ET Reborn LAN 2015

It's been a while since ET has seen any sort of notable LAN action. The last event being Adroits LAN where One Pound Fish took the win. In order to bring some LAN action back, we've decided to give it another shot and this time with a 6on6 and 3on3 ET offline tournament.

image: RebornNoBG68

Read on for all the available information at this time.

Dates: 17 - 19 April 2015
Entry 6on6: €65 per person
Entry 3on3: €35 per person
Entry 6on6 & 3on3: €90 per person

Money raised from sign-ups will be used for the following:
  • Rent of location thursday-sunday;
  • Location staff for catering, maintenance etc.;
  • Rent of PC's and monitors (player's do not need to bring their own);
  • Prizepool.

6on6: 2.000 (based on the raise from sign-ups)
3on3: 750 (based on the raise from sign-ups)

General tournament information
Based on the tournament having 16 teams per format, the structure will be 4 groups of 4 teams followed by a full 8-team playoff bracket on day 2 and 3. The event will take place on Friday the 17 of April until and Sunday the 19 of April 2015.

In order for the tournament to go ahead, we will require a minimum of 14 teams for both formats to be signed up and fully paid.

Venue details
The game hall is located in the wzzrd cafe located in the Dutch town Enschede which is the same place as where the Adroits LAN was hosted. We will probably have 30 computers available for use, 24 of which will be used as tournament computers with 6 being on reserve in case of faults.

The location is very accessible via all taxis, busses and trains. Full travel guide will be published in a later stadium.

My team is interested - what should I do?
Private message myself or Sebhes here on crossfire before the 25th of January with the following information:
- A team name;
- Lineup;
- Which format(s) you are interested to participate in.

Me and Sebhes will be contacting teams ourselves as well and hopefully we will find enough interested teams.

Another LAN is now in the ET scenes hands, there are the teams and players for this to be a very enjoyable event so lets not drop the ball! Get proactive if you wish to attend!

If you wish to contribute to the LAN by a donation, we would be very grateful! Donations will be used for the following (depending on the amount of sign-ups):
  • Used to cover the cost of location/renting PC's and monitors;
  • Used to increase the prizepool.

As stated in this thread all payments will go via bank. If you wish to donate you can do so by sending it to this IBAN:
IBAN NL38 RABO 0301 1748 65 in the name of T. Bakker
In the description please add: donation [ nickname you are recognized with ]

Or you can donate via Paypal too by clicking on the image below

image: donate_hand

List of people who contributed by donating to the LAN
Germany cutee
Germany Rayzed
Netherlands Ronner
Estonia schnee
Poland zAAba
Anonymous 3x Anonymous

image: facebook Facebook

List of teams who are interested:
Poland LoCkheed
Europe TBA
Europe TBA
Europe TBA
Europe TBA
Europe TBA

Belgium Azur
Belgium Buzzer
Germany laNgo
Europe TBA
Europe TBA
Europe TBA

Austria hal
Germany mo
Germany cokeser
Germany lagg3r
Germany hirdhor
Germany stripfire

Netherlands aphesia
Netherlands Lightning
Europe TBA
Europe TBA
Europe TBA
Europe TBA

Poland blk
Poland dialer
Poland Frag'Stealer
Poland lesti
Poland zMk
Poland TBA

If you wish to confirm that you and your team are 100% sure about going to the LAN, please fill in this form.

Amount of teams needed for the LAN to happen: 1

Confirmed 3on3 teams who will attend the LAN
Netherlands Freddy
Finland Rsp
Finland smakt

Netherlands cobra
Netherlands reVo
Netherlands stib

Poland Baczo
Poland Pablo
Poland Sinnsyk

Germany Ava
Germany symbol
Netherlands Testi

Finland Ethic
Finland Jacker
Finland SR

France Bowler
France didi
France KareN

Germany FiREBALL
Germany KRESTi
Germany stRay

Netherlands Bossah
Netherlands mAxwell
Netherlands Thomm1e

Netherlands Sebhes
United Kingdom Shaman
Finland Sherclock

Confirmed 6on6 teams who will attend the LAN
Netherlands Freddy
Finland Rsp
Norway Sinche
Finland smak
Finland Swanidius
Netherlands woott

Poland Sinnsyk
Poland Baczo
Poland Pablo
Poland NRG
Poland Seigen
Poland TBA

Germany Ava
Finland Caej
Hungary Sebi
Germany sPECULA
Turkey symbol
Netherlands Testi
Europe TBA

Poland Abject
Poland BloOdje
Poland hunter
Poland jiN
Poland meehow
Poland WuT

Belgium dAv1d
Belgium eron
Belgium ViKO
Germany Kenji
Europe TBA
Europe TBA

Germany drago
Slovenia JaKaZc
Estonia Nait
Austria potter
Netherlands Ronner
Germany urtier

Finland Ethic
Finland Jacker
Finland SR
Finland TBA
Finland TBA
Finland TBA

France Blade
France momo
France talG
France TBA

Belgium aieuh
France Bowler
France didi
France KareN
France kartez
France ReturneR

Finland Matias
Finland olBaa
Finland twidi
United Kingdom sqzz
Netherlands hayaa
Iceland phyZiC

Germany Bl4d3
Germany FiREBALL
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany KRESTi
Germany sTOWNAGE
Germany stRay

Belgium chry
United Kingdom razz
Europe TBA
Europe TBA
Europe TBA
Europe TBA

Netherlands 7ele
Croatia Arma
Netherlands Sebhes
United Kingdom Shaman
Finland Sherclock
Portugal Sner
How do you reckon you will reach the minimum required amount of signups for either format, given that the recent online cups (point and case the current crossfire cup) can't even reach these numbers?

Also, is there an estimated prize pool for the top3 placements of the 6on6 bracket?
1st place takes adze's cfg (priceless), other will have to be satisfied with some prizepoll.
We have been speaking to several person who are capable of creating a team for such an event and we noticed a surprisingly amount of teams who are potentially interested. I think teams who have left the scene are willing to make their comeback for this. The main reason we need a certain minimum is to cover the costs.

Estimated prize pool for 6on6 is €2000 and for 3on3 is €500.
Assuming somehow you get 16 teams for 6on6, lets say half of those players play 3on3. How are you going to cramp 2 seperate tournaments into 2 days? All other ET lans already had massive delays with one 6on6 tournament. Players can't play 3on3 and 6on6 game at the same time so you'd have to schedule around double games? edit: you wouldnt even be able to run them seperately at the same time with the lack of PC's available? even more curious as to how you plan to have a 3on3 and 6on6 team going in 2 days if people sign up for both
24 PCs would pretty much mean that 8(3o3) teams could play at the same time, so that would go much faster...

There were players playing QL tournaments before at LAN...
there were QL tournaments before but they had a seperate set of pc's available. 30 PC's probably about half what is set up at wzzrd. the ql+et tournament had all pc's at the venue available if I remember correctly.

