindedness, a tournament that was supposed to give breath to ET is actually killing it-I mean stabbing it-. For you, a rule is a thing that no one can ever fail to enforce. Be more open-minded, let's assume that fuck ups happen and that trying to deal with those can be a good compromise instead of penalizing a team with forfeit, elimination, w/e you can find that will strike as hard as possible the guilty person/team.
On one side you have a group of admins who've worked for many hours to bring you a tournament which raised the bar in terms of coverage and exposure, and who gave all teams full notice of planned dates for games, schedule way ahead of time and instructed the teams that the schedule was strict.

On the other side you have a team who despite knowing the dates for the final were unable and unwilling to play unless on their terms.

Now you tell me: who is at fault here?
It is obviously not your fault. I know whose fault it is. Yet again, what can you possibly expect from such an ending ? You surely can go and brag around: "we decided to fuck up our own tournament but at least, we applied the zero tolerance rule. See how strong we the admins are, we definitely proved that we were not a clown whom you can fuck with". Very cool, you are strong. And still killing the game at the end.
I'm not bragging about anything, nor do I think that being stubborn is a quality. If anything, I'm losing as much as anyone when you consider who has put the work into this thing. But the fact remains - we had clearly drawn out rules and if they're ignored then what is the point of rules in the first place? I understand what you're saying and part of me agrees, but you have to draw the line somewhere.
I don't know you but I wanna say that all of you who did the coverage did an amazing job. Despite I dislike the outcome, I hope you guys still have the energy and enthusiasm to organize a similar cup.
Dude you missed the immense amount of coverage + awesome Tosspot casts that attracted an amount of viewers that hasn't been seen on gtv for a long long time.

I can understand you're pissed off, but I think you're making the wrong conclusions here.
I believe the coverage was the best coverage I've in my newschool ET career, but (don't wanna argue over and over), a wiser decision in my opinion would have been to let the match being scheduled as the official grand final but at the same time, admins might ve said: okay, you see what happens when you do not respect a rule (even if the schedule issue isn't that simple according to Ross): next time, you will have to follow the rules from A to Z or you'll be disqualified. Something like: "you disrespected the great admin's work, this will be the first and last time". This is what I call diplomacy.
i dont think it's quite as simple as they disobeyed our rules so we'll make them forfeit, the rules/dates were set as they were for a reason and for the game to be rescheduled to a date later than today, things would have to be re-organised/planned/cancelled completely, some people are busy and have plans and shouldnt have to/cant make changes to them because of a teams incapability to follow the rules

as stated by ross above "The reason the final should be played tonight is he is on holiday for 2 weeks."

him being tosspot, its tosspot's cup and after casting some of the games along the way its only fair he'd want to be able to see and cast the final and get it all wrapped up without having to think about "when is that final going to get played"
I aint going on vacation for 2 weeks!
oh right, just copy pasting/going by what i read above
sorry about the random reply....

"We will only allow rescheduling for exceptional circumstances"

how exceptional does it need to be? your grand final was decided by a forfeit loss by the favourites to win it. now i understand the apathy of these lazy highskill fuckers, how very rude by the way, and the previous coverage was second to none, and a huge step in the right direction to keeping the game alive, but look at the end result cant be happy with this?

the worlds gone mad. mad i tell thee.

every single person thats been following the games throughout the tournament reads this and thinks "why bother". then all the hard work put in is for fuck all, and thats a shame....
I think we both know that the final was never actually guaranteed to be tonight until the newspost today. I dont mind taking the loss, but dont make up lies saying that both teams knew the final was tonight because even u didnt know until last night/today and neither did tosspot.
"So because of your narrow mindedness"

lol the irony
gratz for staying strict, didn't believe it's still possible after what EC has done for years
so instead of actually having someone who can claim to be the winners, and not because the(discussable) better team wasn't able to play. Your crew decided to not play the final at all cause of a time schedule.

Could have at least set an ultimatum like next sunday or something, weekend day when most ET followers/fans are online to watch the game. Coverage can be kept up till Sunday, doing small reviews and extended interviews of players.

