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EC XVIII: Showdown on Sunday!

image: ecplaypalhua7

After a break, your favorite News poster is back! And back with a vengeance, because this game has all the makings of a historic one! Sunday we will see the likes of the now-named Europe ButtonBashers (former TLR) play it out against Finland Vicious & Evil. Both teams already met before in the Don Baker Cup (News post here) the previous week, where Finland VAE surprisingly managed to take the win in front of all the ETTV viewers. Also, Europe ButtonBashers made another surprising step this week, by leaving the well known organization of United Kingdom TLR in favor of this new MGC for a better participation in future event for the team. Will these events influence this game on any level?

Belgium mAus
Spain Winghaven
Croatia aCoZz
Finland Matias
Latvia Clown
Czech Republic marv
Poland d0kt0r
Belgium dAv1d

Player to watch:
Croatia aCoZz
Vicious & Evil]
Finland lettu
Finland chmpp
Finland twidi
Finland Squall
Finland mikke
Finland Iron

Player to watch:
Finland Squall

Time: 20:00 GMT
Europe ButtonBashers:
image: goldrushvv3
Finland Vicious & Evil:
image: supplyly0

Final Play

image: groupbwi0

The last play for Group B is here, before our very own eyes. After last game's escapade, with Poland Devilry taking a 4-0 win over Finland Incomplete, all the stands within this group are set and everyone knows who has the Play Off tickets in their hands. The only thing which matters now for this game is the honor and glory of a win or a loss, as well as a tribute to the Team Germany Highbot who will play their last game together tonight!

  • Estonia RELOAd
  • Estonia r3vers
  • Slovenia JaKaZc
  • Germany senji
  • Germany MERC
  • Anonymous Unknown Player

Player to watch:
Estonia RELOAd
  • Turkey fireBall
  • Germany humM3L
  • Germany haZer
  • Germany duKe_
  • Germany FlixX
  • Germany criatura

Player to watch:
Germany haZer

Time: 19.00 GMT
Maps: Supply & Bremen

Completing the Play!

image: groupbwi0

Again it seems that tuesday night is once again an easy night for all our EC ETTV viewers. With only one match scheduled, you won't have a hard time to pick which game you want to watch. But boy oh boy, what a game it will be!
We can see the decisive showdown in Group B, between Poland re-play Devilry and Finland Incomplete. For both teams the stakes are evenly high, maybe a little more for Poland re-play, seeing as the expectations of their performances were a bit higher. Nevertheless, both teams have the same goal in mind and the same options into this game, win and end 2nd or lose and leave the season, which neither will want to do easily!

re-play Devilry]
  • Poland kot
  • Poland S4rna
  • Poland buzka
  • Poland Robol^
  • Poland rio
  • Poland miks
  • Poland r1co'

Player to watch:
Poland S4rna
  • Finland Spirea
  • Finland Stuka
  • Finland Raptor
  • Finland Fel
  • Finland crosby
  • Finland vauhtikissa

Player to watch:
Finland Stuka

Maps: Supply & Bremen
Time: 17:30 GMT

Supreme Sunday

image: groupdsk8

What a spectacle and what a showdown on this sunday! Like never seen before, arrayed before us are 4 fantastic matches to be played. All decisive on their own and an individual exciting array of skill lined up in every match. I hope for all you viewers you have made up your mind or you have at least 4 pc's because every match has it own right to be watched!

Vital Jacks]
Sweden rAt
Switzerland DabSter
Switzerland gifty
Germany zerender
France Em0reJ!
France maxuh
Belgium xAv
Canada anim

Who to watch:
Germany zerender
France douille
France Zorn
France freek
France fRk
France pheex
Switzerland reaver

Who to watch:
Switzerland reaver
Time: 19:00 GMT
Maps: Supply & Bremen

Europe Vital Jacks starting out with a very strong play versus Belgium Overload and winning there with a 4-2, they needed to pick up the same play in their second match. Unlucky enough, they failed and went down whipped with 4-0. That leaves them on a 3rd spot in their group and considering this is their last match, they need to step here as well. However they don't have it in their own control, only thing which is certain is that they need the 4 points at least to stand a chance. Even if they make that, they can only hope for a loss from Belgium Overload to go on to the next round.
France Muse must do it tonight. Already losing with 4-0 unfortunately against Belgium Overload they need to get a grip and prove themselves here! In order to stay up in the exciting group at least, that is. Not an easy task, that is, fighting the ones that have beaten their previous opponents, while they are also eager for the win here.
Statements & Odds[/b]]
Quote by Vital|ratZillAThe side with most french people will loose, so things look good for us