That still doesn't take away the fact that 6on6 players can sign up for the 3on3 aswell and they can't play at the same time. So you'd need a separate day for the 3on3 tourney atleast even with 8 pc's.

if by ql players you mean at the time i think mAus owzo and some others, that was a very small 1on1 tournament they cramped into free time. gl with that with a full 3on3 tournament.
Yeah kinda agree. first day 3on3 tourney and then the next 2 days fully 6on6. would be good but is wzzrd place trustworthy? hasnt tthere been problems in the past if i remember correctly?
Don't think the problem would be wzzrd, but looking back at all the delays ET tournaments have had with people setting up, playing till 3/4am in the nightand then having to up at the venue again at 10 in the morning because youhad no clue if you had to be there early or not because the brackets where made on the fly
well i dont understand people who take so long to setup their things, ive always been plug n play. dont get how can it be so hard to adjust ur shit n just get the shit going.
most of the time the issue was to fix the settings on PC that someone was playing before you, drivers, brightness, windows sens etc etc.
but the things you just listed, doesnt rly mean it takes ages to get them all fixed. that is pretty much very fast thing to do. takes u like 2-4mins. not 15-60mins
just read what kresti said, happens a lot tbh, atleast from what i heared.
Takes some time to get rid of old ones and then they start installing own stuff cuz 450hz in mouse not good enough, 500hz needed.

And there is also Frag`Stealer who pretty much types his cfg in <3
hey olbaa! i had the same i always plugged in and everything was fine except for one lan.nothing worked and it came out that those guys who played cod before "Guess it was cod" fucked the pc up when they were mad and didnt pass groupstage.So they had to install windows new on the pc and there was the delay.

Also alot of guys i heard had the same issues with et being to "old" for those computers, and using tons of settings and tons of autoexecs... that didnt work.
but mostly it was about mad kids fucking up pcs for others :P

so for every1 reading that comment here and is going to attend the lan remember do deinstall every shit that is installed :p

my 5 cents here combined with shit english
well those r some radicall things you r mentioning but for an ET only lan, there shouldnt be such a delays but im not whining about it, obviously shit happens n sometimes it takes longer to get the shit done. but yeah ive been to lan twice and i do remember there was shitloads of different razer/steelseries w/e drivers installed in windows n some other autoexec bullshits that people forget to fix (delete) after the games. but that doesnt take long :) you gonna go kresti?!
ye theres also something randomly happening with people and setting up ET

ye pretty sure iam going with highbot :D
Who's going with HighBot, kresti ?
cant tell you yet :p
hehe kay :)
fireball weak hummel? :D
You hadn't been in lan organized by Sebhes
LAN will last 3 days, starting on Friday. Tournament schedule will be made in a later phase when we have more concrete information about the amount of teams that have signed up. Some people from whom I spoke to weren't interested or able to create a 6on6 team, only a 3on3 team. Another reason is that we have to find a way to cover the costs and by including a 3on3 tournament besides a 6on6 tournament we improve the changes of the LAN to find place.
I'm not even thinking about the costs, just the scheduling seems impossible with two tournaments.

6on6 12 teams in groups of 3:
You have 24 pc's available (6 reserves), that means 4 teams can play at once so you can only play 1 group at a time. Let's say you need ~2 hours of time per match(depending on if you allow draws in groups), plus lets say 30 minutes of setup time+ 2 hours x 3 is 6,5 hours per group. times 4 groups = 26 hours just for groups. Brackets are even more horrible because even if you play the upper part of the whole bracket first all the way you still have to swap people around because of lack of pc's. Then do the same thing all over for the lower part of the bracket. Probably smarter maths peoples on here than me to do the math exactly but let's say you need atleast another 30 hours for that. In 3 days I don't see where you plan to accomodate that 3on3 tournament, especially if people sign up for both and you can't run it at the same time.

( i can be wrong on some of the math parts, it's far from my strongest point. but you get the idea)

edit: I'm all down for an ET LAN and I'll attend if the dates are good for me for sure as a spec or a player. But just being realistic scheduling wise, the last lans already had trouble fitting a 6on6 tournament into 3 days, I think you have less pc's available and plan to do a side tournament aswell to cover funding, simply don't see how you plan to do it :P
Yes, I understand what you are trying to say. Last LAN had the same amount PCs: 24 PCs (6 reserves). I'm happy to hear that you are interested in an ET LAN. We will try to come up with a decent schedule. If you have any suggestions for now, feel free to share them with us.
also Sebhes take care of some teams if its possible that play for example at 02.00 their last match and dont need to attend at 09.00 at the lan center already... we had that with pdeg or AoW alot of times while other teams had their last match at 16.00cet and on the next day at 12.00 was quite weird :D..
It doesn't seem fair to me, having these situations as a team. We will do our bests to avoid/eliminate these situations as much as possible. Thanks for your feedback.
Just a thought we shared with froxe, why not try to get in touch with Splash Damage to help you out somehow?
They refused or they are involved?
We need more information. Then they will get involved.
Did you contact them via fb/mail or through someone?
Wanted to send some information to them.
Thanks for the suggestion. We are in touch with Splash Damage. They first wanted to have some info on paper before deciding whether to support.
Available for the poker tournament.
I heard rumours that esSe is going to win the poker tournament :D
We can do illegal one besides ET
Doesn't have to be illegal, there's no entry fee. You're simply "renting" a chair.
it'll be omaha
Hosted by herbal and the grand prize is 4 bags of bananas guaranteed!
see u there
Alright !
10-12th is okeish
uuuh, nice
time to pracc
"Based on the tournament having 16 teams per format, the structure will be 4 groups of 4 teams followed by a full 16-team playoff bracket on day 2."

What is the point of playing a group stage if all 16 teams will proceed to playoffs anyway? Seeding tournament before the LAN runs the same purpose and if you want to ensure all teams more games than just the group games, run a consolation tournament for those who didn't make the playoffs.

Also like adeto mentioned before me, running two different tournaments with mostly the same players in them will likely create you lots of extra trouble. I don't remember participating any LAN where the scheduling would've gone smoothly as planned and I don't think that it's very likely to happen this time either. Personally I'd either fully drop the 3on3 tournament or at least not allow people to play in both tournaments.
Suggestions are always welcome. We will do our bests to come up with a decent schedule that make sure all the matches are played within a reasonable amount time. Schedule is not final and we can change this if it increases the chances to have a successful tournament.
I heard Canada Tomun just put his car on Craigslist to finance his trip.
120hz monitor ?if so would definitely make FrancePHARAONS come back for this
e:winner , seeds online -> 4 groups of 4 , 1st and 2nd go to winner playoffs , 3rd 4th go to looser tournament would be great
I'd just go there and steal one if there would be 120hz monitors.

Lows can't handle the 60/75hz hahahahaa
I've got my internship (march->june) so i cannot :(
but if the others folks are still around i would be glad to watch u on ettv :D
didnt have time to read

nazi admin are on fire


we bring da ladies in ur bunker is dat ok?
Ill get you a lady in your bunker, pinkypromise xx
I'll squeeze my fat lady into ur tight bunker baby
pay for my ticket!!
no ticket needed we use rafek's truck as usual we can pick u up
niceee!! I'll be waiting then!
need a team with some nice LAN support :P
avi for lan:)
Just run a 5v5 tournament more teams, and screw the 3o3
If I'd go, I'd most probably just get beat up by the ETscene by being such a dickhead online.
Sebhes: Does the signup income cover the costs of a bodyguard for me?
I heard sw1ruz is available, €300 per day
Personal bodyguard is already included in the entree fee!
Are you going to be it?
another lan I can dodge <3
Dodging implies that anyone expects you and your unbrushed teeth to show up
was at CGS with mah lovely brushed teeth
Hello Robert!