For me, I'd asked both teams if they can play Sunday :S

[e] NOT saying the coverage isbad or anything, this is definatly the best coverage since months/years for a tournament
Great decision, Tosspot, and I stand by you.
We need more discipline among teams(and players), and I think that sticking to the rules is the best way to get it.
this decision only contribute to kill this game
for all those suckers that can still vote for the team who will win the bfb final, i think its a guaranteed win now! <3
gratz #$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
lol, pretty much bullshit x)
"left with no choice" , oh rlly, how about play it any other day? who gives a fuck tbh? funny way to end it, or well just stupid .
no prizes and this strict schedule? the fuck

just put deadline to next sunday, no big deal?
lol no prizes? thought there were some? why queens getting all excited about forfeit win then?
it's not brink man
did you get your brink money after all? if so, graz
nop lol, apparently december
miss ur whine and epic rapes
i dont whine that often :)
the final nail in the coffin!
Rubish! Let them play on Sunday it´ll have more viewers! It is last match few days dont matter.
Well played forfeit win!
to be honest i dont know why all this whine... admins made some mistakes in the start.. but all the teams that were playing for top4 agreed on the dates it should be played and we all knew the shedule a week or 2 in front.. so its not the admins there fault... it was a long time ago that anybody has put so much effort in a cup for ET so if you wanna flame anyone flame the teams itself not the admins..
I watched g2p vs Queens yesterday and admins+tosspot were arguing when the date of finals should be. One line for example: "OK try to scheldule finals on tommorow" the time was about 23:30. So I think after a great ET event and cup this ending is just rubish.
heee jonge waarom verloren?
een bitteke faal he :D

we hemme nen echte reviver (Sup3r) nodig zegge ze :DD
of ne weurem
zeker zeker :D
haha wie zegt da ? en tja :D!
haha gwn int algemeen wordt da wel gezegd :D
ma ge moet nie terugkome, ET is dood :PP
Khad er ni eens aan gedacht om trg te komen !
haha vandaag toch wel me den ali gespeeld :D
ja ma ali is nog altijd gek van ET :$
Shame, but I know this pain :( teams not wanting to play a final - for whatever reason. I don't know the full story about this one but admins can't be messed around with if a schedule has been sorted.
bfb new EC? :D

tbh good decision, finally some strict admining. anexis could easily predict they would reach this stage so they knew deadline month ago
sad that it had to end like that, enjoyed watching, reading and playing (eventhough it was only that 1 game)

Unfortunate that the tourney would end this way, but it was clear from the start that it would be a strict schedule. Something I personally am a big fan of despite being reluctant to play at some of the forced dates. It was refreshing to play a tournament that didn't take a year to finish for once, not to mention the great coverage provided by the admins and tosspot providing shoutcast (which I feel there is far too less of in ET these days). Good stuff.

As for the decision, don't wanna go into it too much because I haven't read the cascade of spam regarding it, but I think a decision has been made and it should be respected. Lesson learnt from everyone involved.
There has been already so many lesson and mistakes are coming again and again. The cup was great, but decision just make it ready for facepalm. If something like this happens during cup, ok forfeit, but grandfinals should be played!
when started reading, thought the same. but I changed my mind. admins did good decision. shedule was strict, the date was stated since the first day. no more "EC-like finals havent been even played"
QuoteQueens win by forfeit.


well I can see the reasoning behind admins decisions but still this was supposed to be a cup to show "how to do coverage in an ET tournament" if I'm not mistaken. such an ending is very dissapointing.

what happened with this decision is 1) we now know admins meant it when they said "strict schedule", 2) many ppl who were looking to watch this game is let down. 3) even if there will be a show match between teams in the future it will be kinda shit.
4) Tosspot, Baggiez, twidi & co showed how great coverage can reinvigorate the community ;)
I mean thats the sad part, because they indeed did great coverage. all of that work going down the drain as it ended as such.
You think that went down the drain?
up there somewhere tosspot argues "History dictates that if you let teams take the piss they will - Clanbase EC XI, The one where Night hits the insane panzer on radar. The gap between the WB Final and the Grand Final was two weeks and it KILLED the grand final..."

this is exactly what happened tonight and the grand final is killed again. many ppl would prefer it being killed by having a grand final which is delayed some time rather then ending like this I'd say.
Hi Belgian Germany 1942 leader!
Despite this sad ending, I must say that I am mighty impressed by the coverage provided by Baggiez, SimonKinsler and Twidi for this tournament. Following it shoutcasted by none other than Tosspot who is simply the best when it comes to what he does has been absolutely great.

