Fast Gaming Cup - Stage 5

image: smallbanner

5th Cup sign-ups start today and the cup kicks off on 2nd April at 14.15 cet as usual.

Previous Cup Review
It started with some drop-outs in the first round. One excuse was:
QuoteWhere the f*** do I see when we have to play?!

The three dominating teams were:

image: smallcup United Kingdom ultimate Quest
image: smallcup_silver Europe HighBot
image: smallcup_bronze Europe oceans6

Former Europe outRaged now known as Europe oceans6 offered some great matches but couldn't play the final because of a misjudgement by me. You can see the reason in this journal:
But anyway, the final was really exciting. Europe a.k.a. Europe HighBot performed a good job on the second map (braundorf_b4) by nearly beating this cups' winner - United Kingdom uQ.Gaming. In their next chance (et-cup) they could beat them though.

The mappool for the 5th cup will be as following:

Signups: 27th - 31st March
Cup: 2nd April
Slots: 16
Because the signups close on 31st March there may be more than 16 signups so there will be of course a selection.

For more informations you can visit our website

- Cup Channel: #et.gather.cup
- Site:

Yet another cup

image: smallbanner

4th Cup sign-ups start today and the cup kicks off on 19th March at 14.15 cet. Only 16 Slots available!

Let's see what happened in the past cup:

image: smallcup United Kingdom ultimate Quest
image: smallcup_silver Finland insta-Gods
image: smallcup_bronze Poland inf0

As some of you know United Kingdom ultimate Quest former Belgium mycruz won the 3rd Fast-Gaming-Cup and tonight the get-cup. You can see a little report of their way to success at the journal of Netherlands Ati_: (url)

The silver medal went this time to Finland insta-Gods who finally reached the finals after two cups. In the semi-final they played against the polish team Poland inf0 who replaced their compatriots Poland Warriors of Wolfenstein in the same level of skill.

Mappool of this cup:
- braundorf_b4
- supplydepot2
- adlernest_b7c
- sw_goldrush_te

Due to the growing popularity of adlernest we took it in our mappool which also got most votes at sign-ups.

12th - 18th March

19th March

Head-Admin: Turkey gekko
Media Admin: Antarctica wintermute
Match Admins:
- Finland PetriP-TNT
- Netherlands Arphetic
- Israel beN
- Israel CaspoN

Thanks to all admins and United Kingdom andyF1 who was generous enough to broadcast all cup matches and also provided his matchserver for us.

- Cup Channel: #et.gather.cup
- Site:

Fast-Gaming-Cup 3rd Edition

image: smallbanner

Second cup has ended and we're about to start the next one. You can already mark the 5th March as busy in your datebook.

I've to begin sign-ups of third cup earlier because of some organisational reasons.

Winner of last cup was:

image: smallcup Europe team-kirby
image: smallcup_silver United Kingdom uQ.Gaming
image: smallcup_bronze Finland insta-Gods

The mixed team Europe team-kirby jumped in at the 2nd round for Europe and did a good choice doing so. They've fought their way into the final against United Kingdom uQ.Gaming and were able to beat them by playing sw_goldrush_te, radar and as decider radar again.
Like in first cup Finland insta-Gods reached the third place though they were sure an aspirant for the gold medal.

Less text more info:
- Sign-Ups: 22nd February - 4th March
- Cup-Start: 5th March

1st Round: braundorf_b4
Quarter Finals: sw_goldrush_te
Half-Finals: supplydepot2
Final: 2 Maps from mappool (Decider: radar)

sw_oasis_b3 was kicked out and instead supplydepot2 came in.

Head-Admin: Turkey gekko
Media Admin: Canada wintermute
Match Admins:
- Israel sAgol
- Finland PetriP-TNT
- Israel blAk
- Israel CaspoN

I would like to thank Finland PetriP-TNT who did great job organising ETTv and United Kingdom andyF1 who provided us with excellent ettv gameserver and was also able to broadcast matches.