My mate, aDman saw your comment and he told me you are good friends. If you accept back-up position I can offer you a place in our professional team. Leave these kids, play with us. Alllleeee urwal!
Baczyna back to ET gaming? I doubt that, he's too busy with liking bodybuilding related stuff on FB
Baczyna RAPES.
upload, wassabi and me allowed ?
I would rly love to see u guys there :D and see ur muscles at the same time
keep dreamin'
if timbo allow us to play u will.
only if you take azpiliqueta
he took permanent vacation, sorry.
Set the date of the event to 10th - 12th of April to have more clearness for the teams.

edit: Teams who sign up may give a preference date. Final date will be chosen based on these votes.
HIGHBOT coming :))
dann trinken wir mal ein..
aufjden brate
Brilliant! Best of luck guys:)
Oh Sebhes :D Once you'll sit there bitching about the time wasted with organising you'll remember: I warned you :P

gl with it though
85€ andn i can fuck some of you guys? deal?
BUT WHERE THE FUCK IS THE MONEY FROM THE LAST LAN :D from that fat fuck of a seanza
Invested at the Mac
didn't he go to Portugal or w/e after the lan? ":D"
if you trust seanza you're a fool :P
you have the money, dont you???
avi and reliable + better than most noobs still playing this game !1
Lets do this !
need 4 more :P
sorry no turks policy
I will try to revive mQ if this tournament is going official :-)
It goes easier official if you gather your team and say you are coming for the lan :p
are you planning to go there mate? i could ask arrow as well 8 : ]
Highly doubt it, going to africa again in 2 days for 1 month, blowing enough money for that :P
Money is only numbers, just think of good memories you will have at lan bro
True, but I want to go on vacation aswell this summer :P
Hi Netherlands Diablo2Domi
Its Diablo3 by now! :D And even csgo /O
how can u play d3.. i was so dissappointed on it, when i realized there is even no fucking way you could actually fuck up your build, the whole collecting set items lost its meaning on it, didn't like the difficult system on it, classes are booring (meaning the build system, when you can have all the builds on one character and change it how ever you like and there is no need to build new chars for different build) aaaaaaaand what else...
Rifts and getting the perfect gear. Yes, its not as good as d2 was/is (I fucking miss doing baal runs or torches). Its a decent new game, and funny/interesting in its own way.
Well I understand, and yes it's playable, but it's more like a reboot from d2 not an actual sequel in my opinion :( they destroyed it, I like Path of Exile more for this particular reason, don't have any friends to play it tho so it's getting boring also :<
Path of exile indeed offers a wider variation of fun, but D3 is getting a lot better with all the new patches. Its really testing your imagination and skills/tech of the game, and ofcourse RNG god
Guess I'm an elitist, I have always liked games which are more hardcore on their _basic_ system and not some things you can do if you like, meaning rifts. I'm crying cause console games are nowadays made for retards, don't need much of a thinking to play those games. Playing ps2 games from time to time or old pc games, feeling so lost cause the game doesnt tell you right away where to go and what to do xd welcome to 2015 where games play themselves and there is no need for gameplay and thinking anymore
Sadly, this is true. There are so few games that are still challenging. I played shadows of mordor and thought it might prove challenging, but even while having 6 captains at once was a complete utter joke. The only games I would say are difficult are: Dark souls 1/2, Might & magic series(Not heroes)(avoid 10 imo, they are old games 1996, but are fucking awesome rpg/turn based). Those are honestly the only games I could come up as "Difficult"
Yeah dark souls idd, i havent had the money to buy the dark souls 2 yet but enjoyed the first one, played it 4 times and have a dex guy with 160lvl or so.. Not so interested on might & magic series tbh.. Atm playing metro 2033: last light on hardest and on the mode you can not see your bullets nor health, but that aint challenging either and a big minus with it is the game is a lot worse by atmosphere than the first one -__________- Only Assasin's Creed series have taken my intress nowadays (excluding dark souls) but only for the thrilling story though
grifts become utterly pointless once you realize nothing but RNG stops you from beating it. I could solo 43 on both my DH and Wiz but would fall short by mere seconds up to 15minutes at times just because of RNG. 4 manning is just as pointless, oh hey let's get a tiki doc and just perma fear everything while a monk pulls em together. There's no actual skill involved, as it shouldn't because blizzard fucked up with their scaling, but that's another story entirely.
I enjoyed d3, for a while, but once you reach a certain point (i'd say around the time you solo 40's), everything becomes pointless. Speed running rifts for that 1%? Grifts for.. a 2% upgrade chance? Meh.
Theres a reason I dont play it anymore ;)
idd, got bored of it after like two weeks xd

best money investment i ever had.
jij bent elke dag al op vakantie #noor
Hahaah. Men vakantie begint bijna ;-)
Nijmege01 and Amnesia!!
only the lineup with kitty counts as official
Who the fuck is that?
a mummy just like Aquila :^)
What does that mean?
I would be available for a team to play this (Tell me until 31 of January so I can get vacation days :)
Hope to see you there Kenji :P
Hopefully we do :)
nTerror, TAG, mental's team, cat in a hat

there are shitloads of teams who are in need of players
Turbot ready me,vokki,Statti,walle,need 5th and 6th. Preferably Finn. Q here coz I'm not irc
Quote. Q here coz I'm not irc

mant&raul avi
mLG will be there, biggz you better start saving some money for this
Lan location too far flying much money fooo
If biqqz actually gonna do this,I'm converting to Islam.
Just bought an apartment, poorer than a UK based, polish cleaner now!
ava, symbol, kitt, testi, wrath and 6th will be ready to beat up some bobikas and reQuiems
InnerSense is ready

image: captain
RTCW AND IM IN will sponsor you ! ;P
still using it every day mate <333

make the 3on3 or 1on1 tournament 1day event with playoff bracket only, no losers bracket. Force longer skill maps for each stake untill the final where you can pick your own map. There will be many players with big egos like myself thinking they can win. it can start at like 6-10pm and end 3-4am.

e: Make it 2on2 tournament with mp_sillyctf (the best map ever). like this:

6on6 or 5on5? I prefer 5on5, there is a lot more action in that format, also gotta aim hard and not to selfkill to longspawns :D. But yeah it's gonna be 6on6.
5on5 alot better!
I would also prefer 5on5 but since 6on6 is played these days I guess there isnt option :(
"e: Make it 2on2 tournament with mp_sillyctf (the best map ever)"

Best idea on the last day of the year, good job Matias !
aim only rambo player lol
Good luck guys :) should be good, Happy to give any infos regarding issues and scheduling I ran into being involved in running some LANs.

Also should be good to stream a lot of the games if needed, would be happy to do 3on3 also if no one else was avi :) might have a small idea in terms of raising extra prize money - I guess that would be dependent on sign ups though.

PS one thing, imo do NOT do reduced sign up if people sign up to both 3on3 and 6on6. I doubt getting 3on3 players will be a problem if you have 6on6 players - better to have more prize pool for both =)
You should walk into the Splash Damage office with a bucket full of shit and just shout:"Bitches ET lan incoming, stop working on your lil shit games and support the good one you've made

And I need a fokin flight support so I can stream from Enschede, yolo take dat shit in the wall"
image: N62VA
would prefer the money went to the prize pool :) I dont need to be at the lan to stream - if anything easier from home overall (lan centre inet is I remember if not that amazing :P)
avi for this probally ^_^
lol bro imma be in new york then :s maybe I can come a day or two
Avi to scam the community
full swedish team is going to win it!
csgo bitch
Hmm hmm. Hmmmmm.
Last time u sponsored mind to the lans! This time my turn!
_tomi too. We'll see this time, try to catch me drunk on PC :D
That is not hard!
If u Sponsor, id come :P
double dutch dragons will attend
We'll attend too !
hahahahahhahahahahah... ET lan ... ahahahahahhahahaha,,, in 2k15... hahahhahahAHAHAHAHHAHAHA.

seriously, this made me cry. And some actually belive it will happen.
Me and Sebhes will play 1on1 lan just to make it happen and screw you
stop being so nazi, nazi?
14 teams minimum.. don't see this happening but in the unlikely event that this goes ahead I'll probably attend
This is why we need teams to be proactive and make sure they can attend.
Make a list with confirmed signups so people can see how many people are actually attending, with all the previous attempts at LANs I can imagine a lot of people thinking 'meh cba won't happen anyway' but maybe if they see an actual list that shows how close you are to actually making it happen they might want to put some extra effort in.
gl with that
Polaks killing ET, scared of LAN :S
well, CGS says hi lolololololo :D but I guess it wasn't a "notable" lan (hehe sebhes) so thats the point too
I have a question regarding the prize pool & sign up fee. I think it's quite a lot of money to pay (personally I don't feel like paying 65 euro for getting raped in 3 games). What's the point of having a prizepool? Isn't this just for old times sake? I'd say make the sign up fee the costs it'll cost you to organise the LAN and leave the prizepool behind. That way I think more people will sign up.
Trust me. People will not attend if there is no prizepool involved. We're approaching sponsors for extra finances. If we do get sponsors, this means we can either lower the sign up fee or increase the prizepool.
People are idiots
Yep, whole ET lan experience would be enough for me
low teams are the sponsors. pay money to play 3-4 games and then disappear leaving 65 euros behind.
In Seanza's edition all teams were sponsors.
Consolation bracket is a good solution for this :)

Top two teams of the group go to playoff bracket, bottom two to consolation bracket. That way all the teams get about the same amount of games.

Removing prizepool would definitely decrease the level of competition and I think it might even decrease the amount of sign ups.
Decrease competition, maybe. However maybe I didn't quite understand the meaning of this LAN but I thought it was just for fun and giggles to reminisce old times. I didn't know we were gonna go full geek and take it serious.
I don't see how a more competitive tournament with higher skill level takes anything away from the fun part. I've been to quite a few LANs and only seen very few teams that have come there with a serious attitude just to win the tournament. Majority of people go there to have fun and meet people, but also enjoy the competition.

Personally I can say that every LAN trip I've made has been a blast and each time I would've probably played better in the tournaments if I went there with just the games and competition in my mind (read: not getting wasted to the point of being ridiculed by the whole community). However I wouldn't travel to NL from Finland just for a regular meet up with ET guys, because it wouldn't be nearly as special as it is when you also get to compete.

edit: Also if you just want to come there to have fun and meet people, you don't have to pay the 65€ anyway. Assuming that spectating is going to be free this time too, you can just come there for the fun and giggles without having to pay any entrance fee.
I went to the LAN a few times to play and once to spectate. It's such a different feeling being part of the LAN and playing at it. You feel like "one of the guys". I thought spectacting was completely lame. I never had a shot at winning the prize money, but that didn't matter at that time because ET was my hobby. However now I'd pay a fee to compete but not to sponsor the serious gamers.

But hey maybe you're right and more people feel like it's necessary to have a prizepool.
Or pay to support ET? :>
but the question is if we have time for that 7-8 meaningless consolation tournament games.
If you fuck off the 3on3 tournament then for sure, but if people sign up for both, they get to play more games, no?
Obviously time and available PCs are a limited resource you need to plan and calculate carefully, but the consolation tournament definitely wouldn't be meaningless to those guys who know they most likely won't make the playoffs and don't want to pay 65€ just to play the 3 group stage games
But.... ET is death?! image: V3OHQVQ
so laQ no attenderoni? :o
Online only. Ist eh keiner mehr da. ^^
is mir auch viel zu teuer dafür...
Ja, ohne die anderen wär es eh nicht das selbe. :)
good old #alpha
Allein die matchup threads auf gamestv, so much whine.
Dates: 10 - 12 or 17 - 19 April 2015

lololo et lan on my birthday?
Well buy your team a birthday cake if you attend the LAN
make it happen on that date and i'll buy you and sebhes some edammer
hope this will work out timbo<3

gl to everyone
What is your plan with local servers?
Have you discussed prices with wzzrd?
Are you fully aware that wzzrd has like 8 pcs now and their desks are longer in the building?

Good luck. Any more questions you have fire them my way
DoubleDutch Dragons arrange the local servers.
We have discussed prizes with Wzzrd.
Wzzrd has no more PC's in their building, we rent them from another company. They have enough chairs and desks to facilitate us.
What about someone with the knowledge to relay to ettv and set all that shit up?
Have wzzrd set a minimum amount to be spent behind bar to have the place subsidized?
- ymca'marcus
-finns care about bar stuffs
In - need 5 players to make a team and to eventually and inevitably...... come 4th... again.
Oh gosh. Here we go again. You got all hyped up, will force me to spend my evenings with you nerding this game only to inevitably ditch me again for months or years at a time upon the realization that this is very likely not going to happen. Why do you play with my feelings like this????
God no. Sightings of me are becoming even more rear. My laptop can barely handle google chrome let alone ET...
But, the rear is exactly where I'd want to see you from.
"Sightings of me are becoming even more rear."

Imagined all sightings of you being people looking at your butt #nohomo
i bet youre going to attend..
gL steve-o! <33
for insa and shit
image: cMhS0A7
are anyone even banned anymore?
nice to read
avi for the lan
red ma mit ava.
Hungary underscore is not attending. It's just Hungary Karrde trying to get some attention. It's the only way he might catch the attention of some of you on this website. Maybe beause he was lowskilled in this game for years, dunno.
So once again Hungary underscore is NOT attending. And please report Karrde for spreading bullshit.

edit: lol'd at the lineup, those two poles are the only known players Karrde ever got in touch with. How sad.

I know zero from efukt. I dont know if he was known in ET

Have a nice new year everybody, CB is restarting jan 1st!
high five attending for sure lineup:

ready for action:D
comeback is real
IM drink as fuck avi for lan u fucking morons wiill kicll everyone at lan wy kirwa cwele
QuoteIn order for the tournament to go ahead, we will require a minimum of 14 teams for both formats to be signed up and fully paid.

This won't happen. Good of you to try, though.
QuoteEntry 6on6: €65 per person
Entry 3on3: €35 per person
Entry 6on6 & 3on3: €90 per person

Does this mean if your 6on6 team wants to form two team to 3on3 they can do it both in entry fee of 25e? To clarify 'xD trickjump team 1 (me, seb and tam) and 'xD trickjump team 2 (eddo, tele and sner) all have to pay that lowered fee?
I'd assume that considering the entry fee is a per person fee and not a per team fee
You get a 10 euro discount for signing up to both it looks like.
The entry fee is a per person fee and not a team fee, like Enigma described. In your example this means that all of the guys you mentioned need to pay €90 to form one 6on6 and two different 3on3 teams. If only you seb and tam are interested in the 3on3 format, then eddo tele and sner only need to pay for the 6on6 format, which is €65.
They could just make over the money to team 2 right away, nobody beats eddo in 3on3
ik zie een pluspunt +.
Good luck!
Catinahat coming!

sebhes gonna have that beer then :)
I'm looking forward to drink that beer with you buddy :D
I think I wont see u clear there. You have promised to drink beers with like 56 guys now I would say

E: Also ardberg 10yo whisky with me if they have that there
Cu there.
gehst nur jff oder serious business?
serious business only
seit ja noch jünger als ich :P für serious business bin ich zu alt :(
glaub ich flieg da nur jff hin wenn es was wird
nö macht mal was seriöses dort D;
Ich habe 0 Zeit zu trainieren und habe nichtmal mehr einen Monitor zu Haus :-P. Bin unter der Woche ja immer unterwegs und abends in Hotels etc (mach so Beratungsspökes).

Wenn wäre es nur jff und auch nur wenn genug bekannte Gesichter auftauchen ;-)
Enschede ist ja nicht so weit von Köln.
cu there
cu haweii (c) aphesia

haha :D
free frikadellen for me ?
don't know much about the state of et community these days but seeing people try to make lans happen is nice. i hope i don't forget about it as i'd like to watch a game or two to remind myself of the good old days :D
Shut up :u
widze wpisany na liste na lana jestes a kurwa lana to widziales chyba jak matka transfer na neostradzie dokupila. #hejtciwryj
nie jestem mały skurwolu :D nienawiść.. taka piękna <3
how u doin, didnt see u for ages!
yeah well nothing extraordinary really :D working, trying to get my thesis done (diploma-punch is not effective) and xboxing quite a bit. never thought giving et up would be so easy as i don't really miss the game itself, just wish i could have a few more laughs with some particular guys but hey, this is what memories are for :D and how have you been?
damn that sounds great beside the xbox part :D (xbox sux)^^ I almost finished my study for toxicology/pharmakology and im playin a bit csgo and LoL with old et mates ercan, fizz, slyz and fuchs. I also thought it wouldnt be that easy to stop with et but everyone of my mates did that beside one (hi testi) so there was no reason to keep playin it eventho i miss the old good times in bsturz :P
this game and people met thanks to it will always give you feels. good job with your faculty, keep up the good work!
Sweden Disposable
I heard jonas will be playing too !
65 euro rotfl
I know, like half free ! :DD Would be no problem for me to pay 100e for this event :>
rifle avi
I heard sqzz will make a team with k0di so you can ask him
wanna share a bed again bbz? xkxoxoxo
ofc bbz its all i want to do xoxoxoxoxo
you don't wanna play, mate?
you going? :p
team craze coming.
would be nice! lu ?

ava testi me atm..
du hast einreiseverbot wegen deinem bart und deinen 200 brüdern :<
hab kein bruder und kein bart - irgendwie blamiert oder? mr wartesolangebiseingegnerkommt
aber tee und vorhaut ?
hagebutte und keine vorhaut..
SwedenFerus comeback!?
Nice effort, hope it'll really happen
avi for this /q
usb stickje meebrengen :')
merci, kging et bikan vergeten
only windows 7 sry gg bb
cya there thrashman
Germany RAMOz, Valar, zbr +3
lach nicht so fr3ch!
Ich lache nur über den Ramozz, spielt der Jung also immernoch?
spielen csgo, aber bei ner LAN ist der jung immer dabei
Silver 4 Flemming! Ruhe da!
Andre du pimmel! :) add mich mal, hab noch keine 10 gewonnen :DD
acc: ghanabanana
omg omg Ghana omg omg u remember me, zeh pilzboi? ;o
Haste fleißig gesammelt? :DDD

wie gehts dir? :)
Ich sammle seit neustem nur ausgewählte Gräser ;x
Joa, muss muss und dir? o;
geht irgendwie nicht!

adde den Star: ramozji! thanks gg bb
funzt auch nicht 8D
nice, lets hope for nice top teams! :)

edit: less entry fee & less cashprize for a less serious tournament and more ppl coming just to have fun
they need to ask this much, to pay for everything I guess.
well that prize pool for 6on6 is 5 teams' entry fee. they could reduce the prize pool and entry fee.
then I apparently don't understand the logistics of running a LAN :P
They have to pay the "rent", that's quite obvious :)
+ some additional stuff like their accomodation (admins wallet balance after organising lan has to be ~0 EUR)
ET LAN 2015
Polandhipster hitsu deleting comments, so hipster

BelgiumEDiT: needle medic avi for this
go back to the hole you crawled out from!
BRB installing ET.
LOL hi :D
vidm da si se kr ziv pa klele okrog mal :P
Aha lets make a comeback ;)
Now I can definitely die as a happy man.
Awesome! I hope it will come true! Will surely take my weekend to watch the games :)
I'd rape everyone 8)
Out of 7 teams interested. I'd say only 2 of those teams would possibly go. Wzzrd is too expensive and too far out for most people. Would be cheaper to rent a warehouse and a generator or two. As much as I'd like to see this happen I am almost certain you won't get 14 teams of each format. What is the deal Wzzrd are even offering? Seeing as that company is almost dead and buried they should be greatful that they have potential business turning up for they first time in 2 years.
The people listed are actually not real far from there so i guess more teams will be there.
But yeah no idea whats the deal with it but i guess its less work to organize it there :P
its not to expensive brah and its just 100-200km from germany
Its ~2000km from my hometown and I have counted that travelling costs me 300e and sleeping maybe 250e + game fee and eating and other shit. At best I make it with 800e but I have no budget obv. I am willing to pay this cause it might be last chance to have proper ET lan. Its not about the gaming itself but whole happening.
oh okay 2000km and 800e for a lan is to much in my eyes..
i wouldnt pay so much for a lan sherclock.. thats just possible for me cause its just 1-2h from here and its not 800e for me maybe 300-400e..

stay at home :p
Hehe, no man. You can't really put money tag for this kind of happening. I am only poor student at the moment and will have to take loan to join this party but it is worth it. I'm sure later on in my life i will have money for all kind of crap but nothing can compare to this event.
Quoteand will have to take loan to join this party but it is worth it.
Generally taking loan for living but 1000e goes for this trip i guess
ET seriouz buzzines
LAN in Estonia instead plz, instant success image: drinking-wine-smiley-emoticon
there have been many, many ET lans in Estonia. Havent seen any swedes nor fins attending :(
the border, yeah
550km for me though, living in Germany
eher Erlangen/Fürth/Nürnberg
I honestly cannot believe that even half of those people listed are even interested. I just think a hall with a generator would suit et a lot more than wzzrd which isn't even a gaming cafe anymore as they ousted their pcs. Charving over 1000euros a day to set up 25 pcs and more or less exclusively buy food and drink from the barir
I see 6 teams of which I'm sure they will attend tbh.. team eron & stray; catinahat; xD trickjump; tmoe; dragons (cuz tim confirmed)

And I've heard that ava will go with team craze & on every lan there's a team with Clown & friends..

Olbaa & the guys from Sweden (nuggan & co) might come as well..

We'll see..
Yep very promising I would say at this point. I also know one guy who promised to bring his own team possibly but I think it was weak promise rather than sure thing. They are all dutchies tho so shouldn't be that big moneyish issue.
We dont have to whine about the money compared to you :P
Hehe, yet im not whining :D Im glad if this is going to happen
let's hope people realize this is a last chance to do a lan :)
Awesome ! Avi for a team with lan support or a french project :D
lan support? come on man. :DD
I think he has to go for a french project
What ?! MGC don't support ET anymore ? :P
MGCs support games where they'll get a lot of hits etc, so where is the benefit to any MGC sending an ET team (6 players) to LAN? :P people who wanna go to LAN nowadays need to go with their own money, unless they've got amazing contacts.
Haha I was trolling, knew that ;-)
cu lan faggot, synergy will destroy you
it is possible tbh.. IF you are active in other games as well (read: popular $$$ games)
true there are players like RELOAd & Winghaven playing for fnatic and undoubtedly some other ex-etplayers playing for eSports teams in more popular games, but it's not really in anyone's interests ($$$) to resort back to ET, for the major part. :P we'll most likely need to create this LAN from the activity we currently have and with our own money.
Je passe te prendre ou quoi ?!
Soyons fou :D
^ Drops 15k on supply @ lan sponsor him
team of mummies who commented on this thread:

Belgium dAv1d
Finland Iron
Slovenia JaKaZc
Finland Matias
Malta toxic
Germany urtier

gg hello 2006
I love how you deliberately ignore potter.
potter isn't a mummy. :S he's a dynasaur!!

e: I actually didn't spot him commenting here
e: I actually didn't spot him commenting here

You overlooked the almighty and famous Potter, you have no idea how much you've hurt his ego.
good guy potter's feelings are still intact!
The Cortana one?
I thought Croatian flag is cr :(
Croatia danL, anyway he doesn't belong with those players
Danl high+ what u talking here bro. Bobika always right
Dunno why so anxious, he didn't say anything about skill at first :P
that list is of 6 players who were all either LAN/EC/NC winners during ET's peak years, there's no need to even mention skill. :P also where does anxiety fit into this?
I could actually think about taking a part in such project
If so, which lu?
<[CAN]shaun> why are you discrasing the enhanced name with that team -__-
Sponsor me and then we'll see.
hope you are better than on cs!!! cya m8!
im the best at cs anyway
this is the gayest name iver ever seen....

What about me? :'D I'd love to play one last time again with you guys
who is you? :P
quick skim of his profile indicates he's Tw1zZt
me and lars just had sexytime via facebook :O
Kom je ook Kevin :)?
Misschien als spectator, kan de vrijdag helemaal niet vrijmaken. Maybe!

Hopelijk geen frozen-in-smile-situaties deze keer.
Don't worry, ik neem deze LAN geen zwaar geschut mee :>
omg shut up you stupid fat yerman :S
Krijg nou tieten
EuropeerAse avi

United KingdomNips
Il est temps de briller
faces will be raped
<--- skilled avi for this
new defenition of skilled nowadays i guess :D
after a long discussion GermanyFear-Gaming might attend in the 3o3 tournament
so Ercan, FizZ and me
I know more when fizz know when he got his last exam
Need Jack Wolfskin to sponsor my team

btw who are all these pople posting in here? :(
beasty please.
"beasty please" .... Oh god this feels so nostalgic !!! So many lovely memories comming up !

Although it feels weird. I haven't been flaming for the last 5 (?) years? How do I do this ?
Sup dude been a while :P
Everything is well on my end :) I work as a group leader in a big manufacturing company, bought my dream car and will soon move with my girlfriend into our lovely new house. I am healthy and happy.. what else could you ask for ! ;-)

And how did I get here? ET and crossfire made me to what I am !
building better lives!!
Crossfire - A life shaping experience !
they're community members just like you (used to be)
That shit always works out... :D
Thanks a lot guys. We hit 10 sign-ups already and still counting! We'll do everything we can to get this LAN going.
u forgot one to add
bacardi team 3on3

- sw1ruz
- promen
- wassabi
- upload (optional)
Teams that want to sign up, please send me or timbolina a message with the following information:
- A team name;
- Lineup;
- Which format(s) you are interested to participate in;
- Prefered date the LAN should take place (10 to 12) or (17 to 19);

We'll only add teams that sign up by pm.

gl drago!

I doubt we are going there to win though :D
we neither just going to fuck up stray and make him wasted :D
Glad to see Ronner and urtier signing up!!! I would consider going if I knew big Ron was there :D
I'm counting on you, gotta borrow your mouse!
I'd love to go but I have to reason too. I doubt I'd play and timbolina is the one with teams money and I doubt he will give me money from the prize pool to turn up to lan and get stoned.
Of course I will be there. Why on earth would I miss this?
Because LANs are for nerds?
See you there!
If this lan goes ahead I will defiantly look at coming along for one last drink!
Netherlands Effectus (6on6) is interested:

Netherlands Aie
Netherlands cRackeR
Netherlands Efax
Netherlands iNsAne
Netherlands outlAw
Netherlands PHOTO
PM sturen, dan zet ik je er bij
lol ik heb nooit gezegt dat ik zou meegaan :D

Part of internet history is dead :( Original Rick Roll song removed due to copyright claims :<
I am avi for this, im on interrail on those dates, i could paly lan!!, /q satsel @ irc for more!