Thanks guys, I sure hope that there's more to come.

They worked hard and I bet they're bummed too.

Good work from those guys though.
A shame really, but from what I understand it was an inevitable result. The message this gives to teams can also be a positive one. Top teams should respect the schedule & rules, and if they don't or simply can't because of the circumstances, it's not a bad thing that there's a consequence to that. Imo perhaps (and hopefully) it creates respect from players to organizers and thus from community to organizers. EC used to be a very important event not to mess with. Now it's not even half of what it used to be. Hopefully this action has this effect in the long term for events in general.
Queens want to play this match regardless of the decision by admins. I think both teams can agree that a winner of a self organized final on some other day would be considered the winner of this cup. So, it's up to Anexis if they want to play...
Sounds like Tosspot doesnt want to be active more than one month.
Both teams want to reschedule but admin wants to play it today or tomorrow. Sounds wrong to me.
Hopefully they will!
a handful of teams left and you still don't make it to the finals, and you know why :D
you are the men!
Quote BFB Grand Final

QuoteQueens win by forfeit.

image: LOL7
xDDDD nice one
Hahhaha :D!
thought the same! :DD
That must be razz
QuoteSignups and Prize Announcements are coming shortly. For now, prepare yourself for the greatest battle of your life!


I see
I love me some drama.
dont you just love it. On average these BfB newsposts get about 10 comments. Now theres drama theres over 250 :))
Says alot about the community , doesn't it?
or maybe it tells u that the game is so boring without drama? rather than the community?
fuckin right decision!!!

they knew this date since the begin of the cup!
planning ur et life months ahead...
ofc not but they cant denie anything or flame this decision^^
What an anticlimax.
This drama is what kills the community...

FUCK THAT SHIT! This tournament was so fucking great... Just play on sunday or what.

Noone is better than the other one -.-
cannot agree with you. drama is what puts comunity together.
mhh... i say better that its bad for the 'hope' in ET?

w/e just really bad & disappointing news
news - disappointment indeed
drama? no drama, no cf.
from what i've read, right decision :)

nice job with the tournament! coverage was really great
grats mind u big winner <3
On the one hand, it sucks to see a final not get played. On the other, it's also nice to have seen a cup that was so well run pass by, with admins following the rules strictly (and not like in the other leagues, where admins bend and break rules for their friends or enemies, etc.). Balancing the two, I think the latter wins out — it would be nice if admins from other leagues would a take a page out of the BfB admin book.
All admins try to respect the rules of the cup.
What happens when players don't understand them and they forfeit the cup? That's why some admins decide to bend a little bit the rules to make it better for players, because cups are made for players.
I'm sympathetic to that. However, when it starts happening too often, then what's the point of having the rules in the first place? In a backwards kind of way, it encourages people to not follow them, because they think they can get away with it.

It might be bad for the team in that particular cup/season if they don't follow the rules and get a forfeit, but as a player I'd rather be able to have a clear sense of what I can expect. There's always the next cup to play in. I might be angry at first, but I think the benefit of knowing that admins are being fair and equally strict with all the teams outweighs that.

To the credit of ESL though, I haven't heard anything recently about any "sketchy" admin decisions (thought I'm sure this comment will suddenly receive replies telling me how wrong I am :) ).