Muse Statement coming up soon

Odds: Europe Vital Jacks 1.17 vs France Muse 6.89

image: game7058

image: groupasb2

re-play SleeperZ]
United Kingdom w3st
United Kingdom Griim
Norway Eirik
Estonia hell
Yugoslavia Lazio
Hungary Nonix
Finland toNi

Player to watch:
Hungary Nonix
S.N. Batallion]
United Kingdom Meez
United Kingdom rahul
Netherlands Viax
Germany Sight
Finland Rk
Poland uf0l

Player to watch:
United Kingdom Meez
Maps: Special Delivery & sw_Goldrush
Time: 19:00 GMT


A sure spectacle on the sunday evening, these two teams have been found flaming each other over this very site in anticipation to this match. So it's filled with emotion after Anonymous SNB seemingly lost their best player for this game after a wildcard usage from Europe SleeperZ.
Anonymous SNB started off the games on fire, beating Finland v&e hard style with 4-0 and sent them back to the drawing board. Drawing further on their own confidence in hopes of winning the next matches too, their luck seemed to have changed. After several matches got postponed, they first lost starplayer Netherlands perfo and after that the match versus Netherlands dNan as well. Still standing 2nd in the group, they have to win this in order to keep it that way, but will it be able without the Dutch star?
Europe SleeperZ started off with a doubting play versus Netherlands dNan, but somehow they managed to get a grip on themselves on both maps and take the 3-1 lead. Building on that strength and confidence they started in a really good match vs Finland v&e, only to lose with a close 4-2 but proving they got what it takes for tonight. And prove it they must, standing 3rd in the group doesnt do them good and they need this win to progress to the next round.
A really close match this will be, with some expected flame going on, so it will be sure some fireworks to watch! Despite not having Netherlands perfo, Anonymous SNB will give it all and it will result for a hard game's work for Europe SleeperZ. In the end it will be sheer resilience and teamplay from them though that brings the win in 4-2 for Europe SleeperZ.
Statements & Odds[/b]]
Quote by re-play|hellUnited Kingdom Griim: nice whine cockface

Quote by MeezAfter a roflloss to Zero Empathy with a merc we decided to step up the game a bit and take a more experienced merc in the form of Poland uf0l, actually I think he might have joined, honestly I don't have a clue. Anyway due to the roflcard they had some more time to prac, I think goldrush should still be a win for us, but rofldelivery is going to be 50/50 like it always is which could give us a rofldecider. Decider will probably be bremen or radar

Odds: Europe re-play SleeperZ 1.53 vs Anonymous SNB 2.89

image: game7144

Tagging up the Fatties!

image: groupcrx3

Finally its time to relax, sit back and enjoy a quiet moment of serenity after all the EC hussle of sunday. A spectacular day, filled with expected wins over thrilling matches, we can only find 1 game on for tonight!

As you may have figured out by reading the header, it's all about Europe TAG.et versus Europe Fatgames. Once again, the papers provide us with the possible look out on an interesting showdown. Both teams losing their 1st match, one on a very expected way while the other went down on an unexpected way. To keep the Play Off ticket chances in their own hands both teams need to win tonight, but unfortunately, there can only be one...

  • Malta toxic
  • Germany sNoOp
  • Finland jauhis
  • Finland Tiigeri
  • Netherlands M1lk
  • United Kingdom syK
  • BONUS PLAYER: United Kingdom eVo
Player to watch: Malta toxic
  • Netherlands abort
  • Belgium bobot
  • Germany rise
  • United Kingdom Ross
  • United Kingdom med1xza
  • Latvia FUZZ
  • Croatia aCoZz
  • Netherlands Hope
  • Germany midas
Player to watch:United Kingdom Ross

Time: 19:30 GMT
Maps: Special_Delivery & sw_Goldrush

Play it to the Last Resort

The EuroCup being in full swing tonight, we can see even more fantastic games for our viewing pleasure. The evening being composed of different games from all different groups (apart from Group D). All bearing the marks as decisive games within their poules, it will be bound to be an interesting evening!

Europe Re-play Sleeperz vs Anonymous S. N. Batallion
has been rescheduled to an yet unknown date and time

image: groupcrx3

The Last Resort]
  • Belgium dAv1d
  • Belgium mAus
  • Spain Winghaven
  • Netherlands Lightning
  • Finland Matias
  • Latvia Clown
  • Germany butchji
Player to watch: Netherlands Lightning
  • Croatia komar
  • Croatia gmx
  • Croatia calisto
  • Switzerland GuNner
  • Italy mama
  • France fra
Player to watch: Croatia komar

Time: 19:00 GMT
Maps: Special Delivery TE & sw_Goldrush

D-Day is upon us!

image: groupdsk8

Another invasion is coming up. Not on the 6th of june this time, but right at your home on 12th of october! Yes, that correct, I am talking about the face-off in Group D, that is featured Sunday night on ETTV. D for Decisive, Determination, Detonation and Domination, because that is what these games will all be about!
First off, we'll start with the Belgium Overload Dream Team versus the France Muse French Frogs at 20:00 GMT. One match with two very different perspectives, the Belgium Overload side will have to play for all their worth in order to stay in the race after an unlucky result last week. France Muse hasn't played a game yet, so they need to all the detonation they have in order to set a performance against the Overload side.

Following on 20.30 GMT, we have Europe Vital Gaming versus Poland Fear Factory. A Polish powerhouse facing the Euro Combo team. Again featuring two different perspectives, it's Europe Vital Gaming who will be determined to continue on their winning streak from last week and also grab the score here to secure a surprising move towards the Play-Offs.
Poland Fear Factory haven't played a match either before in this group, so this is a start for them. After being cast out last EC after a dominating run with Poland gnajda, they now need to retry and prove their worth as the most powerfull polish team in ET as well as being clean!.

Decisive Encounter!

image: groupasb2

A first encounter on the Thursday evening, is what is up for you this time! Group A continues it's exciting show, with Europere-play zZz vs Netherlands Zero Empathy dNan! An intersting game this will be, not only if we look at both team's previous results, but also by means of skill and the setting around the match itself.
Europe Re-play, who haven't played a game yet, still need to experience their first taste of EC priveledge. With only one player in their roster who is EC-experience, their most important job would be not to get their nerves get them and perform like they always did!
Netherlands Zero Empathy, on the other hand, have played their first game against the favorites of the group, Finland Vicious & Evil, from whom they suprisingly managed to take a map. The team has enough experience to keep their nerves in order, while looking at their roster we can see a big variety of newschoolers, oldschoolers, EC and NC experienced players!

Time to Regroup!

image: groupbwi0

Another wicked Wednesday past, this one will bring alot of excitiment into the groups! A night consisting only of games from Group B, we will hopefully witness some great and spectaculair play tonight! Within both games we have teams that have everything to play for! First off, we have Slovenia Mamut.si vs Finland Incomplete and on the other end we can see Germany HighBot vs Poland re-play Devilry! They need to regroup themselves and stay focused for the ticket to the Play Offs!
With Slovenia Mamut and Finland Incomplete both winning their first games, for them, this game is a chance to make 1 big step into the Play Offs rounds already. Secure 2 wins and they are certain to go on. But only one of them is able to do it here, who will it be?
The other two though, Germany Highbot and Poland re-play Devilry, have all to play for. Both losing their first game, they need to win this in order to keep up in the race for the Play-Offs!
And luckily enough we can see that the equally ranked have to play each other, hopefully resulting in jaw dropping thrilled games!

Superb Sunday!

image: img_ac62e8e024152b9320644a902305de36

Once more we continue our journey into this prestigious tournament that is the EC XVIII, and on this glorious Sunday its also the game between 2 very different teams which will hopefully keep us locked on ETTV!
The lockdown tonight is between the 'oldschoolers' Belgium Overload and new teamEurope Vital Gaming Jacks! 2 very different teams in every aspect! One is a well respected and known team within the regions of the past EC's while the other consists of all EC experienced players, but are a new team themselves. New versus Old who will take the win?

Vital Jacks]
  • Sweden rAt
  • Switzerland DabSter
  • Switzerland gifty
  • Germany zerender
  • France Em0reJ!
  • France maxuh
  • Canada anim
  • Belgium xAv
  • Belgium lio
  • Belgium vila
  • Belgium acid
  • Belgium jetro
  • Belgium zet0
  • Sweden alexL
  • Sweden savage
  • Belgium snot

Time: 21.00 CET
Maps: Adlernest & Radar

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