23 y old
very fun
ex fin best palyer
Satselin takukirja
yeah again some drinks at wzzrd :) i try to get again 6 guys for a team like the last two lans.... i can carry 3 guys by car from cologne :)
nicegl with it
Gl ronner!
U make a team!
gl with the lan :)
rifle avi :{D
You can come with kARnAJ and play with us (chry, PlAyer siL & me) if u like :-)
will ask him asap :)
ou sinon tu viens avec hugo, tu passes me prendre, on joue avec Buzzer et c'est tout
çà dépendra de la copine de Buzzer ... :D
Il a donc 4 mois pour trouver une copine voulant l'accompagner en LAN et de préférence, avec du monde au balcon!
tu as plus que parfaitement résumé la situation :)
see you at lan ?
comme si :D
le An7ho, le gay!
le aDman still alive ;DDD
:) and still gaying around!

think mr azur does not love me anymoar :(

how u doin bro?
like always :D

it seems so ^^

chilling around & just reinstalled ET for next LAN
for u my friend!

have fun there, maybe if some polish ppl will go there i will go with them, too lazy to go there by my own 8] i could show you how to drink vodka, cuz imma fucking alcoholic
come or i will stop loving you
fine, lets make a team then 8]
putain, enculer, le debile!

bonjour my friend, go die on aids :D
Fine lemme know sth
try to get mAus instead
he's busy with school :)
oh cmon :/ persuade him
avi as healer!
shhhhhheeeeeeeeeiiitt, we are back in time.
Avi if I will get at least two more
Anyone in need of a rifle?
</3 reunion?
That would be great haha
But no idea how to get in contact with Ica and Bigmassa haha
</3 reunion?
nice effort really!

great to see many teams signing up :)
Are you kidding with the name? This is ET, not Reborn. - _-
Fucking awesome, I wish I could go.

I am sure Fnatic can sponsor you to go!
It is not too late
Considering he's part of esports team for Battlefield I don't think he would be able to :D
if u go, I go ;)
Get going m8, we shall have a beer or two at the event.
Lets go!!! :P make a team!? :P
hahaha :D anexis?
image: VK3fVPo

Zie je daar, copain x
Go go go!!
zedde gij nie druk bezig me uw "leve" en uw meiske :_D
make muvi!
Lets go man :P
aMenti? Need crozz... :)
u still play?
rollin nubs eZ
loooooooooooool! :D daviiiiiiiiid
esto se puso bueno... espero q vayan wing :D
how does it taste? cu@lan
LETS GO? :D One last time!
Nice effort ! Good luck !
I can already see Tomun forming an NA team for this
he's too afraid to show his face
Open a donations function

Then when all teams are registered sell them to raise more money
Team United States of AmericaNA
United States of Americaipod
United States of AmericaHAYZAY
United States of AmericaThe_End
United States of Americajoker
United States of Americadetdet

Will be attending.
Attending to bash faces that is.
where is crono?
In Thailand.
Scared of being busted.
no rockstAr no win
bring pAuZ as-well
pauz quit pc games now, he got a girl friend and a job ha.
Good luck for this really hope this works out.

Too old for comeback thou :(
You are never too old to play this old game!
Poland avi for lan 100%, atm without ET 2nd month.
living in NL
Busted cheaters not allowed. :)
That Dragons lineup is a Joke or?
Are u a joke also or?
Sorry no offence, but Polish guys in NL wasnt in the past that succsesful or even there
that comment will surely land in someone's quotes section
go away ginger
tMoe did great at CiC7 (3rd place) and polagZ (with 4/6 polish players) at CC5 were a surprise from what I can remember
Dependson what succesful means, Polish people in NL are very succesful at getting drunk and driving people to death.

When comes to ET they had some decent final placements tbh :p
AVI FOR THIS! Comeback of the beast.
right... and no RTCW timbolina?? RtCW already showed some potencial in the previous cups and this is the first real lan i see since RtCW is active (u know what i mean)...

jst make like 6 teams tourn or smth... even if its just one day cup or smth im sure lots of these ET players would have some fun playing it as well.

I have no clue about that wizzard space but i supose it has space for all of us right? I belive RTCW players dont care that much about prize pools etc... i dunno maybe its just a mirage but i have this feeling that its possible. Way possible.


P.S. -> H2o will attend for sure
Why is it up to him to appease every random community? Run your own LAN.
random community??

take a look at this and tell me if its random... i dont know who you are and i dont even care but i suppose even you can recognize some names here.

RtCW was way more interesting then ET in 2014 and proved there is still a lot of interested ppl on it. If this admins dont want to organise it because they already have a lot of stuff to think they could, at least, try to find a 3rd admin to organize the RtCW part like merlinator or smth.

So unless there is no space enough for every one, i see no reason to not try the RtCW lan together with this one since there are a lot of ET players who played RTCW in the previous year.

And played a LOT...
Yes, random community, just like that other chucklefuck that wanted a CSGO tournament. I am sure you found the game you play more interesting than the game you don't play. Just like the admins find the game they play more interesting than the game they don't play. It's their LAN, and they can run it however they want. Logistically? It would probably be impossible to fit an RtCW LAN in the schedule.

You want one bad enough? Do it yourself. Don't burden others with your pipe-dream.
In theory RTCW teams could pay fees and that way easily getting 12-18 more pc's and they could run their own LAN. So in theory finding 3rd admin as osirisko suggests is not bad idea. Same fees assuming 6 teams would play means 6*6*60e= 2160e. I'm sure thats enough money for PC's and payment of using wzzard cafe electricity etc. But indeed this shouldn't be much of burden for ET LAN organizers but fully organized by someone else.

Anyways not up to me but sebhes and timbolina i guess. Maybe you should prepare a plan and show them what you got. :D Much easier to ask for something if you got some sort of scratch of an idea what you want to do instead of just suggesting things without anything to show.
Not enough space and time to do this.
But indeed this shouldn't be much of burden for ET LAN organizers but fully organized by someone else.

Nothing away from you and wzzard cafe can held 200 persons I thought.
would even be up for a 3v3 tourney!
Obv i would attend there lol but i need to know if it gonna happen or not soon, +1 osiris
image: overloadpwners


image: ronner
:DDDDDDDDDD pure gold
Let's do this!
Haha leef je nog ouwe pwner :p
den joeri
Oh god, not the llamas again xD
Sweden PiN is comming for sure!

Sweden GeT_RZZ
Sweden v4rest
Sweden zbrlareN
Sweden smerxita
Sweden Neiberg
Sweden ekslelele
Anyone knows what happened to Logica? Was looking into the accommodation options, but it seems like their website doesn't exist anymore and they've been removed from booking sites.
last lan was too much to them handle is my guess
Yeah I know all the options in the area, but Logica has always been the cheapest option so would've liked to see their prices first and compare to the others. But it seems like they're out of business.

Right now could get rooms from De Broeierd for pretty cheap, but it's non-refundable so don't wanna risk it in case the LAN doesn't happen. It's a great hotel (been there twice), but the normal room rates are quite high.
Fair enough
it is refundable.
less than 230e pp for 4 nights (3 twin rooms)
that De Broeierd one has beds that have double layered matresses though - basically you can take the top one off of both = 4 beds. Not strictly legit but ... :D makes the whole thing a bit cheaper.
we are trying to stay in Bad Boekelo again.
we paid for 3 nights 65 euro per person really cheap and we had a pool tho :D
Bad Boekelo was da shit (back when we were there, with swimmin pools etc :P)
ah fysik gl m8 :) hf rolling some nerds boy
I thought it's not 1st April today
bb team eron
wow I could have come :O but it's way too far from Amsterdam
gl with this i hope it will come true
id love to go , but AL1 IS MARRIED FFS
I'd like to go too :(
gratz AL1 :)
Al1 married? Shit is getting real.
avi for 3on3! :p

also, phyZic@LAN?!?!?!?!