But, especially when I think back to one of the recent EC's, where the final wasn't being played for week after week, nothing being done about it, I think that sends a really bad message — it implied a pandering to the teams, that schedules didn't matter for them, and when too many incidents like that start piling up, it cheapens the organization as a whole.
ET cannot into finals :S
joke of the year

giving the team forfeit when every1 knows anexis would have won 4-0
I aint rly at the ET cene but for the low i know i seriously belive if this situation happened in the opposite way it would be write "Anexis DIDNT ACCEPT A FORFEIT"... even with prizes ^^. Im mor watching this old school guys saying "we play it sunday warever tosspot shouts it or not or warever baggiez covers it or not..." and not we RELUCTANTLY accept the forfeit but we wna play this match 4 the gbooky viewrs...
you got rolled hard today osiris, remember that :D

cu sunday at the onedaycup honey <3
good to read drama every now and again. might do some more light reading tomorrow :)
Actually this means there was a team able to win at least 4 maps against anexis? WP Queens!!!
what Czech Republicmilhaus said.

good that i was working, seems that i didn't miss anything beside that drama.
This is how it would have turned out if the final happened.
United Kingdomrazz would have been shitting bricks. He would have massaged Swedennuggan's cock, therefore bringing out Swedennuggan's A-game.
Swedennuggan would have smashed BelgiummAus's face.
United Kingdomrazz is a fucking 12 year old faggot.
Fair enough to say that noone in ET can actually smash mAus face.

Face that he is best aimer is just as reasonable as saying that hes also not unbeatable, True is that they would give sick aiming fight with the good nuggan, thats for sure
Shit is sad.
90% knows Anexis would have won, izi bash.
Best tournament for a long time, and now this shit? pls..
u ruined my life guys...

Battle for troll
First news post i have read in ages that actually had some comments, shame its about this....

I can understand the admins wanting to stick to a schedule however "IF" what i am reading is that the schedule was determined because of Stuarts holiday plans then i'm kinda stunned. Granted you would want Stu to cast the game but given a choice of no cast and an actual final being played i know what people would generally want to see.

It's a shame as some of the admins, namely Baggiez put an insane amount of effort into coverage for this tournament and it was helping to build some kudos and was potentially being seen as a serious replacement for EC but that has now been lost imo :(

Wrong decision here i think...
We accept the forfeit loss there are no debates to that. The reason why there is so much drama is because of the general lies that are being posted about us a. Knowing that the final was that date b. That we still could have played. The facts remain that the final was not scheduled for tuesday night until tuesday day, u can see that from the logs. Also with discussions from last week it was stated that the final would either be tuesday or wednesday as if g2p would have made the final they couldnt play on tues. Hell we even rescheduled two of our games for opponents not being able to play which pushed back the schedule.We stated that night was at work on weds so it was random but if we were forced to we would have played wednesday even woth night at work possibly. We won the wb final by 21 gmt there was no official announcement that the final would be tuesday so pl went about making other plans which we admitted and never lied about. The fact all of this has blown up is childish and credit to most of the queens team for trying to still get this game rescheduled. Its a shame its happened but we accept it. Just not the other dribble which is being posted look like as if we are in the wrong and screwed the tournament.
tbh I guess almost noone (including me) noticed the date it was going to be played, on gtv there was like nothing???
Regarding: "making it look like as if we are in the wrong"

You are in the wrong. The you knew the final would be either Tuesday or Wednesday and said that you were available for the Tuesday. The final decision on when the final would be played was made early yesterday, but you knew long in advance that the final was likely to be on that date and you didn't have a team ready for last night or tonight. (You've since said that it was only Night that wasn't avi and you would have used Flop)

I'm not trying to slander anyone but there are people involved with a history of apathy towards ET schedules and the flippant attitude of those people contributed to this outcome.
We accept the forfeit loss anything past that is ridiculous. We both know that if g2p would have made the final that the game would have had to havr been played on weds. We were under the impression that the final was likely to be played on the wednesday due to g2p likely beating queens. We had won our wb final by 21 gmt there was no word of when thr final would be played there is even a.discussion between u and tosspot on ettv trying to decide on the final date. U spoke to queens and magically agreed a time to play with them, we never even got asked abojt thr.time let alone the date. Everyone.apreciates ur hard work and everyone is dissapointed that the final could not be played but the whole issue does not lie with us so dont nake it out as if we have ruined th efinal as there are a lot of reasons as to why the final got screwed including rearranging other games delaying the schedule and missing out a matchweek in the initial announcement meaning two weeks had to be pushed through into one. Yes we couldnt play and we accept that but thats not the only reason or issue
I'm sorry mate but from the outside looking in it seems you admins dropped the ball on this one and in doing so have severely depreciated the standing of the tournament and all the hard work you put in prior to this.
I am not sure if you can't understand or don't want to. Even you and the whole crew were uncertain about the date and time of the final as of 12.30CET Tuesday. Having previously talked to miNd and gotten the confirmation about their side being ready for the match you just thought it's a great idea to make it official within hours from the game without being in contact with any of us about the date for days. I don't think it would've been hard to contact us when you reached miNd and shared the same information with us.(Yes, I know you're gonna say that the schedule has been up for weeks as you've done the previous 17 times, but who can take that for granted when A LOT of the times have been moved to another date that suits both sides. Plus you only play that "schedule's been up" card only when it helps you to prove your point but unfortunately it works both ways.) Then we would've had 24hours as did they and probably could've worked something out.

But after finishing our game and watching the LB final, too, there was still nothing announced. Neither was anything discussed about the final on BfB admins irc channel or BfB finals channel. So am I really that stupid to think there's no way in hell the final's gonna be played on the next day? I don't think so. At that moment it was pretty clear for us that the final wont be played until sunday/next week because Queens could not play on Wed/Thur(Wed wasnt the best idea for us either) for sure. Next information I(and probably most of my teammates) got was the crossfire newspost when I came home, unfortunately it was a little late. Right after reading this I contacted you, but you didnt want to hear anything about it. That's the best we could do unfortunately.

I just wanted to play the final and get over with it, we would've had as many viewers on any other day. The hell, I could've shoutcasted while playing!
At the moment you're just making yourself look bad by taking away one of the best ET matches that people have seen in months and trying to blame it on us to save yourself.

But other than that it was a very decent cup with great coverage. Only thing missing that was originally mentioned are the interviews, but I guess it would've been too hard seeing how difficult it is to even get statements from the teams.
holy fuckballs, Night posting comments? what the fuck is the ET community coming to.
I fully agree with that.

The cup is made FOR players, so the even if the rules are clear, they need to suit the players. What i mean by that is that if the final needs to be delayed 1 week, so it is. A cup needs a proper ending, otherwise what's the point of playing groups/playoffs etc etc etc?

The only impression i can get is that even with great coverage and stuff, admins are only looking at themselves, instead of caring about the teams.
indeed, cup is so mad
Admins are looking at themselves at not the teams? Really? You think I have anything to gain from putting so many hours into a tournament for so many weeks only for it to end in forfeit? That's a selfish decision is it?
Well the point is, fuck the rules in situations like that. Unless Anexis strictly specify that they do _not_ wanna play a final, it should have been rescheduled as many times as it needed to be. Same applies to latest (?) EC final, it was retarded.

If you do not have anything to gain (and i didn't mean exactly you, but the whole crew behind the tournament), whats the point of this decision? Just to prove that rules need to be followed exactly? If yes, fail. Common sense > rules.

The schedule was set by tosspot according to the best days for him i guess, but thats somehow wrong. Tosspot is not playing, the whole tournament is about the teams, not about him. (no hate, but i don't care if the shoutcasts or not, i don't listen to his shoutcasts or any shoutcasts at all.)

edit: and don't Queens need to win TWICE to get the golden pocal? If yes, the BIG final still needs to be played afaik. Atleast i hope so.

cheers mate, no hate ,u did a hell of a job.
"Well the point is, fuck the rules in situations like that."

I disagree. I understand you're point of view because I've been in your position, spectating and waiting for a final. But unless I'm mistaken, you haven't been in my position, trying to get the final of a tournament played. You reference the last EC final - I was in it, and we still haven't played it - and I doubt we ever will.
So, as someone who have been on my side you should have know how important it is. There are rules and rules, this one isn't that important, atleast not forfeit worthy. They have been there, playing for weeks, following the schedule, but by some random problem they couldn't be here at the final.. insta forfeit? Thats wrong...

