
image: sw_fueldump_teAfter some time of silence and discussing gameplay improvements we a proud to release the 3rd beta version of the mapmod sw_fueldump_te.


The shortest Route to roof is now ~10 seconds by blocking the truckspawn ladder with a set of barrels. The old route was 4 seconds which made defence too easy for axis.
The truckspawn now only has one exit which should make spawncamping fairly easy for allies. Nobody forces axis to spawn there, its just an additional option.

The high fueljump should finally be fixed (i.e. not possible anymore) please dont prove me wrong this time.

According to Germany swine, the clanbase hosted hotcup will take the new version into their mappool.

Download sw_fueldump_b3


Enlarged 2006 Lanvideo

image: 8
One week after one of the biggest et lans in europe has ended its here:
Germany cmaxx^Desy's enlarged Lanvideo 2006

Uncut: ca 239 min
Creation time: ca 34 h
Length: 40.09 Min
Size: 238 MB
Codec: WMV
More information

Featuring highly fanboyed players such as The captain of team Germany Germany biqq as well as other Germany VaE players and random nerdz.

Download Mirrors:



(Requires registration)

Enjoy, its worth it ;-) (Also for non germans)

etadmin_mod 0.29

image: d1p_minibannerBy Germany[d1p][United][VP]Potter aka Mark:

After 6 months of work and lots of testing i finally have a new version of the etadmin_mod for you. With lots and lots of new features to make your serveradmin job easier!

Another global config change

image: clanbase100x35After some problems with the global-config testversion released yesterday SpainDoneX released another temporary version on Clanbase a few minutes ago.


* md5 check has been removed until etpro version changes are settled.
* Soldier charge time has been increased from 20 to 30 seconds


Clanwar 3.2.3 with bugfix
etpro 3.2.3 with bugfix
ettv_b4 for matchservers

etpro 3.2.4 will come today or tommorow ... stay tuned

EtPro 3.2.3 and ongoing global config changes

image: logo_etpro
etpro 3.2.3

This evening United States of Americabani released a new version of his etpro mod

Apart from a lot of bugfixes there have been additional configuration options to make the life of proners harder ...

b_extendedprone (default 0, disabled) - enables accurate hitbox for proning animations, and makes the prone animation transition through crouching.
b_killshot_delay (default 0, disabled) - time in milliseconds to take automatic screenshot after a kill
zero-bandwidth hitsounds
spectators can now hear hitsounds when spectating other players who have it turned off.
b_pronedelay behavior is changed:
0 = etmain normal behavior: no spread change, and players may not un-prone for 750ms.
1 = max spread for 1 second after proning, players may not un-prone for 1750ms
shoutcasters are now immune from g_spectatorInactivity

Its now also possible to limit the number of soldiers per team without "blocking" the use of soldiers for a whole spawn-round.

However this new function contained a bug which was fixed in a bugfix release.

As there was a lot of confusion about what files to use i put etpro 3.2.3 as well as the bugfix into a single archive:

etpro 3.2.3 including bugfix

All other changes can be found in bani's newspost

image: clanbase100x35
global config

A few minutes later, a new non final and non certified version of the global configs was released on the clanbase site.

Its now featuring pronedelay and uses the new soldier ristriction system.

More information about changes was not given.
Ingame config colours are black and grey

Serveradmins can download the configpack at Clanbase or directly here

image: mini_red

For gamestv.org broadcasts we still ask matchserver admins to install ettv_b4 as this version uses a different netcode - versions later than ettv b4 (5-8) cause lags on the broadcast

Files you need:

* Complete etpro as from the archive above
* ettv.x86 (or ettv.exe) from ettv_b4 release

Do NOT copy the qagame files from ettv_b4 for your matchservers.

Even if you are currently not thinking about broadcasting games with ettv from your matchserver, you might still want to install this ettv release while you're busy anyways with it.
ettv.x86 (or ettv.exe) has some advantages over etded.x86 (or etded.exe) - it uses up to 20% less server cpu and has practically no downsides or sideeffects except beeing able to ettv broadcast, should it become necessary.
People new to ettv might want to read theETTV documentation

hf, arni