Hf opa
hey boertje! niet uitlachen he! ;-) kom je nog langs of niet?
Denk het niet Ronnie, sorry ; (
pharaons, olo
AHHHHH y0 <3
vous jouez toujours, sérieux? :)
not really , but we dont want to miss this :)
I wouldn't play but I'd definitely go and watc!!
i cant believe what i'm reading here.............. *____*
Good guys giving other teams a chance :)
LAN veteran without any skills available. Have played all recent LANs since CiC7. Never even won a single game but I sure as hell know how to empty the bar at WZZRD at look good while doing so. If you are interested in years of LAN and bar experience and have a team with no intention to win this, please msg me here or via all other methods of communication.
It is so cool to see such an event created for this legendary game. Haven't played for years, but would consider going if I can get in touch with some old friends from back in the days. Can't believe last time I played I was still in college, damn I am getting old.
If someone offers me a free sleeping place and i dont have an exam, ill be avi. :)
I can probably fix that for you :}
Great stuff! Going to try and come, unlikely as that may be.
hope so ! :)
Better show this game on the twitch main page.
Awesome to see this! :)
Might come and spectate if it's going to be held.
u better play noob

(and gib)
Maybe, maybe!
Neem je dan mijn vest mee? :D
Als ik ga, wie weet! :D
Would absolutely love to say that I can be there 100% but that doesn't look likely at the moment due to my studies. Perhaps I can find a way but am not sure. Really glad to see that this is going ahead and looks to be full of signups. Just really a bad time for anyone still in education (aren't most thesis deadlines around that time?)
who cares, its just one weekend lol
We shall see, as I said I hope to be there but it completely depends on how much work I have managed to do prior to the event. Hope to see you there if I do attend, by the way. Nerd.
Yep I got school and internship both and need to tell them I won't be around. Hoping they will understand or if not I'm still coming. :-D
"Hey I can't be here in April because I am going to the Netherlands to play a few games with a bunch of people and stuff"
like you need to tell anyone what you're going abroad for. :D everyone always assumes it's just a holiday.
Well I study programming and my internship takes place, naturally, on company which does software developing. I guess over half of workers likes gaming and my boss seems to be really cool guy so I don't think I will have problem to get there. :p
Quotemy boss seems to be really cool guy

I'm not telling you to be paranoid, however, this has in the past been a trap for me (and others I've known) when being too honest with "superiors" :D you may of course be lucky to have a genuinely understanding boss, just be warned that sometimes they're nice in order to get easy information & answers.
Yeah I know what you mean but I don't think I will have problems.
Yo, I'm definitely starting to think about this, gunna message Shane, you maybe game? (not meant to rhyme but i'm happy it does)
I really think I'll be able to make it but will see. I would love to go but we shall see, got a lot of my handins for uni around that time so don't want to potentially throw a grade away because I'm at LAN :D
Ronner finally made it into a top tier team o.0

Might stop by for a day and a half or something, if this LAN actually happens.
Nah, we're only going to have fun. Most of the line up is sucking about as much as I always have. Potter doesn't have ET. Urtier can't prac until lan itself. Night has not been playing ET since a long time already. etc.
Don't respond so seriously to my joke, you're making it look bad!

Also, have fun trying to get Potter to install ET :^^:
Night is the ET player who has probably one of the most playtime in ET than anyone else tho, 5 months aint "long time"

Well so its your time to shine ... no excuses :)
We are counting on you. You'll get all the important Rambo Medic spots. I'll provide ammo.
Of course those spots are mine! That's what I'm best at, duh!
don't make it sound as if idle won't take the 1st, 2nd or 3rd place... :_D
haha I'm pretty sure we won't
werden sie auch nicht
Well you donated, so I guess you are serious about going ;) Now I just have to convince Sean to go as well.
whos meant with "Sean" ? hopefully not Seanza?
Wait, that Irish bastard is still alive?
none should miss this !
Why no ET LAN + little rtcw scene ? :(((
Why no read above and find out for yourself?
Almost 600 comments my friend "-"
Either way, not sure why you're asking considering you'd get destroyed at a LAN in any country based on the past demos (busts) I have seen.
Looks like australians are blind :< gimme link x) everyone will be glad i bet, so will i
Great idea. Won't be able to go myself due to work and having not played a single minute of ET in the last 5 years, but you should set up a donations page. I'd lob you a couple of quid for sentimental reasons. You may not get much £ from donations, but it might help with the costs a little bit if a few people who can't make it chipped in.
+1, a donations page would be a good idea, then maybe raffle teams for € when everyone signed up?
Need a team!
hf sh33p, matias & dAv1d aka deef <33
Als jij ook weer eens een keer komt spelen Jaapie!
Joop, hayaa, spho en Ati zijn er ook weer af en toe :}
Weinig tijd, sorry :(
Havent been back on this site, I dont know, 4 years? :D
Random Facebook post in Crossifre about a LAN, I was quite suprised. And seeind there :O
Good luck. Fuck the prize pool and lower the attending cost.
thats why i'm back here too :D
niiiice =)
Brings back a good feeling seeing this :)
Donated. Just because I don't want to see this fucking game die! :D
same here =)
the nostalgia is very strong here
so many good teams, good job!
Wohoo just came back from thailand and checked cf for the lolz and now this post...

I am here as always to help a good and motivated team to go and attend the event as Germany Team Rockit

Just contact me ;)
full lan support and free catering from my favourite sous-chef, I am in :D
I'd love to ;P
Je weet niet wie ik ben
ik ken jou door en door jongen
haha , ga ik je dan eindelijk ontmoeten..?!
Wel achtervolging op je scoootaaahh he ouwe!
How can we see how much has been donated so far?
all the hate its time for some pasha biceps
mission confirmed
wow indeed... long time no see!
Tickets will still be on sale even if the confirmed list isn't at 16 right?
Hey Polish people! Can you pm me how you're going to LAN, plane, train,..?
I have to get there from Kato
best solution would be by plane to amsterdam then from amsterdam->enschede by train
or u rly find 3 more guys who u could pick up then u also could drive there by car
If the LAN goes ahead, I should be attending - Likely with a new team.
they need 3 more teams!! so just sign up with ur new team then there r missin only 2 more teams!
Whether the LAN happens depends on the amount of teams that sign up. If you want this yourself to happen it's time to form a team! I have heard from a lot of people that they want to attend, but the reason that they have no team so far is because "nobody has asked them".
talg will be there aswell? i want to believe :_D
he is Pleased to see you at this lan !! :D
This is awesome! After 7 years nice to see some diehards are still playing. Checking with the old Firewall boys whether we will participate.
atemiii! you better attend my long lost buddy n get xford or w/e he was aswell :D isEN:xL too haha! will be fun times :)
Guys ... we are too old now :(

I think I'll be donating some tens of euros in some point. From the founders of this event I would hope to see some calculation how much you've gathered money/how much is missing etc. =)

GL for all the teams.
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