Different point of views, crossfire have made their point, and we community gave negative points to such decision. Thats a clear message from us.
I get accused of being arrogant, but holy crap ag0n:

"and we community gave negative points to such decision. Thats a clear message from us. "

YOUR OPINION = COMMUNITY OPINION? Cause I see plenty of people disagreeing with you, who are those people, not in the community?

Seriously step down from your high horse.
Hi, don't get me wrong -.-

And yes, create a poll asking if the decision was right, take your conclusions after. By reading the whole topic i can conclude MOST people disagrees. I don't need to step from a high horse, i shouldn't even care actually since i have more important stuff to care about right now... but seriously, this is just a game.. being professional or following the rules was wrong in this specific case.

This was meant to be a "example cup", if yes, the conclusion to the outsiders might not be that great.. the coverage was great, etc, but without a proper ending everything seems like meaningless...same applies to latest EC...

tbh i don't wanna keep feeding you, the decision was made, nothing can be done now so lets drop the whine.
lol so lame
I said 400+ viewers..
There is currently 4157 views
till now awsome coverage rly
and now pure bullshit ...
well done ...absolutly stupid
Oke I forfeit cancer queens in EC then for not showing up, np top 3 ec
They are probably getting the forfeit haha
e-drama I'm not involved in, wtf
Indeed, snoop! Need to pull yourself together
ET needs these dramas once in a while.
Shame that the tournament had to end this way. I couldn't be as active as I would've wanted to be in organizing the cup through out the tournament so I don't have a clear idea of what happened within the last few days. So I am unfortunately not really able to comment on the case with the Grand Final. Anyway, atleast in my opinion it was great to see that most of the teams were able to follow the strict schedule, which made the tournament easier to follow and all the coverage we had possible.

Personally I'd love to have a clear structure like this for every tournament and not another tournaments like EC where all the decisions seem to be made rather randomly and never stay on schedule. When people know the rules and dates in advance it is equal and fair to everyone. Even a forfeit is better than the final being played weeks after it was supposed to be played.

Huge thanks to Baggiez for organizing the tournament and putting in tons of hours writing all the coverage!
Vote Baggiez for CB Admins! But seriously cb needs new admins :D thats a reason why ec isnt successfully now
there should be open application after OC season, maybe you can convince Baggiez to apply :)
Well imo was a great tournament to watch, for us, ettv users.sad you had to finish it in this fucked up situation
fuck the police

Well, that was an anti-climax.

Back to skyrim...
enchant + destruction = endless mana :)
I started a char and I've dabbled a few levels of archery, stealthy daggers and magic. Can't settle on a favourite to play through the game as.

Your thoughts please.
I havent tried Archery since it looked like Oblivion = picking up arrows all the time, though its a lot more fun to shoot arrows in skyrim. I decided to go for heavy mage play. After going up to lvl 20, I read through a list of hints and tips and I restarted last night, again as a mage but with a better idea of where I want my perks to end up :)

I started out playing expert, but after I fought one guy for over an hour to kill him I decided to lower it to master. I dont use fast travel, I dont use weapons :) Yes, its a challenge. Mostly tricking the AI into doing stupid things and emptying my mana and rechargining it. Thats why I'm going for endless mana mage as described in one of the hints on this list:

The build I'm trying is this:

Basicly, I started flaming my prison buddy before sneaking past the bear. I did this for about 45 mins while watching TV. The reason its so efficient is since you aren't considered in combat, meaning your mana charges faster, much faster then if you were in combat. If you do it just before sneaking past the bear the guy will even stand still or come running to you.

I'm now leveling my destruction / restoration / enchanting mostly, trying not to level too much in other areas. Master difficulty doesnt allow much room for fast leveling smithing etc, since you need combat skills to survive.

I hope to start enchanting my destruction gear tonight, and hope to build up a never ending mana spamming mage as soon as possible :) I might actually turn the difficulty up to expert if I get it working.