- Cup Channel: #et.gather.cup
- Site:

6on6 Fast Gaming Cup No.2 by #et.gather

image: smallbanner

After a successful first cup the second one is about to start. To do so we need again 16 teams to compete against each other.

First of all I would like to announce the winner of the first Fast-Gaming-Cup:

1st: Europe ferocious
2nd: Europe epikuR
3rd: Europe Revoltados

Europe ferocious came surprsingly from the nowhere and took the gold medal by beating Europe epikuR in the final and Europe Revoltados in the half-finals though that team had beaten the favourite team of this cup Europe stronger than hate.

If you think you that you can take away Europe ferocious' throne you should sign-up for this cup. There aren't major changes in this cup from the other first one. I've just implemented an option in the sign-up form for the next (3rd!) Cup where you can choose which mode you would like to play then (3on3, 5on5 or keeping 6on6). In the last poll et_ice was kicked out by the majority of teams and instead sw_goldrush_te was voted in.

1st Round: braundorf_b4
Quarter Finals: sw_goldrush_te
Semi Finals: sw_oasis_b3
Match for 3rd place: radar
Final: 2 Maps chosen by finalists from mappool (Decider:radar)

Sign-Ups open today and close on 18th February or earlier when 16 teams have signed up.

2nd Cup: 12th - 18th February
3rd Cup: 27th February - 4th March

Cup Start:
2nd Cup: 19th February
3rd Cup: 5th March

Head-Admin: Turkey gekko
Media Admin: Canada wintermute
Organizer: Israel sHt
Match Admins:
- Israel sAgol
- Finland PetriP-TNT
- Israel blAk
- Israel CaspoN

Go on the website and sign your team up! I wish already every team good luck and alot of fun in this cup.

- Cup Channel: #et.gather.cup
- Site:

6on6 Fast Gaming Cup

image: smallbanner

I would like to introduce you a new 6on6 cup series which will be held every 2 weeks on sunday!

Europe #et.gather decided to organise a cup series called Fast Gaming Cup. This means that it will be finished within one day. So any teams who got enough spare time on sunday are invited to join this cup. The grand final will prolly be supported by ETTv.

Because this is called a Fast Gaming Cup you will have to play only one map in stopwatch mode to pass a round. You have to play the map again in Last Man Standing mode if there are two fullholds on the map.
Final will be two maps from mappool which are decided by the finalists.

1st Round: braundorf_b4
Quarter Finals: et_ice
Semi Finals: sw_oasis_b3
Final: 2 Maps chosen by finalists from mappool (Decider:radar)

While signing your team up you can choose which map you'd like to see in the next cup and which one should be removed from the mappool.

Sign-Ups open on 29th January and close on 4th February or earlier when 16 teams have signed up.

1st Cup: 29th January - 4th February
2nd Cup: 12th - 18th February

Cup Start:
5th February
19th February

Head-Admin: Turkey gekko
Media Admin: Canada wintermute
Organizer: Israel sHt
Match Admins:
- Israel sAgol
- Finland PetriP-TNT
- Israel blAk

Go on the website and sign your team up! I wish already every team good luck and alot of fun in this cup.

- Cup Channel: #et.gather.cup
- Site:

Enemy Territory Wiki-Page Launched!

image: unbenannt11edA guy called Germany Eicher made a Wiki-Page for Enemy Territory.

For all those who don't know what a Wiki-Page is just look over at You'll notice that you can edit and add new entries. In this way you share your knowledge about any topic with other users who can also access and edit your entry if something is missing/wrong.

The new launched Enemy-Territory Wiki-Page works in same way. You, as a classicist of ET can share your knowledge with other people who maybe don't know anything about ET or aren't so experienced like you.

The Page was released today so don't wonder if there is no content in it. You can change that by adding new topics. A Wiki-Page always needs users who contribute their knowledge there and let the page grow.

If you're interested check the page and make your first (useful) entry there.
Don't worry about the domain it's an international site.

Take me to the page: