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Wicked Wednesday!

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Thank to Sean' for the banner!

Yes, wicked wednesday is upon us! Just today, the new season of the ClanBase EuroCup has started off with a suprising game between AnonymousS.N. Battalion and Finland Vicious & Evil. I wont tell you how that went, if you want to, just watch the re-play! A promising start it was at least!

But thats not why we find ourselves here. Tonight we'll see one game, but a very interesting one at least. I am talking about the old thrill of the mill, The all known confrontation between Finland Incomplete and Germany HighBot! Always a nice game a watch, they have already confronted each other last time in the EC which went straight to the Finnish side after a thrilling game on braundorf and supply. But will they be able to step up to that same performance again?

  • Finland Fel
  • Finland crosby
  • Finland Spirea
  • Finland Tunesa
  • Finland Raptor
  • Finland vauhtikissa
  • Finland Stuka
  • Turkey fireBall
  • Germany FlixX
  • Germany haZer
  • Germany duKe_
  • Germany HumM3l
  • Germany TBA
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