Also check out this list of mods, im only using the Borderless Window for fast ALT+TAB.

And this, if you havent seen it yet
I found a trick with Lydia where I accidentally stabbed her in the back with my dagger for like, 4 damage, and I got a skill-up, and she didn't do anything about it. So I tried my luck a bit more ... no retaliation as long as you wait 5s every now and then.

I skilled my sneak up to 50+ and had 15x backstab. It was great for 1/1000 occasions that I could 1-shot someone but once in combat against a few mobs it seems absolutely worthless, which made me re-think my assassin/stealth char. I know I only toyed with it for <30 minutes, but I kinda made my mind up already.

Any thoughts on that?

(I read the magic business which seems pretty awesome)
I didnt like the idea of npc and left Lydia with that punk Jarl the Greatest. The whole sneaky gameplay didnt appeal to me either, though I might get the silence casting perk to get some 3x modifiers.

Turn up the gameplay difficulty if you dont have a challenge tbh.

Turn off the in game mouse smoothing.

Turn on subtitles. So you can ENTER through conversations.

Btw, didnt you love fallout 3? Its the same game tbh.
Made a journal!
100 smithing you say?
so many oldschool nerds came here just to read and comment on this! wooooooo

no worries squall , we ll get 3on3 and 4on4 master icon for you, its more impotant anyways!
wtf, I got masters icon already on 4on4!
well another one with me <3
how come i expected this to happen when i read in the announcement of the tournament that dates are forced...
Planning a tournament that involves a ton of people including players,casters and organizers around the holiday shedule of one person is just ridiculous as fuck and shows how much this community is dependent to one person.

And as usual Baggiez starts with some awesome work and then fucks it up.


EDIT: I wouldnt mind seeing Baggiez or Twidi as CB-Admins though.
bending the rules => not giving equal justice for all
sounds good but the game is on a whole other level now
bla bla bla. video game bla bla bla very very important bla bla bla.

At least you got a lot of comments on the newspost!!! Unfortunately only on the newspost with all the "drama".
I guess a lot of people weren't really following bfb until this happened.
topteams are a joke nowadays anyway, look at EC finals and so on, no discipline and totally take admin-leniency for granted. if tonight could be rescheduled due to someone being unable to make it (Night watching football? :D) what's to stop one of these 12 players doing some other trivial (not to call online gaming serious) activity that they can do anytime rather than just respecting the fact that 11 other guys may have canceled plans that night to get this over with (lets be honest, you can watch a football match anytime after it was played, he could watch the replay the same fucking night).

being strict in an ET cup, long overdue.

edit: enough of people saying ET is dead anyway. can think of worse shit than this that happened years ago and ET is still here after that.
I guess u didnt read anything.
It's a free game, so it will never die
Hahahahahahahahahaha! AMAZING GUYS, AMAZING GUYS!

Amazing.. best competition ever!
why so drama?
isn't it just a forfiet for one game?
didn't queens had to win twice too win the cup?
so don't you have a war to play?
Interesting motion!
good point :o
Actually, Berlin would never be conquered through forfeit.
The fact that a team has managed to win this by forfeit as a complete embarassment to the game and community. Especially because this was supposed to be the tournament to kick some life back into the game. It's the last game of the tournament, delaying this match wouldn't have had a knock-on effect on any other games.

Scrap the forfeit and have these 2 teams arrange a match to get this tournament finished truly and properly.
No Seanza as admin, No win.
Haha, not at all! I just think the schedule could be a little more relaxed now that it's the final game. Not too relaxed, but some movement for teams is good.
Impact cowards once again, don't fight but instead hand victory away.

Isn't the first time and it won't be the last.
Let's make love and not war guys. Peace to all. It was very good tournament with very good coverage. It is a shame that it had to culminate this way but let us not remember the bad things, but the good things :)
Close match, but as always the best team won. Congratulations Queens
Anyhow, the admins could have solved the problem easy. But thats baggiez decision if he wants to ruin he cup were he prolly spend most of his time on.
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